How to format all Java files in an Eclipse project at one time? - eclipse

I have an old Eclipse project and the code is not well formatted. I'd like to format all the .java files according to the settings in Eclipse. I don't want to edit every individual file with Ctrl+Shift+F. Is there a way to format all my files? Perhaps an Eclipse plugin?

Right click on the project root and select Source -> Format. This should work for at least version 3.8.1. and above.
If the above does not work, you're probably using an older Eclipse-version. In such case you can select your Source Folders by clicking on them while holding down CTRL, then select Source -> Format from the right-click -menu. Works with package-folders and class files also, in case you don't want to format the entire project.

I also had the Java Perspective ON and this was still not working. My eclipse was only formatting css and Html files, but not JAVA ones.
Then, I located this answer that explains this:
You must add Java Facet to the project to allow Java classes to be detected by Eclipse formatter
Then, you should check on PROJECT-PROPERTIES-PROJECT FACETS and activate the Java facet for the project:
And by right-clicking on top of the PACKAGE-EXPLORER you will find the SOURCE - FORMAT option, and it will format Java files too.
Be careful, check it´s package explorer, not Project Explorer (click
Window-Show View-PackageExplorer)

This is the purpose of
Source ->Clean Up...
selecting the appropriate options.

In older versions of Eclipse (Indigo) it works from Package Explorer (not Navigator). Right click the package you wish to format then choose Source -> Format. It will format all classes in that package and its sub-packages.

In Eclipse Mars.1 Release (4.5.1) version and above, just press
Right click on the code typing area
Src > Source > Format.
If you want to format individual java / xml file just do Ctrl+Shift+f


.class file opens instead of .java while debugging

Current setup:
MainProject which is a Library Project
BranchProject which is a new projects and has MainProject as a Reference
Whenever I debug and a file from MainProject is on focus (actually BranchProject has only graphic and xml layout changes) the Debug window opens a .class file which is read only. I want it to open the .java file so I can edit it directly.
Skyler's answer from this post worked for me:
Opening source code from debug view edits .class after Android R18 update
Here is a summary:
The fix is to right click the Project name in the debug view, and select "Edit Source Lookup..." from the menu. From there, remove the Default lookup path. After that, manually add the associated projects (not jars) that your project references. This is done by clicking Add, selecting Java Project, then checking the appropriate projects.
When you're using a Library project one of the things you're in fact doing is compiling your Library project into a jar and then referencing that jar in your calling Project.
If you right click the Project, and select "Configure Build Path" you'll see a tab called "Libraries", if you look inside "Android Dependencies" you'll notice a list of jar's corresponding to your Library projects.
These jars are expandable, showing you that they have a slot for a source attachment. Usually this would be editable allowing you to directly link the source but in terms of ADT these are already filled and are uneditable.
When debugging these files you're linked to a read-only class file with this attached source. This is because you're not running against source files directly, you're running against a pre-compiled class file. Until the ADT team get this functionality in place, you're pretty much forced to jump to the direct source code and rebuild everything.
See #Steven linked answer :)
I faced the same issue while debugging the a .java file using Eclipse IDE. As per my understanding this issue comes when we put the xyz.class file of file or JAR at the project build path. Delete the .class or JAR file from the project class path and rerun .java file in the debug mode. This time you see a source not found window. Click on "Source not found" button and check "Find duplicates..." at the bottom of the window. Done your problem is solved :)
The problem is that the class file is preferred over the java (by default), here is how you can change that for Eclipse (tested on NEON 2):
Right-click on the Project in the Project-Explorer, click Properties
On the new window select: Run/Debug Settings
Create a new configuration (or duplicate another one)
Select the new config and click Edit...
Go to the tab Source
Select the Default and Remove
Create a new path with Add..., select Java Library, then JRE System Library
Create a new path with Add..., select the location where the sourcecode is by Workspace folder (if it is a project in the same workspace) or File System directory (it it is not)
I think this depends on, how you set up the dependency in eclipse. You should set up your BranchProject to depend on the source-Files of your MainProject. If you depend on compiles Class-Files is obvious that the debugger opens the class files, because it does not know about the source files.
I found a good solution for me here:
Using Android library in eclipse and jumping to class files instead of source file that is within eclipse workspace
Simply, select each library project your project depends on, and use Top or Up to move it above the projects outputs. Eg. move all library projects to the top.
Open main project properties -> Java Build Path -> Projects tab and add there projects the main project depend on.
Switch to Order and Export tab and uncheck Android Dependencies
If you tried all above hints and it still doesn't work try this solution, it worked form me:
Right-click on the Project in the Package-Explorer, click Build Path -> Configure Build Path...
Select tab Order and Export
select library that you can't reach code and then click on button Bottom
Then click on Apply and Close
hope this can help you
Most of the time it happens when specific source folder are not added in build path Sources tab.
Right-click on the Project in the Package-Explorer, click Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Source Tab
Add the source folder if your project source folder is not there.
Select Add folder -> select your project source folder specifically. Eg: project_name/src . Then Apply it and restart server.

