"_OBJC_CLASS_$_JobsXmlParser" Error - iphone

I have found this error when i build my app i import its class but still error

Seems the JobXMLParser class is not found. Are you linking it from some other framework? That being the case, check for your header search paths. And yes, the information is really not enough.


Angular2 - Import barrels cause 404 at runtime

I am trying to implement the import barrels structure that is described in this link (you may have to scroll down a bit) :
The problem I am facing is that the index.ts files that I am creating and referencing like
import {...} from './shared/services';
are not found at runtime and are throwing 404s. If I reference the modules like
import {...} from './shared/services/index';
It works fine. The problem only appears at runtime, typescript does not complain and compiles successfully. I have duplicated the issue in a plunker:
You can see the error in the console.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I finally found something: https://www.reddit.com/r/Angular2/comments/4i2d9x/support_problem_with_barrels/
It seems, that this is not easily possible with SystemJS, because it can not handle barrel-files.
To solve this, you can add every file as you did with [...]/index or you can add them as a package in SystemJS

Swift Unit Test FacebookSDK issue

I have custom class that use FBSDK modules. I am trying to implement Unit Testing for this class methods. But it's cannot compile and return an error
'No such module FBSDKCoreKit'
I've already check this module to use by test target but nothing happens. What could be the issue?
Ok, found the problem. I need to add framework search path to test target and the issue was solved

Cannot access "Parse.setApplicationId()"

I'm trying to make an app with swift/Obj-c (Bridging Header) with parse.com
So here's my question:
I saw on many sites that you can use Parse.setApplicationId("appid","clientid")
When I try this code it says Use of unresolved Identifier 'Parse'
I imported the framework and set the bridging header in the properties.
I also imported the frameworks which are required like it's written on parse.com
All other Classes/Objects from parse can be used by swift in the code.
This problem was because of a bug in xcode... (I think the compiler failed)
After I restarted Xcode the error was gone.

Sencha Touch + DeftJS

I'm trying out the DeftJS framework in a Sencha Touch application.
But i'm having troubles implementing the newest version (0.6.5)
when it goes over the following lines:
classDefinition = Ext.ClassManager.get(this.getClassName());
this.getClassName() outputs "TimeSheetApp.store.TotalActualStore"
so the following line
if (classDefinition.singleton)
throws this exception:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'singleton' of null
Any idea what i'm doing wrong here?
The issue here is that the specified class has either not been loaded or does not exist.
Double-check that the class name you've specified is exactly correct and that it has been loaded via Ext.require() in your primary JavaScript file before Ext.onReady(), or via the requires: annotation on your root Sencha Touch application class.
Even as the author of the Deft JS framework, I ran into this problem this week, too. The error being thrown as of v0.6.5 is not particularly helpful. I filed an issue on GitHub capturing this problem, so you can track progress there:
We will be adding better error handling and notification in v0.6.6.
In the meantime, correcting the name or adding the missing class requirement should get you going again.
Thanks for checking out Deft JS!

OCUnit will not allow me to use my own data types

I am using XCode 3.2.2 to unit test some custom data types. The tests run properly without those data types, but when I use said data types, I get this error:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_classname", referenced from:
(where "classname" is the, well, class name...)
I have seen hints online that it could be linker related. The strange thing is, I originally followed these instructions http://www.mobileorchard.com/ocunit-integrated-unit-testing-in-xcode/ and they worked for me the first time I tried them. Now, after following the same instructions, I'm getting the same error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately your question is pretty ambiguous.
First, is the example working given in the mentioned tutorial?
Second, I'd double check your code:
Right click the class (.m) you're trying to use with OCUnit and click get info. Make sure the target in the class file is pointing to OCUnit! This is key for the linking.
Are you importing your .h for the associated class in the test case?
Check the spelling of the class names?