It seems only the casbah we can use in scala, but I hope there is a orm-like library for scala, like morphia for java, or something else.
Is there any? I don't want to use morphia in scala because I have to convert java collections to scala
I've tried some of them, but still not find a proper one. Some are hard for scala newbies to get started.
Finally, I chose mongo-scala-driver, its awesome. Thanks to everybody.
There are two solid options:
Salat, which is designed to integrate with Casbah using case classes and scalasig -
Lift ( also has an activerecord ttype library for Mongo which Foursquare has built a DSL, Rogue, for.
Spring Data is releasing Morphia-like mapping capabilities in the M2 of the MongoDB support. We've talked about doing some native Scala support for this but we haven't had anyone ask for it directly, so its hard to gauge interest. It should be usable as-is from Scala--though there are things I'd like to see us make more Scala-ish.
I don't want to use morphia in scala because I have to convert java collections to scala
If this is the only reason, I suggest you to use scala.collection.JavaConversions It contains implicit conversions from Java to Scalca collections and vice verse.
I just realized I cannot have annotations in scala, that are preserved and analyzed at runtime. I also checked this question, but I didn't quite get it what are the alternatives.
DI - an answer mentions that there is no need for DI framework in scala. While that might be the case on a basic level (although I didn't quite like that example; what's the idiomatic way of handling DI?), Java DI frameworks like spring are pretty advanced and handle many things like scheduled jobs, caching, managed persistence, etc, all through annotations, and sometimes - custom ones.
ORM - I'll admit I haven't tried any native scala ORM, but from what I see in squeryl, it also makes some use of annotations, meaning they are unavoidable?
any serialization tool - how do you idiomatically customize serialization output to JSON/XML/...?
Web service frameworks - how do you define (in code) the mappings, headers, etc. for RESTful or SOAP services?
Scala users need to have a hybrid scala/java (for the annotations) project in order to use these facilities that are coming from Java?
And are the native scala alternatives for meta-data nicer than annotations? I'm not yet fully into the scala mode of thinking, and therefore most of the examples look ugly to me, compared to using annotations, so please try to be extra convincing :)
Actually, Scala does have runtime-retained annotations. The difference is that they are not stored as Java annotations but are instead encoded inside the contents of binary ScalaSignature annotation (which, by itself, is a runtime-retained Java annotation).
So, Scala annotations can be retrieved at runtime, but instead of using Java reflection, one must use Scala reflection:
class Awesome extends StaticAnnotation
class AwesomeClass
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val clazz = classOf[AwesomeClass]
val mirror = runtimeMirror(clazz.getClassLoader)
val symbol = mirror.classSymbol(clazz)
println(symbol.annotations) // prints 'List(Awesome)'
Unfortunately, Scala reflection is still marked as experimental and is actually unstable at this point (SI-6240 or SI-6826 are examples of quite serious issues). Nevertheless, it seems like the most straightforward replacement for Java reflection and annotations in the long term.
As for now, one has to use Java annotations which I think is still a nice solution.
Regarding frameworks and libraries for DI/ORM/WS/serialization - Scala still doesn't seem to be mature in this area, at least not as Java is. There are plenty of ongoing projects targeting these problems, some of them are already really nice, others are still in development. To name a few that come to my mind: Squeryl, Slick, Spray, Pickling.
Also, Scala has some advanced features that often make annotations unneccessary. Typeclasses (implemented with implicit parameters) are probably good example of that.
I am currently struggling with this issue here..
In our system, we use Java beans and Scala case classes, and they often contains one another.
So, i am looking for a good solution for how to map these objects to mongoObjects, so i can save/load them from the database.
For this, i tried Morphia, but unfortunately it won't serialize back from json to object because it cannot construct a case class.
So I tried Salat, but this one only works with case classes and not java beans :(
Do anyone have an idea about how to do this?
Salat developer here.
If you want to use Salat, you could convert your Java beans to Scala case classes and annotate the constructor params with #scala.reflect.BeanProperty for interoperability with Java (if this is really necessary).
Many of the available resources for learning Scala assume some background in Java. This can prove challenging for someone who is trying to learn Scala with no Java background.
