Compile time type tracing - scala

Is it possible to add some magic construct around a Scala expression so that it prints the type during compilation? E.g. have some class, magic function, meta programming type, which does:
val i = 1
Some(11).map(Trace(_ + 1))
// compile
// prints: Int

Not exactly, but how 'bout this
$ cat Test.scala
def Trace[T] = identity[T] _
val i = 1
Some(11) map {x => Trace(x + 1)}
$ scala -Xprint:typer Test.scala 2>&1 | egrep --o 'Trace\[.*\]'
Trace[T >: Nothing <: Any]
The first Trace comes from the definition of Trace and can be ignored. The same parameter (-Xprint:typer) works with scalac, too.

If things get really nasty, you can use this:
scala -Xprint:typer -Xprint-types
Gets difficult to read, but tells you exactly what the compiler is thinking.

Something like this will work at runtime
def Type[T](x:T):T = {println(x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass()); x }

No, there's no such thing. A compiler plugin might be able to do it.


Match expression on Int is not exhaustive

I've started learning Scala.
I was surprised that next code compiles:
object Hello extends App {
def isOne(num: Int) = num match {
case 1 => "hello"
You can't do something similar in Rust for example.
Why Scala compiler does not force me to provide default value for case ?
I'd say that it is a little bit unsafe.
Is there any scala linter or something else? Maybe some flags?
Since Scala 2.13.4 there were improvement to exhaustivity checking of unsealed types such as Int so try with compiler flag
for example
scala -Xlint:strict-unsealed-patmat -Xfatal-warnings
Welcome to Scala 2.13.5 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_275).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> def isOne(num: Int) = num match {
| case 1 => "hello"
| }
warning: match may not be exhaustive.
It would fail on the following input: (x: Int forSome x not in 1)
error: No warnings can be incurred under -Werror.
In general though, according to Pattern Matching Expressions
If the selector of a pattern match is an instance of a sealed class,
the compilation of pattern matching can emit warnings which diagnose
that a given set of patterns is not exhaustive, i.e. that there is a
possibility of a MatchError being raised at run-time.
Well you can deal with it a bit on structural matching, by setting
"-Xfatal-warnings" option in scalac settings, this will lift this and other warnings to errors.

Calling methods with parameters without using parentheses

I am using the following implicit class in order to call a function which would otherwise take parameters without having to write the parameters in brackets:
scala> implicit class Print(string: String) {
| def echo: Unit = Console.println(string)
| }
defined class Print
scala> "Hello world" echo
Hello world
However while this works, I don't really like how it looks and my goal is to get the method call in front of the input variable as I think it reads better.
Is there any simple way, without relying on external libraries, to be able to call a method before supplying the parameters and without needing brackets? Implicit classes are what I've been using so far but that doesn't have to be the final solution.
What I would like to type instead of "Hello world" echo:
scala> echo "Hello world"
Alternatives I have tried:
Object with apply method
Requires parentheses
object echo {
def apply(string: String): Unit = Console.println(string)
echo "Hello world" // Error: ';' or newline expected
extending Dynamic [see here]
Doesn't seem to work in my version of Scala
Special characters [see here]
Looks ugly and not what I am looking for
Scalaz [see here]
Looks to do basically what my implicit class solution does, and I don't want any external dependencies.
This answer has been pointed to as a potential solution, but again it doesn't address my issue as it relies on Dynamic to achieve a solution. As previously mentioned, Dynamic does not solve my problem for a couple of reasons:
It behaves funnily
If you define a val and try to println that val, it gives you back the val's name and not its value (as pointed out by #metaphori):
object println extends Dynamic {
def typed[T] = asInstanceOf[T]
def selectDynamic(name: String) = Console.println(name)
val x = "hello"
println x // prints: x
The specific example linked to did not work when I tried to recreate it - it still gave the ';' or newline expected error
If I just misunderstood how to implement it then I would appreciate a scalafiddle demonstrating that this solution solves my problem and will happily concede that this question is a duplicate of the previously mentioned answer, but until then I do contest it.
AFAIK only way to do something similar to what you want is extending Dynamic like this:
object println extends Dynamic {
def typed[T] = asInstanceOf[T]
def selectDynamic(name: String) = Console.println(name)
and using it with:
println `Hello World`
edit: of course you need to enable related features either by adding compiler parameters -language:postfixOps and -language:dynamics or by importing scala.language.dynamics and scala.language.postfixOps
You cannot achieve
echo "str"
since Scala is not e.g. Ruby: it syntactically requires that function invocations use parentheses.
It is not a matter of semantics or how things are implemented or what techniques are used: here is the parser that complains.
The point is that x y is actually interpreted as x.y, which means that y must be a method.
Refer to the Scala Language Specification, section 6.6 Function Applications:
SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
ArgumentExprs ::= ‘(’ [Exprs] ‘)’
| ‘(’ [Exprs ‘,’] PostfixExpr ‘:’ ‘_’ ‘*’ ‘)’
| [nl] BlockExpr
Exprs ::= Expr {‘,’ Expr}
I do not like the trick of #hüseyin-zengin since it leverages dynamic method invocations, and also does not work as expected:
val x = "hello"
println x // prints: x
To partially achieve what you like you need to use infix operator notation
object run { def echo(s: String) = println(s) }
run echo "hello" // OK
run.echo "hello" // error: ';' expected but string literal found.
You may also use a symbol to reduce "typing" overhead (though may be perceived weirdly):
object > { def echo(s: String) = println(s) }
> echo "hello" // OK

