Sparx System Enterprise Architect - Unbinding to Source Control - enterprise-architect

I currently use EA connected to TFS as source control repository to manage the models, however I now have a need to stop using source control.
I've searched but only seem to be able to find resources on working with TFS, but I cannot seem to be able to find an easy way to unbind the model from TFS, so any help is appreciated.

In Enterprise Architect, when you right click on a package in the project browser there is a "Package Control" option. Drill down to "Configure". This will open the Package Control Options. There should be a check box there that says "Control Package". This should unbind your model from TFS.
You may have to play around with source code locations (code files for each element in your model) as they will now not be housed in the TFS repository.
I hope this helps.


Does the Microsoft Installer Project extension for VS2017 work correctly with Team Services?

We've updated to Visual Studio 2017 and switched to Team Services (VSTS) as our source control. I've migrated a few old projects and am using the Microsoft Installer Project extension to provide compatibility for the original setup projects.
However, there seems to be a potential issue with source control when working with the setup projects. Attempting to make any change results in the error:
The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file 'Setup[Productname].vdproj' is under source code control and is not checked out.
Modifying files of other projects within the solution work correctly and trigger checkout from the repository.
I have not been able to determine a way to properly check out the setup project and work with it under the new source control. I'm unsure if it's a bug with the extension or if it simply lacks support for VSTS.
Has anyone successfully been able to work with setup projects (.vdproj) in conjunction with VSTS? If not, is there a workaround?
Image of context menu:
You can apply the following workaround, since it seems to be a bug in the installer extension:
Choose 'Open file in File explorer' in your context menu
Open the project file in your favorite texteditor
Make a dummy change (adding a space character in an empty spot is enough)
Visual studio will prompt to reload the project and has explicity checked out the project file.
see also here
I submit a feedback here: The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file 'Setup[Productname].vdproj' is under source code control and is not checked out
The workaround is that you can check out the project manually. (Right click the installer project > Check out for edit)

Team Foundation Services: Adding non-project file to source control

I'm trying out the new Team Foundation Services and I'm wondering how people manage source control of non-VS-Project files. So my solution is added to the TFS source control, but if there's some Word Templates, Crystal Report files, etc that aren't part of the solution, but are supplementary to the application that need to be source controlled as well how would I go about doing that?
Have you installed the Team Explorer into Visual Studio - I suspect you have.
Use Source Control Explorer to Manage Files under Version Control
Open Source Control Explorer
Do one of the following:
From the menu bar choose View, Other Windows, Source Control Explorer.
From Team Explorer, choose Home, and then choose Source Control Explorer.
Then in the Source Tree just right click and select Add Files.
See here for lots more info Working within Team Explorer

What's the best way to checkout from TFS to eclipse using TEE?

I'm developing a QNX app (thus I'm using an old version of Eclipse-CDT C++ etc.). Up until now I've been checking out with TFS and then importing the project files to the workspace via Import->General->ExistingProject; this means I can build/debug etc, but I've only had TFS functionality available via TeamExplorer from the TFS perspective. If I import the same projects to a different workspace via Import->Team->TFS then I have extra TEE functionality but I can't build/debug etc.
So, what's the recommended way to do this? I'd like both functionalities.
Edit ---
I imported each project one-at-a-time via Import->Team->TFS and it worked.
I'm not sure why importing from TFS doesn't detect that project's nature correctly. (Are you not checking in .project files? Are you using Maven?)
Regardless, if you want to go the route of importing an existing project from disk, just go to the Team menu, select Share, then select TFS. It should detect your working folder mappings and simply set TFS as the source control provider for that project, which should give you all the TFS bindings from within editors and views.

Is there a way to connect Eclipse with Jira and Mercurial - or... would Code Beamer work?

I am trying to research source control (mercurial) + issue trackers + ide all-in-one type of solution for my development team (6 people).
I would like to work in Eclipse. There is a mercurial plugin. There is a Jira plugin (I started using Jira and it is good for us, but if there is another solution, I'm open to here).
There is also a mercurial plugin for Jira!
But.... can you get all three to work together in Eclipse? So that you see a bug in your task list, then make some changes and commit, and your commit is linked to your jira bug...
Does anyone have experience with setting this up?
p.s. this may be similar to this question, but since that is from 2008, I figured it's worth it to see if there is updated info
UPDATE: I saw a link on the MercurialEclipse plugin page for Code Beamer Eclipse Studio - to connect to Code Beamer. This integrates with mercurial, so would provide the all-in-one functionality I want. But.... I went to the Code Beamer website and I can't figure out what it does, or if it would work for us. We need a system to creat issues/bug/feature requests, and then be able to move them through a workflow - open, assigned, in-progress, in-testing, ready for upload, test-on-production, completed. something like that. Would Code Beamer do the job?
It is called Mylyn and by default part of Eclipse. Open the Team Synchronizing perspective, there you can find a Task Repositories view where you can create new repositories. Mylyn has plugins for all major issue trackers and source control systems. Here is a tutorial:

Source Control Association Bindings Problem

I've started working on an existing project at my company that was check into VSS 6.0 about a month ago. It was built using Visual Studio 2005 and C# and references all point to .NET 2.0. I went into VSS and set my working folder as per usual and got the latest version. I've opened this project at which point I'm prompted with this:
The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. It is possible that the MSSCCPRJ.SCC file or another item that holds the source control settings for the solution, has been deleted. Because it is not possible to recover this missing information automatically, the projects whose bindings are missing will be treated as not under source control.
I click "OK" and that prompt is directly followed by this one:
The associated source control plug-in is not installed or could not be initialized.
That presents me with these options:
Temporarily work uncontrolled.
Permanently remove source control association bindings
How can I rectify this situation? I'd like the project to remain in VSS under control. Any Ideas?
Go to File -> Source Control -> Change Source Control, then select each project that you have under VSS and "Bind" it to the correct directory in VSS, it will prompt you for vss user name and password
instead of rebinding 100s of files, have a look at this solution:
"instead of getting the latest version through the source control client, you should have opened Visual Studio and choose: File|Source Control|Open from Source Control… this would have created the solution on the second machine with no binding problems."
Load the solution as usual and then right click on the unavailable project. Then edit the project file to comment the source control settings in the xml.
Then reload the project.
Everything is simple:
first of all, add missing project via Source Control Explorer.
Then, make check-in.
Then add it into solution and make check-in of changed solution file.