UITextField save text - iphone

I've an UITextField for insert the name of the user.
And in the right of the navigation bar I have a button called "Next" for switch to the next view.
I've this method:
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)theTextField {
[theTextField resignFirstResponder];
[[NSUserDefaults standardDefaults] setObject:theTextField.text forKey:#"name_post"];
return YES;
As you can see I use NSUserDefaults for save my temporary text.
So, when I click the "return" key on the field's keyboard the text is saved.
The problem is when I click the next button at the top while the field's keyboard is still visible, because the above method is not called, and the text is not saved.
How can I fix my problem?

Write a method called "saveText" with the content of your textFieldShouldReturn: method, and call it both from the textFieldShouldReturn: method and the action of the button.

- (BOOL) NextButtonAction {
[textField resignFirstResponder];
[[NSUserDefaults standardDefaults] setObject:theTextField.text forKey:#"name_post"];
return YES;
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)theTextField {
return [self NextButtonAction];
change the target of Next button to NextButtonAction, and call NextButtonAction from the delegate method textFieldShouldReturn and also make the textField member of your class so you can access it from both of the functions.

You can save the textfield text on the next button click .This way it will be independent where your keyboard is visible or not

- (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated{
NSString *inputOne = textview.text;
NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[userDefaults setObject:inputOne forKey:#"InputOne"];
This Worked for me incase the user did not exit the keyboard in the expected way

You can add an nstimer to the button that makes the button wait 1 second before going on.
Its a bad solution, but one second isn't much. the user will just think that the app is loading something HUGE. Just add a large image on the next page.


i have used keypad in my program its not working

I have two textfields which are of type UITextField.
I have two buttons click and cancel.
The idea is to enter two numbers and it will navigate to next view. This View should display those two numbers.
The problem is if I click on the textfield one then the keypad is responding; when I click return it does not jump to the next field.
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField{[textField resignFirstResponder];return YES;}
You need to connect UITextFiled Delegate from nib or programeticuly like this image:
other way is programmatic like in your viewDidLoad method or viewWillAppear method:
Yourtxtfild.delegate = self;
for jumping AnotherView Use this textfiled delegate method:-
- (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
[textField resignFirstResponder];
//you can set your textfiled string in to globle Variable and use it in another viewController
YourViewCntroller *objViewController = [[YourViewCntroller alloc] initWithNibName:#"YourViewCntrollernib" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:objViewController animated:YES];
You have to set the delegate of the textfield as the object of the class where you have written the textFieldShouldReturn: method.
#Ragavan : You are just resigning the first textfield, but you are not making the other textfield to respond. So, use the code below as reference to make it work.
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
[textField1 resignFirstResponder];
[textField2 becomeFirstResponder];
return YES;

textfieldDidEndEditing method is not fired when i end editing, and choose another uicontrol than textfield

I am using in my programatically made uitextfield
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
to catch an event that my textfield is done editing.In events that i change the focus from one text field to another or press return ,the event is fired,but if i am in a textfield and click another uicontrol like a button from it ,this method is not fired.what is wrong here...i need to catch every event when a user has done editing a textfield. i tried with textfielddidendediting too but this event is missed..How to overcome this
when you click on button .write code in - (IBAction) method
[yourTextField resignFirstResponder]; then those method will get called.
- (IBAction) yourBtnClicked:(id)sender
[textField resignFirstResponder];
What happens here is that when you are editing a textfield and then you click on a UIButton or anything else then the delegate methods for UITextfield will not be called.
For that, you'll have to write the code for that textfield inside the code for that button.
All you need is,
//inside your btn action
- (IBAction) btnPressed : (id) sender
[self textFieldDidEndEditing:myTextField];
//remaining code goes here....
The problem is likely to be that DidEndEditing will not fire, because your text field is still the first responder even after the button is clicked.
You could set the first responder when your button is clicked, and then release first responder. Then, regardless of which text field was last edited before clicking the button, it's DidEndEditing event will fire.

UITextField always resignFirstResponder

I am using a UIPickerView and I want my keyboard to never show up for some of my UITextFields. When I call resignFirstResponder on the UITextField after it is touched it doesn't make the keyboard go down.
- (IBAction) txtFieldClicked:(id)sender {
[txtField resignFirstResponder];
For each text field where you don't want to be able to show the keyboard, do:
[textField setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];
You can also check a corresponding block in the Interface Builder UI. This prevents the text field from receiving the touch event that would otherwise trigger it to display the keyboard.
Set text field delegate and implement its delegate methods
See UItextFieldDelegate
If you dont want the keyboard to pop up, return NO for all those text fields here
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
if([textField isEqualTo:self.myTextField]) {
return NO;
return YES;

How to cancel the keyboard in UISearchbar?