Enforcing non-emptyness of scala varargs at compile time

I have a function that expects a variable number of parameters of the same type, which sounds like the textbook use case for varargs:
def myFunc[A](as: A*) = ???
The problem I have is that myFunc cannot accept empty parameter lists. There's a trivial way of enforcing that at runtime:
def myFunc[A](as: A*) = {
The problem with that is that it happens at runtime, as opposed to compile time. I would like the compiler to reject myFunc().
One possible solution would be:
def myFunc[A](head: A, tail: A*) = ???
And this works when myFunc is called with inline arguments, but I'd like users of my library to be able to pass in a List[A], which this syntax makes very awkward.
I could try to have both:
def myFunc[A](head: A, tail: A*) = myFunc(head +: tail)
def myFunc[A](as: A*) = ???
But we're right back where we started: there's now a way of calling myFunc with an empty parameter list.
I'm aware of scalaz's NonEmptyList, but in as much as possible, I'd like to stay with stlib types.
Is there a way to achieve what I have in mind with just the standard library, or do I need to accept some runtime error handling for something that really feels like the compiler should be able to deal with?
What about something like this?
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
def myFunc()(implicit ev: Nothing) = ???
def myFunc[A](as: A*) = println(as)
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
myFunc: ()(implicit ev: Nothing)Nothing <and> [A](as: A*)Unit
myFunc: ()(implicit ev: Nothing)Nothing <and> [A](as: A*)Unit
scala> myFunc(3)
scala> myFunc(List(3): _*)
scala> myFunc()
<console>:13: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: Nothing
Replacing Nothing with a class that has an appropriate implicitNotFound annotation should allow for a sensible error message.
Let's start out with what I think is your base requirement: the ability to define myFunc in some way such that the following occurs at the Scala console when a user provides literals. Then maybe if we can achieve that, we can try to go for varargs.
myFunc(List(1)) // no problem
myFunc(List[Int]()) // compile error!
Moreover, we don't want to have to force users either to split a list into a head and tail or have them convert to a ::.
Well when we're given literals, since we have access to the syntax used to construct the value, we can use macros to verify that a list is non-empty. Moreover, there's already a library that'll do it for us, namely refined!
scala> refineMV[NonEmpty]("Hello")
res2: String Refined NonEmpty = Hello
scala> refineMV[NonEmpty]("")
<console>:39: error: Predicate isEmpty() did not fail.
Unfortunately this is still problematic in your case, because you'll need to put refineMV into the body of your function at which point the literal syntactically disappears and macro magic fails.
Okay what about the general case that doesn't rely on syntax?
// Can we do this?
val xs = getListOfIntsFromStdin() // Pretend this function exists
myFunc(xs) // compile error if xs is empty
Well now we're up against a wall; there's no way a compile time error can happen here since the code has already been compiled and yet clearly xs could be empty. We'll have to deal with this case at runtime, either in a type-safe manner with Option and the like or with something like runtime exceptions. But maybe we can do a little better than just throw our hands up in the air. There's two possible paths of improvement.
Somehow provide implicit evidence that xs is nonempty. If the compiler can find that evidence, then great! If not, it's on the user to provide it somehow at runtime.