What are some Java-isms a new Scala developer should know about as they learn the language?
For example, it's useful to know what a CLASSPATH is, what the java command line options are, etc...
That's a really great question! I've never thought about people learning Java just so they have it easier to learn Scala...
Apart from all the basics like for loops and such, learning Java Generics can be really helpful. The Scala equivalent is much more potent (and much harder to understand) than Java Generics. You might want to try to figure out where the limits of Java Generics are, and then in which cases Scala's type constructors can be used to overcome those limitations. At the more basic level, it is important to know why Generics are necessary, and how Java is a strongly typed language.
Java allows you to have multiple constructors for one class. This knowledge will be of no use when you learn Scala, because Scala has another way that allows you to offer several methods to create instances of a class. So, you'd rather not have a deep look into this Java concept.
Here are some concepts that differ very strongly between Java and Scala. So, if you learn the Java concepts and then later on want to learn the equivalent in Scala, you should be aware that the Scala equivalent differs so greatly from the Java version that a typical Java developer will have some difficulty to adapt to the Scala way of thinking. Still, it usually helps to first get used to the Java way, because it is usually simpler and easier to learn. I personally prefer to think of Java as the introductory course, and Scala is the pro version.
Java mutable collection concept vs. Scala mutable/immutable differentiation
static methods (Java) vs. singleton objects (Scala)
for loops
Java return statement vs. Scala functional style ("every expression returns a value")
Java's use of null for "no value" vs. Scala's more explicit Option type
Java's switch vs. Scala's match
And here is a list of stuff that you will probably use from the Java standard library, even if you develop in Scala:
GUI (Scala has a wrapper for Swing, but hey)
URLs, URIs, files
And finally, some of Scala's features that have no direct equivalent in Java or the Java standard library:
operator overloading
implicits and implicit conversions
multiple argument lists / currying
anonymous functions / functions as values
Scala pattern matching (which rocks)
type inference
for comprehensions
awesome collection operations like fold or map
Of course, all the lists are incomplete. That's just my view on what is important. I hope it helps.
And, by the way: You should definitely know about the class path and other JVM basics.
The standard library, above all else, because that's what Scala has most in common with Java.
You should also get a basic idea of Java's syntax, because a lot of books end up comparing something in Scala to something in Java. But other than the platform and some of the library, they're totally distinctive languages.
There are a few trivial conventions passed from one to the other (like command line options), but as you read books and tutorials on Scala you should pick those up as you go regardless of previous Java experience.
The serie "Scala for Java Refugees" can gives some indications on typical Java topics you are supposed to know and how they translate into Scala.
For instance, the very basic main() Java function which translate into the Application trait, once considered harmful, and now improved (for Scala 2.9 anyway).
Hello I am having problems when using the Scala Swing library in version 2.8 Beta1-prerelease. I have a situation where I want to show a table in GUI, and update it as results are returned from a SQL request. Which way could this be done in Scala, at the moment i am using the DefaultTableModel from Java library.
Another thing is that I want the table to be sortable afterwards, I cant see if Scala swing library supports this either?
No - the scala swing library does not support sorting of Table - your best best is to revert to using JTable (i.e. the java swing class). A couple of things to note:
Don't use DefaultTableModel - use AbstractTableModel and implement the getSize and getValueAt methods. A table model should follow the adapter pattern
The appalling Java generics on the RowSorter are annoying when used with scala. You will have to use explicit generic type arguments
I use a lot of scala maps, occasionally I want to pass them in as a map to a legacy java api which wants a java.util.Map (and I don't care if it throws away any changes).
An excellent library I have found that does a better job of this:
(bad name, awesome library). You explicitly invoke .asJava or .asScala depending on what direction you want to go. No surprises.
Scala provides wrappers for Java collections so that they can be used as Scala collections but not the other way around. That being said it probably wouldn't be hard to write your own wrapper and I'm sure it would be useful for the community. This question comes up on a regular basis.
This question and answer discuss this exact problem and the possible solutions. It advises against transparent conversions as they can have very strange side-effects. It advocates using scala-javautils instead. I've been using them in a large project for a few months now and have found them to be very reliable and easy to use.