Why can't I see my events in Google Mobile Analytics? And another unique vists problem - iphone

I have two problems with google's mobile analytics: (I am using the native version - not web)
I see pagevies but I don't see my events. This might be since you can't configure the GA website to a native mobile app traching.
The app isn't launch yet, I am the only one using it and GA reports 14 unique visitors - ha?!

Not exactly sure what you are asking, but can't really help without seeing code regardless
More than likely the GA cookie is being removed or not being set on your phone, or your IP address is changing or both.


How to list and allow selection of input devices to be used for WebSpeech API?

Is there a way to programmatically list available input devices and allow to change the current one being used for the WebSpeech API?
I'm aware Chrome shows a video icon on the address bar where a device can be chosen, but I want to make this setting available on the web app itself.
Yes, there's a way- take a look at https://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/input/index.html, it lets the user select the input. PS: This works just for chrome.
Also you can look this example using webrtc, however I'm not sure if it can be integrated with webspeechapi: https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/devices/input-output/
Also, take a look at this post: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/10/media-devices It has a lot of information
Sorry to burst your buble but it can't be done, the only way to have access to the devices is using the system API's and the web browser limits your access to specific API's that he chooses to expose, unfortunately for you the device related ones are not exposed.
On a side note, think of the repercussions of exposing your devices to every website you visit...

PWA feature list for each browser

Where can I find list of PWA features that are supported and under development for each browser?
This will greatly help to determine if I shall develop a native app or go directly for PWA. And also know upfront what to expect in the foreseeable future in terms of browser support so that I can enhance my app with newer features.
Actually you can try
for test your browser first
Web App Manifest, and
Service Worker API
seem to be the key technologies to watch. Google's Progressive Web App Checklist mentions both of these technologies.
However, other technologies such as BeforeInstallPromptEvent, or PWA installation notifications, are explicitly discouraged by Mozilla Developer Network, MDN:
Do not use it [BeforeInstallPromptEvent] on production sites facing the Web
Also, as an aside, commercial incentives for PWA's appear to exist:
The Supreme Court signaled Apple could face a revived antitrust
lawsuit over its price control [...and 30% take] of the iPhone and
iPad App Store. -Fortune
Google indicates that a progressive web app, PWA, is:
Progressive - Works for every user, regardless of browser choice because it's built with progressive enhancement as a core tenet.
Responsive - Fits any form factor: desktop, mobile, tablet, or whatever is next. Connectivity independent - Enhanced with service
workers to work offline or on low-quality networks.
App-like - Feels like an app, because the app shell model separates the application functionality from application content .
Fresh - Always up-to-date thanks to the service worker update process.
Safe - Served via HTTPS to prevent snooping and to ensure content hasn't been tampered with.
Discoverable - Is identifiable as an "application" thanks to W3C manifest and service worker registration scope, allowing search
engines to find it.
Re-engageable - Makes re-engagement easy through features like push notifications.
Installable - Allows users to add apps they find most useful to their home screen without the hassle of an app store.
Linkable - Easily share the application via URL, does not require complex installation.
You can check this blog about the features of PWA. Also based from this documentation, Chrome, Opera and Firefox have all implemented support for service worker with Edge having positive public signals about interest in the feature. Safari briefly mentioned interest in it via one engineer's proposed five year plan. You can also check this related thread for more information.

How to add a wifi network to the list of known ones in iOS?

I am working on an app that needs to add a wifi network (i.e., SSID and password) to the list of known ones of the mobile phone, so that it connects to that network automatically even when seeing it for the first time.
I already did this on Android, and now I will start working on the iPhone version.
Question: On the iPhone, is it possible to have my app (when it runs for the first time) add a wifi network to the list of known ones of the device, and if so, any hints regarding how to do it?
Thanks a lot.
Unfortunately this is not possible on iOS.
Apple doesn't provide any public APIs to add network SSIDs or passwords.
The most you can do is to enable your app to manage the user's authentication for a public network, (as is done for things like Boingo and The Cloud). In this case, when the user joins a network, instead of a webpage opening to authenticate, your app can launch and provide the authentication - but that is as far as you can go.
We asked for clarification on this point to Apple in the dev forums and were told that it is definitely not possible. (I will try to dig out the link to that post for you when I get more time. Else, search your query on the dev forums and it might show up).
so it would seem that with iOS 6, there may be a way to do this. Boingo appear to allow a user to turn on "Auto Login" and it will login/authenticate against the access point without the user interacting/authenticating manually (I haven't tried it myself though). Is there new API calls in iOS 6 that now allows this? See this article.