Track the provenance of xs through your program and statically prove that it must be non-empty. If this cannot be proved, either error out at compile time or somehow force the user to handle the empty case.
Once again, unfortunately this is problematic.
I strongly suspect this is not possible (but this is still only a suspicion and I would be happy to be proved wrong). The reason is that ultimately implicit resolution is type-directed which means that Scala gets the ability to do type-level computation on types, but Scala has no mechanism that I know of to do type-level computation on values (i.e. dependent typing). We require the latter here because List(1, 2, 3) and List[Int]() are indistinguishable at the type level.
Now you're in SMT solver land, which does have some efforts in other languages (hello Liquid Haskell!). Sadly I don't know of any such efforts in Scala (and I imagine it would be a harder task to do in Scala).
The bottom line is that when it comes to error checking there is no free lunch. A compiler can't magically make error handling go away (although it can tell you when you don't strictly need it), the best it can do is yell at you when you forget to handle certain classes of errors, which is itself very valuable. To underscore the no free lunch point, let's return to a language that does have dependent types (Idris) and see how it handles non-empty values of List and the prototypical function that breaks on empty lists, List.head.
First we get a compile error on empty lists
Idris> List.head []
(input):1:11:When checking argument ok to function Prelude.List.head:
Can't find a value of type
NonEmpty []
Good, what about non-empty lists, even if they're obfuscated by a couple of leaps?
Idris> :let x = 5
-- Below is equivalent to
-- val y = identity(Some(x).getOrElse(3))
Idris> :let y = maybe 3 id (Just x)
-- Idris makes a distinction between Natural numbers and Integers
-- Disregarding the Integer to Nat conversion, this is
-- val z = Stream.continually(2).take(y)
Idris> :let z = Stream.take (fromIntegerNat y) (Stream.repeat 2)
Idris> List.head z
2 : Integer
It somehow works! What if we really don't let the Idris compiler know anything about the number we pass along and instead get one at runtime from the user? We blow up with a truly gargantuan error message that starts with When checking argument ok to function Prelude.List.head: Can't find a value of type NonEmpty...
import Data.String
generateN1s : Nat -> List Int
generateN1s x = Stream.take x (Stream.repeat 1)
parseOr0 : String -> Nat
parseOr0 str = case parseInteger str of
Nothing => 0
Just x => fromIntegerNat x
z : IO Int
z = do
x <- getLine
let someNum = parseOr0 x
let firstElem = List.head $ generateN1s someNum -- Compile error here
pure firstElem
Hmmm... well what's the type signature of List.head?
Idris> :t List.head
-- {auto ...} is roughly the same as Scala's implicit
head : (l : List a) -> {auto ok : NonEmpty l} -> a
Ah so we just need to provide a NonEmpty.
data NonEmpty : (xs : List a) -> Type where
IsNonEmpty : NonEmpty (x :: xs)
Oh a ::. And we're back at square one.
Use scala.collection.immutable.::
:: is the cons of the list
defined in std lib
::[A](head: A, tail: List[A])
use :: to define myFunc
def myFunc[A](list: ::[A]): Int = 1
def myFunc[A](head: A, tail: A*): Int = myFunc(::(head, tail.toList))
Scala REPL
scala> def myFunc[A](list: ::[A]): Int = 1
myFunc: [A](list: scala.collection.immutable.::[A])Int
scala> def myFunc[A](head: A, tail: A*): Int = myFunc(::(head, tail.toList))
myFunc: [A](head: A, tail: A*)Int

