Removing environment specific properties from wars, ears, and jars - deployment

At my company, we use Weblogic (depending upon the installation anywhere between versions 6.1 to 11g).
Right now, we embed environment specific variables into our ears, jars, and wars. This even includes the weblogic.xml file where we have something like this:
That means we have to rebuild the same jars, ears, and wars for each and every environment. And, if there's a change in the environment, we have to rebuild and redeploy the wars, ears, and jars. You can imagine the issues and problems we have with build and release management (which is my job).
At my last position, we used JBoss, and somehow were able to create generic and deployable ears. I would have Hudson build an ear that the developers could use for their testing. This same ear could then be passed to our QA team in their environment, to UAT, staging, and into production.
We could do this amazing feat because we configured JBoss to look for properties files OUTSIDE or the ear itself. There was a config directory that was a sibling to the deploy directory that contained any needed properties files. Is it possible to setup Weblogic to do the same thing?
We need a way to do this with minimal code changes. I've already examined the source, and we don't specify the directory name when we specify loading the values in the properties files. Therefore, we might be able to do this with some sort of CLASSPATH idea.
I understand that these properties must live somewhere, but I would prefer if it could be configured in the environment, and maybe done by having the path relative to the deploy directory. I want to use the same ear, jar, and war files no matter what system you are on: Windows PC desktop, Linux, Mac, or Solaris server.
The toughest issue will be our weblogic.xml embedded path. Can that path be relative to the deploy directory and not from the root of the system?
As I stated before, I'm the build manager, so as far as everyone is concerned, this is my headache, and not their problem. If deployments don't go well, the Finger 'o Blame can point directly at me.
In order to get this to done I have to be able to find a solution that's simple for us to implement. We can't rewrite everything and change everything around. Otherwise, I can't get the other teams to do this. After all, it's my issue and not theirs. We need something with minimal coding changes (preferably none) and minimal changes in our Weblogic setup. I want something that in Version 3.4 of our software, we do it the old fashion environment specific way, but in Version 3.5, we can deploy in an environmentally neutral way and do that with minimal changes in our deployment environment.

I can feel your pain - I went through the same process at a couple of companies. You have a couple of options that would be a significant improvement from your current setup:
1) Modify the CLASSPATH to use an external directory / properties file that overrides everything that is in the ear file. This is easy to implement but can get out of hand without the proper standards/governance.
2) Use deployment plans to define environment specific variables. However, deployment plans were not introduced until the WebLogic 9.2.
3) Roll all of your environment specific files in to its own jar. All environments would be pointing to the same file but it would be building out different contents based on your build process. Advantages - Single file that contains all the props, easy to move, etc. Disadvantages - Cannot change properties on the fly and force a reload from the JVM.
There may be other options based on the repository. IMHO, all of these work more or less the same - It's the process and enforcing it that prevents issues.


can OFBiz be configured to work as a single monolithic webapp?

