uninstall eclipse 3.5 - eclipse

i'm having problems with eclipse and i think i need to re-install it. is there a safe/recommended way to uninstall it?

I have Eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios) and when I have to uninstall it, the extent of this operation is moving the folder into the recycle bin. Just be sure that your workspaces aren't saved inside (or if they are, move them out), and you should be set.

There's no installer for Eclipse (the one from eclipse.org) , so just delete your Eclipse folder.
However, there's 2 other parts to Eclipse that can cause trouble if they are damaged.
your workspace, usually just a folder called "Workspace" in your user home folder.
a folder named ".eclipse" in your user home folder.
Rename those and see if it helps (better not delete them, as they contain your projects and setttings)

Just delete it. It don't "install" itself in the normal way, it's just a (very big) unzipped file.
You may also want to delete the .metadata directories, wherever you created workspaces, but that shouldn't be necessary.

Open eclipse
Click Help > About and then click command link Installation
Details... to open a dialog showing pages that provide more detail
about your installation.
Click the Installed Software tab to see a list of the software
items that you have installed into your system.
Select the items that you wish to uninstall.
Click Uninstall....
The Uninstall Details page will show you a list of the items that
will be uninstalled. Expanding each item will show what additional
items (if any) will be uninstalled as a result of your choice.
If you change your mind about which items should be uninstalled,
you may click Back to see a checkmark list of the items you selected
before. You may check and uncheck different items in the list, and
click Next when you are ready to continue.
Click Finish to start the uninstall.
Once all of the software is uninstalled successfully, you will be
prompted to restart for the Workbench. Click Yes when asked to exit
and restart the Workbench for the changes to take effect.

You just need to delete the eclipse installation folder. Nothing is "installed" by Eclipse into your system apart from this folder.
But I don't think you really need to delete it completely from your file system. Maybe you can give us a more detailed description of your issue for us to be able to point you to an efficient solution. Maybe you only have to restart from a clean workspace or revert the Eclipse installation to a previous state.
Anyway if you really want to delete it, pay attention to backup your workspace in case you chose to store it in the Eclipse installation folder.


How can I copy an Eclipse installation (Yoxos distribution) to another computer?

I'm in the process of switching my whole work environment to a new computer. For PHP developement I use an old Yoxos distribution of Eclipse: and I don't want to build a new one, since I already had difficulties finding my old plugins.
Both computers run Windows 7 64 Bit. So I tried to copy EVERYTHING that has "yoxos" or "eclipse" in it's name/path, including hidden files. But that still does not give me a working Yoxos-Distribution as the launch file is not linked to Yoxos (I guess that would be done in the registry).
Is there any way to copy Yoxos/Eclipse "as is" to another system? Do you know of any hazards I might run into while doing this?
Disclaimer: you probably already noticed that I don't know a hell of a lot about Eclipse :-/
Eclipse itself contains all the settings in INSTALLATION_ROOT/.metadata directory. These are called "Configuration scope preferences". There are also lower-level scopes - "Instance scope" and "Project Scope" that correspond to workspace and project respectively. So, from bare Eclipse point of view your approach should have worked.
What can happen here is Yoxos or PHP-related metadata are stored somewhere outside configuration scope. I suggest to go through these projects docs (search for registry entries and so on) to see what gets store where.
Other option is downloading a fresh Eclipse instance and then clicking File -> Import -> Install -> From existing install referring the old installation copied into the new box. This solution won't preserve your configuration scope preferences though (instance or workspace preferences will be fine).
Check this thread for more info.
Here's my solution:
1) I had to realize what the real problem was: a very old installation of a custom Yoxos package (> 5years) with no Yoxos user account attached to it. At least it seemed that way. I had a new Yoxos account since last year: but that one was not linked to my installation. And vice versa my installation was linked to: nothing. And that was the problem!
2) By trial and error I found out that in my Eclipses Yoxos Perspective I can do the following:
- log in (Menu "Yoxos") to a user account (new or old doesn't seem to matter).
- bottom right corner: "Save copy..." There you just give a name and as a folder you use the one that's available there when browsing.
3) Log in to Yoxos, get the Yoxos Launcher and install it on the new computer. That seems to be something like an empty shell for the final Eclipse installation.
4) Start the Launcher on the new computer, log in (Menu "Yoxos"). Now you should be able to see your safed copy (see step 2) in the left tree under "Profiles". Install! That's it :-)

Where does eclipse store information about open perspectives etc?

