facebook registration plugin with working solution - facebook

Can somebody show me a working code example of facebook registration plugin in asp.net? I need to fetch the data from the url.
I dont want to use any 3rd party dll's and toolkit. Isn't there a simpler way of doing this..? really frustrated now.I simply want to get data from the registration plugin.
There are tons of question over here without any answer...please don't redirect me to some other pages. If you know the answer please post it here..
I am using the iframe example as shown on the developers.facebook.com website.
I need an asp.net c# sample.

Why dont you check out http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/web. They hav given step by step as to how to have a registration plugin.

Here is some c# code to decode the signed_request.
How to decode OAuth 2.0 for Canvas signed_request in C#?
If the code works for you, can you send me a pull request and I'll put it in my example set?


collect picture from comments in facebook page status

I currently need to collect pictures-comment (someone comment by pasting a picture) from facebook page group
I have done some research and find that
1.Support for this hasn't yet been added to the Graph API and as with many of the other messaging APIs, it's currently only avaialable for testing (i.e you must be a developer of the app to use it presently)
View attachments in threads
2.You have to use the old php SDK until graph supports attachments
Posting Attachment Facebook Graph API
could any one provide some codes to me?
I need to know
Are the two approaches really works?? If yes, then... If no, I guess i will need to write/find a crawler (but it again sounds difficult as facebook group page is dynamic web)
What should I do if I want to follow 1st approach?
Should I register as developer and set up an app and...? (I have no experience in setting up facebook app and would appreciate any useful step-by-step tutorial)
If I am going the 2nd approach (php SDK), are there are tutorial as I have no idea what should I do next.
I know java, c++ and little js but facebook apis are something really new to me.
Really appreciate any help.

Do I need a library for Codeigniter to create a Facebook application?

Do I need an entire library to crate a Facebook app with Codeigniter? I have not made an app for Facebook before the the developer documentation looked simiple. Beyond using my "secret" id for my app what else would I need to do to send my output via my view back to the facebook canvas? Are things more complicated than they seem? Don't I just output to my view as normal except things go to the canvas? Thanks.
No, you do not need a library. You can make all requests to the Facebook Graph api using cURL or any other method to call urls. However using the Facebook PHP SDK does help, it has a lot of helper methods that you'll find useful, do check this link to the documentation for the sdk, it's helpful.Hope this answer helps you.
p.s: And yeah you just output to your view as any other web app
No, you do not need a library, but it will make the process much smoother and take care of a lot of baseline functionality that you will need.
You might checkout my post here to see exactly how to integrate the offical facebook SDK within a codeigniter application as a stand alone library...

Facebook IFrame App Validating Registration Form Fields

I'm creating a website in C# ASP.NET and I'm trying to integrate Facebook. I've used a Facebook IFrame as my registration form and the Facebook C# SDK here http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/ to access Facebook user details. So far I've figured out how to add the fields I require in the Facebook IFrame, and using the SDK I know how to decrypt the data posted back to me from the signed request field server side.
My question is how can I add validation to the fields before they are posted? It seems that the password field I've added to the Facebook IFrame registration form already has some validation since the password must be at least 8 characters, but I'm not sure how this is being done or if/how I can possibly customise it.
Hopefully someone out there can help point me in the right direction. Thanks for reading.
Sigh! To answer my own question I finally found this documentation here...
I've reviewed that documentation and still can't find a way to add custom validations to fields such as 'email'. It appears to me that only custom fields can have validations. Have you experienced this as well?
Client side validation in registeration plugin is only available in "xfmbl". you cannot perform validation using iframe.. see advance uses of registration plugin..
under the heading of Client Side Validation, it clearly states
If you want to add validation to any of your fields during
registration, you must use the XFBML version of the plugin, since the
iframe can't do cross domain communication.
hope it helps...

How to connect to Twitter from iPhone?

I need share on twitter in my application through iPhone.App has to tweet in the twitter. There is a button action on clicking which twitter login page should open.
How to do this?
Code for this appreciable..
Thank You.
You can use Twitter-OAuth-iPhone. However, if you are using SDK < 3.2 then you need to download an old version. There is a demo app included which shows how to login and tweet clearly.
For a tutorial on this, check this.
Basically you need to refer to Twitter's page for libraries using OAuth on iOS.
Alternatively you may always use the "?status=" method:
http://mobile.twitter.com/?status=<YOUR MSG IN URI-ENCODED FORM>
However that may not work if the user have not signed in yet. Try the OAuth methods which would be harder to implement but safer for sending messages.

Aggregating and displaying facebook and twitter status updates on Coldfusion Page

As an experiment I'd like to set up a coldfusion page that will pull and display the status updates from my own facebook account and twitter accounts that fall within an input date range; similar to tools like
and http://www.davidcramer.net/lifestream
I assume this will involve working with the facebook and twitter apis, which I have some experience with when working with mobile apps; but I've never tried to do something like this with a coldfusion page before. Eventually I'd like to pull other things like images and such, but for a first test just status updates is fine. Does anyone have sample code and/or pointers that could assist me in this endeavor? Thank you very much in advance.
Edit: I'm interested in a variant of this idea involving a database, and I've opened up a new question regarding such: Pulling facebook and twitter status updates into a SQL database via Coldfusion Page
In addition, you should check out RIAForge, which has CF code to handle both Twitter and Facebook APIs.
For Twitter see this..
Have a look at this coldfusion wrapper for the twitter API here, really easy to set up and grab the data from your twitter feed.
I also use the twitter4j library to access my twitter account on my coldfusion site, I followed the tutorial here to get started.