Set all nonzero matrix elements to 1 (while keeping the others 0) - matlab

I have a mesh grid defined as
[X, Y, Z] = meshgrid(-100:100, -100:100, 25); % z will have more values later
and two shapes (ovals, in this case):
x_offset_1 = 40;
x_offset_2 = -x_offset_1;
o1 = ((X-x_offset_1).^2./(2*Z).^2+Y.^2./Z.^2 <= 1);
o2 = ((X-x_offset_2).^2./(2*Z).^2+Y.^2./Z.^2 <= 1);
Now, I want to find all points that are nonzero in either oval. I tried
union = o1+o2;
but since I simply add them, the overlapping region will have a value of 2 instead of the desired 1.
How can I set all nonzero entries in the matrix to 1, regardless of their previous value?
(I tried normalized_union = union./union;, but then I end up with NaN in all 0 elements because I'm dividing by zero...)

Simplest solution: A=A~=0;, where A is your matrix.
This just performs a logical operation that checks if each element is zero. So it returns 1 if the element is non-zero and 0 if it is zero.

First suggestion: don't use union as a variable name, since that will shadow the built-in function union. I'd suggest using the variable name inEitherOval instead since it's more descriptive...
Now, one option you have is to do something like what abcd suggests in which you add your matrices o1 and o2 and use the relational not equal to operator:
inEitherOval = (o1+o2) ~= 0;
A couple of other possibilities in the same vein use the logical not operator or the function logical:
inEitherOval = ~~(o1+o2); % Double negation
inEitherOval = logical(o1+o2); % Convert to logical type
However, the most succinct solution is to apply the logical or operator directly to o1 and o2:
inEitherOval = o1|o2;
Which will result in a value of 1 where either matrix is non-zero and zero otherwise.

There is another simple solution, A=logical(A)


MATLAB - Check matrix to see if two consecutive numbers = 0

I have a matrix being created in MATLAB but need to check if any two consecutive numbers (by row) = 0 and if it does output with a yes or no without showing the answers. Ive put my code below my final loop is returning errors and im not too sure how to go about this.
%%Input positive integer
n=input('Give a positive integer greater than 1: ');
%%Error for below 1
if n<=1
error('The value given is less than or equal to 1')
%%loop for vector v
for i=1:n
%display vector
x = 1;
consecutive = false;
for i = 1:25
if (A(x) + A(x+1) = 0);
consecutive = true;
There's a lot wrong with the code of your final loop:
You set x to 1 and use it as an index into A, but never change it from 1.
As Amit points out, you are using = (used for assignment) when you should be using == (the equality operator).
As Gondrian points out, you are testing if a sum is equal to zero, but from your description it sounds like you should be testing if each value is zero.
Your loop iterates 25 times (i = 1:25), but it's not clear why, since your matrix A is of size n-by-n.
Instead of using a for loop, it's possible to do this with indexing instead. Since you are checking for consecutive zeroes by row, this is what it would look like:
zeroPairs = (A(:, 1:(n-1)) == 0) & (A(:, 2:n) == 0);
consecutive = any(zeroPairs(:));
The term A(:, 1:(n-1)) gets all of the "left" values in each pairwise comparison and the term A(:, 2:n) gets all of the "right" value. These are compared to 0, then combined. This creates an n-by-(n-1) matrix zeroPairs where a value of true indicates where a pair of consecutive zeroes occurs. This matrix is reshaped into a column vector and any is used to check if a value of true is present anywhere.
You will need to change your if block as follows.
if (A(x) + A(x+1) == 0);
consecutive = true;
Notice the == instead of just =. The first one is for comparison and the second one is for assignment. This will get rid of the error that you are currently getting. There may be other issues in the algorithm of your code but I did not examine or try to fix that.
'if any two consecutive numbers (by row) = 0'
If I understand you right, you should try 'if A(x) == 0 && A(x+1) == 0';
because '(A(x) + A(x+1) == 0)' would be true for -5 and 5, as it equals to 0. But -5 and 5 are not two consecutive zeros.
(or even look at the 'diff' function. It will return a 0 if two following numbers are the same)
To show a vectorized, more Matlab-like approach:
v = 0; % sought value
C = 2; % desired number of consecutive values in a row
consecutive = nnz(conv2(double(A==v), ones(1,C))==C)>0;
This compares each entry of A with the value v, and then applies 2D convolution with a row vector of C ones. Any C horizontally-consecutive entries of A with value v will produce an entry equal to C in the convolution result. So we check if the number of such entries is positive.

