Is there anyway to develop iPad Apps in Eclipse? - eclipse

Just not a fan of Xcode, is there like any chance?
Has anyone tried it?
Thanks in advance.

I assume you want to develop native iPad application. If yes, there is no way developing iPad application using Objective-C with Eclipse.

last i checked, the iPad doesn't run Java apps. if you're developing HTML/CSS/Javascript apps, yes. You can use Aptana. If not, you're better off working with Xcode


iphone web develop mode (inspect element) on windows safari

I found two ways how i can easier develop web app for iPhone.
But I can't do it on Windows, because for windows is only Safari 5. Have you any ideas how I can solve this problem?
Congrats on doing iOS development! As pointed out in the comments, your best bet is to be running Mac OS when developing on iOS, whether you're developing a native or web application. Just as if you were to develop a Windows application where you'd need to be running Microsoft Windows, you'll need Mac OS to do iOS development.
Good luck!
That's no big deal if you want to develop a web app because all you got to know is some XHTML and I would recommend that you get Dreamweaver for a better experience :)

Eclipse: one PhoneGap project for iPhone and Android?

I'm trying out PhoneGap, so I followed the instructions to create an Android Project in Eclipse.
But now I'm wondering how I can use this same code for building an iPhone app.
Is there something like a hybrid project in Eclipse!?
I realize now that it's not possible to use PhoneGap on Windows to develop iPhone apps? That's too bad... is there any way to use PhoneGap on Windows to compile for iOS ??
In theory PhoneGap build should allow iPhone development on Windows.
However Nitobi was bought out by Adobe (PhoneGap:Build service may have changed), and you may still need iOS to upload your app (might be able to get around with a jailbroken iOS?!).
A dodgy solution could be to install OSX in a vbox virtual machine :)
No, there is no way to develop iPhone app on Windows using PhoneGap or Titanium.
Because they need iPhone SDK and Android SDK on back-end, which is not possible on windows environment. However you can make both apps on iOS simulations.

Iphone/Jqtouch Testing without iphone

I am developing web application using jqtouch. But I don't have iphone/ipod touch. what is the best way to test html generated out of it with jqtouch.
Download and install XCode from the Apple website.
It includes an iPhone/iPad simulator, with Safari, that you can run on your system.
If you develop on MacOS, use iPhone emulator otherwise use Safari.

Does Safari support Objective-C app?

I'm wondering it there is a way to build an Objective-C applications and then integrate into an HTML page so it can be open from iPhone, Safari. Is that possible?
I'm thinking to be something similar with Flash application embedded on HTML pages by using a Flash Player plugin.
No, it's not possible. But you can use Cappuccino, which is web framework for Objective-C developers.
Safari is not build to run Objective-C apps..
You should submit your application to the AppsStore, which is the best way to distribute application over the iPhone platform.

Building iPhone app on linux

Hi all is there way to build iPhone app on linux without using xcode.I want to make use of ant.
No, there is no way to build iPhone apps on anything other than Intel Mac's. Even third party app development kits like appcelerator require the iPhone SDK to be installed in the background
Another solution, but again is not possible to compile without a Mac, is Haxe:
You need to have a MAC to install iPhone SDK, even with tools such as MonoTouch (which lets you develop in C# instead of Objective C) you still need MAC for the SDK.
Right now the only way is using MonoTouch but is using C# and is not free software.
You can develop and write for the iPhone on linux, but there is no way to compile it to an iPhone app and/or check if your code is working properly.
You'll need a mac for that or MonoTouch as said above.
If you want to create games, you can use Unity 3D but that also is not free software.