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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have installed WAMP 2.1 on Windows 7 with PHP-5.3.4 and Apache-2.2.17 but instead of MySQL I'm using PostgreSQL version 8.4.
How can configure PostgreSQL on WAMP?
I have solved the problem by
adding php_pgsql and php_pdo_pgsql extensions
adding path-php in PATH environment variable of Windows
Install PostgreSQL
Edit php.ini, uncomment “extension=php_pgsql.dll”. Check both the
php.ini in the PHP folder and Apache folder
Edit environment variables, add PostgreSQL /bin and /lib directories
to Path. This solves the issue of php_pgsql.dll not loading due to
it not being able to resolve dependencies.
Done. PHP should now be able to communicate with PostgreSQL.
Don't forget that WAMP has two php.ini files. One in Apache directory, one in php directory (bin\php\php5.X.X). Wampserver Tray manages the one in Apache directory.
To be able to run php cli tools (e.g php artisan), you need to uncomment the php_pgsql and php_pdo_pgsql in the php.ini in php directory.
What you are looking for is WAPP. It's a package similar to WAMP but with PostgreSQL instead of MySQL (and PhpPgAdmin instead of PhpMyAdmin)
The Best Way is add location of PHP Instalation to Environment Path of Windows
Control Panel -> System And Security -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables.
Under "System Variables" add PHP Installation Dir for "Path" Variables.
Then Restart Apache Web Service
This way is work for me (Windows 7 32 Bit, Apache 2.2, PHP 5.4)
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Here is my problem
Eclipse only recognizes my version 7 of tomcat ...
However it remains a mistake ... it does not find the jre. Ideas ?
I assume that you've already do that but if you get this issue, it means you certainely make wrong in one of these steps. So let me describe steps:
Go to tomcat site's download page for version 8:
Download the desired version (in this case, 8.5.15) for linux so the tar.gz in the Core sub-part. Manually or with curl (before that, move in the folder you want to download the compressed package):
cd /tmp (for example)
curl -O
Verify integrity of the downloaded tar.gz with MD5 or SHA1 (optional but it sometimes reserves a few surprises)
Uncompress the package where you want so:cd /usr/local and tar zxvf apache-tomcat-8.5.15.tar.gz
Make sure the JAVA_HOME variable is correctly defined because Tomcat needs it to work
Add a new server runtime so: Windows>Preferences>Server>Runtime Environment
Then, add button. Select "Apache Tomcat v8.5" on the list. Next, then browse to select the correct directory /usr/local/* . Actually, you need to choose the directory which directly contains bin, conf, lib and so on.
And it will work fine
Let me know if you fix the problem or if it persists.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I used maven to download mahout and hadoop recently. Because I could not seem to do that without using sudo mvn commands, eclipse could not seem to be able to use anything I had downloaded (there were lots of errors like parents of things like POM.xml being permission denied etc.) and more recently than that I was trying out mahout (with local jars downloaded directly from one of apache's mirrors, not from maven) and although I could run the class the first time, I couldn't do it again because my eclipse instance could not overwrite the file I had already written.
These are just examples of times I feel it would have been good to be running eclipse as superuser by doing
sudo eclipse
Instead of just launching it normally. The only problem I can think of is that as root eclipse suggests you use the root/workspace, but is it ok to just tell it to use yourusername/workspace?
In general- no. It's tempting, but not very good practice to do all of your development as the superuser. If you're running Eclipse as root, then you're also launching Java processes as root when you run your software. (You could change your Java run settings to sudo back to a regular user before running, but I wouldn't recommend that as a solution).
In addition to being a security risk, you are also making it difficult to track down bugs if you want to distribute the software to others to run as non-root (e.g. doing root only things like reading a protected file or using a well known port might work for you, but not for the average user).
I recommend finding the files that are causing issues and doing chmod o+r on them.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Been trying to install Postgres version 9.2.4-1 on my desktop (Vista x32). Downloaded the installer but upon running the .exe a blank window came up with the installer name as title.
This was strange as the installer worked fine on my office pc, also running vista x32. I've tried googling but there are no solutions abound. I've tried the following steps:-
redownloaded the installer. no dice.
downloaded older versions of the installer and the x64 version (same problem)
fully updated vista.
ensured admin rights
tried running from command line.
disabled UAC and windows firewall.
event logs did not show anything nor was there an install-postgresql.log in the %temp% folder.
