iPhone red circular button with 'x' - iphone

Probably a silly question here but I have been trying to find this for about an hour now. How do I create the circular red button with an 'x' that appears when navigating pages in safari for example. And is there an 'official' name of such a button type?
Thanks !

You'll have to create a button eIther from scratch or from the screenshot in an Image editor like photoshop and then import it into your project and set a button's image to the name of the image. There is no official name for this button and you can't add it to your app using a key or special method.


three button using one image picker, the image is not update

I start learning Swift and try to fulfill using one image picker change button image when users trigger one of three buttons.
I watch online resource and understand how to use one image picker for changing one button image
But now I have three buttons, and each of them should have the ability to use image picker and change their own button image.
My solution for this is every time when the button is clicked and image picker is called, I set the UIImage outside the function equal to the info image
At meanwhile, knowing that image picker has triggered because the button was pushed down, I put a line for set-button-image with that UIImage in the button (IBAction function).
Below is my source code. Somehow the way I wrote will not update the button's image correctly.
Let me know if any information is missing or confused. Any advice or knowledge will be helpful, thanks.
main page
after clicking the add button the library shows
after select image, the button image shows all white
after clicking the white part, the image somehow shows
If I click another button, the button change like the first button???

How to remove the white box around the NSButton checkbox when disabled?

I have added a demo on my Github to demonstrate the problem: https://github.com/houmie/CocoaPlayground
Build and start the app, then click on the menu symbol as shown below.
There is not much code to this. Adding a NSButton with Style Check and Type Switch into IB.
In IB it looks fine. But starting the app there is a white box appearing around the disabled checkbox. The background is obviously grey hence it shows.
Is there a way to remove/override that?

Styling button with dynamic text in iOS app

I am not a iOS developer. I am working on designing GUI for an iOS application to be developed using Appcelerator Titanium.
As far as all the other buttons are concerned, they can be provided with a .png image to style them. But this one type of button which has dynamic text, and thus can have width of various sizes as shown in the image below.
The screenshot is from Instagram iOS app. It shows the button in navigation bar named Camera which is the name of the folder from which image being cropped resides. In the app I'm designing for has a button with same functionality.
I just want to know whether it is possible to add custom styling for this particular type of button.
yes you can create a button and set the backgroundImage for the button to be whatever you want
third paragraph
You can specify background images for each state, as well as button text and a button icon. On iOS, there are button styles which define appearance for each state, even if no button images are set.
backgroundLeftCap Property
Simple answer: yes you can add custom styling to this button. As for the varying width, the background image will stretch to fill it.

How to show number small custom icon like mail, iphone

I have a social networking app. I have a button and based on the click on the button I need to show a small icon on the top right corner of the button. it is a custom color and text.
I know to show the default system number icon for like the one for unread mail you can get it from the shared application badge count. But I am trying to do something custom here.
I am thinking of building my own imageview (its background will be a custom png) and then within it a small text to show the number.
Anyone has experience with this and can recommend a better way?
You can add a imageView with badge image as the subvie of that button.
There is a lot of custom badge controls available.
Please check the following links.
You cannot change anything on the home screen besides for the app icon, name, and badge value. Do you mean on the home screen or on a tab bar?
If you mean a badge in the app, not on the homescreen, checkout #MidhunMP's answer to find links on how to do this. I have used http://www.spaulus.com/2011/04/custombadge-2-0-retina-ready-scalable-light-reflex/?lang=en before successfully.

iTunes U style download/progress/stop/play button

iTunes U for the iPhone has these wonderful buttons that show
the download progress
the stop button and the
play button (well, the "i" button)
in one place - see attached screenshot. Is this a system icon which can be called by code, or is it something thats not available for developers?
Anyhow: if someone has a source, that describes how to get such kind of buttons, I'd be very happy. It's clear to me, that the icons are controlled by a state-pattern in view-controller.
Thanks in advance.
There is DACircularProgress on github, it looks just like the circular progress bar on the Facebook app, I think you can take that, modify it to put the stop button on top and change the color and use it. check it out: