What Perl module can I use to test CGI output for common errors? - perl

Is there a Perl module which can test the CGI output of another program? E.g. I have a program
(this program is not in Perl) and I want to run it from program
So, e.g. test_x_cgi.pl is something like
use IPC::Run3
run3 (("x.cgi"), ...)
So in test_x_cgi.pl I want to automatically check that the output of x.cgi doesn't do stupid things like, e.g. print messages before the HTTP header is fully outputted. In other words, I want to have a kind of "browser" in Perl which processes the output. Before I try to create such a thing myself, is there any module on CPAN which does this?
Please note that x.cgi here is not a Perl script; I am trying to write a test framework for it in Perl. So, specifically, I want to test a string of output for ill-formedness.
Edit: Thanks
I have already written a module which does what I want, so feel free to answer this question for the benefit of other people, but any further answers are academic as far as I'm concerned.

There's CGI::Test, which looks like what you're looking for. It specifically mentions the ability to test non-Perl CGI programs. It hasn't been updated for a while, but neither has the CGI spec.

There is Test::HTTP. I have not used it, but seems to have an interface that fits your requirements.
$test->header_is($header_name, $value [, $description]);
Compares the response header
$header_name with the value $value
using Test::Builder-is>.
$test->header_like($header_name, $regex, [, $description]);
Compares the response header
$header_name with the regex $regex
using Test::Builder-like>.

Look at the examples from chapter 16 from the perl cookbook
16.9. Controlling the Input, Output, and Error of Another Program
It uses IPC::Open3.
Fom perl cookbook, might be modified by me, see below.
Example 16.2
cmd3sel - control all three of kids in, out, and error.
use IPC::Open3;
use IO::Select;
$cmd = "grep vt33 /none/such - /etc/termcap";
my $pid = open3(*CMD_IN, *CMD_OUT, *CMD_ERR, $cmd);
$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
print "REAPER: status $? on $pid\n" if waitpid($pid, 0) > 0
#print CMD_IN "test test 1 2 3 \n";
my $selector = IO::Select->new();
$selector->add(*CMD_ERR, *CMD_OUT);
while (my #ready = $selector->can_read) {
foreach my $fh (#ready) {
if (fileno($fh) == fileno(CMD_ERR)) {print "STDERR: ", scalar <CMD_ERR>}
else {print "STDOUT: ", scalar <CMD_OUT>}
$selector->remove($fh) if eof($fh);

If you want to check that the output of x.cgi is properly formatted HTML/XHTML/XML/etc, why not run it through the W3 Validator?
You can download the source and find some way to call it from your Perl test script. Or, you might able to leverage this Perl interface to calling the W3 Validator on the web.

If you want to write a testing framework, I'd suggest taking a look at Test::More from CPAN as a good starting point. It's powerful but fairly easy to use and is definitely going to be better than cobbling something together as a one-off.


perl - two stage conditional compilation

I have pretty big perl script executed quite frequently (from cron).
Most executions require pretty short & simple tests.
How to split single file script into two parts with "part two" compiled based on "part 1" decision?
Considered solution:
using BEGIN{ …; exit if …; } block for trivial test.
two file solution with file_1 using require to compile&execute file_2.
I would prefer single file solution to ease maintenance if the cost is reasonable.
First, you should measure how long the compilation really takes, to see if this "optimization" is even necessary. If it does happen to be, then since you said you'd prefer a one-file solution, one possible solution is using the __DATA__ section for code like so:
use warnings;
use strict;
# measure compliation and execution time
use Time::HiRes qw/ gettimeofday tv_interval /;
my $start;
BEGIN { $start = [gettimeofday] }
INIT { printf "%.06f\n", tv_interval($start) }
END { printf "%.06f\n", tv_interval($start) }
my $condition = 1; # dummy for testing
# conditionally compile and run the code in the DATA section
if ($condition) {
eval do { local $/; <DATA>.'; 1' } or die $#;
# ... lots of code here ...
I see two ways of achieving what you want. The simple one would be to divide the script in two parts. The first part will do the simple tests. Then, if you need to do more complicated tests you may "add" the second part. The way to do this is using eval like this:
eval `cat second-script.pl`;
if( $# ) {
print STDERR $#, "\n";
die "Errors in the second script.\n";
Or using File::Slurp in a more robust way:
eval read_file("second-script.pl", binmode => ':utf8');
Or following #amon suggestion and do:
do "second-script.pl";
Only beware that do is different from eval in this way:
It also differs in that code evaluated with do FILE cannot see lexicals in the enclosing scope; eval STRING does. It's the same, however, in that it does reparse the file every time you call it, so you probably don't want to do this inside a loop.
The eval will execute in the context of the first script, so any variables or initializations will be available to that code.
Related to this, there is this question: Best way to add dynamic code to a perl application, which I asked some time ago (and answered myself with the help of the comments provided and some research.) I took some time to document everything I could think of for anyone (and myself) to refer to.
The second way I see would be to turn your testing script into a daemon and have the crontab bit call this daemon as necessary. The daemon remains alive so any data structures that you may need will remain in memory. On the down side, this will take resources in a continuos way as the daemon process will always be running.

