I noticed that if I style my buttons with CSS using radius, colors and borders, they look good but in the iphone/ipad/ipod they look terrible...shouldn't be the same rendering as in Safari Desktop??
Oops! I just found this myself. Just add this line on any element you need:
-webkit-appearance: none;
Add this code into the css file:
input {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
This will help.
The above answer for webkit appearance worked, but the button still looked kind pale/dull compared to the browser on other devices/desktop. I also had to set opacity to full (ranges from 0 to 1)
opacity: 1
After setting the opacity, the button looked the same on all the different devices/emulator/desktop.
I have a webview that is picking up the background color in a css:
body {
color: var(--vscode-editor-foreground);
background-color: var(--vscode-editor-background);
Unfortunately, for "short" web pages, it's not expanding to cover the entire view port.
Is there something I can do to the html I'm including in the webview to expand it to fill the space? This obviously only happens on darker themes and light themes work fine - and doesn't happen with larger html files.
Turns out it was just another minor stylesheet issue:
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
That fixed it right up. Thank you Mosh Feu for the answer.
I'm very happy with my slideshow but during navigation I get an effect I'd like to avoid.
It's the same effect that happens in any web page when one click outside of an image, drag the mouse in a position inside of the image and release the mouse. The image gets selected and turns to blue.
In my slideshow it happens when the click on the R-L arrows is not exactly stable and produce instead a click+drag action. The image that is shown turns to blue and the result on my art gallery is quite disturbing.
Is it possible to avoid that effect ?
Thanx al lot
Please try the following approach.
.noselect {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
<div id="slider1_container" class="noselect" ...>
On an iPhone, the button is round with a gradient. However, on every other desktop browser and Android that we've tested so far, it is square. I want the button to stay square. What CSS resets do I need for this?
This rounded corner is the default property of the Safari browser and iOS 5 devices. To overwrite it, use the following styling for your button:
-webkit-appearance: none;
border-radius: 0;
To keep your own border radius while removing the iOS styling
-webkit-appearance: none;
-webkit-border-radius: none;
border-radius: 10px;
You must remove webkit's border-radius to get your own style back, but you can still add your own border-radius after you remove theirs.
You could try to use this property on your button attribute.
border-radius: 0
I am making a Responsive site using the foundation framework and TinyMCE breaks the format when the page is scaled down(it's not responsive). How do I make TinyMCE responsive?
The TinyMCE editor can be made responsive by using css media queries. Simply add css rules that set the width property of table.mceLayout and the tinyMCE textareas. You will need to enforce these css rules using !important because they would otherwise be overwritten.
E.g., I use css similar to this:
/* on mobile browsers, I set a width of 100% */
table.mceLayout, textarea.tinyMCE {
width: 100% !important;
/* on large screens, I use a different layout, so 600px are sufficient */
#media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {
table.mceLayout, textarea.richEditor {
width: 600px !important;
See this jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/johannesjh/384uf/
Note: You may wish to use different media queries or css classes to make use to the "foundation framework"'s responsive grid.
There is a way to get the toolbars to wrap on smaller screens.
/* make the toolbar wrap */
.mceToolbar td {
float: left;
.mceToolbar td:nth-of-type(11){
clear: left;
I made a fork of the fiddle that Johannes posted that includes the above rules:
Making the toolbar responsive for the latest version of TinyMCE:
.tox-toolbar {
flex-wrap: nowrap !important;
overflow-x: auto !important;
.tox-toolbar__group {
flex-wrap: nowrap !important;
This adds a horizontal scrollbar to the toolbar on mobile devices.
TinyMCE 5.1 was released with a new mobile responsive design.
To ensure it functions as intended, you need to add the following code to the head of your pages that are using TinyMCE.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
More information here: https://www.tiny.cloud/blog/the-future-of-work-is-mobile-and-tiny-is-ready-for-it
I'm using version 4 of TinyMCE, there is a plugin named autoresize. It makes the editor responsive.
Here is something I use on a site to make the editor resize and the toolbars moves with the size of the page :
.mceEditor table {
max-width:none; /* Bug in computation of fullscreen */
.mceEditor table.mceLayout {
width:100% !important;
height:auto !important;
table.mceToolbar { float:left; }
body .mceToolbar div {
Using small toolbar, they are properly layed out as the editor width changes.
"theme_advanced_resizing" should be set to "false". Also, more work is needed to make it work with fullscreen.
Remove Width and height from the TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG.
then apply your styling normally.
i am using this in the CSS:
div.tox.tox-tinymce {
width: 200px !important;
I use !important because tinymce using inline styling for that div, use #media if necessary.
a cropped screenshot from firefox inspector
Safari renders black lines in between divs on my website at some scales. It is particularly bad when it breaks apart an image that is chopped in two different divs for a button or something. I can't put a BG in the parent of the two divs because they are transparent .pngs. Any solution or just deal with it?
capture of the problem, http://i.stack.imgur.com/pTLki.png
TravisO also has the same problem, and I changed how the page was laid out, originally it was a simple table with 5 rows, I removed the rows and just went with images and br, still happens. I've tried to remove all padding and margins via CSS but it was pretty obvious the problem isn't the browser rendering, but with the resampling the browser does to convert the page into a size that fits on the screen. You can see my broken page at:
TravisO, you should get rid of the img styling in your css!
If you use only this:
<style type="text/css">
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
background-color: #f00;
text-align: center;
it should render properly on your iPhone!
This issue is a result of a rounding error produced in mobile safari when it rescales background images for display (it's a bug: http://openradar.appspot.com/8684766).
The solution is to increase the width of your right-button edge on its left side by 1 or 2px. Then adjust your CSS accordingly so the 1 or 2 pixels you added are not displayed by default.
The following CSS, added to the problematic div with a specified background-image, is what fixed it for me. Anything less than 3px would still show light artifacts at some Safari zoom levels.
margin-top: -3px; /* for Mobile Safari dark line artifact */
padding-top: 3px; /* for Mobile Safari dark line artifact */
I found changing the background colour of the element with the 'grey border' around it worked for me.
Adding an initial-scale value to the viewport metatag resolved this issue for me.
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0">
I had a similar problem when displaying a .png-image in a div-tag. A thin (1 px I think) black line was rendered on the side of the image. To fix it, I had to add the following CSS style: box-shadow: none;