User expectations and unicode normalization - unicode

This is a bit of a soft question, feel free to let me know if there's a better place for this.
I'm developing some code that accepts a password that requires international characters - so I'll need to compare an input unicode string with a stored unicode string. Easy enough.
My question is this - do users of international character sets generally expect normalization in such a case? My Google searches show some conflicts in opinion from 'always do it' ( to 'don't bother'. Are there any pros/cons to not normalizing? (i.e., less likely to able guess a password, etc.)

I would recommend that if your password field accepts Unicode input (presumably UTF-8 or UTF-16), that you normalize it before hashing and comparing. If you don't normalize it, and people access it from different systems (different operating systems, or different browsers if it's a web app, or with different locales), then you may get the same password represented with different normalization. This would mean that your user would type the correct password, but have it rejected, and it would not be obvious why, nor would they have any way to fix it.

I wouldn't bother for a couple reasons:
You're going to make things less secure. If two or more characters are all represented in your DB as the same thing, then that means there are fewer possible passwords for the site. (Though this probably isn't a huge deal, since the number of possible passwords is pretty huge.)
You will be building code into your program that does complicated work that is (probably) part of a library you didn't write...and eventually somebody won't be able to log in as a result. Better in my mind to keep things simple, and to trust that people using different character sets know how to type them properly. That said, I've never implemented this in an international password form, so I couldn't tell you what the standard design pattern is.


Picking a check digit algorithm

I am generating random OTP-style strings that serve as a short-term identifier to link two otherwise unrelated systems (which have authentication at each end). These need to be read and re-entered by users, so in order to reduce the error rate and reduce the opportunities for forgery, I'd like to make one of the digits a check digit. At present my random string conforms to the pattern (removing I and O to avoid confusion):
I want to append one extra decimal digit for the check. So far I've implemented this as a BLAKE2 hash (from libsodium) that's converted to decimal and truncated to 1 char. This gives only 10 possibilities for the check digit, which isn't much. My primary objective is to detect single character errors in the input.
This approach kind of works, but it seems that one digit is not enough to detect single char errors, and undetected errors are quite easy to find, for example K37705 and K36705 are both considered valid.
I do not have a time value baked into this OTP; instead it's purely random and I'm relying on keeping a record of the OTPs that have been generated recently for each user, which are deleted periodically, and I'm reducing opportunities for brute-forcing by rate and attempt-count limiting.
I'm guessing that BLAKE2 isn't a good choice here, but given there are only 10 possibilities for the result, I don't know that others will be better. What would be a better algorithm/approach to use?
Frame challenge
Why do you need a check digit?
It doesn't improve security, and a five digits is trivial for most humans to get correct. Check if server side and return an error message if it's wrong.
Normal TOTP tokens are commonly 6 digits, and actors such as google has determined that people in general manage to get them orrect.

How do I store Argon2 passwords in my database?