experimenting with two interacting perl scripts

i am kinda new to perl and to programming in general. right now i am trying to learn a bit more about how i can make two perl scripts interact, and about parent/child processes.
for that purpose, i wrote two little perl scripts (a.pl and b.pl) to teach myself a little more about these things:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
print "\npick a card, any card you want!\n>";
my $card = <STDIN>;
my #cmd = ('./b.pl');
push #cmd, $card;
print "sorry, i can't tell you the trick. magician's code...\n";
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $card = "#ARGV";
print "\nis this your card?\n\n$card\n(y/n)>";
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>);
exit if $answer eq "y";
print "will i ever be a true magician?\n\n" if $answer eq "n";
there are a few things about this that i would like to ask for some advice. first of all: the reason i passed the reaction to "y" back to the first script is that i wanted to understand how parent/child processes work. if i understood the perldoc of "system" correctly, this function puts the parent process (in my case a.pl) on hold until the child process (b.pl) is finished. now that explains why a.pl is being completed when b.pl dies under the condition "if $answer eq "y" ". but what if i want the parent process to die and the child process to continue under a certain condition (for example "if $answer eq "n" ")? as it is right now, the program would print both statements (the one from a.pl and from b.pl) when the second STDIN is answere with "n". what would be a smart way to do that?
another thing i was wondering about is that when i wrote the scripts, i put lines 5-9 of a.pl like this:
my $card = <STDIN>;
system('./b.pl $card');
which didnt work, because no matter what i entered into STDIN, the system function did not pass any arguments and #ARGV in b.pl always returned 0. is this because you cannot use a variable as an argument of system, or is there something wrong with the syntax?
as i said before, i am trying to learn as much as i can about perl and how programming works, so if you guys have any tips or tweaks on how to make this better, i would be more than happy!
thanks for your help, i really appreciate it!
Usually you don't want to use system() to spawn a second perl process...
There are many cases where different perl processes need to "talk" to each other...
For general information about IPC (Inter Process Communication) see here.
The (perhaps) most common way to exchange information between different perl processes is "sockets": IO::Socket.
The other thing,
system('./b.pl $card');
That is because you are using the single quote, if you used double quotes it should have worked. Single quotes are used as a literal string. In double quotes the variables are replaced with their value.
system("./b.pl $card");
More info on quotes:
(Unfortunately I cannot completely answer your question)

