"scala is not an enclosing class" - scala

When compiling this specification:
import org.specs.Specification
import org.specs.matcher.extension.ParserMatchers
class ParserSpec extends Specification with ParserMatchers {
type Elem = Char
"Vaadin DSL parser" should {
"parse attributes in parentheses" in {
DslParser.attributes must(
withResult(Map[String, AttrVal]("attr1" -> AttrVal("val1", "String"))))
I get the following error:
error: scala is not an enclosing class
withResult(Map[String, AttrVal]("attr1" -> AttrVal("val1", "String"))))
I don't understand the error message here at all. Why could it appear?
Scala version is 2.8.1, specs version is
DslParser.attributes has type Parser[Map[String, AttrVal]] and the combinators succeedOn and withResult are defined as follows:
trait ParserMatchers extends Parsers with Matchers {
case class SucceedOn[T](str: Input,
resultMatcherOpt: Option[Matcher[T]]) extends Matcher[Parser[T]] {
def apply(parserBN: => Parser[T]) = {
val parser = parserBN
val parseResult = parser(str)
parseResult match {
case Success(result, remainingInput) =>
val succParseMsg = "Parser "+parser+" succeeded on input "+str+" with result "+result
val okMsgBuffer = new StringBuilder(succParseMsg)
val koMsgBuffer = new StringBuilder(succParseMsg)
val cond = resultMatcherOpt match {
case None =>
case Some(resultMatcher) =>
resultMatcher(result) match {
case (success, okMessage, koMessage) =>
okMsgBuffer.append(" and ").append(okMessage)
koMsgBuffer.append(" but ").append(koMessage)
(cond, okMsgBuffer.toString, koMsgBuffer.toString)
case _ =>
(false, "Parser succeeded", "Parser "+parser+": "+parseResult)
def resultMust(resultMatcher: Matcher[T]) = this.copy(resultMatcherOpt = Some(resultMatcher))
def withResult(expectedResult: T) = resultMust(beEqualTo(expectedResult))
def ignoringResult = this.copy(resultMatcherOpt = None)
def succeedOn[T](str: Input, expectedResultOpt: Option[Matcher[T]] = None) =
SucceedOn(str, expectedResultOpt)
implicit def stringReader(str: String): Reader[Char] = new CharSequenceReader(str)

This message can occur while the compiler is really trying to signal a type error or a type inference failure. It's a bug (or family of bugs) in scalac.
To locate the problem, progressively add in explicit types and type arguments; break complex expressions into smaller subexpressions.
For bonus points, produce a standalone example and file a bug.


Where does dut in Chisel Test get defined? (About Scala syntax)

