string to another view - iphone

I've followed tutorial from
passing data between classes
did it, and is working fine, but I really need to send some string value (a date) to another view, (is simple I know but Im a noob for this!),
so my problem is that I need to send this string (Date), to the other view, the string is ok, but I dont seem to get (yet)how to construct the function,
I get no warnings but the app breaks,
- (void)calendarView:(KLCalendarView *)calendarView tappedTile:(KLTile *)aTile{
NSLog(#"Date Selected is %#",[aTile date]);
string1 = [[aTile date] description];
dateis.text = string1; //label to check string is working
NSLog(#"ahi va! %#", string1);
NSString *cucux = dateis.text;
CroTime *croco = [CroTime alloc];
croco.string1 = cucux;
[self.view addSubview:croco.view];
NSLog(#"croco = %#", cucux);
Console message
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[CroTime setString1:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x5e2e1e0'
Thanks a lot!!

setString1 is a setter method which calls when you set a property value.So from your error this looks like you make a property string1 in class CroTime but you did not synthesize it.
This type of condition occur only in this case. so ensure that when you make property then synthesize it in .m file.


unrecognized selector sent to instance

I'm attempting to initialize an array and add a chapter object to an array of book objects, but it crashes with the error:
2012-07-25 21:41:01.503 Project1[2364:f803] -[__NSCFString
arrayOfChapters]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6ad80b0
2012-07-25 21:41:01.505 Project1[2364:f803] * Terminating app due to
uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason:
'-[__NSCFString arrayOfChapters]: unrecognized selector sent to
instance 0x6ad80b0'
My code:
Chapter *myChapter = [[Chapter alloc]init];
myChapter.pageCount = self.TextField2.text;
myChapter.chapterTitle = self.TextField1.text;
currentBook.arrayOfChapters = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
currentBook = [books objectAtIndex:segControl.selectedSegmentIndex];
[currentBook.arrayOfChapters addObject:myChapter];
I think the code is correct, is there something set up wrong with my project? I believe it's the initialization which is causing the actual crash, but there isn't anything non-standard there.
you can make a breakpoint on the line "if(!currentBook.arrayOfChapters)" to check whether the currentBook is nil;
make a breakpoint on the line"currentBook = [books objectAtIndex:segControl.selectedSegmentIndex];
" to check whether the segControl.selectedSegmentIndex >= [books count]
It looks like currentBook is a string or not initialized.
I may be misreading this but...
// creating array for current book
currentBook.arrayOfChapters = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
// reassigning a new book to current book. Are you sure this new one has array of chapters?
currentBook = [books objectAtIndex:segControl.selectedSegmentIndex];
// trying to access array of chapters
[currentBook.arrayOfChapters addObject:myChapter];
Shouldn't you be assigning first and then creating array if it's not already there?

Problems Making a Deep Copy of NSMutableAttributedString

I'm trying to make a deep copy of an NSMutableAttributedString called text using another NSMutableAttributedString called textBackup. Both are properties set to #property (nonatomic, retain), and I create the backup as follows:
NSMutableAttributedString *textBackupTemp = [self.text mutableCopy];
self.textBackup = textBackupTemp;
[textBackupTemp release];
Then later on, when a certain scenario occurs, I need to restore the copy:
NSMutableAttributedString *textTemp = [self.textBackup mutableCopy];
self.text = textTemp;
[textTemp release];
This seems to work fine, however the next time I access text like the following:
[self.text.string characterAtIndex: self.cursor.position-1]
I get the following error:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '-[__NSCFString characterAtIndex:]: Range or index out of bounds'
The string size has changed to 1 instead of 43 like it should be. What could possibly be going on here...
EDIT: Updated the problem.
This was just a stupid error on my part, I had put #property(nonatomic, assign) for my textBackup instance variable. I changed it to retain and now everything works.

