AspectJ :: Surefire tests gives NoSuchMethodError - aspectj

I'm doing the compile time AspectJ weaving on existing classes, that is working beautifully in eclipse(AJDT). But when I run test in in maven using surefire , the test cases of this class where the aspects are applied are failing. I'm quite sure the weaving is happening correctly, it looks like a class path issue. Following is the error when I execute the surefire test.
Following is my surefire plugin config in pom.xml
I tried various things but it didn't work, any suggestions will be greately appreciated !!
Is there any need to have a aop.xml for this to work ?
Following is the aspectj plugin info.
<!-- Class AspectClass1 and dependencies -->
<goal>compile</goal> <goal>test-compile</goal> </goals>
As I need compile time weaving only, I have no aop.xml configured.
Any help on tjis please !
Thanks !!

Three suggestions:
Make sure that your aspectj plugin for maven is configured correctly. If you have any questions about that, paste that part of your pom.xml in your question above.
Make sure that your aop.xml references all of the required aspects.
Make sure that your aspect-path/in-path is configured properly.


How to build a Maven project with Eclipse with a pom.xml that imports an external properties file?

I have looked around from various questions on stackoverflow, but I have not found the answer that solve my purpose.
I want to import a properties file in a pom.xml; my purpose is to replace the <properties> section with the properties loaded from the external file.
Each property refers to the version of a particular maven dependency.
I have tried the properties-maven-plugin, but the properties are not solved and the project is not built.
I'm looking for a way that preserve the standard build of Eclipse, and also the mvn install goal of Maven.
As an example, I want that this section:
will be replaced with the property declared in a file, like this one:
How can I implement my pom.xml in order to obtain this behaviour?
Thanks in advance.
This is what I have tried:
<echo>my version: ${dependency1.version}</echo>
Well, if I do a simple mvn install, in maven console it prints:
[INFO] Executing tasks
[echo] my version: 1.0.0
[INFO] Executed tasks
So, the plugin solve the property, but when I try to import the dependency with this:
I obtain this error:
[ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for dependency1:dependency1:jar must be a valid version but is '${dependency1.version}'. # line 21, column 13
The property is solved in the maven-antrun-plugin, but if it is used in the dependencies section, it doesn't work.

getting code coverage for java code with scala tests

The project is a multi module maven project with 90% of the source code written in Java (there's a small bit in Scala). The unit tests are 80/20 java/scala, and the integration tests are 20/80 java/scala.
I tried Clover, but (at this time) it doesn't support scala.
I tried Jacoco. First I ran into problems getting any results due to the mutli-module configuration, but now using Sonar I've got the java coverage shown (thanks I used timezra ( with jacoco, but that only analyzed the small bit of source code that is scala.
I started to try Scoverage, but that seems to have the same problem as timezra (it analyzes scala-to-scala, not the mix that I have). I therefor haven't even tried scct or undercover.
Is there any tool that handles mixed java/scala?
I would suggest to have two separate coverage tools for Java and Scala. More specifically, use Scoverage for Scala (with plugin for Sonar).
The reason is that for Java you would probably like to measure line coverage where for Scala it's much better to measure statement coverage. Simply said because there are many statements on a single line in Scala and you would like to measure which of them were invoked. I've written an article about this.
to answer my own question, Jacoco does analyze coverage for Scala tests and Java code. I haven't seen anything that does the opposite (but we don't have any Java tests for Scala code, so that didn't matter).
As for combining coverage, Rado's answer of using two tools makes sense.
Here's the changes I did to my pom to get coverage. NOTE, I'm creating Jacoco reports when the test runs, then later using Sonar for more analysis:
<!-- Jacoco and Sonar config properties -->
<argLine>-Xms512m -Xmx1024m ${}</argLine>
<argLine>${jacoco.agent.ut.arg} -Xms512m -Xmx1024m</argLine>
added dependencies:
It is possible to see the mix of the two languages coverage.
With sonar is not possible, because it only analyzes one kind of language.
If you use jenkins, and configure a step that collect coverage reports(Jacoco), you will see the mixing the two languages.