I am trying to come up with a better title.
I am new in Chisel and Scala. Below there is a Chisel code defining and testing an module.
import chisel3._
import chiseltest._
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
class DeviceUnderTest extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val a = Input(UInt(2.W))
val b = Input(UInt(2.W))
val out = Output(UInt(2.W))
io.out := io.a & io.b
class WaveformTestWithIteration extends AnyFlatSpec with ChiselScalatestTester {
"WaveformIteration" should "pass" in {
test(new DeviceUnderTest)
.withAnnotations(Seq(WriteVcdAnnotation)) ( dut => // ???
for (a <- 0 until 4; b <- 0 until 4) {
The code line with comments ??? is where I am quite puzzled. Where does the variable dut is defined? It seems an reference to instance gained by new DeviceUnderTest.
test(new DeviceUnderTest).withAnnotations(Seq(WriteVcdAnnotation)) return an TestBuilder[T] with apply method:
class TestBuilder[T <: Module](...) {
def apply(testFn: T => Unit): TestResult = {
runTest(defaults.createDefaultTester(dutGen, finalAnnos))(testFn)
So, dut => {...} is a function (T) => Unit? But it does not look like a standard lambda ((x:T) => {...})? Or it is something else?
What is this syntax in scala exactly?
Consider the following boiled-down version with a similar structure:
def test[A](testedThing: A)(testBody: A => Unit): Unit = testBody(testedThing)
What it's essentially doing is taking a value x: A and a function f: A => Unit, and applying f to x to obtain f(x).
Here is how you could use it:
test("foo"){ x =>
println(if x == "foo" then "Success" else "Failure")
} // Success
test("bar"){ x =>
println(if x == "baz" then "Success" else "Failure")
} // Failure
In both cases, the "string under test" is simply passed to the body of the "test".
Now, you could introduce a few more steps between the creation of the value under test and the specification of the body. For example, you could create a TestBuilder[A], which is essentially just a value a with some bells and whistles (in this case, list of "annotations" - plain strings in the following example):
type Annotation = String
case class TestOutcome(annotations: List[Annotation], successful: Boolean)
trait Test:
def run: TestOutcome
// This simply captures the value under test of type `A`
case class TestBuilder[A](
theThingUnderTest: A,
annotations: List[Annotation]
// Bells and whistles: adding some metadata
def withAnnotations(moreAnnotations: List[Annotation]): TestBuilder[A] =
TestBuilder(theThingUnderTest, annotations ++ moreAnnotations)
// Combining the value under test with the body of the test produces the
// actual test
def apply(testBody: A => Unit): Test = new Test:
def run =
try {
TestOutcome(annotations, true)
} catch {
case t: Throwable => TestOutcome(annotations, false)
// This constructs the thing that's being tested, and creates a TestBuilder around it
def test[A](thingUnderTest: A) = TestBuilder(thingUnderTest, Nil)
.withAnnotations(List("size of hello should be 5")){ h =>
assert(h.size == 5)
.withAnnotations(List("size of hello should be 42")){ h =>
assert(h.size == 42)
The principle remains the same: test(a) saves the tested value a, then TestBuilder adds some configuration, and once you add a body { thingUnderTest => /* assertStuff */ } to it, you get a full Test, which you can then run to obtain some results (TestOutcomes, in this case). Thus, the above snippet produces
TestOutcome(List(size of hello should be 5),true)
TestOutcome(List(size of hello should be 42),false)
I think I did not notice that sometimes we can omit type declaration in lambda.
class tester{
def apply( fn: (Int) => Int):Int = fn(5)
We can write (new tester)(x => {x+1}) instead of (new tester)((x:Int) => {x+1}).