How can I get Eclipse to index an entire C/C++ source tree that contains multiple "make projects"?

I'm having trouble getting Eclipse to index my source code. I'm using Eclipse Helios on Windows XP at the moment.
I have a directory called src. Within it, I have a bunch of dirs, something like this:
-include (common headers)
-libIO (source code for this library)
-libGUI (source code for this library)
-pgm1 (source code and headers for this pgm)
-pgm2 (source code and headers for this pgm)
Each leaf has its own Makefile. There is no top-level Makefile in src. pgm1 can and does include files from include and lib/libIO and lib/libGUI.
Basically, I want Eclipse to index my entire src directory, without having to set up a C/C++ project for every leaf in my tree. I can't seem to find a way to make this happen.
Here's my symptoms; what I'm trying to solve for:
When editing source in the pgm1 dir, it references functions that are declared in my include dir header files and defined in source files found in lib/libIO.
However, when I press F3 to get to the declaration of a function, Eclipse says "Could not find symbol 'X' in index". I can't seem to get Eclipse to find either the header declaration or the source definition for the method under my cursor (like the Java module does perfectly). Is this possible?
I had exactly same issue as OP but for some reason the menus in Eclipse I was using (Helios Service Release 2) were not "Go to Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Source Location.".
The way I fixed the issue was :
in C/C++ view, right-click on top project name;
in the menu, select New->C++ Project;
in the window that appears, select Convert to and then select C++ project;
click OK to close the window.
Eclipse will start indexing right away. Depending on the size of source tree it may take a while but you will have the indexing working finally after that.
I faced similar situation. I solved it in this way: right-click the project in project View-->select Index-->rebuild.
I managed to solve this thanks to comments here.... I ended up recreating my project. I used the Import method to download a project from CVS, and told it to use the New Project wizard to do so. When I got the New Project dialog, I told it this was a C++ Project, and the indexing now works fine.
I still wish I could index files without having to attach a specific project type to it, but at least I found an answer.
Thanks for the help all.
Exit Eclipse. In workspace go to ".metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.core" and delete everything in there.
in the project explorer panel, right click the project you want to re-index, then select index, then select the action you want
Indexing of files and variables under different flags is always complicated when we have a huge project, lot of files and more importantly lot of different build options. I prefer playing around with the Indexer option to help me browse the entire code.
You can find it : Project Properties>C/C++ General/Indexer.
You can choose "Enable project specific settings"
Then it's up to you to choose the options you want for your project.
For a particular build we can choose "Use active build configuration" so that only the files and MACROS are considered which are used by the build script.
Or Index all source files in the entire project.
I am using Eclipse Neon 3, here's the solution that worked for me :
go to File
Convert to C/C++ Autotools project
then select your project and finish.
It can take some time to finish indexing, it depends on your project size.
I have experienced problems with the indexer of Eclipse Luna when there was an unresolved friend declaration in the class declaration - it seems then that the indexer skipped indexing the rest of that class, and all references to it was shown as unresolved by the indexer.
Solution: removed the unresolved friend declaration (in my case, it was legacy code that was no longer needed).
Please try the following (my project is set up differently, so I am not sure this will work for you).
Go to Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Source Location.
Do you see your source folder there?
I observe this behavior:
When I add a source folder and then exclude it from build, it disappears from the above list. After that the folder is no longer indexed. Re-adding it to "Source Location" solves the problem: the folder is now indexed; remains excluded from build (as intended); is visible among source locations.
I believe it is a bug -- excluding a source folder from build should not remove it from source locations list.
In Coocox IDE (Eclipse + gcc) the problem is resolved by going from file menu
Edit > Preferences > C/C++ / Indexer > Build configuration for Indexer set to Active build configuration and the rebuild the project (Ctrl R).
If the project is already converted to C/C++ and still the index is not working you can right click on the project and Index and rebuild. The project will start indexing right away.
I am using
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Linux Developers
Version: Helios Service Release 2
Build id: 20110218-0911
I followed the suggestions above and in addition I had to mark all referenced projects (with in the work space) using project properties->Project references
The following has worked for me in Eclipse Neon:
New Project -> C/C++ -> Makefile project with existing code -> Next. Then Navigate to the code and finish the project creation. Indexing starts automatically.