What is good way to register users from phone app

We have a web application and we've built phone applications (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry) to be companions to the site. The usual workflow is that an existing user of the site gets a phone app and then plugs their existing credentials into the phone app and they are off and running, but more often now we are seeing folks who are downloading the app and then (and this should not surprise anyone) don't read the help screen that explains they need to go and get credentials at the web site and therefore cannot connect to the application which does require registration to manage their content. This is a giant usability fail condition.
So we know that we need to put user registration workflows on the phone app.
Other than the obvious solution of duplicating our registration page on the mobile, does anyone know of a better identity solution for the phone? For example, on the desktop we also use Facebook Connect as an identity server and the users love it. I'm looking for something that simple that we can implement across the major smartphone platforms.
Clarifying note:
I should add here that this registration mechanism is likely to; and it would be desirable if it did, go hand in hand with a general identity/authorization mechanism such as the Facebook mechanism mentioned below.
One other place I'm poking around is to see whether there's an openId solution that does not require a browser to pop up.
Restful service might be the e asiest way for you to achieve this, you can use it on any device that can make http requests, so you can make your own login screens and talk to the s ervice that way...
Facebook has a Connect API for the iPhone. Integrating it into your iPhone app is very smooth.
On the BlackBerry we were able to build a fairly robust REST pipeline between the client apps in the field and our servers. We primary use the framework for updates, but the device API is generic enough to be able to build almost anything you need via standard HTTP/HTTPS GET/POST calls.
On the RIM platform, look into the HttpConnection API as a starting point. There is also an example on the BlackBerry Developer's site which will help. Finally, I believe there are several examples inside the sample package that comes with every BlackBerry JDE (IDE + API download).

What is the iPhone SDK Missing?

I've been doing mobile app development for a long time (2001?), but the systems we worked with back then were dedicated mobile development environments (Symbian, J2ME, BREW). iPhone SDK is a curious hybrid of Mac OS X and Apple's take on mobile (Cocoa Touch).
But it is missing some stuff that other mobile systems have, IMO. Specifically:
Application background processing
SMS/MMS application routing (send an SMS to my application in the background)
API for accessing phone functions/call history/call interception
I realize that Apple has perfectly valid reasons for releasing the SDK the way they did. I am curious what people on SO think the SDK is missing and how would they go about fixing/adding it, were they an Engineering Product Manager at Apple.
The biggest shortcoming in my opinion is support for separating licensing from distribution.
What I mean by this is that it should be possible to download a trial version of an application and later purchase a license for that application (from an API call inside the application or from the app store). This would make it much easier to try-before-you-buy and get rid of the current duplicates of many applications with 'lite' versions.
I think lack of push notifications for apps is the big thing we're missing right now. With push, you can register your application to perform a task (like getting the most recent data from a web service) even when it's not running, at a time and frequency the OS decides is best. In an ideal world, along with the existing concept of iPhone apps loading quickly and resuming where you last left off, this solves the problem of not running in the background. I know some tasks will be more difficult or maybe impossible with this strategy, but it's still a pretty good compromise between third party applications and the iPhone's limited hardware.
Originally push was scheduled for last September, but it was removed from the beta SDK and not spoken of since then.
API's I'm personally looking for:
Apple80211 as a public API (private, current API is fine if documented)
Access to Volume buttons (semi-accessible via Celestial, private, needs new API)
Access to Calendar (private, API status unknown)
Access to Bluetooth + SPP profile (status unknown)
Access to Camera (directly, API status unknown)
Access to JavaScript runtime (directly, not through UIWebView, API status unknown)
WebKit access that's lower-level than UIWebView (private, current API is fine)
Access to Music Library (private, current API is fine)
Garbage Collection.
CoreData is missing.
You've mentioned some of the big ones - copy & paste (or in fact any way for apps to collaborate) is another huge omission.
It also seems to lack a desktop synch framework (at least if it exists I can't find it).
Language independence and especially lack of scripting is another pet peeve - objective-c is all very well but more languages to choose from would be good.
Inability to dynamically extend apps, via scripts or otherwise, is another big omission. This is partly an SDK/OS issue, partly licensing.
My list ordered by priority:
Mapping abstraction (the MapKit looks awesome), but that would require a new Google Maps TOS
Music library
Camera (photo + video) Access to more
UIViews, Apple designed some pretty nice custom ones for their apps
Better UIWebKit abstraction
The features I see missing that it should have is
Access to SMS
Direct Access to Google Maps App. You should be able have access to this so you could extend your application to use the built in features provided by Google Maps.
Access to the Bluetooth functionality of the phone.
Access to the Calendar. Why not allow access to simply post a calendar event for the user.
Access to Active Sync. It would great if we could directly access this and communicate back to the Exchange Server.
Core Image. They provide Core Animation but Core Image is missing. I hope that this is added to the API soon.
These are some of the features that my clients have access for in the past and are supprised when they are not available.
We definitely miss a Calendar API and SMS access. So many applications could leverage such APIs. The iPhone allows users to have everything in their pocket, but it's almost useless as long as developers cannot leverage this integration in their apps.
A language with proper namespaces.
A limitation that bugs me is lack of access to system features that require root or setuid. For example: opening privileged IP ports.
I'm not sure there is a good solution to this, as long as Apple's policy is to keep the device locked-down.
Allow program to set some kind of local timed event for your application to bring up an alert and launch your app if the user agrees (like any calendar app). You could do that with push notifications but there are many cases I'd hate to have to rely on a whole server infrastructure and network connectivity just to basically do some timed thing.
Some idea of what direction the user is facing. I cannot believe the GPS chip the newer iPhones use are not capable of reporting direction.
I would personally love to see
Access to the CoreTelephony Framework (Currently private). Which allows access to all the phone functions (Especially sending MMS / SMS).
Some sort of ability to run stuff in the background. While push notifications is ok for most things, but it is a bit hard to leverage CoreLocation (i.e. have the app show a notification at a certain location). Of course this would probably need an on/off button or app specific like push is.
animation view which will be reduce developer to make a cool app , of course the core business local still need consider more , but the view layer could more easy to use ....