I'm trying to store user passwords in my DB using Argon2 algorithm.
This is what I obtain by using it:
$echo -n "password" | argon2 "smallsalt" -id -t 4 -m 18 -p 4
Type: Argon2id
Iterations: 4
Memory: 262144 KiB
Parallelism: 4
Hash: cb4447d91dd62b085a555e13ebcc6f04f4c666388606b2c401ddf803055f54ac
Encoded: $argon2id$v=19$m=262144,t=4,p=4$c21hbGxzYWx0$y0RH2R3WKwhaVV4T68xvBPTGZjiGBrLEAd34AwVfVKw
1.486 seconds
Verification ok
In this case, what should I store in the DB?
The "encoded" value as shown above?
The "hash" value as shown above?
Neither, but another solution?
Please, could you help me? I'm a newbie with this and I'm a little bit lost.
I'm a bit late to the party, but I disagree with the previous answers.
You should store the field: Encoded
The $argon2id$.... value.
(At least if you are using normal Argon2 libraries having the verify() function.
It does not look like the man-page for argon2 command does this, however.
Only if you are stuck with the command line, you should consider storing each field individually.)
The $argon2id$ encoded hash
The argon2 encoded hash follows the same as its older cousin bcrypt's syntax.
The encoded hash includes all you ever need to verify the hash when the user logs in.
It is most likely more future proof. When a newer and better argon2 comes along: You can upgrade your one column hashed passwords. Just like you could detect bcrypt's $2a$-hashes, and re-hash them as $argon2id$-hashes, next time the user logs in. (If you were moving from bcrypt to agron2.)
Store the $-encoded value encoded_hash in your database.
Use argon2.verify(password, encoded_hash) to verify that the password is correct.
Don't bother about all the values inside the hash. Let the library do that for you. :)
Neither. Save following as a single value:
algorithm ID (e.g. argon2id)
number of iterations (4)
memory usage factor (18)
parallelism (4)
The output of the field "encoded" is misleading because you cannot use it as is for password check (i.e. for hash generation), e.g. m=262144 where as for password check you need the original factor m=18.
Are you going to launch an OS process each time you check password? I would discourage you from doing this. I'd suggest you use a library (C++, Java, ...). They produce a string that contains all these data concatenated and separated with "$".
I'd put the type, iterations, memory, parallelism, hash, salt and corresponding user id into separate columns and leave the encoded bit out, because it's just all the attributes joined together. If they're in separate columns then you can reference the attributes more easily than having to split and index the encoded string.
The other option is to just store the encoded string in 1 column, but as I said its more tedious to look at certain attributes, as you'd have to split the encoded string and then index it.
I had the same question and read this post while gathering some information. Now after some days and thoughts about all this, I'll personally take a different route than the accepted answer and therefore slightly disagree with it. I thought I would share my perspective so that it might help others as well.
I suppose it will depend on everyone's context. I don't think there is a one size fits all answer here. I'm sure there are situations where it is perfectly valid and even better/simpler to store the encoded string ($argon2...).
However, I would argue that depending on the context, storing the encoded string doesn't seem to be the right approach.
First of all, it makes the hashing method very obvious. It is probably not that important but for some reasons it makes me a bit more comfortable not having it ^^. But, more importantly, it means that implementation details are stored in your persistence layer (db or else). At the time of writing, argon2id is the recommended hashing mechanism by OWASP but these things can change (eventually do change...). Some day, it might be considered unsecure, or another function will be considered more secure.
As a result, I would suggest this more function "agnostic" starting point:
The hash (for argon2 -> the hex string)
The salt
The last_modified date
A string with hashing parameters (for argon2, you could put the parameters here in the form of your choosing)
The last_modified allows to know if the hash needs updating or not and the parameters allows to support the verification and update of "old" hashes.
Of course this means that you have to work a bit more in the code and can't simply use every libraries shortcuts straight away. But, I would say that this increased complexity offer more flexibility in other circumstances (like moving away from a given hashing function). As always there are no free lunch.
That's why I suppose it depends on your context and why personally I wouldn't go with the accepted answer in my situation.
PS: I'm no cryptography expert nor some devsecop guru. So feel free to contradict, enrich, agree or disagree. I just like to keep my implementation details contained ;)

Is it really necessary to restrict user to input password with only certain character

I have seen many websites with their own rule of password validation. someone says don't input *&^%, few people says it should be between 8-12 character, etc. Is it really necessary?
I mean the password field should not be validated at all! what if I have 3 character password in my mind and it's impossible to guess!
Or else there should be a standard password validation so that user mindset will be constant for all website rather have to think every time before registering at a new website about their password rules.
It is good standard practice to require passwords of multiple character types. The longer and more complex a password is the harder it will be for a script to crack it. A three character password can take a matter of seconds to minutes to crack as where one that is eight to twelve characters (i.e. - letters, numbers, and special characters) can take upwards of years to crack. In the end it is up to you how secure you want your content to be.

How practical would it be to repeatedly encrypt a given file?