How to write generic function with Scala Quill.io library

I am trying to implement generic method in Scala operating on database using Quill.io library. Type T will be only case classes what works with Quill.io.
def insertOrUpdate[T](inserting: T, equality: (T,T) => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Db.Context): Unit = {
import ctx._
val existingQuery = quote {
query[T].filter { dbElement: T =>
equality(dbElement, inserting)
val updateQuery = quote {
query[T].filter { dbElement =>
equality(dbElement, lift(inserting))
val insertQuery = quote { query[T].insert(lift(inserting)) }
val existing = ctx.run(existingQuery)
existing.size match {
case 1 => ctx.run(updateQuery)
case _ => ctx.run(insertQuery)
But I am getting two types of compile error
Error:(119, 12) Can't find an implicit `SchemaMeta` for type `T`
query[T].filter { dbElement: T =>
Error:(125, 33) Can't find Encoder for type 'T'
equality(dbElement, lift(inserting))
How can I modify my code to let it work?
As I said in the issue that #VojtechLetal mentioned in his answer you have to use macros.
I added code implementing generic insert or update in my example Quill project.
It defines trait Queries that's mixed into context:
trait Queries {
this: JdbcContext[_, _] =>
def insertOrUpdate[T](entity: T, filter: (T) => Boolean): Unit = macro InsertOrUpdateMacro.insertOrUpdate[T]
This trait uses macro that's implementing your code with minor changes:
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.{Context => MacroContext}
class InsertOrUpdateMacro(val c: MacroContext) {
import c.universe._
def insertOrUpdate[T](entity: Tree, filter: Tree)(implicit t: WeakTypeTag[T]): Tree =
import ${c.prefix}._
val updateQuery = ${c.prefix}.quote {
val insertQuery = quote {
run(${c.prefix}.query[$t].filter($filter)).size match {
case 1 => run(updateQuery)
case _ => run(insertQuery)
Usage examples:
import io.getquill.{PostgresJdbcContext, SnakeCase}
package object genericInsertOrUpdate {
val ctx = new PostgresJdbcContext[SnakeCase]("jdbc.postgres") with Queries
def example1(): Unit = {
val inserting = Person(1, "")
ctx.insertOrUpdate(inserting, (p: Person) => p.name == "")
def example2(): Unit = {
import ctx._
val inserting = Person(1, "")
ctx.insertOrUpdate(inserting, (p: Person) => p.name == lift(inserting.name))
P.S. Because update() returns number of updated records your code can be simplified to:
class InsertOrUpdateMacro(val c: MacroContext) {
import c.universe._
def insertOrUpdate[T](entity: Tree, filter: Tree)(implicit t: WeakTypeTag[T]): Tree =
import ${c.prefix}._
if (run(${c.prefix}.quote {
}) == 0) {
run(quote {
As one of the quill contributors said in this issue:
If you want to make your solution generic then you have to use macros because Quill generates queries at compile time and T type has to be resolved at that time.
TL;DR The following did not work either, just playing
Anyway... just out of curiosity I tried to fix the issue by following the error which you mentioned. I changed the definition of the function as:
def insertOrUpdate[T: ctx.Encoder : ctx.SchemaMeta](...)
which yielded the following log
[info] PopulateAnomalyResultsTable.scala:71: Dynamic query
[info] case _ => ctx.run(insertQuery)
[error] PopulateAnomalyResultsTable.scala:68: exception during macro expansion:
[error] scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException: Found the embedded 'T', but it is not a case class
[error] at scala.reflect.macros.contexts.Typers$$anonfun$typecheck$2$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Typers.scala:34)
[error] at scala.reflect.macros.contexts.Typers$$anonfun$typecheck$2$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Typers.scala:28)
It starts promising, since quill apparently gave up on static compilation and made the query dynamic. I checked the source code of the failing macro and it seems that quill is trying to get a constructor for T which is not known in the current context.
For more details see my answer Generic macro with quill or implementation
Complete project you will find on quill-generic
package pl.jozwik.quillgeneric.quillmacro
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.{ Context => MacroContext }
class CrudMacro(val c: MacroContext) extends AbstractCrudMacro {
import c.universe._
def callFilterOnIdTree[K: c.WeakTypeTag](id: Tree)(dSchema: c.Expr[_]): Tree =
protected def callFilterOnId[K: c.WeakTypeTag](id: c.Expr[K])(dSchema: c.Expr[_]): Tree = {
val t = weakTypeOf[K]
t.baseClasses.find(c => compositeSet.contains(c.asClass.fullName)) match {
case None =>
q"$dSchema.filter(_.id == lift($id))"
case Some(base) =>
val query = q"$dSchema.filter(_.id.fk1 == lift($id.fk1)).filter(_.id.fk2 == lift($id.fk2))"
base.fullName match {
case `compositeKey4Name` =>
q"$query.filter(_.id.fk3 == lift($id.fk3)).filter(_.id.fk4 == lift($id.fk4))"
case `compositeKey3Name` =>
q"$query.filter(_.id.fk3 == lift($id.fk3))"
case `compositeKey2Name` =>
case x =>
c.abort(NoPosition, s"$x not supported")
def createAndGenerateIdOrUpdate[K: c.WeakTypeTag, T: c.WeakTypeTag](entity: Tree)(dSchema: c.Expr[_]): Tree = {
val filter = callFilter[K, T](entity)(dSchema)
import ${c.prefix}._
val id = $entity.id
val q = $filter
val result = run(
if (result == 0) {
} else {
def createWithGenerateIdOrUpdateAndRead[K: c.WeakTypeTag, T: c.WeakTypeTag](entity: Tree)(dSchema: c.Expr[_]): Tree = {
val filter = callFilter[K, T](entity)(dSchema)
import ${c.prefix}._
val id = $entity.id
val q = $filter
val result = run(
val newId =
if (result == 0) {
} else {
run($dSchema.filter(_.id == lift(newId)))
.getOrElse(throw new NoSuchElementException(s"$$newId"))