After a recent upgrade to eclipse Juno, I have a problem with eclipse no longer being able to remember certain settings across restarts and workspace switches. Things like which perspectives were open, certain settings like "[x] Open Dashboard" (spring ide) seem to revert to their factory settings whenever eclipse is restarted.
I use Ubuntu and for historical reasons I maintain my eclipse installation in /opt/eclipse. The installation is owned by root, and apart from some issues with upgrades, this has not actually been a problem - until the Juno release.
I have tried chown -R myself:myself on the eclipse installation directory, and I have verified that all files are indeed editable by my own user. Still, the perspectives seem to reset.
Is there any other place where eclipse stores this information, which might still be owned by root?
Information about perspectives is stored in < workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench\workbench.xmi
Keep this file backed up if you use complicated customized perspectives.
P.S. It's also useful to know that deleting this file may solve the problem when Eclipse doesn't start (see also here)
That information is kept in the .metadata directory in each workspace root directory.
Two solutions:
MENU -> File -> Switch workspace -> Other -> Copy Settings of
Workbench Layout
Working Sets
Copy/backup and replace following folder to new created Workspace.
Personally I prefer (2).
The above answer is credited to #Ischin, in the following reference...

Eclipse: All my projects disappeared from Project Explorer

It seems like all my projects (except one) disappeared from the view Project Explorer.
I'm using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Helios Service Release 2
Build id: 20110218-0911
Note: all the projects are present on the file system.
How to bring them back? Any ideas?
This happened to me. I'm still not sure how, but the reason was that my workspace meta data had become corrupted, probably due to Eclipse being improperly shutdown. The solution, as explained here, is to:
Note, steps 2 & 3 are optional if Eclipse isn't crashing, but just not showing any projects.
Close Eclipse.
cd /home/user/workspace/.metadata/.plugins
mv org.eclipse.core.resources org.eclipse.core.resources_bak
Start Eclipse
Do File->Import
General->Existing Projects into Workspace
Click the "Select root directory" field and browse to each subfolder in your workspace folder, and import.
For me, this was very tedious, since I had several dozen projects in my workspace, but it's the only solution I found short of restoring my entire workspace from a backup.
Edit: This answer is now quite old, and better solutions may now exist. Although I haven't had need to try it, I recommend attempting #antonagestam's solution first, as others have suggested it may be faster and more effective.
Edit: Since it's fairly simple, I'd recommend trying antonagestam's solution first. However, this problem recently re-occurred for me, and that solution did not work in my case. But neither did it interfere with this solution.
I had the same problem in Aptana, all of a sudden my projects were gone. Solved it by going to the drop-down menu in Project Explorer and going Top Level Elements -> Projects.
Go to
File --> Import --> General --> Existing Project into Workspace
In Root Directory Enter the workspace path where all your projects saved & click refresh as below
And Click Finish
I was having the same problem for Android projects in Eclipse. This link was very helpful in restoring the missing projects.
Go to 'File->Import->General->From Existing Project'.
Select the root folder to the Workspace.
Click on the 'Refresh' button.
Select the required projects and click 'Finish' button.
I had the same problem in Luna, Suddenly my projects were gone in start-up.
I solved this by select Deselect working set option in the drop-down menu in Project Explorer.
Note: I post this answer even this is not a right answer for this question.
Since I search for Luna and came here,while trying with discussed things I was find this solution. This may help others.
Click on Windows > Open Perspectives > java
, Press Ok. Project Explore will come back on screen..
My solution is
open view menu and select "Top Level Elements" and set "Projects"
If any of the previous methods don't work for you then delete your old workspace, create a new workspace and put it by default. You can do this by launching Eclipse twice - the second time it asks you for the workspace ;). Then re-import all your projects there and say "problem, goodbye".
Mona is correct - Make sure that you have the task list set to show ALL as the image shows. Click the arrow to the left of the project if you want to re-factor your filter. Reset your perspective if you do not see the task list.