Disabled antivirus
Followed the FAQ on common installation errors.
my user variable PATH:
C:\RailsInstaller\Git\cmd;C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby1.9.3\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_15\bin;C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\lib
been going crazy trying to figure this out! please help.
As the installation is hung\incomplete in your case install log names should be bitrock_installer.log or bitrock_installer_xxx.log, where xxx is a number (the process ID of the installation attempt). Please check the %temp% dir for this file. This will log all manner of data about the installation, and is invaluable when troubleshooting. The log will be called install-postgresql.log if the installation completed successfully. If not, the installer may not have been able to rename it, in which case the name will be either bitrock_installer.log or bitrock_installer_xxx.log, where xxx is a number.
right click on .exe
run as administrator
Apparently running the installer on an administrator account wasn't enough. Which was odd as I could just run the installer on my office pc without jumping through this additional hoop. Can't believe I just spent hours on this non-issue!
Thanks for the quick responses!
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have OS X Lion 10.7.2 installed (not upgraded)
I bought the laptop (no software upgrade)
I have Version 4.2 (4D199) installed
My .bash_profile says the following:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
When I type 'which psql' I get:
I have read this post on fixing the postresql Repairing Postgresql after upgrading to OSX 10.7 Lion and in this article it says that the when you type which psql you should be getting:
I'm not getting it. What am I doing wrong?
If anyone has the same set up as me do the following: Read this link I have copied and pasted what this person has wrote:
If you've installed or upgraded to Lion, you probably noticed that it now comes with a partial PostgreSQL 9.0.4 installation. Replacing shoddy MySQL with proper beardy Unix database software is no doubt a good thing, but you will quickly notice that the actual PostgreSQL server is missing, as it's part of the "server" version of Lion and not included in the regular flavor. So how do you get your PostgreSQL development server back?
Do not buy Lion Server For £35 this should get you the official build of the server part of PostgreSQL, along with a lot of other stuff you most likely don't need. Save the cash and the diskspace.
Do not install the official PostgreSQL Mac package from EnterpriseDB It's nice of them to provide one, but it's currently not working with Lion (minor user creation issues - although there is a workaround).
Do not Build from source This will work, but leave you with a clutter of files in /usr/local that conflict with system files unless you're taking special care.
Do brew install postgresql. Yes, this is almost the same as 3., but the result can be easily removed or updated later. Plus you get nice setup instructions at the end about how to create a database and launch postgres at login. Homebrew Link will also help you set up your environment so that things that require PostgreSQL headers and includes to build (like psycopg2) can find them without any messing around.
You must have brew installed first.
After you have installed brew then you can install postgresql brew install postgresql
The installation provides EXCELLENT notes for creating your initial DB and starting/stop PostgresSQL for OS X Lion. Save the notes and do the initial create DB
Once you have at this point you can create a db. i.e. psql -d stuff
For the longest time I kept wondering why the initial OS X Lion PostgreSQL was not working and it comes down to it's missing the server version. Anyone else banging their heads on this I hope this reference material helps.
*.bash_profile* is read on login (if you're using bash as your login shell or if you force its execution with the --login option).
Did you try to log off and on after you've modified the initialization file (*.bash_profile* will not be read if you just open a new terminal window)?
You may add the path settings to your .bashrc file too (it's read whenever an interactive shell is spawned).
Did you check if psql is actually available in /usr/local/bin ?
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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to install the PowerShell Community Extensions using only the command-line.
I don't want to use a UI, no right-click extract, double-clicking an MSI file. I have to do this process on dozens of computers. However, all of the instructions I've found involve all of this clicking and downloading.
I'm looking for a series of PowerShell commands that can complete the installation. Ideal solution would be completely self-contained: download file X & install. I would like to avoid copying local versions to the given server.
Requirement of Admin access is fine.
I'm starting from a blank computer, with PoSH 2.0 installed. I'm logged in via PsSession.
I'm looking for a series of PoSH commands, not a list of instructions.
I'm actively trying to avoid "Open IE and download a file", that's the anti-thesis of a shell.
Edit for 2014
I would now do this with Chocolatey.
Chocolatey has a one-line download & install command followed by an additional command in to install PSCX.
PSCX (2.0) is available as a zip and all you have to do is copy the contents of the zip file to your modules folder -$env:Home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules ( for user) or $PSHome\Modules (for system) - and when you want to use it, issue import-module pscx.
Read the release notes for more details.