I have a resource object stored in an option.
private var ochan: Option[Channel] = None
At some point during program execution, ochan is set to Some(channel). I'd like to close the channel (via invoking the method close) and set the option to None in one fatal swoop.
Currently I have:
def disconnect = ochan = { ochan.foreach{_.close}; None }
And previously I had:
def disconnect = ochan = ochan.flatMap{ o => o.close; None }
Is there a better way to do this?
I'd write it like this:
def disconnect = ochan = ochan match {
case Some(ch) => ch.close(); None
case None => None // do nothing
instead of using foreach or flatMap. In my opinion, this solution shows more clearly and explicitly what happens. The solution with foreach or flatMap requires an extra mental jump, you'd have to know what these methods do on an Option.
I don't know that it's better but it's shorter (once you've defined the implicit):
implicit def closer(o: Option[Channel]) = new {
def close(): Option[Channel] = { o.foreach(_.close); None }
def disconnect = ochan = ochan.close
There is no big difference between an immutable var and a mutable val. So why not encapsulate the behavior in a separate class, when you want to have mutability anyway?
class ChannelOption {
private var _channel :Option[Channel] = None
def channel = _channel
def channel_=(ch:Option[Channel]) { _channel.foreach(_.close); _channel = ch }
private val ochan = new ChannelOption
ochan.channel = Some(getAChannel)
ochan.channel = Some(getAnotherChannel) //this automatically closes the first channel
ochan.channel = None //this automatically closes the second channel
It's not thread safe! Remember to use #volatile (not here; using synchronization), and do something like this: (this is why I don't like imperative code)
private val lock = new Object
def disconnect() {//Function has side effects: remember parenthesis!
lock.synchronized { //Synchronizations is important; you don't want to close it multiple times
ochan.foreach {_.close()} //Again: side effects -> parens.
And if you don't use parallel programming, you are doing something wrong.
You could define ochan_= so that assigning a new value to ochan closes the old channel (similar to std::auto_ptr<> in C++) but I don't see how you can encapsulate that in a child class of Option[Channel] because the storage is in your class. The solution wouldn't change the code much at all, it would just make disconnect implicit by assigning ochan.
I guess this could work:
def disconnect {
ochan = {
def disconnect {
ochan = None
Anyway since there is mutating operation, it will always need 2 calls (1 for close and one for assignment of None).
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
class MyClass {
var globalOne = HashMap[String, String]()
var globalTwo = HashMap[String, String]()
def dosync(k:String, v:String) = {
synchronized {
globalOne = globalOne.updated(k, v)
globalTwo = globalTwo.updated(k, v)
def getKey(k:String) = {
Is "getKey" blocked when "dosync" is getting executed because dosync is accessing the global variables which getKey is accessing too?
The short answer is: No. Moreover, it does not lock any global variables at all.
Unfortunately Scala documentation is not very rich on this topic but you can refer to the Java documentation on synchronized because it is effectively the same thing. According to the Scala spec, synchronized comes from
class AnyRef extends Any {
def synchronized[T](body: => T): T // execute `body` in while locking `this`.
It means that your
def dosync(k: SomeType, v: OtherType):Unit = {
synchronized {
globalOne = globalOne.put(k, v)
globalTwo = globalTwo.put(k, v)
being translated to Java is the same as
public void dosync(SomeType k, OtherType v) {
synchronized(this) {
globalOne = globalOne.put(k, v)
globalTwo = globalTwo.put(k, v)
And here the crucial question is: What is this in this context? It is either an instance of a class where dosync or static Class object if dosync is in a simple object. In both of those cases globalOne and globalTwo are not "locked" in any way. Moreover, you still can do whatever you want on a "locked" object as long as you do not synchronize on that object. Although this is not explicitly prohibited, in most cases this is not something you really want. And this is exactly what happens in your code. Your dosync is synchronized over some object but getKey (although most probably being a part of the same this) is not synchronized at all and thus can access globalOne in an unsafe way. If you want it to be safe - you should synchronize inside getKey as well
I'm writing this application (while learning scala and functional programing) that has a growing list that needs to be accessed. I have a way of implementing it but it doesn't seem like a good way of doing it.
