Find checkout function available in Tortoise CVS? - tortoisecvs

Clearcase has this functionality- it will show you the list of files that you have modified and need to be committed in the repository. does Tortoise cvs provide this functionality?
Many Thanks in advance


How to list the sub-directories (or projects) from a github repository using commands?

I am new to github. I want to get the list of projects (or sub-directories) from a git repository using commands like we do as in SVN i.e by using svn list command.
Please help me.
Thank you very much.
Are these projects(or sub-directories) under version control?
You could use "git status" to list all if they are not committed and to show if you have any un tracked files you can use "git status -u" or you can try "git-ls-files" if that helps.

Delete some files from the commit with Mercurial and Eclipse

I am using Mercurial with Eclipse. I made a commit and I commited some files which shuld not been commited.
Do you know if there is a possiblity to delete those files from the commit.
Thank you.
rollback (if it's the most recent commit) or strip (if it's older) would do it for you. This post has more details on these commands. To do it with MercurialEclipse, right click on your project in Eclipse and do Team-->Undo-->Rollback or Team-->Undo-->Strip.
If those aren't options, you could just remove the files in question and then commit that as a separate changeset. That would, of course, preserve the fact that those files were once under Mercurial control. If that is not desirable, this page lists some more options. If you go the MQ route, the workflow listed there can be done in MercurialEclipse via the "Mercurial Patch Queue" view.

Tortoise svn newbie checkout

I am new to this version control bussiness and i chose to use tortoise svn 1.8 as a start downloaded here
.I also created an account with google code and was given these instructions
# Project members authenticate over HTTPS to allow committing changes.
svn checkout research-and-writers-club --username
When prompted, enter your generated password.
The problem
I want to connect to this account using tortoise as described in an answer here and here but i dont see a "SVN Checkout" BUT THERE IS "CVS Chechout" and clicking it gives a complicated dialog box and am unsure how to proceed. Please help.(am new to tortoise svn).
You downloaded TortoiseCVS, whereas you need TortoiseSVN. The former is a CVS client, the latter is a SVN client.
You downloaded Tortoise CVS and not Tortoise SVN.
Install the good one and it will work ;-)

Mercurial Syncing only selective folders from Central Repository

I have a central mercurial repository, and have many folders and code in there. I want to be able to sync only selective folders in my windows to be able to build the project and all folders in linux to build the same project n linux. Syncing all folders from central repository is easy
hg clone <repo address>/repo
but how do i sync only selective folders using the clone command
Something like Perforce's Workspace equivalent.
I guess we can write a script with some 'call' command, i tried googling for it, and could not find proper pointers to it.
Can somebody link me to it please.
Thanks in advance
Sounds like what you want is Mercurial's Subrepositories
Mercurial doesn't work on a per-directory basis. It operates on changesets, and changesets are global to the repository. So, no, you cannot clone only one directory, you can only clone the entire repo.

How can I compare two revisions in git in Eclipse?

I am using the eclipse plugin for Git on Mac OS 10.6, and I cannot figure out how to compare two version of a file. I can pull up the file's history, and see all of the commits, with their messages, but I can't figure out how to see what changed in each commit.
This was very easy with subversion, and I'm sure its easy with Git, if you know where to look (but apparently, I don't).
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
To elaborate on my question, is there a way to access git-diff in the eclipse plugin?
From the EGit User Guide:
select a Resource (project, folder, or file) in the project explorer
or navigator and right-click an action under Compare With.
I just tested this with EGit 1.3.0. You can compare with a commit, HEAD, previous revision, "branch, tag, or reference", Git index, or any item in History.