T-SQL Trigger After Delete - tsql

Situation: Let's say you have a database of organizations, students, and course purchases, and an administrator wants to get a refund for a course they assigned out. The software doesn't support refunds by default. You don't have access to the source code, but you can set up triggers in the database.
Database Structure:
General idea is that, when an entry (or more than one!) is removed from the purchases table, a trigger runs to update the account balance of the appropriate organization. amount_to_refund can be null or zero, so no refund is given in that case. Refunds should also not be given if time_of_purchase was more than 30 days ago.
Any ideas how to pull this off? I've been modeling it off of another trigger, but am getting thrown off by the UPDATE ... FROM ... syntax, which I can't say I've used before. I have looked at MSDN, but I'm a bit overwhelmed.
Optionally, I'd also like to insert rows into another table (not documented here) containing the refund amount and organization ID. I just need a general idea where this fits in and can probably handle the rest myself.

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TrgPurchasesDelete] ON [dbo].[Purchases] FOR DELETE
account_balance = account_balance + DLTD.ammount_to_refund
[dbo].[Organizations] ORGA
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Students] STDT ON
STDT.organization_id = ORGA.organization_id
DLTD.student_id = STDT.student_id
DLTD.ammount_to_refund > 0
AND DLTD.time_of_purchase > DATEADD(DAY, -30, SYSDATE)


How to design security policies for a following system including counters in postgres/supabase if postgres functions are used?

I am unsure how to design security policies for a following system including counters in postgres/supabase. My database includes two tables:
xyz |tobi| 1
follower| following
uuid_1 | uuid_2
Once a user follows a different user, I would like to use a postgres function/transaction to
Insert a new following-follower relationship
Update the followed users' counter
create follower_relationship(follower_id, following_id);
update increment_counter_of_followed_person(following_id);
The constraint should be that the users table (e.g. the name column) can only be altered by the user owning the row. However, the follower_counter should open to changes from users who start following that user.
What is the best security policy design here? Should I add column security or should exclude the counters to a different table?
Do I have to pass parameters to the "block transaction" to ensure that the update and insert functions are called with the needed rights? With which rights should I call the block function?
It might be better to take a different approach to solve this problem. Instead of having a column dedicated to counting the followers, I would recommend actually counting the number of followers when you query the users. Since you already have Following-Relationship table, we just need to count the rows within the table where following or follower is the querying user.
When you have a counter, it might be hard to keep the counter accurate. You have to make sure the number gets decremented when someone unfollows. What if someone blocks a user? What if a user was deleted? There could be a lot of situations that could throw off the counter.
If you count the number of followings/followers on the fly, you don't need to worry about those situations at all.
Now obvious concern with this approach that you might have is performance, but you should not worry too much about it. Postgres is a powerful database that has been battle tested for decades, and with a proper index in place, it can easily perform these query on the fly.
The easiest way of doing this in Supabase would be to create a view like this the following. Once you create a view, you can query it from your Supabase client just like a typical table!
create or replace view profiles as
(select count(*) from following_relationship where followed_user_id = id) as follower_count,
(select count(*) from following_relationship where following_user_id = id) as following_count
from users;