Is it possible to specify a different JVM to run Eclipse with tycho-surefire-plugin

We have a project which is built with Tycho 0.15.0.
When running the tests (i.e. UI tests), maven executes
cmd.exe /X /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Dosgi.noShutdown=false -Dosgi.os=win32 [...]"
This works so far.
But now, we want to have the test instance run with a different JVM (located e.g., in c:\my_custom_jvm\jre\bin).
Is this possible to achieve? I have searched for possibilities and found the jvm option for the Maven Surefire plug-in, but this does not seem to be supported by tycho-surefire ...
For reference, here's the complete snippet of the pom.xml:
<argLine>-Xmx768m -XX:PermSize=128m -Xss1m -Dosgi.framework.extensions=org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook -Dequinox.ds.block_timeout=60000 -Dequinox.use.ds=true</argLine>
tycho surefire has support for maven toolchains [1]
(based on answer by jsievers)
The toolchain plugin does exactly what I need.
I added the following lines to my pom.xml (inside the tag):
And I have created a toolchain.xml file in C:\Users\itsame\.m2 (if you want it to place elsewhere, maybe this helps) with these contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
Note that even though it is a JRE (not a JDK), this works to run the tests.

Maven: how to copy & filter *test* resources in an EAR module?

I'm trying to get Maven to filter & copy two files used for testing.
I've tried putting them in src/test/resources as well as src/test/application (in case it works similar to src/main/application) but nothing happens.
The documentation doesn't say anything about test resources.
Thanks in advance!
Test resources aren't packaged in the final package (be it JAR, WAR, EAR). I'm not sure what you want to achieve exactly but maybe you're actually looking for a solution based on filtering and profiles (to pick up the wanted filter).

SEAM GWT Integration

I am trying to integrate GWT with SEAM. i followed the Docs and tried to run the
example as follows.
I created a GWT project, using Eclipse Galileo and created the classes as given in the example
I then added the Seam 2.0.2 jars to the build path
I compiled the application, using Google GWT Compiler using the eclipse UI.
Finally i ran the application.
First I would like to know whether the above steps are correct. After running the application I do not get the desired result.
Also is this the only way to integrate GWT with Seam ?
I have got this example running using ant. But the aim of my exercise will be to run it via eclipse ui.
I created my own project by name GWTTest and tried to recreate the example in the Eclipse
UI. There are a few things that I have noticed. GWT Compile via Eclipse UI creates a directory by name gwttest inside the war file. Where as the directory structure created by ant is different.
In the example there is a piece of code in AskQuestionWidget getService functions as follows
String endpointURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "seam/resource/gwt";
How do I modify this code to suit my directory structure ?
We use seam+richfaces+gwt and it works very well. Although we build everything with maven, I suppose you can use ant as well. The general idea is to start the whole web application in GWT Development Mode. You don't have to compile everything (which takes a long time in case of GWT compiler). Development mode will compile requested resources on demand. By running GWT application this way, you can also debug client side code.
It is also possible to call GWT methods in response to seam actions.
I can elaborate on our solution a bit:
Your project should be configured with packaging: war. There are some official instructions on setting seam with maven (also richfaces):
For GWT add following sections to your pom.xml:
<scope>provided</scope> <!-- prevents from including this in war -->
<scope>provided</scope> <!-- prevents from including this in war -->
<type>war</type> <!-- adds gwt-servlet.jar to your war, but not to your classpath -->
<!-- build section -->
<plugin> <!-- dirty hack for GWT issue #3439 - it is not really fixed -->
<delete dir="${}/classes/javax" />
<draftCompile>${gwt.draft.compile}</draftCompile> <!-- you can control this with profiles -->
<localWorkers>2</localWorkers><!-- in theory should speed things up on our quad CPU hudson -->
<style>${}</style> <!-- you can control this with profiles -->
<warSourceDirectory>src/main/webapp-empty</warSourceDirectory> <!-- just empty dir for workaround -->
<exclude>app.*</exclude> <!-- name of you gwt module(s) - rename-to in gwt.xml -->
This configuration should produce war with both - seam and gwt compiled. If you want to use such project in development mode put also this in pom.xml:
And add -server to your google web application launcher. This is maven friendly jetty launcher which might be necessary in some situations.
I hope it will help you. Are you interested in communication between gwt and richfacaes application?
If you want, take a look at <SEAM_HOME>/examples/remoting/gwt. From there, run (Make sure you have installed ANT before using it)
Here goes its readme.txt file
You can view the example at:
GWT: If you want to rebuild the GWT front end, you will need to download GWT, and configure to point to it. You can then run "ant gwt-compile" from this directory. It is pre-built by default. If you want to use the GWT hosted mode, well, read all about it from the GWT docs !