Email-SMS gateway in China (China Mobile) - email

I was developing a simple SMS application using the Email-SMS Gateways that various Phone companies provide.
So for instance you can send a SMS message by appending a carrier specific email suffix to the mobile number. i.e for AT&T:
For the phone number 111-222-3333, it's corresponding Email is
The specific Mobile provider that I am trying to send/receive from is China Mobile (中国移动通信集团公司). I have found very extensive lists for virtually all other carriers (Both US and International), but can't seem to find one for this Chinese Carrier.
So my question is:
Is there a public Email-SMS gateway (Such that you could fire an SMS message from a standard email client or server-side scripting langauge like PHP)
If not, then is there any way to get around it, via other services (legally of course).

I just found this. This seems useful. I'm gonna test it soon for my company. (In Chinese. The English version doesn't seem to have the information about SMS sending)
Plan 1: 1000 SMS for 99 RMB.
Plan 2: 5000 SMS for 449 RMB.
Plan 3: 20000 SMS for 1699 RMB.

It might be blocked in China (best way to see this is to check if other Chinese carriers offer this).
If no public e-mail address pattern is found for China Mobile, try another service that already provides this for CM and check if they have an API.


Limitations of email to sms vs an sms api

Configuring an appointment app and looking at using email to sms. The api is significantly less expensive as you just have to look up the mobile number once, get the appropriate carrier gateway address(once for every new number), and then send an email that is converted to sms via the provider. As opposed to getting charged for every sms sent.
Why is this approach much less common? I've never really seen it. I figure there must be some limitations or issues that everyone else knows about that I couldn't find.
Note: Not sending out bulk messages. It's an appointment reminder for small businesses, not used for email marketing and such.

Ios how can I verify that the phone number entered is actually the users phone number?

I have seen a couple different apps (Snapchat, whatsapp, etc.) ask users to input their phone number. A text message is then sent to the user with a code to verify that the number is actually their number. Then they are able to see which of the users address book contacts also have the app.
I understand how all of this works except how they are sending the text messages to the user. Are they running their own SMS Gateway like Kannel, using an SMS gateway provider like twilio, or am I completely missing another option?
Seems like using a gateway provider even at 1 cent a message would add up very quickly especially when you are really only trying to protect the app from the few users that purposely put in the wrong phone number.
Most of the apps use sms gateway services, yes sms is costly, there is another way to verify the user number by missed call trick.

reliable delivery service - email, sms

I am looking at building an ordering service, this is fine but my question is how to reliably get the order to the shop. It is a fast food shop.
Are there any solid delivery options either via sms/phone or an email service that is pretty much 100% reliable.
Take a look at some of the SMS providers like Twilio who give you web based APIs for sending SMS messages. There is also an API called the OneAPI that is currently available in Canada but will be in other regions soon. You can use this to send SMS messages through a html API.
For email, take a look at some of the providers listed by programmable web, there are a bunch, for example Yahoo lets you send messages via their API.
Yes make sure call back to sender for confirmation,...
check on my DMStar CBuilder6 system.
it fetch filtered email and sms QFree ordering system.
Every minute or so will auto print out onto docket dot matrix printer as soon order received.
or google it with tasty kebabs qfree
E C and simple for small retaillers, no register of sensitive personal details needed.
Using an old Nokia Mobile with prepaid $20.00 per year(free sms) connected into PC USB port,...

Setting up an Automated Texting Service

Attempting to set up an automated texting service for customers, where people can text a number, and get an automated response from some sort of server. The cellphone user should be able to hold some sort of exchange with the server through text. Any one have any idea how to implement this?
You can set up a server to respond to MO (Mobile Originated) messages.
You need to have a relationship with an SMS provider/aggregator that will forward MO messages to your server. Based on keywords, you can decide how to respond - since you have the originating phone number you can easily reply to the sender.
I have developed systems like this, so if you need more details just ask.

Send activation code to GSM Mobile

i want to this:
When a new user want ta register to my site, he/she must enter GSM number on registration form
and activation code sent with a SMS message and e-mail.
he/she must enter SMS activation code and e-mail activation code for complete joomla new user register process.
Is this possible? Can i do that?
yes, But you have to think a lot about integration your implementation with Joomla.
You have 2 approaches to send SMS messages.
1. Using a GSM modem
Here you will need dedicated hardware to do this. You will need a GSM modem + A dedicated server/machine. You have to write to the serial port using appropriate language and use AT commands to send sms messages. Here the advantage is everything is yours so you have total control over everything. You will be able to find a cheap mobile service provider for this.
2. Using an SMS Gateway
Based on your requirement of integrating this with Joomla, this might be the easy approach. In this way you have to send http, https request to a certain URL with the message information and authentication details. The gateway will handle the rest. Alternatively you can choose SMTP as gateway protocol and reuse your email implementation. When you send an email to a certain preconfigured address it will generate an SMS with contents of the email message.
Clickatell is an example for such service providers.