I'm currently experimenting with both public-key and personal file encryption. The programs I use have 2048 bit RSA and 256 bit AES level encryption respectively. As a newbie to this stuff (I've only been a cypherpunk for about a month now - and am a little new to information systems) I'm not familiar with RSA algorithms, but that's not relevant here.
I know that unless some secret lab or NSA program happens to have a quantum computer, it is currently impossible to brute force hack the level of security these programs provide, but I was wondering how much more secure it would be to encrypt a file over and over again.
In a nutshell, what I would like to know is this:
When I encrypt a file using 256-bit AES, and then encrypt the already encrypted file once more (using 256 again), do I now have the equivalent of 512-bit AES security? This is pretty much a question of whether or not the the number of possible keys a brute force method would potentially have to test would be 2 x 2 to the 256th power or 2 to the 256th power squared. Being pessimistic, I think it is the former but I was wondering if 512-AES really is achievable by simply encrypting with 256-AES twice?
Once a file is encrypted several times so that you must keep using different keys or keep putting in passwords at each level of encryption, would someone** even recognize if they have gotten through the first level of encryption? I was thinking that perhaps - if one were to encrypt a file several times requiring several different passwords - a cracker would not have any way of knowing if they have even broken through the first level of encryption since all they would have would still be an encrypted file.
Here's an example:
Decrypted file
DKE$jptid UiWe
oxfialehv u%uk
Pretend for a moment that the last sequence is what a cracker had to work with - to brute-force their way back to the original file, the result they would have to get (prior to cracking through the next level of encryption) would still appear to be a totally useless file (the second line) once they break through the first level of encryption. Does this mean that anyone attempting to use brute-force would have no way of getting back to the original file since they presumably would still see nothing but encrypted files?
These are basically two questions that deal with the same thing: the effect of encrypting the same file over and over again. I have searched the web to find out what effect repeated encryption has on making a file secure, but aside from reading an anecdote somewhere that the answer to the first question is no, I have found nothing that pertains to the second spin on the same topic. I am especially curious about that last question.
**Assuming hypothetically that they somehow brute-forced their way through weak passwords - since this appears to be a technological possibility with 256-AES right now if you know how to make secure ones...
In general, if you encrypt a file with k-bit AES then again with k-bit AES, you only get (k+1) bits of security, rather than 2k bits of security, with a man-in-the-middle attack. The same holds for most types of encryption, like DES. (Note that triple-DES is not simply three rounds of encryption for this reason.)
Further, encrypting a file with method A and then with method B need not be even as strong as encrypting with method B alone! (This would rarely be the case unless method A is seriously flawed, though.) In contrast, you are guaranteed to be at least as strong as method A. (Anyone remembering the name of this theorem is encouraged to leave a comment; I've forgotten.)
Usually you're much better off simply choosing a single method as strong as possible.
For your second question: Yes, with most methods, an attacker would know that the first layer had been compromised.
More an opinion here...
First, when computer are strong enough to do a brute-force attack on AES-256 for example, it will be also for iterations of the same... doubling or tripling the time or effort is insignificant at that level.
Next, such considerations can be void depending on the application you are trying to use this encryption in... The "secrets" you will need to carry become bigger (number of iterations and all the different keys you will need, if in fact they are different), the time to do the encryption and the decryption will also need to increase.
My hunch is that iterating the encryption does not help much. Either the algorithm is strong enough to sustain a brute-force attach or it is not. The rest is all in the protection of the keys.
More practically, do you think your house is more protected if you have three identical or similar locks on your front door ? (and that includes number of keys for you to carry around, don't loose those keys, make sure windows and back door are secured also...)
Question 1:
The size of the solution space is going to be the same for two passes of the 256-bit key as the 512-bit key, since 2^(256+256) = 2^512
The actual running time of each decrypt() may increase non-linearly as the key-size grows (it would depend on the algorithm), in this case I think brute forcing the 256+256 would run faster than the 2^512, but would still be infeasible.
Question 2:
There are probably ways to identify certain ciphertext. I wouldn't be surprised if many algorithms leave some signature or artifacts that could be used for identification.

