Restful Api: User id in each repository method? - rest

I am new to both .Net & RESTful services.
Here is the object hierarchy I have in the database: Users->Folders->Notes.
The API: GET /api/note/{noteid}
would get mapped to the repository call
NoteRepository::GetNote(userId, noteId)
Notice that I am passing on the userId to make sure that the note belongs to the logged in user for security purpose.
Is this the right approach? Meaning, every repository call would have the first parameter as the userId to check if the object being accessed belongs to the user.
Is there any better approach?

You don't need the User Id since the
GET /api/note/{noteid}
is indeed unique.
A valid scenario for adding the id would be:
GET /api/{userId}/notes
And then if you want a specific note you can:
GET /api/{userId}/notes/{noteId}
I would implement security at the entry level. whether the user has rights to perform a method on that specific resource. A role model approach would be fine.

I would also introduce the user id in the API, because of Stateless and Cacheable constraints described in the Wikipedia REST article.
However, if I check Google Tasks REST API, they don't include the user id, same thing for Twitter API, so it seems a trend not to include the user id. If someone can shed some light I would be grateful.
UPDATE: Thinking more about it, if the noteid is unique across all users, there is no need to include the user id, so a GET /api/note/{noteid} is fine.
However, the logical parent in a restful interface would be GET /api/note/ to get a list of all notes, and here I've the objection, since the list would differ according to the user requesting it, making it non cacheable.
As for your dot net part I think that passing the userid among dot net methods is perfectly fine.


RESTful API Design based on the RBAC model

The problem to face lies in the design of a RESTful API that can manage requests from multiple roles in an RBAC-based solution.
Currently we have different resources that can be accessed from different users, which can have one or more roles grouped according to their privileges.
The API we're trying to define must be as clear as possible to the client but without the overhead of adding additional metadata to the URL that could damage and even conflict with the REST practices and definitions. Therefore, we must avoid at all costs include information about the roles inside the URL. The plan is to use JWT tokens that carry in their payloads the info needed to know which permissions has the user making the request.
Having raised our current situation, let's provide an example and state the problem to solve:
Suppose we have * financiers * and * providers * as users with some roles who both want to access ** attentions ** (our resource). Should we add before the resource ** attentions ** information about the * user * whose trying to access the resource?
The endpoints in that case should be defined (as an example) as:
This way we're attempting to inform the respective controllers that we want the ** attentions ** for that specific role / user which are, in some way, a sub-resource of them.
On the other hand, we could simply implement a much simpler endpoint as follows:
The logic about which attentions return from the database should be now implemented in an unique method that must handle this two roles (and potentially new ones that could come up in the following features). All the information needed must be obtained from the payload from the token, exposing a much more generic API and freeing the web client from the responsibility of which endpoint call depending on the role.
I want to highlight that the attentions are managed in a Microservices Architecture and, hence, the logic to retrieve them is gathered in a single service. The cost of the API Gateway to route the two (and potentially more) of the endpoints from the first solution is a variable not to discard in our specific situation.
Having exposed our current situation:
Which we'll be the best approach to handle this issue?
Is there another alternative not contemplated that could ease the role management and provide a clean API to expose to the client?
In the second solution, is correct to return only the attentions accessible to that specific user based on the roles that it has? Isn't it counterintuitive to access an endpoint and only get some of the resources from that collection (and not all) based on its role?
I hope that someone could clarify the approach we're taking as there are little and none literature that I've found regarding this issue.
There there are multiple solutions for such kind of filtration, and developer have to select one depending on given situation.
As per my experience I can list following.
When data can't be accessed directly and developer has to use a relation (i.e a table JOIN). In that case URL have to include both the main and sub entities. Before going with this approach a good check is to ask, if the same URL can be used with POST ?
If we have to fetch list of roles assigned to a specific user or want to assign additional roles then we can use
GET users/:uid/roles
POST users/:uid/roles
With Multi-tenant systems where each user can have his/her private resources, i.e other users are prohibited from accessing those resources. Developer should save tenancy information and to filter the resources according to current authentication, without bothering client or requiring any additional info in URL
Phone album of the user
GET photos
POST photos
If it is not security or structure related but client still want to filter the result set depending on his scenario. then developer should use query-string for the filtration.
Client have to fetch messages from his/her inbox or outbox or want messages which are not yet read. or he/she want to search his/her inbox
GET messages?folder=inbox
GET messages?folder=inbox&status=unread
GET messages?search=nasir

REST Endpoints for Current User vs ID

As far as REST APIs go, which is the better structure to follow in general?
Assume GET/PUT/POST/DELETE for all resources.
1) Use currently signed in user for /users/**/* routes.
2) Having absolute paths with IDs and using /users/:id for currently signed in user?
Does it matter?
If the resource you are referring can be multiple, you should go with
In the above case, user can only be the current person, so using a pattern like /users/user_id, sounds odd. Because, you will have to handle different cases like What if a logged in USER A triggers an api call with a different user-id USER B??
You can have a namespace like /profile for managing the email, name, image etc. You don't have to make it as /users/profile as it is implicit that the data is going to be manipulated / accessed for the current logged in user.
Both are fine. What's nice about creating unique endpoints for every user, is that one day you can allow user X to access information about user Y.
The pattern I followed in a recent API was to create a unique endpoint for every user, but 1 endpoint /current-user that redirects to the /user/:some-id.
A url might indicate an identity. It makes a lot of sense that other resources might refer to user as a 'creator' or 'modifier' of sommething, and in those places you might want to use a url (and not just a userId).