NSNumber causing a SIGABRT

I have a strange problem (strange if you ask me). Im using a NSNumber object to store a number (doh). When I try to "modify" it it crashes my application. The code I'm using looks like this:
if ([frequency intValue] > 19999)
frequency = [NSNumber numberWithInt:([frequency intValue] + 1)]; //I think this line is causing me the problem
[freqLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i Hz", [frequency intValue]]];
Where is frequency the NSNumber and freqLabel my label to which I write the value every time this gets called.
Why is this incorrect? It works when I call it for the first time. Is it that NSNumber numberWithInt always returns a new object which I'm trying to assign to frequency?
How do I fix this? Whats the correct way to change a NSNumber's value?
Sorry for my bad english (if there are any mistakes).
The error log looks like this:
[__NSCFType intValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x73430e0
2012-05-09 16:39:28.064 MyApp[31939:10703] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFType intValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x73430e0'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x17a6022 0x28afcd6 0x17a7cbd 0x170ced0 0x170ccb2 0x4821 0x17a7e99 0x49d14e 0x49d0e6 0x543ade 0x543fa7 0x543266 0x4c23c0 0x4c25e6 0x4a8dc4 0x49c634 0x2e49ef5 0x177a195 0x16deff2 0x16dd8da 0x16dcd84 0x16dcc9b 0x2e487d8 0x2e4888a 0x49a626 0x1cca 0x1c15)
terminate called throwing an exception
But it doesn't always show this error. Sometimes it causes an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Should I store my variable in a temporary NSNumber?
You can't just alloc/init something once and then you have a lifelong reference to that type. When you assign frequency to numberWithInt, then you are overwriting the previous alloc/init value with an autorelease value (which will be released later and cause the exact behavior you are describing). The reason it works with self.frequency is because your property is set as a retain property, so it automatically retains the autorelease value. Add a retain to your numberWithInt line and it will be fine (or do what you are doing now with self.frequency).
I would try doing this instead
int myNumber = ([frequency intValue] + 1);
frequency = [NSNumber numberWithInt:myNumber];
Yes, numberWithInt: does indeed return a new object. You're probably not retaining this object. Just properly retain frequency when assigning it a new NSNumber. Without context, I'm not sure the best way to accomplish this, but one way is to make frequency a property of your object and using the accessor method.
It would seem that you've already initialized and assigned some value prior to NSNumber, like you have it inside an array for example.
Basically NSNumber objects are immutable, so changing their value is not possible anyway.
You can do it this workaround if you use it inside an array:
NSMutableArray *myOldArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
myOldInt = 3;
myOldArray[4] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:myOldInt]; // for example
NSMutableArray *myNewArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
myInt = myOldInt+2;
NSMutableArray *row = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:myOldArray[1],myOldArray[2],myOldArray[3],[NSNumber numberWithInt:myInt],[NSNumber numberWithInt:myInt2],nil];
[myNewArray addObject:row];

Simple functions giving me a crash on Objective-C

I'm coding a simple calculator and I want to make an unique function for all 4 arithmetic buttons. I got here:
if (isNumeric(campo1.text)) {
NSString *str=campo1.text;
int S=1;
NSString *cmp1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", S];
} else {
campo1.text=#"Only numeric values";
But, for some reason, I cant get this to work. Everytime I click in the button, I get a crash.
So, I check where really was the error and I deleted the whole code:
campo1.text=#"Only numeric values";
Those lines of code appear to gave me the same error as before
I'm getting a 'green :marker' on this file:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); <--------- This line right here
[pool release];
return retVal;
On the debud console im getting this:
2011-09-30 09:17:14.319 Teste iPhone[28432:fb03] Applications are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
2011-09-30 09:17:21.714 Teste iPhone[28432:fb03] -[Teste_iPhoneAppDelegate simbolo1]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6b7c2d0
2011-09-30 09:17:21.715 Teste iPhone[28432:fb03] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[Teste_iPhoneAppDelegate simbolo1]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6b7c2d0'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x166d062 0x17fed0a 0x166ecfd 0x15d3f10 0x15d3cf2 0x166eed9 0x16eb2 0x16e4a 0xbc3e6 0xbc8af 0xbbb6e 0x3c2a0 0x3c4c6 0x22c74 0x16399 0x1557fa9 0x16411d5 0x15a6042 0x15a492a 0x15a3dd4 0x15a3ceb 0x1556879 0x155693e 0x1438b 0x272d 0x26a5)
terminate called throwing an exception(gdb)
There is not enough information to help you. You need to look in the debugger console and show us the error and the stack.
However, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you didn't connect the campo1 IBOutlet to its UIView in Interface Builder, and that it's nil. To fix, edit the view in Interface Builder (or in Xcode 4, just click on it), and drag the little circle next to the campo1 outlet (in the Connections tab) onto the UIView component that you want it to correspond to.
If that's not it, the error isn't here, but is probably caused by something else in your program.
[EDIT after seeing console]: Your connections look misconfigured. Why would it try to send the simbolo1 selector to Teste_iPhoneAppDelegate? It should send it to your ViewController. Did you play around with the connections (specifically, the delegate one) in Interface Builder -- or the class?
to set text in UITextField use
[campo1 setText:#"Only numeric values"];
and also don't forget to link IBOutlet UITextField* campo1; to proper UITextField in XCode IB

What is NSString in struct?