Encrypting SQLite Database file in iPhone OS

Any SQLite database on the iPhone is simply a file bundled with the application. It is relatively simple for anyone to extract this file and query it.
What are your suggestions for encrypting either the file or the data stored within the database.
Edit: The App is a game that will be played against other users. Information about a users relative strengths and weaknesses will be stored in the DB. I don't want a user to be able to jail-break the phone up their reputation/power etc then win the tournament/league etc (NB: Trying to be vague as the idea is under NDA).
I don't need military encryption, I just don't want to store things in plain text.
Edit 2: A little more clarification, my main goals are
Make it non-trivial to hack sensitive data
Have a simple way to discover if data has been altered (some kind of checksum)
You cannot trust the client, period. If your standalone app can decrypt it, so will they. Either put the data on a server or don't bother, as the number of people who actually crack it to enhance stats will be minuscule, and they should probably be rewarded for the effort anyway!
Put a string in the database saying "please don't cheat".
There are at least two easier approaches here (both complimentary) that avoid encrypting values or in-memory databases:
#1 - ipa crack detection
Avoid the technical (and legal) hassle of encrypting the database and/or the contents and just determine if the app is pirated and disable the network/scoring/ranking aspects of the game. See the following for more details:
#2 - data integrity verification
Alternatively store a HMAC/salted hash of the important columns in each row when saving your data (and in your initial sqlite db). When loading each row, verify the data against the HMAC/hash and if verification fails act accordingly.
Neither approach will force you to fill out the encryption export forms required by Apple/US government.
Score submission
Don't forget you'll need to do something similar for the actual score submissions to protect against values coming from something other than your app. You can see an implementation of this in the cocos2d-iphone and cocoslive frameworks at and
Response to comments
There is no solution here that will 100% prevent data tampering. If that is a requirement, the client needs to be view only and all state and logic must be calculated on a trusted server. Depending on the application, extra anti-cheat mechanisms will be required on the client.
There are a number of books on developing massively-multiplayer games that discuss these issues.
Having a hash with a known secret in the code is likely a reasonable approach (at least, when considering the type of applications that generally exist on the App Store).
Like Kendall said, including the key on the device is basically asking to get cracked. However, there are folks who have their reasons for obfuscating data with a key on-device. If you're determined to do it, you might consider using SQLCipher for your implementation. It's a build of SQLite that provides transparent, page-level encryption of the entire DB. There's a tutorial over on Mobile Orchard for using it in iPhone apps.
How likely do you think it is that your normal user will be doing this? I assume you're going through the app store, which means that everything is signed/encrypted before getting on to the user's device. They would have to jailbreak their device to get access to your database.
What sort of data are you storing such that it needs encryption? If it contains passwords that the user entered, then you don't really need to encrypt them; the user will not need to find out their own password. If it's generic BLOB data that you only want the user to access through the application, it could be as simple as storing an encrypted blob using the security API.
If it's the whole database you want secured, then you'd still want to use the security api, but on the whole file instead, and decrypt the file as necessary before opening it. The issue here is that if the application closes without cleanup, you're left with a decrypted file.
You may want to take a look at memory-resident databases, or temporary databases which you can create either using a template db or a hard-coded schema in the program (take a look at the documentation for sqlite3_open). The data could be decrypted, inserted into the temporary database, then delete the decrypted database. Do it in the opposite direction when closing the connection.
You can cook up your own encryption scheme I'm sure with just a very simple security system by XOR-ing the data with a value stored in the app, and store a hash somewhere else to make sure it doesn't change, or something.
Based on my experience SQLCipher is the best option to encrypt the data base.
Once the key("PRAGMA key") is set SQLCipher will automatically encrypt all data in the database! Note that if you don't set a key then SQLCipher will operate identically to a standard SQLite database.
The call to sqlite3_key or "PRAGMA key" should occur as the first operation after opening the database. In most cases SQLCipher uses PBKDF2, a salted and iterated key derivation function, to obtain the encryption key. Alternately, an application can tell SQLCipher to use a specific binary key in blob notation (note that SQLCipher requires exactly 256 bits of key material), i.e.
I hope someone would save time on exploring about this
Ignoring the philosophical and export issues, I'd suggest that you'd be better off encrypting the data in the table directly.
You need to obfuscate the decryption key(s) in your code. Typically, this means breaking them into pieces and encoding the strings in hex and using functions to assemble the pieces of the key together.
For the algorithm, I'd use a trusted implementation of AES for whatever language you're using.
Maybe this one for C#:
Finally, you need to be aware of the limitations of the approach. Namely, the decryption key is a weak link, it will be available in memory at run-time in clear text. (At a minimum) It has to be so that you can use it. The implementation of your encryption scheme is another weakness--any flaws there are flaws in your code too. As several other people have pointed out your client-server communications are suspect too.
You should remember that your executable can be examined in a hex editor where cleartext strings will leap out of the random junk that is your compiled code. And that many languages (like C# for example) can be reverse-compiled and all that will be missing are the comments.
All that said, encrypting your data will raise the bar for cheating a bit. How much depends on how careful you are; but even so a determined adversary will still break your encryption and cheat. Furthermore, they will probably write a tool to make it easy if your game is popular; leaving you with an arms-race scenario at that point.
Regarding a checksum value, you can compute a checksum based on the sum of the values in a row assuming that you have enough numeric values in your database to do so. Or, for an bunch of boolean values you can store them in a varbinary field and use the bitwise exclusive operator ^ to compare them--you should end up with 0s.
For example,
for numeric columns,
2|3|5|7| with a checksum column | 17 |
for booleans,
0|1|0|1| with a checksum column | 0101 |
If you do this, you can even add a summary row at the end that sums your checksums. Although this can be problematic if you are constantly adding new records. You can also convert strings to their ANSI/UNICODE components and sum these too.
Then when you want to check the checksum simple do a select like so:
Select *
FROM OrigTable
right outer join
(select pk, (col1 + col2 + col3) as OnTheFlyChecksum, PreComputedChecksum from OrigTable) OT on =
where OT.OnTheFlyChecksum = OT.PreComputedChecksum
It appears to be simplest to sync all tournament results to all iPhones in the tournament. You can do it during every game: before a game, if the databases of two phones contradict each other, the warning is shown.
If the User A falsifies the result if his game with User B, this result will propagate until B eventually sees it with the warning that A's data don't match with his phone. He then can go and beat up explain to A that his behavior isn't right, just the way it is in real life if somebody cheats.
When you compute the final tournament results, show the warning, name names, and throw out all games with contradictory results. This takes away the incentive to cheat.
As said before, encryption won't solve the problem since you can't trust the client. Even if your average person can't use disassembler, all it takes is one motivated person and whatever encryption you have will be broken.
Yet, if on windows platform, you also can select SQLiteEncrypt to satisfy your needs.SQLiteEncrypt extends sqlite encryption support, but you can treat it as original sqlite3 c library.