Scala reflection behaves differently on interpreter and compiled code

I have
trait T
class C extends T
compiled to .class files. And the piece of code below to load them:
val loader = ScalaClassLoader fromURLs (/* List[URL] */)
val classB = loader.tryToInitializeClass("B") getOrElse (/* throw something */)
When I run the loading code in Scala interpreter, the result is
res1: Array[java.lang.Class[_]] = Array(interface T, interface scala.ScalaObject)
but when the loading code compiled into .class files and run I got
Please tell me how to have the compiled loading code yield the result as fine as on the interpreter.
Are you sure you executed the println in the interpreted session? Because the first result you write looks suspiciously like the interpreter displaying the result of just
classB.asInstanceOf[Class[_]].getInterfaces), without the println (res1 is very telling)
On the other hand, the cryptic [Ljava.lang.Class;#1b8e059 is the toString of an Array. So your problem is just that, toString. If you do something like println(yourResult.mkString(", ")), that should be much better. In the REPL, results displays are better than plain toString
Array(interface T, interface scala.ScalaObject) and [Ljava.lang.Class;#1b8e059 are the same type of object, just printed out in different ways.
Array[Class[_]] gets printed out like [Ljava.lang.Class;#1b8e059 when you call the toString on it.
Try the following:
scala> val f = Array[Class[_]](classOf[Map[String, String]], classOf[Object])
f: Array[java.lang.Class[_]] = Array(interface scala.collection.immutable.Map, class java.lang.Object)
scala> f.toString
res1: java.lang.String = [Ljava.lang.Class;#407e62
The REPL is being helpful when it prints out the value of an expression. If you want to print out a useful string in your compiled code, for example:
scala> f.toList.toString
res4: String = List(interface scala.collection.immutable.Map, class java.lang.Object)
The line
res1: Array[java.lang.Class[_]] = Array(interface T, interface scala.ScalaObject)
does not come from your println expression, it comes from the REPL. If an entered expression returns anything except Unit. The REPL prints the name, type and result of the toString method of that object.
name: Type = from toString

Scala partially applied type constructor inference

I'm using scala-2.8.1 and scalaz-5.0. Can anyone explain exactly why a PartialApply1Of2 can be inferrred in the one case but not in the other?
scala> 1.success[String] <|*|> "Bah".fail[Int]
res1: scalaz.Validation[String,(Int, Int)] = Failure(Bah)
That worked even though (as has been asked before!) the method <|*|> is on MA which has one type parameter, not two (as Validation has). I cannot get unicode working in my IDEA REPL, so here goes:
object testy {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
val ps = NonEmptyList(1.success[String], "Bah".fail[Int])
val res = ps.∘∘((_ : Int) % 2 == 0) //DOES NOT COMPILE
I can provide a specific type to the call and all is good. Why can scalac not infer this?
ps.∘∘[PartialApply1Of2[Validation, String]#Apply, Int, Boolean]((_ : Int) % 2 == 0)
In my REPL, this actually causes a scalac error, rather than a sensible error message
In the first case, the implicit view ValidationMA is inferred, and the the type argument Int is inferred:
In the second case, the type argument to the method ∘∘ cannot be inferred, until #2712 is tackled.
I suspect that the scalac internal error you encountered is related to #2741 / #4079. If so, you can rewrite it with a Type Lambda to workaround the error.
ps.∘∘[({type X[a]=Validation[String, a]})#X, Int, Boolean]((_ : Int) % 2 == 0)
I recommend using this syntax instead of PartialApplyNofM in all cases, as I find it more readable. With a recent build of IntelliJ, you can even enable a code folding (Settings, Code Style, Scala, Folding, Type Lambas), to hide some syntactic clutter.