Today 22-03-2016, I check again this question and using ECLIPSE MARS I solved with:
Having Eclipse opened, go on FILE -> RESTART
Go on same workspace and I have all project on "PROJECT EXPLORER"
Sometime also this operation, will solve (Clicking on Projects dor see all project!!)
So Other solution is:
if you use the "Task List" view of Eclipse, it will sometimes try to hide files or projects that it thinks are not associated with a given task (i.e. any file that was not opened while you had a certain task selected as the current task). If you want Eclipse to stop hiding files
in that case, you can just delete all tasks.
Or you may also restart your eclipse and by just closing the project and then opening it again (from the right mouse click context menu) the files will be restored.
If that doesnt get your projects back then check the "filters option" (Click on right corner of Project Explorer tab and open context menu. Select Filters option from menu) and make sure that your projects type isnt checked.
you should check the active Working Set - make sure it is off.
When this happened to me I had somehow set the Project Explorer to only display Working Sets. I had none, so nothing was displayed.
To fix it, I went to the Project Explorer View Menu (next to the Minimize and Maximize icons in the Project Explorer), Top Level Elements -> Projects.
Thanks to #antonagestam for pointing me in the right direction.
It seems it happens to us all. I was happily hacking away at javascript, nowhere near all the nasty hibernate java stuff, and boom, "cant find org.jboss.logging.BasicLoging".
I havent touched anything!.
After an hour or so of trying to make that appear, restarting servers, mysql, eclipse, adding jars that weren't needed before,I deployed the fix all solution, the off button.
Then zap, no project.
(I am still none the wiser as to why calling Configuration() should now require jboss-logging...jar, maybe I needed it all along for when bad things happen)
My input is
use git, keep as little of your stuff in the eclipse workspace area as possible. Then just import project from existing git repo when eclipse loses it's marbles.
I also lost my server config. it's there but eclipse insists there no server config stuff and bombs. So make another one, I've expressed my feelings about eclipse in my new server name, and copy your apache xml configs (workspace/Servers/I_Love_Eclipse) over from the original perfectly good directory.
Not sure how/why, but this happened to me once when I added a task to Mylyn. Seemed that mylyn was filtering my projects. When I deleted the task they all came back.
None of the answers provided here worked for me. My Enterprise Explorer was completely grey and I couldn't even import or reimport projects.
In my .metadata.log I saw this error:
assertion failed: working set with same name already registered
So I deleted these file:
Now I can see all my projects. I didn't have to add them back again.
I found a solution that worked better for me. Under my home folder I found a workspace/.metadata folder. I copied this folder into my eclipse workspace, replacing the .metadata folder that had been there. When I started Eclipse everything was back to the way I had left it - all projects present, all open files were still open, etc. Just like nothing had happened! I'm using Neon.
As a preliminary (before reimporting everything), here is a solution to recover working sets in which project were (if any).
I had more than 100 projects and each was in one of 14 working sets.
If your top level elements changes (accidentaly or not if it is a bug) from "Working set" to "Projects", you only see projects that are NOT in a working set, and if, as I do, you don't have any projects outside a working set, you think all is lost because you cannot see anything (blank package explorer).
So the solution is now obvious: click on the top left small white triangle MENU, than select "Top level elements", than select "Working sets".
You also have the possibility to rearrange the working sets list items.
Hope it helps
Unfortunatly the working sets were empty after the recovery, but at least I
recovered their names.
Config: Eclipse Oxygen.2 Release (4.7.2) with Java 1.8 on Windows 10.
Got this issue on returning to an Eclipse project on a VM after leaving it untouched for maybe a couple of weeks.
I started to apply the accepted answer, but when I got to the step of renaming the folder and had exited Eclipse, I saw there was an instance of Eclipse still running. I realized Windows had for some reason started a second instance of Eclipse when I hit the taskbar button. The second instance had been unable to access the workspace while the first instance was using it.