I'm using UISearchBar in my application and it serves as both an edit field as well as a search. So when I want to disappear the keyboard I have to use cancel button in UISearchBar but I can't have that cancel button on screen, so how could T make keyboard disappear when not used without using cancel button. Please help me as i'm new to iPhone application development.
Thanks in advance!
Use this:
[UISearchBar resignFirstResponder];
Just replace the word UISearchBar with the name of the object you have created.
Are you looking for ways you can dismiss the keyboard or how to actually do that programmatically? If programmatically, then [UISearchBar resignFirstResponder]. If you are looking for a possible way for the user to achieve that you can either make the return button on the keyboard resign its first responder status when pressed, or attach a UIGestureRecognizer to your view and set it up so that when the user clicks outside the keyboard, this keyboard goes away.
simply all you need to do is to get UITextfield control from the UISearchbar and then set UITextfield's delegate to whatever delegate that will perform -(void) textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
UIView * subView;
NSArray * subViews = [searchbar subviews];
for(subView in subViews)
if( [subView isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]] )
-(BOOL) textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField{
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return TRUE;

Storing UITextField contents before view pops

I am sure this is in the Apple documentation or must have been answered somewhere on this forum, since it seems so basic, but I could not find it nor a particularly elegant solution myself.
What I have is a UIViewController that pushes an editing view on its navigation stack. The editing view has a bunch of UITextFields in it. If one of them is being editing when the back button is touched, the original view's ViewWillAppear method is called before either the UITextField delegate methods of textFieldShouldEndEditing or textFieldDidEndEditing, or the IB linked action textFieldEditingEnded method are called.
Here is some code that I hope will make it clearer:
In the UIViewController:
- (void) viewWillAppear: (BOOL) animated {
[super viewWillAppear: animated];
NSLog( #"Entering view will appear for master view" );
nameLabelField.text = objectToEdit.name;
- (IBAction) editMyObject: (id) sender {
NSLog( #"Editing the object" );
EditViewController *evc = [[EditViewController alloc] initWithNibName: #"EditTableView" bundle: nil];
evc.editedObject = objectToEdit;
[self.navigationController pushViewController: evc animated: YES];
[evc release];
In the EditViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>:
- (void) viewWillAppear: (BOOL) animated {
[super viewWillAppear: animated];
nameField.text = editedObject.name;
- (void) viewWillDisappear: (BOOL) animated {
[super viewWillDisappear: animated];
NSLog( #"In viewWillDisappear" );
if( [self.navigationController.viewControllers indexOfObject: self] == NSNotFound ) {
NSLog( #"-- We are not in controller stack... the back button has been pushed" );
- (BOOL) textFieldShouldEndEditing: (UITextField *) textField {
NSLog( #"In textFieldShouldEndEditing" );
// Store text field value here???
// editedObject.name = nameField.text;
return YES;
- (void) textFieldDidEndEditing: (UITextField *) textField {
NSLog( #"In textFieldDidEndEditing" );
// Store text field value here???
// editedObject.name = nameField.text;
- (IBAction) textFieldEditingEnded: (id) sender {
NSLog( #"In textFieldEditingEnded" );
// Store text field value here???
// editedObject.name = nameField.text;
The log ends up with:
[...] Entering view will appear for master view
[...] Editing the object
[...] In viewWillDisappear
[...] -- We are not in controller stack... the back button has been pushed
[...] Entering view will appear for master view
[...] In textFieldShouldEndEditing
[...] In textFieldEditingEnded
[...] In textFieldDidEndEditing
I want to set self.editedObject.name = nameField.text before the label gets set in viewWillAppear for the UIViewController.
I thought about in the viewWillDisappear method for the EditViewController checking to see if any of my text fields are currently the first responder and if so getting their text and storing it, but this seems like such a kludge that will be a pain to maintain if I add or change text fields.
I can also implement the textFieldEditingChanged IB linked action to set the text in the edited object after every keystroke but this is also quite a bit of overhead since I have to figure out which text field I am in every keystroke (remember I only showed name but there are a whole bunch of them).
All I need is for the editing to be ended or to know the editing will be ended before viewWillAppear is called in the UIViewController so the nameFieldLabel is properly set.
OK, I figured out a simple solution after a lot of web-surfing, forum reading, and manual reading. It was, as I suspected, very simple, only one line of code added. In the viewWillDisappear method of the EditViewContorller I simply added:
[self.view.window endEditing: YES];
Now textFieldShouldEndEditing, textFieldEditingEnded, and textFieldDidEndEditing all get fired off before the viewWillAppear of the master view does.
So now the viewWillDisappear method looks like:
- (void) viewWillDisappear: (BOOL) animated {
[super viewWillDisappear: animated];
NSLog( #"In viewWillDisappear" );
// Force any text fields that might be being edited to end so the text is stored
[self.view.window endEditing: YES];
And the methods already in place to handle the 'Return' on the keyboard also handle the 'Back' button on the Navigation controller.
Thank you Aaron and Jeff for your assistance and helping me think this through.
Why not just create your own Back button with that logic in its action method?
I would think that from a UX perspective, you should display an alert to determine if the user wants to cancel the edit action they were in the middle of before exiting the current view.
By alerting the user, you can see if they hit the button by accident or if they did decide to leave the view, take the appropriate action.
// add this to the field(s) to be edited, selector will be called as the changes
// are being made... still difficult to handle a cancel, but should work
[objectToEdit addTarget:self action:#selector(updateNameField:)
additional code here...
// the method called to update object from parent view
- (void)updateNameField:(id)sender {
<OBJECT TO UPDATE>.text = ((UITextField *)sender).text;