OFBiz by default works as a collections of small webapps each with its own front controller. OFBiz webapps typically depend on a lot of common modules. Typically, modules under specialpurpose or hot-deploy would end up depending on pretty much all of the modules under framework and applications... with the embedded container, all libraries go into the catalina shared library class loader but if ofbiz needs to be deployed in a different container, there is simply no easy way. the only options i believe are
package ofbiz as an EAR with a EAR/lib or EAR/APP-INF/lib so that all webapps have access to a common set of EAR level classpath resources.. typically each modules's config, lib and the all important ofbiz-$module.jar
each webapp packages each of the required jars into its own WEB-INF/lib.. too much duplication and also increases the filesystem footprint in a sense
use the application system classpath in lieu of catalina shared.lib folder - which means the JVM has to be dedicated to ofbiz as its jars would otherwise interfere with other sibling deployments and potentially even with the container itself, typically things such as XML, XSL, STAX apis etc..
given that ofbiz load most of the resources using the filesystem (ofbiz.home + component://) resulution. What the webapp really needs access to in a convential servlet context kind of way is the
classpath resources - across the various ofbiz-$module.jar in shared.lib. typically, each modules's config, lib and the all important ofbiz-$module.jar
imported (component://) webapp resources like other controller.xml for various modules. most importantly the framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/controller.xml that provides the boiler plate security implementation like checkLogin and autoLogin....
I was wondering if we could somehow package multiple webapps into a single monolithic webapp using front controller namespacing so that the war maps to a single root content like say / (ROOT on tomcat) and /content, /webtools, /catalog, /ecommerce etc. are mere URL namespaces/subcontexts rather than separate webapps. framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/controller.xml could become the root controller for / (ROOT in tomcat) and provide checkLogin, autoLogin etc to all webapps without each controller having to import that controller.xml
This would allow us to simply the deployment model when we would want to move to other containers like say weblogic, jboss et al where we would be better of building a single webapp with all of its dependencies neatly packaged into its WEB-INF/lib such that it could coexist with other deployments in the same container without interfering with their dependencices and their versions...
I believe struts had this kind of modular namespacing where there could be a root level struts.xml (our case controller.xml) and each module would be a folder with its own module/struts.xml or module/struts-module.xml etc...
i personally feel this would be helpful.. i have not thought enough about the downsides. there could be many? i honestly don't know. I have not given enough thought to themes either.. developers clearly would not like to see any change in the way code is laid out or organized.. so with some minor? :) changes in the core MVC code in the framework, we could potentially support this kind of deployment using a simple ant build script that stages candidate webapps into a merged monolithic webapp...
i was hoping to see a debate on the merits of this idea... i would even be willing to invest some time into making this work if i get some direction and inputs..
Have you considered using chef to deploy Ofbiz instead?
I wrote the following cookbook to demonstrate how it could work:
This is a difficult part of how Apache OFBiz is architected. Using EAR files works okay, but shared classpath resources in an EAR file are app-server specific, and you have to deploy in a container that supports EAR files which limits choices.
One of the limitations is the flat namespace for requests in the controller.xml files, and what you describe would be the best way to handle that (use a different ControlServlet mount point for each OFBiz component app). Doing so may require some code changes for the URL writing (the #ofbizUrl FTL tag and the underlying code used elsewhere). It would also require a bit of work to write an ant target or something to build the WAR file, pulling in all the webapps from the various components (or just those desired), writing a combined web.xml file, etc, etc.
This is a recognized issue with OFBiz, and isn't a problem for most deployments, but does make it more difficult to scale down or host along with other applications. You can add other webapps through OFBiz components to host them on the embedded servlet container, but I don't imagine that is what you are looking for.
One of the issues with making this and many similar changes in OFBiz is the large code base, large user base, and the somewhat large committer group with diverse opinions on things like this. For these and other reasons a lot of the ideas for improving OFBiz can't be easily realized there, and that is why I started the Moqui Framework project in 2010.
Moqui deploys with a single WAR file, and can have an external or embedded runtime directory to make it easy to deploy on WAR hosting services such as AWS ElasticBeanstalk, as well as dropping in to servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat. The WAR file is also an executable JAR file using an embedded Winstone servlet container for easier development and automated testing. There are details about running and deploying Moqui here:
BTW, this is one of hundreds of ideas for improvements to OFBiz that made it into Moqui Framework and the separate project with data model and services (Mantle Business Artifacts). There is general information about it here:

Exploded (unpacked) EAR vs. Packaged EAR file?

In my office we use exploded EAR's (and inside them exploded WAR directories) for our test environments, and then a packaged one for production. I've yet to find a good explanation of the reason behind this though. I understand it's easier from a deployment perspective to push out a single file during builds, but it prevents us from doing things like property file changes without doing complete rebuilds (we could skip the compiles, but our environment currently binds the compile and jar processes together).
What are the major advantages / disadvantages between these two configurations?
Even if you deploy a single .ear file, the appserver will unpack it before using it, as well as unpacking the WARs inside that, and sometimes even the JARs also.
So the only benefit of single .ear files is one of deployment convenience.
Exploded ear - easy to update and manipulate individual prop files, class files, jsps and make surgical changes. You do from time to time wonder if the latest production code has all the latest changes because you move each file individually and it would be easy to forget something. When you deploy, you know exactly what file is being changed with a packaged ear you are updating every single class, jar, jsp in one fell swoop.
Packaged ear - simple, easy to deploy, you know with each deployment you are move ALL the latest changes. prop files are really weird when using an ear, you have to put them on the server(container) and create some kind of absolute path so you know where they are and they are separate from your ear build.
I think I prefer the exploded ear.

Best practice for handling environment specific settings for a Java web app?