I have a class that in another thread polls another source and appends the response to a list. There is another function that will once in a while use the latest response from that list and append to another list.
The only way Ive been able to come up with is having the polling function mutate the list. I do something like declaring it when the class is created. Either by var stream = Stream() or val list = collection.mutable.list. Then have the polling function update that with var stream = stream :+ response.
This doesn't seem like a good way of doing this?
case class example extends Runnable {
var responses = Stream[response] = Stream()
var validResponses = Stream[response] = Stream()
def run() {
val r = pollFunction
responses = responses :+ r
def get: response = {
lazy val r = responses.last
if( isValid(r) ) validResponses = validResponses :+ r
I just happened to use stream but that can be replaced with collection.mutable or something. Im not sure if there is a way to do something like this within a more functional way?
I am developing an application using Play framework and scala. I am using anorm for data-access layer. And I've got a problem I could not solve.
Brief: I want to be able to have methods in data-access objects (dao) to work inside transactions as well as being called alone.
I have data-access layer consist of class with methods that only executes particular SQL over database. Traditionally they looks like:
def list() = DB.withConnection { implicit cn =>
Now I want to have some methods to be executed in a transaction scope. Like traditional select-update service methods but still be able to run them alone. So, what I have in my mind is like this:
class Service {
def fooTransacted() = {
inTransaction {
val old = dao.select(id = 2)
val newObj = old.copy(isActive = true)
def fooSinle() = {
dao.select(id = 2)
I tried around several ways, but could not come up with any solution.
What about
class Dao {
def foo(id: Long)(implicit connection: Connection) = {
SQL("select * from foo where id={id}").on('id->id).as(...)
class Service{
def withConnection = {
DB.withConnection {implicit connection =>
def withTransaction = {
DB.withTransaction {implicit connection =>
The solution I've seen used elsewhere (principally in Squeryl), is roughly the following:
import java.sql.Connection
object Helper {
private val conn: ThreadLocal[Connection] = new ThreadLocal
def inTransaction[X](f: Connection => X) = {
conn.get() match {
case null =>
DB.withConnection { newConn =>
try f(newConn)
finally conn.set(null)
case c => f(c)
This way, the inTransaction method is re-entrant, so there's no harm in calling it redundantly inside dao.select.
If you prefer, you can expose conn via a public method, and change the signature of f to => X - you lose some compile-time safety, but the API is a little cleaner.
One pitfall with this approach is that connections are tied to threads, which may cause problems if you're using futures or actors, and a process can resume on a different thread (this is a tricky area anyway, but one you should be aware of).
You might want to look into Squeryl too - it may already do what you need.
I have the following snippet of code:
val oldStep = step
try {
} finally {
step = oldStep
Is it possible to write a generic helper method to abstract away the pattern? Then I could use the helper method like this:
remember(step) {
Of course the following approach does not work, because Scala does not support pass by reference:
def remember[T](x: T)(action: => Unit) {
val previousValue = x
try {
} finally {
x = previousValue
I solved the problem by changing the step data member into an implicit parameter. That way, I never have to restore the old value of step, because its value never changes inside the same scope :)
The problem is that a var does not give you enough control to do what you want to do.
As a direct answer to your question: you need an object with an update method instead of a field. Something like this:
class Box[T](var value:T) {
def apply = value
def update(newValue:T) { value = newValue }
override def toString = value.toString
Then you can solve your problem like this:
def remember[T](box:Box[T])(action: =>Unit) {
val prev = box.apply
try {
} catch {
case _ => box() = prev
val step = new Box(0)
// working update
remember(step) { step() = 4 }
// step is now 4
// aborted update
remember(step) { step() = 5; throw new Exception }
// step is still 4
But note that this is really not very idiomatic scala. You should try to make your someDangerousActionPotentiallyModifyingStep a side-effect-free function that returns the new step.
Basically like this:
try {
step = someDangerousFunctionOfStep(step)
} catch {
case _ => // we don't have to do anything because step is still the same
If that is not possible for some reason, you might want to investigate Akka agents, which are conceptually similar to the Box above, except with the difference that they are thread-safe and can be used in a transactional way.