Once I undid my folder rename, and closed and restarted the original instance of Eclipse, I was able to use File->Switch Workspace to get my normal workspace back.
Solution that Cerin provide, importing each time that this problem happens, could be boring.
So I've implemented a script that control if workspace setting exits: if not, restore it to default.
I have an eclipse shortcut icon on the top panel that execute:
/opt/eclipse/checkWorkspace && /opt/eclipse/eclipse
Script checkWorkspace is the seguent:
function sedeasy {
sed -i "s/$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/\([[\/.*]\|\]\)/\\&/g')/$(echo $2 | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')/g" $3
# If workspace setting doesn't exists
if [ -z "$WORKSPACE_EXISTS" ]; then
echo "worskspace setting not exists, resetting to default." >> ${ECLIPSE_LOG}
echo ${newConf} >> ${ECLIPSE_CONFIG_FILE}
# if setting exist but it is empty
vals=(${WORKSPACE_EXISTS//=/ })
length=$(echo ${#vals[#]})
if [ "${length}" -lt 2 ]; then
confToReplace=$(echo ${vals[0]})
sedeasy ${confToReplace} ${newConf} ${ECLIPSE_CONFIG_FILE}
echo "worskspace exists but is empty, resetting to default." >> ${ECLIPSE_LOG}
echo "Worskspace already set:" "${vals[1]}"
Maybe could be semplified, but works.
I tried many solutions. I found mine in the drop down menu of the Entreprise Explorer:
- Deleting org.eclipse.core.resources has no effect.
- "Top Level Elements -> Projects" was already checked for me; swtiching with Documents has no effect.
- Selecting all extensions in the filter option of the drop down menu has no effect at first sight, maybe it solve part of the problem.
The solution come from "Unselecting documents" (third choice in the Entreprise Explorer drop down menu). I think that choice reset the filtering of documents displayed in the Explorer.
Hope it'll helps
JN Gerbaux
Tedious but it worked for me (Kepler):
Using the OS zip utility, zip everything below the project workspace folder to a zip file, to be placed in a separate directory (will use c:\tmp\workspace.zip as an example).
Unzip workspace.zip to the c:\tmp directory. Assume there's a project folder called Project1
a. Ensure all the files in Project1 have Full Control permissions for Everyone or at least 777 permissions.
Remove all the project folders in the Eclipse workspace.
Recreate each project one by one according to its original type (Java, Dynamic Web, etc.). (Will use Project1 as an example.) Do not add anything.
In Eclipse, do File -> Import -> File System. Then select c:\tmp\Project1 as a source
Select the workspace Project1 as a destination. Do not overwrite any file.
In Eclipse, refresh the project and test it. It should work.
Also had this Problem.
My Solution was to uncheck the Box PyDev: Closed Projects, even if those hidden Projects are PHP and NOT Python Projects. (Strange BUG in Eclipse/Aptana???)
Be aware that even "Closed Projects" (a Topic above Pydev closed projects) is also unchecked. So you have to uncheck both Settings.
this: eclipse shows only "open projects" in project explorer
All of my projects were closed and I had hid the closed projects in the settings.
So to open projects go to top right view menu, and uncheck Closed Projects option. Assuming it is checked already.
Do the following steps
File --> Import --> Existing Projects into Workspace
Select the root directory as ur old root folder
Yahoo.. There is ur old projects again in ur project explorer
1) File > import > Existing projects into workspace
2) Choose your workspace folder
3) select all of your projects
4) finish
All are OK with above way !!!
File - Import - Existing projects into workspace - browse - choose your workspase - done!
If Eclipse was killed during a shutdown, the projects database may become corrupted (the project database is normally located in: workspace/.metadata/org.eclipse.core.resources/.root/1.tree).
A message like this will be logged in Workspace/.metadata/.log:
!MESSAGE Could not read metadata for '.../.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.root/.markers'.
The data is lost. You need to import your projects again (File->Import ->
General->Existing Projects into Workspace).
The list of projects that were in the workspace can still be seen in .metadata/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/.
Projects located outside the workspace will have a .location file with the path to the project.
I also had the same problem.
Projects and modules appeared after restarting the eclipse, but faced new error;
An internal error occurred during: "AppXray Indexing...". java.lang.NullPointerException.
So it's good to be on safe side, import the project again in a new workspace.
if you go to Quick Access and type in Projects you will get it your projects back.

