Writing Standalone server which can serve multiple clients simultaneously using reslet framework - restlet-2.0

I am trying to do a project (virtual classroom) which contains a server and multiple clients.
From server I should be able to handle video streaming,authentication,chat etc.. when multiple instances of clients send requests. Please guide me how can I use Restlet framework for this project?

In order to implement a RESTful application using Restlet, you need to begin by implementing several entities for the server side:
REST resources (classes extending the ServerResource class) that will contains processing.
Restlet application that will define how to access your resources.
Restlet server to serve REST HTTP request.
I recommend you to have a look at the hello world sample application from the Restlet website at the address: http://wiki.restlet.org/docs_2.1/13-restlet/21-restlet/318-restlet.html. For the complete application, you can focus on the "Java SE client" at the first time.
In a first time, you can skip authentication since it can be added after on both client and server sides on ClientResource and within Application.
Don't hesitate if you have more questions!


what are the ways to integrate soap webservice with Apache camel give some example

I have a Soap web service deployed in one Application Server. We want to integrate that Soap Webservice with Apache Camel in another application server (JBoss Fuse) server. Are there some guidelines available?
What is the application server that hosts the webservice? What language/technology is the webservice coded in? What (broadly) will the Camel route do.
Camel provides a heap of different data input endpoints -- direct memory, HTTP, FTP, files, SOAP, etc., etc. Connecting your webservice to Camel comes down to choosing one of these that endpoints that your webservice can use. Camel offers a huge amount of flexibility in how it accepts and responds to data, and the choice of an approach really depends on the needs of your application, and how it is developed.

Implement REST service in gwt

I want to implement REST service in gwt .But I don't know how to go about it. I read some documents where they have implemented it using RestyGwt and jercy. But I have one app which is deployed on tomcat. Then situation is that my client side app is calling the methods on the application present on tomcat.
I have to implement it using REST so that my client side call will first go to Proxy service on client then it make REST call to the application on tomcat and fetch result and return. How can I do this in gwt. ?
As mentioned, you can only communicate with REST service.
Anyway, maybe take a look on dispatch concept in GWTPlatform and their way of implementing it. (https://github.com/ArcBees/GWTP/wiki/Rest-Dispatch).
Idea is easy, you have an action on client side which is registered to deal with rest url. You can define action interface with some additional annotations to tell what is excepected to be send and received. They are using piriti library for json serialization.
It is up to you if you need only client side implementation or you would like to use server side service creation too.
You can NOT implement a REST service in gwt, since gwt is thought as a client-side solution.
What the GWT kit provides for server side are a few utilities to facilitate the comunication between client-side and server-side when both are written in java (RPC, RF).
So you can consume a REST service from gwt (RequestBuilder, gwtquery-ajax, etc), but if you want to provide REST services you need a 3party solution for your server side like Jersey, CXF, etc.
There are, though, 3party solutions which provides the server side and client simultaneously like restygwt, errai-jax, etc.
If you are looking for a simple and reliable solution to query rest services from the client, in this question you have a client implementation done with gwtquery (ajax, databinding, promises)