Aggregate data while inserting into raw table

I'm currently building a forum alike application. Users will be able to see recent posts with the total like count. If the post is interesting to the user, they can like it as well and contribute to the total like count.
The normalized approach would be to have two tables: user_post(contains id, metadata ...), liked_post(which includes the user id + post id). When posts are getting queried, the like count would be determined with the COUNT() statement on the liked_post table grouped by the post id.
Im thinking of another approach, which requires no group by on a potential huge table. That would be to add a like_count column to the user_post table and break the normalization. This column would be always updated when a new liked_post entry gets inserted or deleted. That means: Every time a user likes a post -> there will be an update on the user_post table (increment the like_count column) + insert/delete entity in liked_post table (With a trigger or code in App layer).
Would this aggregation on the fly approach have any disadvantages, except for consistency concerns? This would enable very simple and fast select queries but Im not sure if the additional update would be an issue.
What are your thoughts ?
Im really interested in the performance impact and not if you should do this from the project begin or not.
Your idea is correct and widely used. Problem that you will face:
how do you make sure that like_count is valid? Can this number be delayed or approximated somehow?
In general you can do this following ways
update like_count within application code
update like_count by triggers
If you want to have exact values correct you could accumulate those sums by triggers or do it programatically ensuring that like count update is always within same transaction that insert to liked_posts
Using triggers it could be something like this:
CREATE FUNCTION public.update_like_count() RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
UPDATE user_post SET user_post.liked_count = user_post.liked_count + 1
WHERE user_post.id = NEW.post_id;
CREATE TRIGGER update_like_counts
AFTER INSERT ON public.liked_posts
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.update_like_count();
Also you should handle AFTER DELETE by separate trigger.
Be aware that depending on transaction isolation level you might enter concurrency problem here (if 2 inserts are done at the same time - like_count may be exactly same number for two transactions) and end up with invalid total.
So I've had a problem similar to this in the past, the solution I went with is similar to what you've described, which is having an aggregated stored value like_count. Like you mentioned the only downside would be consistency concerns however this problem exists even in the former.
The solution to something like this lies more in the application dev, so utilizing something like web-sockets to keep posts up to date, without too much fluff
When a user's browser/client loads a post they join a room with the post id, and when user interacts with a post ( like, dislike etc ) that interaction is broadcasted to all users in that room ( post id ).
Finally when it comes to finding out which users liked this post, you can query/load at the point of when the user clicks to find out. ~ cheers

How do I do conditional check, return error, or continue?

A user wants to invite a friend but I want to do a check first. For example:
SELECT friends_email from invites where friends_email = $1 limit 1;
If that finds one then I want to return a message such as "This friend already invited."
If that does not find one then I want to do an insert
INSERT INTO invites etc...
but then I need to return the primary user's region_id
SELECT region_id from users where user_id = $2
What's the best way to do this?
EDIT --------------------------------------------------------------
After many hours below is what I ended up with in 'plpgsql'.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM invitations WHERE email = friends_email) THEN
return 'Already Invited';
INSERT INTO invitations (email) VALUES (friends_email);
return 'Invited';
I undestand that there are probably dozens of better ways but this worked for me.
Without writing the exact code snippet for you...
Consider solving this problem by shaping your data to conform to your business rules. If you can only invite someone once, then you should have an "invites" table that reflects this by a UNIQUE rule across whatever columns define a unique invite. If it is just an email address, then declare the "invites.email" as a unique column.
Then do an INSERT. Write the insert so that it takes advantage of Postgres' RETURNING clause to give an answer on success. If the INSERT fails (because you already have that email address -- which was the point of the check you wanted to do), then catch the failure in your application code, and return the appropriate response.
catch error.UniqueFail
return "He's already been invited"
# ...do other stuff
(data fields + SELECT region thingy)
(some arrangement of data that includes "region_id")
RETURNING region_id
If that's hard to make work the first time you try it, phrasing the insert target as a CTE may be helpful. If all else fails, write it procedurally in plpgsql for the time being, making sure the external interface accepts a normal INSERT (so you don't have to change application code later) and sort it out once you know whether or not performance is an issue.
The basic idea here is to let the relational shape of your data obviate the need for any procedural checking wherever you can. That's at the heart of relational data modeling ...somewhat of a lost art these days.
You can create SQL stored procedure for implement functionality like described above.
But it is wrong form architecture point of view. See: Direct database manipulation an anti-pattern?
DB have scope of responsibility: store data.
You have to put business logic into your business layer.

TSQL - Deleting with Inner Joins and multiple conditions

My question is a variation on one already asked and answered (TSQL Delete Using Inner Joins) but I have a different level of complexity and I couldn't see a solution to it.
My requirement is to delete Special Prices which haven't been accessed in 90 days. Special Prices are keyed on Customer ID and Product ID and the products have to matched to a Customer Order Detail table which also contains a Customer ID and a Product ID. I want to write one function that will look at the Special Price table for each Customer, compare each Product for that Customer with the Customer Order Detail table and if the Maximum Order Date is more than 90 days earlier than today, delete it from the Special Price table.
I know I can use a CURSOR (slow but effective) but would prefer to have a single query like the one in the TSQL Delete Using Inner Joins example. Any ideas and/or is more information required?
I cannot dig more on the situation of your system but i think and if it is ok for you, check MERGE STATEMENT, it might be a help instead of using cursors. check this Link MERGE STATEMENT

Oracle 10g: What's a good, academic approach to keeping a record from being updated consecutive times?

