First generation iPod for development - iphone

I just found an iPod first generation. Can this version (1.1.5) be used for development?
Can you make an iOS 4 software version restore?

iOS 4 cannot run on a first- (or second-) generation iPod or iPhone.

3.1.3 actually a good platform to test on if you want to support all Apple's devices. But I would recommend getting a new iPod/iPhone to test iOS 4.

You can easily install iPhone OS 3.1.3 onto it and use it for development. That's the maximum available version for this device.
You'll also need to set Deployment Target in your project settings in Xcode to 3.1.3 or lower.


Will iphone 5.1 deployment target reach all iphones upon release of ios 6?

I am new to iphone app development and am wondering which deployment target to use (as ios 6 approaches). My app is simple (http web service interaction, map) and my natural inclination is to target 3.1 to maximize potential use. However, I understand that ios 6 will soon be available to all iphones and I presume it will be widely adopted.
So, if I target 5.1 today, will my app be available to most, if not all, iphone users once ios 6 is released?
Right now, requiring a minimum of 5.1 is a bit bold in my opinion, but that depends on your app. It is customary to support the current version and the previous major release.
If you want to expand your target, you may considering going back to 4.3 or even all the way down to 4.0. But 3.x is practically obsolete. but:
Warning: Don't target a version you can not test on device. If you don't have a device running 4.0, testing your app only on the 4.0 simulator is not recommended (although perhaps it is OK. No assurance).
The iPhone 3G can run up to iOS 4.2.
All other phones and iPads can run the latest OS (5.1.1)
Not sure about iPod Touch devices but 3rd (and 4th) gen. should run iOS 5.
You can use 5.1.1 as deployment target if it is available to your menu.. if not 5.1 is best for your needs for now.
This way all (Who have not updated to IOS 6) can use your app...
Best luck for app development.

How to test iOS 5.0 app on Xcode 4.2?

I can change my deployment target from 3.0 to 4.3 and test that my application is compatible with all these versions but how can I test if my application is compatible with all versions including iOS 5.0? Any idea regarding the same? Also note that I have iPhone 3GS with iOS 4.0.2 and need to test in iOS 5.0. Hope to get a good help. Thanks.
Eventually, you'll need to get a device that has iOS 5 installed. Without that, you can only test this in the iOS 5 simulator.
Also note that changing the deployment target is not enough to test if your app is compatible with that OS version. Basically, this just means that you promise that it'll run from this version upwards, but it doesn't enforce that you don't use any APIs that might not be available there.
I you wanna do it properly, you will have to get every device there is, with every version you want to support ... that is, imho, overkill. I just test my Apps on the 4.3 and 5.0 Simulator in XCode and on my 5.0 iPhone 4. And have not had any problems with that 'til now.
BTW you should update your 3GS to 5.0.1.
To test in the simulator with iOS5, you can set the OS version with the Version submenu of the simulator's Hardware menu.

How do you test against a specific version when you don't have a device with the version?

I have 3.1.2 device and have used 3.1.2 as minimum iOS requirement for my app.
Now I want to set the minimum iOS requirement for my app to 4.0.
The problem is it seems there's no way I can upgrade my device to 4.0 without jailbreaking.
(and it seems if I jailbreak my device, I won't be able to test IAP)
Hence, I can only update the device's iOS to 5.0, and I won't have 4.0 device to test against.
What do you do when you are in such a situation?
Yes that is a problem, i've faced my self. I still own an iPhone 3G which is still running 4.2.1 and I can down grade it to iOS 4.0 My iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4S are stuck on iOS 5.
I've used testflight to for an open beta to get 20 test with different iOS version, which if it is possible can help a bit. But getting and iPhone 3G or second gen iPod touch might help.
You can install all version of the iOS (up to the one they support) on them since there is real install check done. You might need a tool to finish the installation if it hangs on the final step, but there is no need to jailbreak them.
You may need to buy an old used iOS device running the old OS version which you want to test against. You could sell your other test device with an unusable OS version to help pay for it.

iPhone 3.2 simulator

I'm working with a legacy app with a deployment target of 3.0. I have a crash being reported on iOS 3.1.3 for iPhone. In xcode 4 the only 3.x simulator I see listed is iPad 3.2
How do I test iOS 3.1.3 for iPhone?
See Install xCode 3.2.3 w/ iPhone SDK 4, get "Base SDK missing", can't see other SDKs for an extended discussion of this topic. Also, links to older Xcode and iOS SDK versions can be found at
Buy a used iPhone or iPod Touch that has 3.1.3 installed and don't update the iOS on it. I have a 3G with 313, no cell service and just use it for testing on wifi. This is also useful to see check what the performance is like on a slower phone.
However, many 3.1.3 crashes are caused by using a 4.0 API call or object that is only in 4.0. You can find those problems on the 3.2 simulator.
It's not possible actually with Xcode4. If you can get old version of Xcode3.1 with iOS SDK 3.1 and install it side by side with Xcode4 then it may be possible.

Make universal binary for IOS4 (iPhone 4) and 3G

How to make universal binary of one app, which can correctly run on 3G and support multitasking on iPhone 4?
The term "universal binary" here is a misnomer, since that is only for iPad/iPhone combined apps. If all you want to do is compile a build that works on both iPhone 4 and iPhone 3G, you need to download and install SDK 4, set 4.0 as the "Base SDK", and then set your "Deployment Target" to whatever minimum version of iOS you want to allow to run your app. Some people use a setting of 3.1.3, some people keep that setting at 4.0.
This is documented in the iPad Programming Guide under Starting Your Project.