Explanation on the error with for comprehension and co-variance

Would like to get assistance to understand the cause of the error. The original is from Coursera Scala Design Functional Random Generators.
With the factories for random int and random boolean, trying to implement a random tree factory.
trait Factory[+T] {
self => // alias of 'this'
def generate: T
def map[S](f: T => S): Factory[S] = new Factory[S] {
def generate = f(self.generate)
def flatMap[S](f: T => Factory[S]): Factory[S] = new Factory[S] {
def generate = f(self.generate).generate
val intFactory = new Factory[Int] {
val rand = new java.util.Random
def generate = rand.nextInt()
val boolFactory = intFactory.map(i => i > 0)
The implementation in the 1st block causes the error but if it changed into the 2nd block, it does not. I believe Factory[+T] meant that Factory[Inner] and Factory[Leaf] could be both treated as Factory[Tree].
I have no idea why the same if expression in for block is OK but it is not OK in yield block. I appreciate explanations.
trait Tree
case class Inner(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
case class Leaf(x: Int) extends Tree
def leafFactory: Factory[Leaf] = intFactory.map(i => new Leaf(i))
def innerFactory: Factory[Inner] = new Factory[Inner] {
def generate = new Inner(treeFactory.generate, treeFactory.generate)
def treeFactory: Factory[Tree] = for {
isLeaf <- boolFactory
} yield if (isLeaf) leafFactory else innerFactory
^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
type mismatch; found : Factory[Inner] required: Tree
type mismatch; found : Factory[Leaf] required: Tree
However, below works.
def treeFactory: Factory[Tree] = for {
isLeaf <- boolFactory
tree <- if (isLeaf) leafFactory else innerFactory
} yield tree
I have no idea why the same if expression in for block is OK but it is
not OK in yield block
Because they are translated differently by the compiler. The former example is translated into:
boolFactory.flatMap((isLeaf: Boolean) => if (isLeaf) leafFactory else innerFactor)
Which yields the expected Factory[Tree], while the latter is being translated to:
boolFactory.map((isLeaf: Boolean) => if (isLeaf) leafFactory else innerFactory)
Which yields a Factory[Factory[Tree]], not a Factory[Tree], thus not conforming to your method signature. This isn't about covariance, but rather how for comprehension translates these statements differently.

Scala Reflection Conundrum: Can you explain these weird results?