How to delete Eclipse completely (including settings and plugins) from Mac OS X?

My Eclipse with GAE broken and works strangely.
So I deleted Eclipse from Application folder, but there is garbage left. I re-downloaded fresh new eclipse, but it runs with old settings, and broken GAE structure remained.
How can I DELETE completely Eclipse from my Mac? (without any kind of settings/plugins/logs etc.)
Eclipse itself will be installed where you've unzipped the file you've downloaded. This directory contains Eclipse.app, configuration/, plugins/ and features/ (amongst others).
Your workspace/ directory (in your home directory by default) contains all your projects and various settings too, in workspace/.metadata/ (see dot files if you want to have a look). Deleting the workspace will delete your own project files of course, so you would need to make sure you have a way to restore them from a clean version (for example from a version control system if you're using one).
If you don't want to delete your entire workspace, it might be worth moving it away and then copying the projects back in, leaving the new workspace/.metadata/ clean, to see if this fixes your problem.
Add ~/Library/Caches/org.eclipse.platform.ide to the list
Im not sure if this is the right place for such kind of questions...But r u using any applications such as "app cleaner"?
if not try it... http://en.softonic.com/s/app-remover:mac

Cannot "Install New Software" in Eclipse 3.5

I have just installed Eclipse 3.5 for Java EE developers ("Galileo").
I need to add an extra plugin, but when I select the "Install New Software ..." menu item, nothing happens. Literally nothing - no dialog opens, no error message is displayed. If I have the Debug window open, no message are displayed.
If I go to Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites, that dialog opens OK, I can manage the list of update sites, and test the connections, and they all appear OK. But I cannot get to use them to actually install anything.
Is it just broken, or could there be something more subtle wrong?
Start by checking you error log under Window -> Show View -> Error Log. See if you're getting any exception while trying to install new software.
You can also install by downloading the plugin and unzipping it in the dropins folder.
I ran into the same problem. There seems to be a bug related to the finish button (I am assuming this is the same problem you are experiencing). The way I got around it is by clicking on the finish button (or next, or whichever button is not working for you) and press the 'Enter' key. It's annoying. Seems to be an issue with how Eclipse is integrating with GTK.
I had the same problem, took a look at the error log and changed the launcher from "/usr/bin/eclipse" to "sudo /usr/bin/eclipse", it was a permissions thing...
GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true also solved the non-clickable button problem for me running gnome 2.28.1 with Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) x64 with kernel 2.6.31-14-generic
To resolve this problem, I did the following:
Placed my copy of Eclipse in the trash
Emptied my trash
Rebooted my computer
Downloaded the latest version of Eclipse (which was Indigo at the time of writing)
Placed the .zip file in my applications folder
Double-clicked on the compressed zip to open it (I'm using Mac OS X.6)
The problem disappeared. I am now able to do Help/Install new software....
I suggest to use Eclipse Indigo (Eclipse 3.7) which contains EGit already.
Something you can try:
Delete (rename/move) your workspace and try again. Be sure to backup all your projects and settings.
Download the plugin "manually" and use Eclipse>Window>Preferences>Install/Update>Available Software Sites to add it locally.
Download the plugin "manually" and use Eclipse>Window>Help>Software Updates>Available Software>Add site>Archive, find the directory on your HDD and add it.
I had the same problem in windows... and spent couple of hours to "somehow" install the new softwares.
Anyway I will explain you how I managed to install it after trying many options..
Start a fresh copy of eclipse
First tick two check boxes(Show only latest version & Contact all update sites). Make sure the check box of group items is untick.
Try to add software...
If not showing the list of plugins/Next buttons.
Delete the copy of eclipse.
Start a fresh copy of eclipse
Tick only the check box for Contact all update sites.
Now try to add plugins. It worked for me...
Even if it sounds crap... it worked for me..
If none of the solutions above work for you, simply change the workspace to another location. If the list of items appears properly then there's probably something screwed up in the workspace and not Eclipse. Hope this helps.
I actually just had a similar problem and wanted to offer the solution that worked for me. This was not a permissions thing. To solve that I always install eclipse as my user in my local directory (e.g. /home/[user]/local/eclipse-3.7.2) and then you never have permission issues.
Setup: Go to Help -> Install New software -> Available Software Sites (to add new site)
Symptom: Try to add a new site. After hitting enter or clicking finish the site shows up in the list of available sites. Click Okay to go back to the install new software and the site is not available in the drop down. Go back to Available sites and the site is gone.
Fix: After adding the site click on the reload button while the new site is highlighted (before clicking Ok to go back to the "Install new software screen"
This was occurring on Indigo SR2 (and has been happening for a while). I am running this on Linux Gtk -- but I don't see why this would be related.
Hope this helps!
Delete your ~/.eclipse folder and restart eclipse. This is the only thing that worked for me.
I had the exact the same problem. What I found out is that I installed the eclipse as root user. Therefore, I need to be a root user in order to launch "Install New Software".
just press enter after entering URL in "Install new software" window
I faced similar issue. To troubleshoot this issue follow these steps:
Go to windows -> show view -> error.
Check the error logs. In my case error was java.lang.IllegalStateException: Registry Directory not available. at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.restore
I checked my config.ini which is under eclipse -> configuration folder.
I found eclipse.p2.data.area has incorrect path set.
I set the correct path for above key and restarted eclipse. It started working.
Hope it helps
I have faced the same issue. To solve the problem, follow the following steps:
Window (Eclipse Menu) -> Show View -> Error Log
if Error Log is not there, then:
Window (Menu) -> Show View -> Other -> General -> Error Log
Once the Error log is shown, Go to Help (Eclipse Menu) -> Install New Software
Check the Error log, most probable you will see an exception there.
Check the exception, most probable it's caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException
Check the path mentioned in the exception, if you see ".Lock" in the path, close the eclipse then go to the path in windows machine and delete that folder.
now go to the eclipse "exe" file that you're using and open it as an administrator, then try, most probably this will solve the issue.
I`m wondering if this help you.
Let me know if you have any queries.