Eclipse autocomplete not working in some Java files

I have noticed that autocomplete is not working in some of java files in Eclipse.
Also, the files where autocomplete is not working, display a hollow "J" as the icon for the Java file. The files where autocomplete is working, icon for java file is a filled "J"
I am wondering if someone can point out what went wrong all of suddent, why the change in icons and why autocomplete and syntax highlighting is turned-off in the files with a hollow "J" icon?
Basically, I was doing what VonC has suggested but Eclipse was not refreshing that it why I was thinking that VonC's suggestion isn't working, after doing a refresh, the problem resolved.
Since this question is highly ranked on Google, I will add a solution to fix general auto complete issue, not for 'hollow J' ones.
Try Window (Windows/Linux) or Eclipse (OS X) -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Restore Defaults
Content Assist -> Advanced -> Restore Defaults
some answers (restore defaults) above do not work for some adt bundle installs as of jan '13.
in those cases, go to
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced
and tick on the JAVA PROPOSAL options.
In this following picture, has a hollow J, because it is explicitly excluded from the sources to build:
Could you go to the properties of the project, "Java Build Path" Section, "Source" tab and see if some exclusion filter has been set ?
It is usual for instance to define:
to exclude at first building any unit-test class (when you have a large set of sources and do not want to be presented with Test classes during auto-completion, or do not want them considered during source searches).
Those with a hollow J aren't part of the build path of the project, so they can't participate in the normal build process and therefore auto-complete won't be enabled for these files (and other Java editor features!). You must add the folders with the Java files to be built to the build path using the 'source path' section of the project properties. This can be accessed by right clicking on a project in the project navigator / package explorer and going to Properties. See for details.
Additionally, if the files aren't part of a Java project in the first place, you must create a project and move the files in, or put the files in an existing one. Again, make sure these file are under a source directory as described by that section of the project properties.
I cope with the issue by deleting the file if autocomplete does not work. Just before copying the source code. Then I have recreated the java file with the same name. Pasted the source code previously copied.
As an addendum to the #VonC answer, make sure that the Java files are part of the Inclusion pattern. I had a case where a build process was creating the project while only including .js files and not the Java files:
You can manually edit the inclusions via the Edit button. In my case, a fix was made to the build script to make it permanent.
Neither Restoring Defaults or my build path (file was already in package directory w/other files where auto-complete was working) fixed problem. Fix for me was to close the file explicitly (right click on file name in tab) and re-open. Interestingly, just re-starting Eclipse didn't work either.
Make sure you have the right directory structure. I believe that:
Hollow J icon beside Java file - will not be build
Normal J icon beside Java file - is a file to be build.
I made a mistake when I created webapp artefact. By default it does not create folder for Java, but for resources. I mistakenly put my sources there.
Have a look - see the difference.
I was able to get this fixed in Visual Studio Code, VSCode but entering crtl-shift-p and typing in clean. When I did that I ran the "Java: Clean Java Language Sever Workspace" command. This fixed my autocomplete issue for me.

exclude files from jar or war in eclipse

Is there a way to tell Eclipse to not include specified files, directories, or patterns in a JAR or WAR?
You can specify includes and excludes by opening the Project Properties (alt-enter) then opening Java Build Path and the Source tab. Against each source location there is a little plus sign, click on that then select Included or Excluded then select the Edit... button.
source path screenshot
You can then specify multiple patterns for files to be included/excluded. These files will not be processed to the output directory. The patterns follow Ant's wildcard patterns so you have quite fine-grained control over what to include.
We fought with this problem too and didn't find a good standard solution for it in Eclipse WTP.
Hence we added Project Archives to JBoss Tools ( which allow you to control explicitly via "ant filter sets" what goes in and what goes out of your archive.
This archive you can then deploy with the standard WTP mechanism for deployment on the server types supplied by JBoss tools.
We are working on adding similar support back into native Eclipse WTP, but that won't be available until sometime next year.
to add to what #Rich_Seller said: in Eclipse Indigo:
Select your package from the package view right click, and choose Export.
Choose Java -> JAR file from the "select an export destination" tree.
Click Next to go to the next page of the wizard.
Under the "Select the resource to export" you are presented with a
tree view here you can select and deselect components that will be
included and excluded from the JAR.
I think including an XML file in another and then removing its visibility in the war file should give you an on off switch.

How can I format an entire source tree in Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede)?

The obvious thing to do would be to:
Right-click on the folder that you wish to format.
Source > Format
Expected results:
- All java code in the directory and subdirectories are formatted (using the project specific formatting settings)
Actual results:
- None of the java is formatted.
While we're at it, how can we do a batch clean up operation in Eclipse?
From editor, I Right-click > Source > Clean Up, but I can only do one file at a time.
I faced the same issue. I had to switch to packaged Explorer to use the formatter. Under Navigator it does not work. Hope this help.
As mentioned in this thread, this (format all Java source files within a folder) should work since eclipse3.0.
Do you see some kind of error message in the "errors view" ?
I did exactly as you suggested you would like to do, and it did exactly what you suggested was expected. I selected Source | Format for a directory in my src tree and it reformatted all the units within.
EDIT: ...with 3.4.1 Ganymede.
If your code isn't checked out from source control or isn't writable, doing a group operation like this won't check them out or make them writable.
I have the same problem using SpringSource Tool Suite 2.5.1
I am using the package explorer
The project is in a SVN repository that is checked out
In the progress dialog I can see that only the XML files are modified
When I press Ctrl+Shift+F into a file, it gets reformatted (therefore is writable) but when after a reverse I do a right-click Source > Format on its folder nothing happens
I know it's been 2 years but I was wondering if #LES2 has found a workaround to correct this
Okay, despite I was really in the package explorer as written before, my java code was interpreted only as text files. I re-ran the full repository check-out of my project and a package-tree (squares for packages instead of folders) appeared giving me the ability to mass-format even Java files.