I've defined a struct and want to assign one of its values to a NSMutableDictionary. When I try, I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Here is the code:
//in .h file
typedef struct {
NSString *valueOne;
NSString *valueTwo;
} myStruct;
myStruct aStruct;
//in .m file
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
aStruct.valueOne = #"firstValue";
//at some later time
[myDictionary setValue:aStruct.valueOne forKey:#"key1"]; //dies here with EXC_BAD_ACCESS
This is the output in debugger console:
(gdb) p aStruct.valueOne
$1 = (NSString *) 0xf41850
Is there a way to tell what the value of aStruct.valueOne is?
Since it is an NSString, why does the dictionary have such a problem with it?
------------- EDIT -------------
This edit is based on some comments below.
The problem appears to be in the struct memory allocation. I have no issues assigning the struct value to the dictionary in viewDidLoad, as mentioned in one of the comments. The problem is that later on, I run into an issue with the struct. Just before the error, I do:
po aStruct.oneValue
Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000000
0x9895cedb in objc_msgSend ()
The program being debugged was signaled while in a function called from GDB.
GDB has restored the context to what it was before the call.
To change this behavior use "set unwindonsignal off"
Evaluation of the expression containing the function (_NSPrintForDebugger) will be abandoned.
This occurs just before the EXC_BAD_ACCESS:
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"MM-dd-yy_HH-mm-ss-A"];
NSString *date = [formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
[formatter release];
aStruct.valueOne = date;
So the memory issue is most likely in my releasing of formatter. The date var has no retain. Should I instead be doing
NSString *date = [[formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]] retain];
Which does work but then I'm left with a memory leak.
I recreated your code and put the NSDictionary setValue method, right under the aStruct.valueOne = #"firstValue" line. It works perfectly without any error. So, your problem is not with the NSString, but with one of the objects (either aStruct or myDictionary) getting deallocated somewhere down the line. You can try the following:
static myStruct aStruct;
To print the value of aStruct.valueOne, you may use:
NSLog(#"aStruct.valueOne = %# \n", aStruct.valueOne);
Also, you can check the retain counts of myDictionary to see if it is still allocated. However, trying to check for the retain count of an already deallocated object will result in an error. But it will tell you in the error log, that the object is already deallocated.
NSLog(#"Retain Count of myDictionary = %i \n", myDictionary.retainCount);
Hope that helps.
Not sure why it's crashing, but instead of p, use po and it will print the contents of the NSString or description of any NS/CF object.
Try to enable zombies to check where do you over-release objects. Project -> Edit Active Executable -> Arguments tab -> Add variable NSZombieEnabled and assign it YES. (and set checkbox to YES).
Then you should get more info about your error in the trace.
Don't forget to disable NSZombieEnabled checkbox then.
When you assign a valueOne:
aStruct.valueOne = #"firstValue";
you actually create NSString object and put it into autorelease pool. So later when you try to get that object to pass it to your dictionary, it might be autoreleased already, that's why you are getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS. You have to implement some method which will do memory management for you when you assign new pointers to your struct. Something like this:
- (void)setValueOne:(NSString *)newValueOne {
[aStruct.valueOne autorelease];
aStruct.valueOne = [newValueOne retain];
So in your viewDidLoad you have to use your new method:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// make sure it is nil "on startup" because setValueOne: method will send autorelease method
aStruct.valueOne = nil;
aStruct.valueTwo = nil;
[self setValueOne:#"firstValue"];
Any 'class *instance' is a pointer to an object. That $1 = (NSString *) 0xf41850 you see is actually the pointer to the memory space that is currently allocated to hold valueOne. The issue usually associated with EXEC BAD ACCESS is that the memory space is not permanently allocated to hold valueOne, and is reclaimed later on, usually as soon as the method finishes execution (called garbage collection). Then, when you later try to access it, like from a different method or even the same method but on a subsequent execution, the system says 'hey, that memory address is used for something else", it throws the Exec Bad Access error.
Is there a way to tell what the value
of aStruct.valueOne is?
Well, the debugger, at the moment you establish the value, should be able to pick up on the definition and show you the literal value; it should know that the memory space at 0xf41850 maps to an NSString class, which is an array of bytes of some length, and that the bytes at that address are encoded a certain way, and thus should map into some string that can be displayed on your display in the debugger. However, later on, no, the system has no (valid) idea of what that space contains, since it could contain, well, anything.
So, when you run into EXEC BAD ACCESS, it means that you are not retaining that value for long enough period, either because you have not purposely retained it, or have released it (on purpose or inadvertently let the system release it).