Play specific local IPhone Video - iphone

I am in need for some help as I am stuck with a problem with my current IPhone application. I won't go into every details but the mainline is as follow:
I am currently playing videos from a remote URL. Everthing up to this point is working. But we need to add a certain validation as if the video exists on the local IPhone, play this version and otherwise, get the remote version. I get these informations from an XML feed and have the name of the video and it's remote URL.
I've implemented the ALAssetLibrary as a way to retrieve the locals video and transfered 3-4 videos with custom names. After some struggling, I could play these local video. But while I loop through them, all I get is names like 00001.jpg, etc.
Is there any way to get a local video name ? I don't mind if this needs another library but I would appreciate if someone could point me a way of doing it.
Thanks for your time,

You don't have access to the local filenames, and even if you did those filenames would probably not be what you are expecting (i.e. Apple can and probably does rename them while saving them to the Camera Roll).
You can check the metadata on the ALAssetRepresentation for the video to see if a suitable name or other identifier can be found in there. You might also be able to retrieve the raw data and hash it, but that would fail if Apple does any recoding or metadata alteration when saving the video. If your program itself downloads and saves the videos to the Camera Roll using writeVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum:completionBlock:, you could store the returned assetURL to remember the correspondence. Or you could save the videos to your app's local storage instead of to the Camera Roll, but that would prevent the user from managing the videos with Apple's photo application and such.


[Flutter]How to download video to app, and make it accessible only through the app (Similarly to Youtube/Netflix)

i'm fairly new to Flutter and is currently working on a course app that requires downloading the videos to the app.
The downloaded video will only be accessible through the app just like Youtube and Netflix, and will be hidden/encrypted from gallery. Would greatly appreciate if someone if someone could point me in the right direction in building this feature.
On iOS and Android your app has it's own isolated folder for storing documents. Items stored there are not intended to be accessible to the user outside of your app. This folder isn't scanned by the Gallery or accessible to other apps on the device. (However, with a little effort a user can access the files so this is not a complete solution where security is an concern. You would need to add encryption if you didn't, say, want a motivated user to copy the video file to a PC and be able to play it.)
the path_provider plugin gives your Flutter app common file locations on a device. The private app folder location is retrieved with getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()
"Download video" is a vague requirement. Most video on the internet (Netflix, Youtube) is provided via HLS or DASH for streaming, which you do download but the video is split up into many files- sometimes thousands of files for a single video. The dart:http package is likely what you're going to want to use to get/download the files (unless the video files aren't available via HTTP/HTTPS, then you'll need a different transport-specific library, like FTP, RTSP, etc.)

Netstream() progressive download of internal file

Hello All I have been working on a project for a while:
I have a non standard MP4 video file I want to play off a server in a IPhone App (I am using Flash builder to create it).
Due to a combination of server problems (not correctly identifying MIME type and cant be changed) and IPhone limitations (e.g. not being able to force the iplayer to play files with wrong extension), I have had to setup a process that reads the file in, saves it locally and then point the video player at the local file.
Although this sort of works, i am having an issue with some of the files that are large (94mb for a 17 min video) and a slow server - which takes 120 seconds to transfer the whole file.
I thought that if you started playing the video, then the transfer rate would be faster than the playback rate so the video would play ok.
However sometimes the video just crashes, which i am guessing is a result of the video reading beyond what has been written.
If the video played the internal file using progressive download I think it would probably not crash but resume once more date had been read but understand that progressive download is triggered by a url extension beginning with HTTP://
Can you make an internal file play using progressive download ? I know this would not normally be expected as logically the system would expect a local file to already be download ?
Any help appreciated
try this to know download file is complete or not
it is very easy to use only write its delegate method.
also see StitchedStreamPlayer

Is there a maximum size to NSDocumentsDirectory? Are the contents accessible outside the app?

Is there a limit to the amount of data that we can put to the NSDocumentsDirectory? My application allows photo and video capturing and I am saving this data to the NSDocumentsDirectory. Can I keep on adding images and videos to the app then? Also, are these images and videos accessible outside the app? Can we delete them using iTunes? Help please!
You should start with reading apples programming guide for file system access.
And remember: Whenever something in the apple docs reads like a hint or a recommendation, it actually says "do it that way or we won't let your app into our store".

Save audio file from app to iPad/iPhone library

I have been trying to figure out how to do this for most of the day, but I haven't been able to find much help. We have this multimedia app that allows users to view pictures, videos, and music/ringtones about the particular subject. I know you can save images using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum and you can save a video file using UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum. But I can't figure out how to allow the user to save an audio file. All the files are stored within the app, so its not like I'm trying to stream or download them from the internet. Does anyone have any pointers on how to do this?
The official SDK only allows you to retrieve information with MPMediaLibrary, no write access.

Simultaneously stream and save a video?

I'm writing an app, part of which allows the user stream/play videos. I want to restrict the functionality so that they can only stream videos if they have a WiFi connection. I will then save the video so that when they have a 3G only (or lesser) connection they can't stream videos and can only replay videos that are saved on the phone.
Ideally, I'd like to get MPMoviePlayerController to stream/play the movie and then access the movie data and save it. However, the MPMoviePlayerController api doesn't seem to support access to the movie data.
I'd like to avoid and download-then-play scenario. Any ideas?
Two solutions come to mind.
Both this solutions require that the file is in a format that can be played progressive, e.g. that you don't need the whole file to be able to play it (but that would be a prerequisite anyway).
use a thread to download the data and append it to a file, and play the file from another thread. Now, that requires that you can handle EOF events in the MPMoviePlayerController and pause the playing until the cache file is appended to and then resume for the same point.
So far what I've seen people doing this it doesn't work because MPMoviePlayerController can't handle the EOF event. (not tested it my self yet) [Caching videos to disk after successful preload by MPMoviePlayerController
Skip the playing from a file and setup a local HTTP server and stream from that (on localhost). This is also not tested.
The idea is that MPMoviePlayerController would handlle the event of missing data better from a HTTP stream then from reading the file directly.
Downside might be that it is less efficient, but I think that is a minor increase in CPU. I don't know if the network interface would handle it, but I'm assuming it's not an issue.
I leave this answer as a wiki, because I don't have a working solution but I too want one.
There is a way to make this work, but you have to write your own HTTP Live Streaming downloader.
Basically, you parse the .m3u8 file (it's a pretty simple standard, but can get tricky with alternate streams and the possibility that the stream will simply drop out and need a new playlist to continue) and then download the chunks in .ts format to your local storage, say the Documents folder or Caches etc.
Then you'll have to set up a local HTTP server to allow the MPMoviePlayerController or AVPlayer to access the files over HTTP (since they won't touch a local file path), including a re-coded playlist file pointing to the local files, which you'll have to create yourself from the original playlist(s).
CocoaHTTPServer works great for this.
Once you've done all that, it works great. It's unavoidable that you get a little delay while you download the first chunk or two before presenting your local HTTP URL to the movie player, but after that you get seamless download, recording and preview playback.
Good luck!
the iPhone is using progressive download so it will not save on the device. For that you need to explicitly download it and then play the video from your local folder.