Why is this hash not displaying correctly? - perl

after being sick for a few week I am trying to get back into my scripting projects and seems to be running into a newbie speed bump.
I am trying to assemble a script to slurp a file and then process parameters from the file using regex and build a hash from parameters found.
But the problem I am running into is the hash is not being constructed the way I want it, or atleast I think it is not.
Here is the tiny script I am working on.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Slurp;
use Data::Dumper;
my %config;
my $text = read_file("./config/settings.cfg");
if ($text =~ /^esxi\.host\s+=\s+(?<host>.+)/xm) {
$config{host} = "$+{host}";
print Dumper (%config);
For those wishing to execute the script here is the config file I am building
Connection Options:
esxi.host = server01
esxi.port = 22
esxi.username = root
esxi.password = password
Backup Options:
Compression Options:
0 = none
1 = tar
2 = gzip
3 = tar+gzip
backup.compression = 0
Just save it to a file called settings.cfg unless you feel like changing the parameter in the script.
Anyhow this is the output I am getting from Data::Dumper.
$VAR1 = 'server01';
$VAR2 = {
'host' => 'esxi01'
What I am trying to do is make server01 the root key of the hash and host a subkey because I will also have subkeys for user, password, and port number.
I have been chewing on this for about a half hour (partly distracted) trying to figure out why it is not working, any help would be most appreciated.

Are you wanting output like this?
$VAR1 = {
'server01' => {
'host' => 'esxi01'
If so, your %config is fine. Your problem is you're passing a hash (which gets interpreted as an array a list) rather than a hashref to Dumper. Try Dumper(\%config) instead.


How can I pass arguments for a subroutine from the command line

First off, my background is primarily in Python and I am relatively new at using Perl.
I am using tcsh for passing options into my .pl file.
In my code I have:
if( scalar #ARGV != 1)
# Loading configuration file and parameters
our %configuration = load_configuration($ARGV[0]);
# all the scripts must be run for every configuration
my #allConfs = ("original");
sub Collimator
my $z = -25.0;
my %detector = init_det();
$detector{"pos"} = "0*cm 0.0*cm $z*cm"
foreach my $conf ( #allConfs )
$configuration{"variation"} = $conf ;
#other geometries ....
I want to add something that allows me to change the parameters of the subroutine in the .pl file from the command line. Currently, to generate the geometry I pass the following command into the tcsh CLI: perl file.pl config.dat. What I want is to be able to pass in something like this: perl file.pl config.dat -20.0.
I'm thinking that I need to add something to the effect of:
$z = ARGV[1]}
However, I am not sure how to properly implement this. Is this something that I would specify within the subroutine itself or outside of it with the loading of the configuration file?
Use a library to handle command-line arguments, and Getopt::Long is excellent
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my ($config_file, #AllConfs);
my ($live, $dry_run) = (1, 0);
my $z;
'config-file=s' => \$config_file,
'options-conf=s' => \#AllConfs,
'geom|g=f' => \$z,
'live!' => \$live,
'dry-run' => sub { $dry_run = 1; $live = 0 },
# etc
# Loading configuration file and parameters
# (Does it ===really=== need to be "our" variable?)
our %configuration = load_configuration($config_file);
my #data_files = #ARGV; # unnamed arguments, perhaps submitted as well
Options may be abbreviated as long as they are unambiguous so with my somewhat random sample above the program can be invoked for example as
prog.pl --conf filename -o original -o bare -g -25.0 data-file(s)
(Or whatever options for #AllConf are.) Providing explicitly g as another name for geom makes it a proper name, not an abbreviation (it doesn't "compete" with others).
Note that one can use -- or just -, and choose shorter or long(er) names for convenience or clarity etc. We get options, and there is a lot more than this little scoop, see docs.
Once the (named) options have been processed the rest on the command line is available in #ARGV, so one can mix and match arguments that way. Unnamed arguments are often used for file names. (The module offers a way to deal with those in some capacity as well.)
if ( #ARGV != 2 ) {
my ( $path, $z ) = #ARGV;
perl gets input as list, so you can get its value using #ARGV or using $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[1]
die if ($#ARVG != 1);
#the first argument
print "$ARGV[0]\n";
#the second argument
print "$ARGV[1]\n"

How are these quoted strings replaced with the values in perl .pm file?