Perl - New definition of myprint() or Overload print command

I am a newb to Perl. I am writing some scripts and want to define my own print called myprint() which will print the stuff passed to it based on some flags (verbose/debug flag)
open(FD, "> /tmp/abc.txt") or die "Cannot create abc.txt file";
print FD "---Production Data---\n";
myprint "Hello - This is only a comment - debug data";
Can someone please help me with some sample code to for myprint() function?
Do you care more about writing your own logging system, or do you want to know how to put logging statements in appropriate parts of your program which you can turn off (and, incur little performance penalty when they are turned off)?
If you want a logging system that is easy to start using, but also offers a world of features which you can incrementally discover and use, Log::Log4perl is a good option. It has an easy mode, which allows you to specify the desired logging level, and emits only those logging messages that are above the desired level.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
Log::Log4perl->easy_init({level => $INFO});
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile;
print $fh "---Production Data---\n";
WARN 'Wrote something somewhere somehow';
The snippet also shows a better way of opening a temporary file using File::Temp.
As for overriding the built-in print … It really isn't a good idea to fiddle with built-ins except in very specific circumstances. perldoc perlsub has a section on Overriding Built-in Functions. The accepted answer to this question lists the Perl built-ins that cannot be overridden. print is one of those.
But, then, one really does not need to override a built-in to write a logging system.
So, if an already-written logging system does not do it for you, you really seem to be asking "how do I write a function that prints stuff conditionally depending on the value of a flag?"
Here is one way:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package My::Logger;
use strict; use warnings;
use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
exports => [
DEBUG => sub {
return sub {} unless $ENV{MYDEBUG};
return sub { print 'DEBUG: ' => #_ };
package main;
use strict; use warnings;
# You'd replace this with use My::Logger qw(DEBUG) if you put My::Logger
# in My/Logger.pm somewhere in your #INC
sub nicefunc {
print "Hello World!\n";
DEBUG("Isn't this a nice function?\n");
Sample usage:
$ ./yy.pl
Hello World!
$ MYDEBUG=1 ./yy.pl
Hello World!
DEBUG: Isn't this a nice function?
I wasn't going to answer this because Sinan already has the answer I'd recommend, but tonight I also happened to be working on the "Filehandle References" chapter to the upcoming Intermediate Perl. That are a couple of relevant paragraphs which I'll just copy directly without adapting them to your question:
IO::Null and IO::Interactive
Sometimes we don't want to send our output anywhere, but we are forced
to send it somewhere. In that case, we can use IO::Null to create
a filehandle that simply discards anything that we give it. It looks
and acts just like a filehandle, but does nothing:
use IO::Null;
my $null_fh = IO::Null->new;
some_printing_thing( $null_fh, #args );
Other times, we want output in some cases but not in others. If we are
logged in and running our program in our terminal, we probably want to
see lots of output. However, if we schedule the job through cron, we
probably don't care so much about the output as long as it does the job.
The IO::Interactive module is smart enough to tell the difference:
use IO::Interactive;
print { is_interactive } 'Bamboo car frame';
The is_interactive subroutine returns a filehandle. Since the
call to the subroutine is not a simple scalar variable, we surround
it with braces to tell Perl that it's the filehandle.
Now that you know about "do nothing" filehandles, you can replace some
ugly code that everyone tends to write. In some cases you want output
and in some cases you don't, so many people use a post-expression
conditional to turn off a statement in some cases:
print STDOUT "Hey, the radio's not working!" if $Debug;
Instead of that, you can assign different values to $debug_fh based
on whatever condition you want, then leave off the ugly if $Debug
at the end of every print:
use IO::Null;
my $debug_fh = $Debug ? *STDOUT : IO::Null->new;
$debug_fh->print( "Hey, the radio's not working!" );
The magic behind IO::Null might give a warning about "print() on
unopened filehandle GLOB" with the indirect object notation (e.g.
print $debug_fh) even though it works just fine. We don't get that
warning with the direct form.

Can I obtain values from a perl script using a system call from the middle of another perl script?