REST API with two fields

I've read lot of API REST and the possible approaches but I'm not 100% clear about what I have to do.
I want to know what's the best way of do the following:
I have a secure REST with tokens related to accounts. Then I also have objects related to specific accounts.
I need to get objects depending on an accountId (this account is mandatory). The accountId is an attribute of the object.
An user can have more than one account so I need to send the accountId the user has selected to retrieve the specific objects.
Even if I search for a specific object I need to send the accountId (this account is related to security restrictions).
What is the best of doing that?
OPTION 1, as path parameter:
get all objects
get one object
get all objects
get one object
Although the account id is an attribute of the object, it sounds like the objects belong to the account. In that case I would recommend /accounts/{id}/objects. You could extend that to /accounts/{id}/objects/{id}, but I'm not sure you really need the account in the URL in order to find the object -- you should be able to use /objects/{id} and get the account from the auth token in headers to make sure the requester actually owns the object. Actually, you could do the same for /objects, if you don't mind that /objects returns a different list for different users.
For what it's worth, I don't think there is actually a "right" answer to this question. I've searched for answers to this question myself and there are good reasons to do it either way.

How to design URL to return data from the current user in a REST API?

I have a REST based service where a user can return a list of their own books (this is a private list).
The URL is currently ../api/users/{userId}/books
With each call they will also be supplying an authentication token supplied earlier.
My question(s) is:
Is supplying the userId in the URL redundant? As we get a token with each call we can find out which user is performing the call and return their list of books. The userId is not strictly required.
Would removing the userId break REST principles as /users/books/ looks like it should return all books for all users?
Should I just bite the bullet and authenticate them against the token and then check that the token belongs to the same userId?
Short answer
You could use me in the URL to refer to the current user. With this approach, you would have a URL as following: /users/me/books.
An answer for each question
Is supplying the userId in the URL redundant? As we get a token with each call we can find out which user is performing the call and return their list of books. The userId is not strictly required.
You could consider doing something like this: /users/me/books. Where me refers to the current user. It's easier to understand than /users/books, which can be used to return all books from the users.
For some flexibility, besides /users/me/books, you could support /users/{userId}/books.
The URL /users/me can be used to return data from the current user. Many APIs, such as StackExchange, Facebook, Spotify and Google+ adopt this approach.
Would removing the userId break REST principles as /users/books/ looks like it should return all books for all users?
I don't think it will break any REST principles, but I think your resources will not be properly indetified. As I answered above, I would use /users/me/books and also support /users/{userId}/books.
Should I just bite the bullet and authenticate them against the token and then check that the token belongs to the same userId?
When using the userId in the URL to request private information from a user, there's no harm in checking if the token belongs to the user with the userId included in the URL.
I dont think that removing userId would break any REST principles, because after all, /users and them /books, its a little bit openend to interpretation and REST says basically nothing about it, on the other way if you are going to stay with the id inside the request, you MUST check that the user id is the same as the connected user, anyways, for me the 1 is redundant because you already have that information, plus, every time you are going to make useless checks because anyways the authentified userId is the one that you are going to trust in all cases.
Best Regards
REST is resources oriented so in your point what is the resource user or book. My point of view it's book. And I think you can request this resources
But this URL can not solve your permission issue so you have to do it in your code with token information you can get with a OAuth2 protocol or whatever.

Updating something in REST

Philosophically, I had questions about some examples on how to tackle the following REST scenarios:
1) A user who is signed in wants to 'favorite' someone's blog posting. The user id is a guid and the blog posting is a guid. Should this be a PUT because user/blog exist, or POST because there is no entry in the 'favorites' table?
2) A security row in the DB consists of 10+ properties, but I'd only want to update one part of the entity (# of failed login attempts for a user). What should the call be? Pass the entire data transfer object in JSON? Or just add a new api route for the specific action to update? I.e. a PUT with just one parameter (the # of login attempts) and pass the id of the user.
3) Similar to #2, a user class (consisting of 25+ properties) but I'd only like the user to update a specific part of the class, not the whole thing. Philosophically do I need to pass the entire user object over? Or is it OK to just update one thing. It seems I could get crazy and make lots of specific calls for specific properties, but the reality is I will probably only update 2-3 specific parts of the user (as well as obviously updating the whole thing in other cases). What's the approach here for updating specific parts of an entity in the DB?
Thanks so much
Use a POST if you don't have an ID/UUID yet.
The resource is the security record. Do a PUT on that ID, and pass a block of the properties to be changed.
Ditto (2). You should get whatever parameters will help you identify that record in the DB. If it's unsavory to send these in the POST request and you're doing AJAX, just stash them in the session.
With REST, everything is about updating discrete resources ("nouns"). It's up to you how you want to assign these, but a simple interface that uses verbs ("PUT", "GET", "DELETE", etc..) sensibly, returns relevant HTTP codes, and is easy for others to implement is the best way to go.
So, just ask yourself, "What nouns do I want to give CRUD to, and am I going to exhaust people who wish to consume my API?"