I wrote some Scala code, using reflection, that returns all vals in an object that are of a certain type. Below are three versions of this code. One of them works but is ugly. Two attempts to improve it don't work, in very different ways. Can you explain why?
First, the code:
import scala.reflect.runtime._
import scala.util.Try
trait ScopeBase[T] {
// this version tries to generalize the type. The only difference
// from the working version is [T] instead of [String]
def enumerateBase[S: universe.TypeTag]: Seq[T] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
universe.typeOf[S].decls.map {
decl => Try(mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[T])
}.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).filter(_ != null).toSeq
trait ScopeString extends ScopeBase[String] {
// This version works but requires passing the val type
// (String, in this example) explicitly. I don't want to
// duplicate the code for different val types.
def enumerate[S: universe.TypeTag]: Seq[String] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
universe.typeOf[S].decls.map {
decl => Try(mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[String])
}.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).filter(_ != null).toSeq
// This version tries to avoid passing the object's type
// as the [S] type parameter. After all, the method is called
// on the object itself; so why pass the type?
def enumerateThis: Seq[String] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
universe.typeOf[this.type].decls.map {
decl => Try(mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[String])
}.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).filter(_ != null).toSeq
// The working example
object Test1 extends ScopeString {
val IntField: Int = 13
val StringField: String = "test"
lazy val fields = enumerate[Test1.type]
// This shows how the attempt to generalize the type doesn't work
object Test2 extends ScopeString {
val IntField: Int = 13
val StringField: String = "test"
lazy val fields = enumerateBase[Test2.type]
// This shows how the attempt to drop the object's type doesn't work
object Test3 extends ScopeString {
val IntField: Int = 13
val StringField: String = "test"
lazy val fields = enumerateThis
val test1 = Test1.fields // List(test)
val test2 = Test2.fields // List(13, test)
val test3 = Test3.fields // List()
The "enumerate" method does work. However, as you can see from the Test1 example, it requires passing the object's own type (Test1.type) as a parameter, which should not have been necessary. The "enumerateThis" method tries to avoid that but fails, producing an empty list. The "enumerateBase" method attempts to generalize the "enumerate" code by passing the val type as a parameter. But it fails, too, producing the list of all vals, not just those of a certain type.
Any idea what's going on?
Your problem in your generic implementation is the loss of the type information of T. Also, don't use exceptions as your primary method of control logic (it's very slow!). Here's a working version of your base.
abstract class ScopeBase[T : universe.TypeTag, S <: ScopeBase[T, S] : universe.TypeTag : scala.reflect.ClassTag] {
self: S =>
def enumerateBase: Seq[T] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
.filter(_.typeSignature.resultType <:< universe.typeOf[T])
.map(decl => mirror.reflectMethod(decl).apply().asInstanceOf[T])
.filter(_ != null)
trait Inherit {
val StringField2: String = "test2"
class Test1 extends ScopeBase[String, Test1] with Inherit {
val IntField: Int = 13
val StringField: String = "test"
lazy val fields = enumerateBase
object Test extends App {
println(new Test1().fields)
Instead of getting the type from universe.typeOf you can use the runtime class currentMirror.classSymbol(getClass).toType, below is an example that works:
def enumerateThis: Seq[String] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
currentMirror.classSymbol(getClass).toType.decls.map {
decl => Try(mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[String])
}.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).filter(_ != null).toSeq
//prints List(test)
With everyone's help, here's the final version that works:
import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror, universe}
abstract class ScopeBase[T: universe.TypeTag] {
lazy val enumerate: Seq[T] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
currentMirror.classSymbol(getClass).baseClasses.map(_.asType.toType).flatMap {
.filter(_.typeSignature.resultType <:< universe.typeOf[T])
.filter(_.paramLists.size == 0)
.map(decl => mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[T])
.filter(_ != null).toSeq
trait FieldScope extends ScopeBase[Field[_]]
trait DbFieldScope extends ScopeBase[DbField[_, _]] {
// etc....
As you see from the last few lines, my use cases are limited to scope objects for specific field types. This is why I want to parameterize the scope container. If I wanted to enumerate the fields of multiple types in a single scope container, then I would have parameterized the enumerate method.

Scala convert Future[Option[Account]] to Future[Either[String, Option[Account]]]

I have the following methods that return futures:
db.find(uuid, accountName): Future[Option[Account]]
db.add(uuid, account): Future[Option[Account]]
I want to write a program that finds a user in the database using a future.
If not, a user entry should be added to the database.
In either case, I want to get back a Future[Either[String, Option[Account]]] object.
I am getting a compiler error when I write the following:
def add(uuid: UUID, account: Account): Future[Either[String, Option[Account]]] =
db.find(userId, account.name).map {
case None =>
db.add(userId.uuid, account).map(Right(_))
case Some(existAccount) =>
Left(s"Account already exist $existAccount")
This code can`t compile with error:
Error:(77, 41) type mismatch;
found : scala.concurrent.Future[scala.util.Right[Nothing,Option[Account]]]
required: Either[String,Option[Account]]
db.add(userId, account).map(Right(_))
Solution is:
object Test extends App {
import concurrent._
import ExecutionContext.Implicits._
import duration.Duration._
type Account = String
val found = """(.+)\1""".r
def find(name: String) = name match {
case found(_*) => Future(Option(name))
case _ => Future(None)
def add(account: Account) = Future(Option(account * 2))
def f(account: Account): Future[Either[String, Option[Account]]] = {
find(account) flatMap {
case None => add(account) map (Right(_))
case Some(x) => Future successful Left(s"already $account")
Console println Await.result(f("bob"), Inf)
Console println Await.result(f("bobbob"), Inf)