Below is the Perl code in .pm file which is supposed to replace the specified strings (that are in "quotes") with some values. But its not happening. Can anyone explain what is happening in this code?
package SomePackage;
require Exporter;
#ISA = qw(Exporter);
#EXPORT = qw(send_request, create_mmd_and_transfer, update_mmd_file);
sub send_request {
my ( $service, $action, $torole ) = #_;
my ( $seller_request_mmd );
my $replace_contents = ();
$replace_contents{"REPLACE_Service"} = $service;
$replace_contents{"REPLACE_RequestAction"} = $action;
$replace_contents{"REPLACE_TradingPartner"} = $torole;
$replace_contents{"REPLACE_Requestxml"} = "Request.xml";
create_mmd_and_transfer( \%replace_contents, $seller_request_mmd, "/MMD.xml" );
sub create_mmd_and_transfer {
my $local_replace_contents = shift;
my $input_mmd = shift;
my $local_output_mmd = shift;
my $output_mmd = shift;
update_mmd_file( "$input_mmd", "temp_mmd_file.xml", $local_replace_contents );
sub update_mmd_file {
my $input_file = shift;
my $output_file = shift;
my $contents = shift;
open( MMD_FILE, "<$input_file" )
or main::error_exit(" Cannot open MMD file template $input_file \n $input_file not found int the Templates folder \n Please place the same and then run the script ");
open( TEMP_MMD_FILE, ">$output_file" );
while ( <MMD_FILE> ) {
s/^M//g; # Getrid of the ^Ms
foreach my $content ( keys( %$contents ) ) {
my $exact_value = ${%$contents}{$content};
if ( $main::test_scenario =~ /^Invalid Request Action \a\n\d Service/
and ( $content =~ /REPLACE_Service|REPLACE_RequestAction/i ) ) {
else {
if ( $exact_value ne "" ) {
close MMD_FILE;
The following will not make your script work, just create the better base for some future questions.
Before you even thinking about posting a perl question here:
1.) add to the top of your script:
use strict;
use warnings;
Posting a code here without these two lines, nobody will bother even trying to read the code.
2.) use perl -c SomePackage.pm for the check. If it will tell you: SomePackage.pm syntax OK - you can start thinking about posting a question here. ;)
Some basic problems with your script:
package SomePackage;
use strict; # see the above
use warnings;
require Exporter;
# these variables are defined outside of this package, so, tell perl this fact. use the `our`
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
#the use warnings will warn you about the following line
# #EXPORT = qw(send_request, create_mmd_and_transfer, update_mmd_file);
#the correct one is without commas
our #EXPORT = qw(send_request create_mmd_and_transfer update_mmd_file); #not saying anything about the #EXPORT rudeness. :)
#my $replace_contents = ();
#the $replace_contents is a scalar. Bellow you using a hash. So,
my %replace_contents;
#or use the scalar but the lines bellow should use the hashref notation, e.g.
# $replace_contents->{"REPLACE_Service"} = $service;
# you decide. :)
# the seller_request_mmd contains undef here.
create_mmd_and_transfer( \%replace_contents, $seller_request_mmd, "/MMD.xml");
# also bellow, in the subroutine definition it wants 4 arguments.
# indicates a problem...
# using 2-arg open is not the best practice.
# Also, you should to use lexical filehandles
# open (MMD_FILE, "<$input_file")
# better
open (my $mmd_file, '<', $input_file)
# of course, you need change every MMD_FILE to $mmd_file
# check the result of the open and die if not successful
# or you can use the
use autodie;
# instead of $exact_value = ${%$contents}{$content};
# you probably want
my $exact_value = $contents->{$content};
Indent your code!
All the above are just about the syntactic problems and not solving anything about the "logic" of your code.
Ps: And me is still an beginner, so, others sure will find much more problems with the above code.
Ok. Here's what I've done to test this.
Firstly, you didn't give us an input file or the code that you use to call the module. So I invented them. I made the simplest possible input file:
And this driver program:
use strict;
use warnings;
use SomePackage;
send_request('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
sub error_exit {
die #_;
The first time, I ran it, I got this error:
Undefined subroutine &main::send_request called at test line 8.
That was because your #EXPORT line was wrong. You had:
#EXPORT = qw(send_request, create_mmd_and_transfer, update_mmd_file);
But the point of qw(...) is that you don't need the commas. So I corrected it to:
#EXPORT = qw(send_request create_mmd_and_transfer update_mmd_file);
Then I re-ran the program and got this error:
Cannot open MMD file template
not found int the Templates folder
Please place the same and then run the script at test line 11.
That looked like there was something missing. I changed the error message, adding indicators of where the variable interpolation was supposed to happen:
open( MMD_FILE, "<$input_file" )
or main::error_exit(" Cannot open MMD file template <$input_file> \n <$input_file> not found int the Templates folder \n Please place the same and then run the script ");
Then the error message looked like this:
Cannot open MMD file template <>
<> not found int the Templates folder
Please place the same and then run the script at test line 11.
So it seems clear that the $input_file variable isn't set in the update_mmd_file() subroutine. Tracing that variable back, we see that this value is originally the $seller_request_mmd variable in send_request(). But in send_request() you declare $seller_request_mmd but you never give it a value. So let's do that:
my ( $seller_request_mmd ) = 'test_input.txt';
Now, when I run your program, it runs to completion without any errors. And I find a new temp_mmd_file.xml is generated. But it is exactly the same as the input file. So more investigation is needed.
Digging into the update_mmd_file() subroutine, we find this interesting line:
my $exact_value = ${%$contents}{$content};
I think you're trying to extract a value from $contents, which is a hash reference. But your syntax is wrong. You were probably aiming at:
my $exact_value = ${$contents}{$content};
But most Perl programmers prefer the arrow notation for working with reference look-ups.
my $exact_value = $contents->{$content};
Making that change and re-running the program, I get an output file that contains:
Which is exactly what I expected. So the program now works.
But there is still a lot of work to do. As you have been told repeatedly, you should always add:
use strict;
use warnings;
to your code. That will find a lot of potential problems in your code - which you should fix.
To be honest, this feels to me like you were trying to run before you could walk. I'd recommend spending some time to work through a good Perl introductory book before taking on my more Perl work.
And there was a lot of useful information missing from your question. It wouldn't have taken as long to get to the solution if you had shown us your driver program and your input data.

How to display all database which are related to mongodb using perl script

Can anyone help me to display all the MongoDB databases using a Perl script?
I connected to MongoDB and I'm stuck after this.
My code is the following:
use MongoDB;
use MongoDB::OID;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '.';
use Exporter qw(import);
our #EXPORT_OK = qw(teller);
my $client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new(
host => 'localhost',
port => 27020
my $db_list = listDatabases();
foreach my $n ( $#db_list ) {
say $db_list[$n];
But I get the error:
Global symbol "#db_list" requires explicit package name
There's rather a lot wrong with these two lines.
my $db_list = listDatabases();
foreach my $n ($#db_list) { say $db_list[$n]; }
Your error is caused by confusion between array and scalar variables with the same name.
my $db_list declares a scalar variable. But $#db_list refers to an array called #db_list. You probably meant $#{$db_List}. But even that doesn't do what you want as foreach my $n ($#{$db_list}) iterates across a list containing a single item. I think you probably wanted:
foreach my $n (0 .. $#{$db_list})
There's a little guesswork involved here as I don't know how your listDatabases() subroutine works. You act like it returns an array reference, but it's possible that it returns an array, in which your code should be:
# Note: array, not scalar
my #db_list = listDatabases();
foreach my $n (0 .. $#db_list) { say $db_list[$n]; }
Without knowing more about listDatabases() it's impossible to be sure.
I'll note that MongoDB::MongoClient has a method called database_names(). You could use that like this:
my #db_list = $client->database_names;
foreach my $n (0 .. $#db_list) { say $db_list[$n]; }

How can I query Genbank and print the results to a fasta file?