We have a table called Contracts. These contract records are created by users on an external site and must be approved or rejected by staff on an internal site. When a contract is rejected, it's simply deleted from the db. When it's accepted, however, a new record is generated called Contract Acceptance which is written to its own table and is derived from data that exists on the contract.
The problem is that two internal staff members may each end up opening the same contract. The first user accepts and a contract acceptance record is generated. Then, with the same contract record still open on the page, the second user accepts the contract again, creating a duplicate acceptance record.
The quick and dirty way to get past this is to retrieve the contract from the db just before it's accepted, check the status, and produce an error message saying that it's already been accepted. This would probably work for most circumstances, but the users could still click the Accept button at the exact same time and sneak by this validation code.
I've also considered a thread lock deep in the data layer that prevents two threads from entering the same region of code at the same time, but the app exists on two load-balanced servers, so the users could be on separate servers which would render this approach useless.
The only method I can think of would have to exist at the database. Conceptually, I would like to somehow lock the stored procedure or table so that it can't be updated twice at the same time, but perhaps I don't understand Oracle enough here. How do updates work? Are update requests somehow queued up so that they do not occur at the exact same time? If this is so, I could check the status of the record in th SQL and return a value in an out parameter stating it has already been accepted. But if update requests aren't queued then two people could still get into the update sql at the exact same time.
Looking for good suggestions on how to go about this.
First, if there can only be one Contract Acceptance per Contract, then Contract Acceptance should have the Contract ID as its own primary (or unique) key: that will make duplicates impossible.
Second, to prevent the second user from trying to accept the contract while the first user is accepting it, you can make the acceptance process lock the Contract row:
select ...
from Contract
where contract_id = :the_contract
for update nowait;
insert into Contract_Acceptance ...
The second user's attempt to accept will then fail with an exception :
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with nowait specified
In general, there are two approaches to the problem
Option 1: Pessimistic Locking
In this scenario, you're pessimistic so you lock the row in the table when you select it. When a user queries the Contracts table, they'd do something like
FROM contracts
WHERE contract_id = <<some contract ID>>
Whoever selects the record first will lock it. Whoever selects the record second will get an ORA-00054 error that the application will then catch and let them know that another user has already locked the record. When the first user completes their work, they issue their INSERT into the Contract_Acceptance table and commit their transaction. This releases the lock on the row in the Contracts table.
Option 2: Optimistic Locking
In this scenario, you're being optimistic that the two users won't conflict so you don't lock the record initially. Instead, you select the data you need along with a Last_Updated_Timestamp column that you add to the table if it doesn't already exist. Something like
SELECT <<list of columns>>, Last_Updated_Timestamp
FROM Contracts
WHERE contract_id = <<some contract ID>>
When a user accepts the contract, before doing the INSERT into Contract_Acceptance, they issue an UPDATE on Contracts
UPDATE Contracts
SET last_updated_timestamp = systimestamp
WHERE contract_id = <<some contract ID>>
AND last_update_timestamp = <<timestamp from the initial SELECT>>;
The first person to do this update will succeed (the statement will update 1 row). The second person to do this will update 0 rows. The application detects the fact that the update didn't modify any rows and tells the second user that someone else has already processed the row.
In Either Case
In either case, you probably want to add a UNIQUE constraint to the Contract_Acceptance table. This will ensure that there is only one row in the Contract_Acceptance table for any given Contract_ID.
ALTER TABLE Contract_Acceptance
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_contract_id UNIQUE (Contract_ID)
This is a second line of defense that should never be needed but protects you in case the application doesn't implement its logic correctly.