Here is how you would use akka agents to solve the problem:
First you need an actor system:
implicit val actorSystem = akka.actor.ActorSystem("test")
Then you can define an agent containing the step value
val step = akka.agent.Agent(0)
Now you can update it in a transaction:
import scala.concurrent.stm._
atomic { txn => step() = 4 }
// step.get will now return 4
atomic { txn => step() = 5; throw new Exception }
// step.get will still return 5. You will have to catch the exception if you don't want
// it to propagate outward
The real power of akka agents comes when you have multiple agents and update them atomically. See the akka agents docs for the canonical "account transfer" transaction example.
It's pretty ugly (and an affront to immutability), but you could try something like this:
def remember[T](newT:T, get: => T, set:(T) => Unit)(action: => Unit) = {
var old = get
And then use it like this:
var x = "hello"
remember[String]("world", x, x = _){
//do something dangerous here
I think you're looking for Loan pattern.
I have a Traversable, and I want to make it into a Java Iterator. My problem is that I want everything to be lazily done. If I do .toIterator on the traversable, it eagerly produces the result, copies it into a List, and returns an iterator over the List.
I'm sure I'm missing something simple here...
Here is a small test case that shows what I mean:
class Test extends Traversable[String] {
def foreach[U](f : (String) => U) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not lazy!")
val a = new Test
val iter = a.toIterator
The reason you can't get lazily get an iterator from a traversable is that you intrinsically can't. Traversable defines foreach, and foreach runs through everything without stopping. No laziness there.
So you have two options, both terrible, for making it lazy.
First, you can iterate through the whole thing each time. (I'm going to use the Scala Iterator, but the Java Iterator is basically the same.)
class Terrible[A](t: Traversable[A]) extends Iterator[A] {
private var i = 0
def hasNext = i < t.size // This could be O(n)!
def next: A = {
val a = t.slice(i,i+1).head // Also could be O(n)!
i += 1
If you happen to have efficient indexed slicing, this will be okay. If not, each "next" will take time linear in the length of the iterator, for O(n^2) time just to traverse it. But this is also not necessarily lazy; if you insist that it must be you have to enforce O(n^2) in all cases and do
class Terrible[A](t: Traversable[A]) extends Iterator[A] {
private var i = 0
def hasNext: Boolean = {
var j = 0
t.foreach { a =>
j += 1
if (j>i) return true
def next: A = {
var j = 0
t.foreach{ a =>
j += 1
if (j>i) { i += 1; return a }
throw new NoSuchElementException("Terribly empty")
This is clearly a terrible idea for general code.
The other way to go is to use a thread and block the traversal of foreach as it's going. That's right, you have to do inter-thread communication on every single element access! Let's see how that works--I'm going to use Java threads here since Scala is in the middle of a switch to Akka-style actors (though any of the old actors or the Akka actors or the Scalaz actors or the Lift actors or (etc.) will work)
class Horrible[A](t: Traversable[A]) extends Iterator[A] {
private val item = new java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue[Option[A]]()
private class Loader extends Thread {
override def run() { t.foreach{ a => item.put(Some(a)) }; item.put(None) }
private val loader = new Loader
private var got: Option[A] = null
def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (got==null) { got = item.poll; hasNext }
else got.isDefined
def next = {
if (got==null) got = item.poll
val ans = got.get
got = null
This avoids the O(n^2) disaster, but ties up a thread and has desperately slow element-by-element access. I get about two million accesses per second on my machine, as compared to >100M for a typical traversable. This is clearly a horrible idea for general code.
So there you have it. Traversable is not lazy in general, and there is no good way to make it lazy without compromising performance tremendously.
I've run into this problem before and as far as I can tell, no one's particularly interested in making it easier to get an Iterator when all you've defined is foreach.
But as you've noted, toStream is the problem, so you could just override that:
class Test extends Traversable[String] {
def foreach[U](f: (String) => U) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not lazy!")
override def toStream: Stream[String] = {
"1" #::
"2" #::
"3" #::
Stream[String](throw new RuntimeException("Not lazy!"))
Another alternative would be to define an Iterable instead of a Traversable, and then you'd get the iterator method directly. Could you explain a bit more what your Traversable is doing in your real use case?