I have been trying to write a code using BioPerl that will query Genbank for a specific protein and then print the results to a fasta file. So far the code I have works and I can print the results to the screen, but not to a file. I have done lots of researching on the BioPerl website and other sources (CPAN, PerlMonks, etc.) but I have not found anything that can solve my problem. I understand how to read something from a file and then print the output to a new file (using SeqIO), but the problem I am having seems to be that what I want the program to read is not stored in a text or FASTA file, but is the result of a database query. Help? I am very much a beginner, new to Perl/BioPerl and programming in general.
Here is the code I have so far:
use Bio::DB::GenBank;
use Bio::DB::Query::GenBank;
use Bio::Seq;
$query = "Homo sapiens[ORGN] AND TFII-I[TITL]";
$query_obj = Bio::DB::Query::GenBank->new(-db => 'protein', -query => $query);
$gb_obj = Bio::DB::GenBank->new;
$stream_obj = $gb_obj->get_Stream_by_query($query_obj);
while ($seq_obj = $stream_obj->next_seq)
{print $seq_obj->desc, "\t", $seq_obj->seq, "\n";
So, what I want to do in the last line is instead of printing to the screen, print to a file in fasta format.
Your code was actually quite close, you are returning a Bio::Seq object in your loop, and you just need to create a Bio::SeqIO object that can handle those objects and write them to a file ("myseqs.fasta" is the file in the example).
#!usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::DB::GenBank;
use Bio::DB::Query::GenBank;
use Bio::SeqIO;
my $query = "Homo sapiens[ORGN] AND TFII-I[TITL]";
my $query_obj = Bio::DB::Query::GenBank->new(-db => 'protein', -query => $query);
my $gb_obj = Bio::DB::GenBank->new(-format => 'fasta');
my $stream_obj = $gb_obj->get_Stream_by_query($query_obj);
my $seq_out = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => ">myseqs.fasta", -format => 'fasta');
while (my $seq_obj = $stream_obj->next_seq) {
Also, note that I added use strict; and use warnings; to the top of the script. That will help solve most "Why isn't this working?" type of questions by generating diagnostic messages, and it is a good idea to include those lines.
Assuming you have the data to make a fasta seq (which it seems you do), can you use Bio::FASTASequence module the seq2file function? I've never used it nor am I bioinformatic expert, just saw the option there and thought it might be useful to you.

BioPerl with clustalw - outputting file

I have a perl script to automate many multiple alignments (I'm making the script first with only one file and one multiple alignment - big one though. I can then modify for multiple files) and I want to output the resulting file, but I am unsure on how to do with with AlignIO: so far I have:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Bio::AlignIO;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Clustalw;
my $file = shift or die; # Get filename from command prompt.
my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Clustalw->new(-matrix => 'BLOSUM');
my $ktuple = 3;
my $inseq = Bio::SeqIO->new(
-file => "<$file",
-format => $format
my $seq;
my #seq_array;
while ($seq = $inseq->next_seq) {
push(#seq_array, $seq);
# Now we do the actual alignment.
my $seq_array_ref = \#seq_array;
my $aln = $factory->align($seq_array_ref);
Once the alignment is done I have $aln which is the alignment I want to get out of the process as a fasta file - I tried something like:
my $out = Bio::AlignIO->new(-file => ">outputalignmentfile",
-format => 'fasta');
while( my $outaln = $aln->next_aln() ){
but it didn't work, presumably because the method next_aln() only applies to AlignIO things, which $aln is probably not. So I need to know what it is that is generated by the line my $aln = $factory->align($seq_array_ref); and how to get the aligned sequences output into a file. My next step is tree estimation or network analysis.
Was the only line needed to write the object returned by the clustalw line to output the object to that stream.