I'm trying to modify a script that someone else has written and I wanted to keep my script separate from his.
The script I wrote ends with a print line that outputs all relevant data separated by spaces.
Ex: print "$sap $stuff $more_stuff";
I want to use this data in the middle of another perl script and I'm not sure if it's possible using a system call to the script I wrote.
Ex: system("./sap_calc.pl $id"); #obtain printed data from sap_calc.pl here
Can this be done? If not, how should I go about this?
Somewhat related, but not using system():
How can I get one Perl script to see variables in another Perl script?
How can I pass arguments from one Perl script to another?
You're looking for the "backtick operator."
Have a look at perlop, Section "Quote-like operators".
Generally, capturing a program's output goes like this:
my $output = `/bin/cmd ...`;
Mind that the backtick operator captures STDOUT only. So in order to capture everything (STDERR, too) the commands needs to be appended with the usual shell redirection "2>&1".
If you want to use the data printed to stdout from the other script, you'd need to use backticks or qx().
system will only return the return value of the shell command, not the actual output.
Although the proper way to do this would be to import the actual code into your other script, by building a module, or simply by using do.
As a general rule, it is better to use all perl solutions, than relying on system/shell as a way of "simplifying".
sub foo {
print "Foo";
do 'myfile.pl';
perldoc perlipc
Backquotes, like in shell, will yield the standard output of the command as a string (or array, depending on context). They can more clearly be written as the quote-like qx operator.
#lines = `./sap_calc.pl $id`;
#lines = qx(./sap_calc.pl $id);
$all = `./sap_calc.pl $id`;
$all = qx(./sap_calc.pl $id);
open can also be used for streaming instead of reading into memory all at once (as qx does). This can also bypass the shell, which avoids all sorts of quoting issues.
open my $fh, '-|', './sap_calc.pl', $id;
while (readline $fh) {
print "read line: $_";

How can I capture the stdin and stdout of system command from a Perl script?

In the middle of a Perl script, there is a system command I want to execute. I have a string that contains the data that needs to be fed into stdin (the command only accepts input from stdin), and I need to capture the output written to stdout. I've looked at the various methods of executing system commands in Perl, and the open function seems to be what I need, except that it looks like I can only capture stdin or stdout, not both.
At the moment, it seems like my best solution is to use open, redirect stdout into a temporary file, and read from the file after the command finishes. Is there a better solution?
IPC::Open2/3 are fine, but I've found that usually all I really need is IPC::Run3, which handles the simple cases really well with minimal complexity:
use IPC::Run3; # Exports run3() by default
run3( \#cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err );
The documentation compares IPC::Run3 to other alternatives. It's worth a read even if you don't decide to use it.
The perlipc documentation covers many ways that you can do this, including IPC::Open2 and IPC::Open3.
Somewhere at the top of your script, include the line
use IPC::Open2;
That will include the necessary module, usually installed with most Perl distributions by default. (If you don't have it, you could install it using CPAN.) Then, instead of open, call:
$pid = open2($cmd_out, $cmd_in, 'some cmd and args');
You can send data to your command by sending it to $cmd_in and then read your command's output by reading from $cmd_out.
If you also want to be able to read the command's stderr stream, you can use the IPC::Open3 module instead.
IPC::Open3 would probably do what you want. It can capture STDERR and STDOUT.
A very easy way to do this that I recently found is the IPC::Filter module. It lets you do the job extremely intuitively:
$output = filter $input, 'somecmd', '--with', 'various=args', '--etc';
Note how it invokes your command without going through the shell if you pass it a list. It also does a reasonable job of handling errors for common utilities. (On failure, it dies, using the text from STDERR as its error message; on success, STDERR is just discarded.)
Of course, it’s not suitable for huge amounts of data since it provides no way of doing any streaming processing; also, the error handling might not be granular enough for your needs. But it makes the many simple cases really really simple.
I think you want to take a look at IPC::Open2
There is a special perl command for it
More info can be found on: http://sunsite.ualberta.ca/Documentation/Misc/perl-5.6.1/lib/IPC/Open2.html
If you do not want to include extra packages, you can just do
print TMP $tmpdata ;
$res = "" ;
$res .= $_ ;
which is the contrary of what you suggested, but should work also.
I always do it this way if I'm only expecting a single line of output or want to split the result on something other than a newline:
my $result = qx( command args 2>&1 );
my $rc=$?;
# $rc >> 8 is the exit code of the called program.
if ($rc != 0 ) {
If you want to deal with a multi-line response, get the result as an array:
my #lines = qx( command args 2>&1 );
foreach ( my $line ) (#lines) {
if ( $line =~ /some pattern/ ) {