I have a Java web app that offloads some environment specific settings (Hibernate configurations, required directory paths, etc.) in a properties file that is ultimately packaged in the deployed WAR. If I wish to distribute this web app, what's the best way to handle the mangement of these settings? It's not feasible to ask the user to open up the WAR, update the properties file, repackage the WAR, and then deploy. I was thinking of either creating an installer (e.g. NSIS, WiX) that asks for the properties, writes them in the WAR, and then asks for the deployment location for the WAR. The other option is to have the properties file external to the WAR, and based on convention the web app will know where to read the file. What's the best practice in this case?
Some projects that require this sort of configuration, and face this issue, use the approach of building the projects (and the .war) on the server where it will be deployed.
So instead of:
Copy a pre-packaged .war file to a meaningful location
You get:
Check source code out of SCM (Subversion, CVS, etc.)
Configure to taste
Build the project (automated with Maven or Ant)
Deploy the project (also typically automated using Maven or Ant)
From here you can get fancy by checking each server's configuration files into SCM as well. This approach allows you to version & audit configuration changes.
I was also facing the same problem in the project. The developer before me had done crude fix for the solution which was adding all the required configuration in the hibernate.hbm.cfg.xml file and commenting them. The required configurations were uncommented as per the need. There is a better solution to problem however.
Use a configuration folder schema
Using configuration Parameter Reader
Use of ConfigurationReader component
Source :

Managing dependencies with Eclipse and CVS

I have a bit of code for a dll that is needed by two or more projects in eclipse. Currently each project has a copy of the code and builds the DLL separately. I want to separate the dll code into a separate eclipse project so there is a common location. But I want to avoid the situation where we have to build the dll in the one project, then copy the dll back to the other projects and check the dll to each respective project. This will create a dll for each project that isn't traceable to the exact code that it was built with.
Is there a way to somehow symbolically link the dlls to another eclipse project that is using CVS as the version control system so that it is possible to tell which version of the code was used to create the dll? Am I making this too complicated or missing something obvious?
I thought about working sets in the package manager for eclipse, but I have to investigate more on how to use them with CVS to avoid making it a nightmare for the next person who checks it out and can't figure out why their project won't compile.
What about creating a new folder in a separate project. In the advanced section of creating a new folder there is an option to link to another location on the file system.
Or you could also create a container project that makes use of a projectset.psf file. Have the projectset file link to the different projects in your repository. When you want to check out that project, check out the container instead and right click on the projectset file and select Import Project Set...
If you are working with one workspace, you end up with three projects, each mirrored in CVS: One is the dll, the others are the projects using the dll (configured as a project dependency of these projects upon the dll project).
With three projects I wouldn't aim for working sets - they are good for managing a lot of projects within one workspace, for three projects, I'd consider them overkill. I usually tend to aim for several workspaces instead of working sets.
Regarding the next person working with these projects: You need to keep some kind of documentation about how to setup your projects. You might say that your eclipse project files do just that (as they define a project dependency upon another project) but this is for the machine - humans tend to like other communication means.
If you are worried about changes to the dll being incompatible to one project (because the person applying these changes doesn't care about the other project), aim for a build server. This will build all projects and dependent projects whenever something under version control changes, run all tests, provide a build number and package it all ready for use. This way you can be sure that - whatever is in your deliverable - can be reproduced, because the buildserver is not able to make local (uncommitted) changes to the code. Also a buildserver will signal failure (either broken API or broken tests) at the moment of the last commit (well - a few minutes later) and place the burden of repairing the damage on the one causing the damage.

Good Ways to Use Source Control and an IDE for Plugin Code?

What are good ways of dealing with the issues surrounding plugin code that interacts with outside system?
To give a concrete and representative example, suppose I would like to use Subversion and Eclipse to develop plugins for WordPress. The main code body of WordPress is installed on the webserver, and the plugin code needs to be available in a subdirectory of that server.
I could see how you could simply checkout a copy of your code directly under the web directory on a development machine, but how would you also then integrate this with the IDE?
I am making the assumption here that all the code for the plugin is located under a single directory.
Do most people just add the plugin as a project in an IDE and then place the working folder for the project wherever the 'main' software system wants it to be? Or do people use some kind of symlinks to their home directory?
Short answer - I do have my development and production servers check out the appropriate directories directly from SVN.
For your example:
Develop on the IDE as you would normally, then, when you're ready to test, check in to your local repository. Your development webserver can then have that directory checked out and you can easily test.
Once you're ready for production, merge the change into the production branch, and do an svn update on the production webserver.
Where I work some folks like to use the FileSync Plugin for Eclipse for this purpose, though I have seen some oddities with that plugin where files in the target directory occasionally go missing. The whole structure is:
Ant task to create target directory at desired location (via copy commands, mostly)
FileSync Plugin configured to keep files in sync between development location and target location as you code (sync the Eclipse output folder to a location in the Web server's classpath, etc.)
Of course, symlinks may work better on systems that have good support for symlinks :-)
To me, adding a symlink pointing to your development folder seems like a tidy solution to the problem.
If the main project is on a different machine/webserver, you could use something like sshfs to mount your development directory into the right place on the webserver.