Servlet API versus REST API

I am working with a CRM System that provides two types of APIs: servlet API & REST API, both of which are over HTTP.
I used to integrate with REST API from my ASP.NET MVC web application by calling the REST URL and manipulating the returned JSON or XML. But I cannot figure out what is meant by a servlet API and can these APIs be called over the web from my ASP.NET MVC application or these APIs should be called inside a Java application?
Sorry if my question seems trivial to someone.
The Java Servlet API refers to a set of classes used to implement server side programs. The main player is the Servlet:
A servlet is a small Java program that runs within a Web server. Servlets receive and respond to requests from Web clients, usually across HTTP, the HyperText Transfer Protocol.
If you want a very simplistic analogy, the Servlet is Java's version of CGI (Common Gateway Interface).
A REST API is a way to build applications by fully using the architecture of the web. Leaving all details of REST aside and grossly simplifying, it's basically a HTTP API.
If you want to build a HTTP API, you can use Servlets. So you can also use servlets to build a REST API although there are better alternatives to that (e.g. JAX-RS) because servlets are a "low level" component and nothing shields you from all the boiler plate code you need to write.
You can of course call a Java application build on top of the Servlet API from other clients (e.g. from ASP.NET MVC). That's what it was built for. For this reason I don't really understand what exactly your CRM system means by a Servlet API and (a separate!?) REST API... so maybe ask the CRM provider?
EDIT : Based on what I've read about the ManageEngine Service deskPlus APIs, I'm thinking that this is just an unfortunate name chosen by the provider.
As I mentioned in my comments, when you say REST API you already provide some information from the beginning. Most people, when told about REST understand that you have some abstract resources, that these resources can have multiple representations (JSON, XML, whatever), that each resource is identified by a URI, that /customers is referring to a list of customers resources, that /customers/1 is a customer and that /customers/2 is another one, that you use GET /customers/1 to find out details about the customer and DELETE /customers/1 to delete it etc.
REST is one way to interact with an application, another one is to expose operations that can be called by clients, for example like what SOAP is doing. Before REST became the new kid in town people were doing stuff with SOAP. Unlike accessing resources, SOAP is focused on accessing operations. When you mention SOAP to someone she knows that it's a protocol that can use HTTP's POST to transmit messages around, that each message has an XML payload that contains the operation name to invoke and the parameters needed for the call etc.
But even before SOAP and REST becoming widely known, people realized that they can use a form submit to sneak in RPC calls through HTTP. The HTTP form based submission is one of the methods of the API in ManageEngine Service deskPlus. But the form based submission method (as far as I know) doesn't have a cool name like SOAP or REST... so maybe that's why it was named after the Servlet API?! (I'm once again emphasizing that this is just the server implementation which is not important in the context of the HTTP protocol).
So to conclude: Yes, you CAN call the ManageEngine Service deskPlus Servlet API from ASP.NET, even a web browser or any kind of HTTP capable client.

RESTful development -How to share with clients?

I am using Jersey/Tomcat6 for dveloping some web services. Compared to what I did for SOAP services, I am not getting the idea what should I share to my clients once the services are developed...just the URL of the web service ?? For SOAP, the WSDL file was enough, as the clients self-generated the stubs.
My service returns a list of User objects (with 2 Strings) in JSON format. How would my clients de-serialize the JSON if I share just the service URL with them ? Do I need to share the entity bean (The User class, and the list class) on my server side too ?
I have been reading about some WADL files for REST...are they helpful here ?
Thanks for any help !
It sounds like you probably want to put together an example client to give to your, er, clients to show them how to use the REST service. Ideally, of course, your REST service would fully support HATEOAS (Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State), and so the means of traversing the resources to get the desired results would be discoverable; I've found that real HATEOAS implementation is rare, though. For a RESTful-ish service (one that doesn't fully support HATEOAS), example clients are useful. You can usually implement your example client in HTML with some Javascript; this makes everything very accessible for most REST client users.

Blackberry and RESTful services

I'm looking to develop a blackberry application to consume a RESTful service. At the moment we plan to develop a REST layer which we will use to perform searches on a back end database and return the results as JSON.
I have used the Jersey framework ( http://jersey.java.net/ ) for consuming (and developing) REST layers in the past.
This is the first time we plan to develop such an app for a blackberry. From looking around I'm not sure if jersey is supported on the blackberry for consuming RESTful services.
So I'm wondering could someone offer some advice (on jersey or any other purpose built JARs) for using RESTful services on Blackberry? Otherwise we will have to build from scratch the code for consuming the RESTFul service. Or even use SOAP which I prefer not to have to do if possible.
Take a look at the JSON.org website, they have lib in Java to parse JSON data(I'v manage to make it work for BlackBerry without to much modifications.
The only thing left to do is a connection to the web service by passing the parameter you need to it. And then parse the response with the JSON lib to rebuild your data model in your native client.
And please don't use SOAP for mobile application.
Please read RIM doc for socket
You can use a httpConnection too