NetBeans not finding JasperReports scriptlet - netbeans

I'm using JasperReports 3.7.6 with NetBeans 6.9.1 and iReport 3.7.6. I have a report that uses scriptlets. When I run it from iReport everything is fine because I can tell iReport where to find the .jar file with the scriptlets. When I run that same report from a JSF-2.0 application the fields that rely on the scriptlet are not being populated correctly - i.e. the scriptlet isn't being called. I've tried putting the scriptlet in the project's library folder and I've tried copying the package containing the scriptlet into the project. Neither has worked. I'm not sure how I can get the report to call the scriptlets when it is run from my JSF project. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

Ugh. What is it with me and rookie mistakes? I have my JSF project pulling the .jasper files from a specific locations. To that end I have my iReport compiling the reports to that particular file location. At some point in the past week I was fiddling with another report and didn't want it to go to the same location as my project reports ... so I changed the compile location in iReport. It was after that when I created all the scriptlet functionality. When I added the scriptlet functionality and compiled the reports, I forgot to change the compile location back to the project report folder. The reports were compiling elsewhere. So my project was using the old versions of the report files. Updating the compile location in iReport and recompiling the reports fixed the issue. The .jar file in my library works fine.


NoClassDefFound error for com/aspose/pdf/BaseParagraph with aspose pdf 23.1 jdk17 jar in Eclipse

I am trying to work with aspose PDF jar and I am not able to get past the NoClassDefFound error for aspose pdf jar. I am using aspose imaging as well as aspose words jar. Both these do not have these, but only aspose PDF does.
Compilation is successful, but on run time I hit this issue.
I am using eclipse IDE
Any help is highly appreciated as I am running out of options to solve this issue.
**Steps tried : **
Switched workspace
Deleted the entire project
Made sure there is only one class with that name (essentially only one jar)
Classpath entries are fine in eclipse. Buildpath->libraries->add external jars. also order and export is selected.

Adding & configure .jar files in the jasper svn repository

I have created a jasper report using Jaspersoft Studio 6.19.1. This report utilizes a referenced jar file. The report works fine when running it locally. However, I'm getting an error when running the report from the repository. The error is unable to resolve referenced java class. My question what is the correct way to add and configure a jar file to the server?
Thank you

Jasper jrxml files not included in Grails 3 war

I am using Jasper Reports in my Grails 3 application to generate PDF files. I had some issue with Jasper Report plugin for Grails. So we are using Jasperreport jars to generate the PDF.
compile 'net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:6.2.1'
I created a 'JasperReports' in project level and added all the jrxml and jasper files. In the development environment I use the below way to compile the report.
jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport('JasperReports/FYF_Report.jrxml')
Everything works fine in development but when the war is generated it is not including the 'JasperReports' folder. I tried adding the folder in conf but it did not work.
Let me know if I am missing any configuration to include the 'JasperReports' folder in war.
I resolved the issue by adding the JasperReports folder in src/main/webapp. Path to access the files will be different in local and Production, So I am getting the real path from context as below
def sc=session.getServletContext()
def reportsPath=sc.getRealPath("/")
jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(reportsPath+'JasperReports/FYF_Report.jrxml')

Jasper reports font error

I am using Jasper Reports 5.2.0 and Spring MVC with Maven.
I have done reports using JasperViewer, but suddenly I am getting this error that can't be resolved:
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRFontNotFoundException: Font '
' is not available to the JVM. See the Javadoc for more details.
Delete the jar extra placed jars in your lib folder it works properly
or use same version jar file in maven dependency and webroot ->lib folder or in class path
For me, in one instance, the problem was with the jasperreports version as I had more that one jasperreports jar in my classpath.
My reports were compiled with jasperreports-5.6.0 and in my classpath jasperreports-4.1.1.jar was also included and accidentally jasperreports-4.1.1.jar was "up" in the Build class path order.
Actually, my eclipse project had jasperreports-5.6.0 as a library jar and this project had another project as "Required projects in the build path" that contained the old version of jasperreports.
I moved the jasperreports-5.6.0 to "Up in the build classpath order" than the old version, and the problem got resolved.
Again, later I removed the project dependency and got the problem resolved as well.
So check, whether you have more than one jasperreports library anyhow; if so, remove the unnecessary duplicate jar.
The Problem is one of the fonts you used in Jasper Reports not installed in the system. The solution is to install all missing fonts. Another alternative is to use only the fonts "Serif" and "San-Serif" which eliminates the need of installing fonts seperately and would even work when the code is moved accross different servers.

Testing JasperReports patch in iReport

I'd like to test a patch I made to JasperReports - how do I point iReport to use the patched JAR? Do I have to get the iReport source, put in the patched JAR and recompile?
I don't think you'll need to recompile. The jasperreports JARs are inside [install_dir]\ireport\modules\ext. I imagine that replacing the JAR there will do the trick.