Why doesn't `spdiags` put a vector in the correct place?

I have a vector that has 1's in some places, and I want to create a diagonal using the vector. The vector is called one_vec_two:
n = 4;
one_vec_two = zeros(n*n, 1);
one_vec_two(1,1) = 1;
for k=0:(n-1)
one_vec_two(k*n+1, 1) = 1;
non_zero_vecs = [one_vec_two];
placement = [n-1];
A = spdiags(non_zero_vecs, placement, n*n, n*n);
fullA = full(A);
The first element of the vector one_vec_two is a 1:
>> one_vec_two(1)
ans =
And, I placed the vector starting at diagonal n-1, which is 3. But, when I go to column 4, I don't see it:
>> fullA(1,4)
ans =
Why isn't MATLAB putting my vector in the correct spot?
As per the doc for spdiag,
Note In this syntax, if a column of B is longer than the diagonal it is replacing, and m >= n, spdiags takes elements of super-diagonals from the lower part of the column of B, and elements of sub-diagonals from the upper part of the column of B.
it is placing the lower part of your vector into the location specified. Hence the result is as expected.
It looks like you want something like
A = spdiags(non_zero_vecs([end-placement+1:end 1:end-placement]), placement, n*n, n*n)
A = spdiags(non_zero_vecs, -placement, n*n, n*n)'
which both do the same thing, just in slightly different ways.

How to get the union of the two 3D matrix?

I have two 3D matrix A and B. The size of A and B are both 40*40*20 double.
The values in matrix A and B are either 0 or 1. The number of "1" in A are 100,
the number of "1" in B are 50. The "1" in matrix A and B may or may not be in
the same coordinates. I want to get the union of matrix A and B, called C. The values in 3D matrix C is either "1" or "0". The number of "1" in C is less than or equal to 150. My question is how to get the 3D matrix C in Matlab?
You can use the operator or, which is a logical or. So or(a,b) is equivalent to the logical operation a | b.
C = or(A,B);
C = a | b;
| and or are the same operator in MatLab, it's just two different way to call it.
I think this is the best solution as long as it's integrated into MatLab. However, you have plenty different ways to do it.
Just as an example, you can do
C = logical(a+b);
logical is an operator that convert every value into logical values. Long story short, it will replace any value different of 0 by 1.
You can approach it in 2 ways. The more efficient one is using vectors but you can also do it in classical nested for loops.
A = rand(40,40,20);
A = A > 0.01; # Get approximate 320 ones and rest zeros
B = rand(40,40,20);
B = B > 0.005; # Get approximate 160 ones and rest zeros
C = zeros(size(A));
for iter1 = 1:size(A,1)
for iter2 = 1:size(A,2)
for iter3 = 1:size(A,3)
C(iter1,iter2,iter3) = A(iter1,iter2,iter3)|B(iter1,iter2,iter3)
This method will be very slow. You can vectorized it to improve performance
C = A|B

How can I properly loop through a simple 2D matrix?

I don't understand why I can't find any clear answer on this! Such a basic thing...
I have a normal 2D matrix, such as this one:
matrix = zeros(w, h);
Where w, h ∈ Z+, which means w and h are positive integers greater than zero.
I need to loop through the matrix and do something with it's element. For this task, we can assume h=3. Therefore, I tried this:
test = zeros(w, 3);
for i = 1:test
point = test(:,i);
[point(0), point(1), point(2)] = MY_CONVERSION(point(0), point(1),point(2));
test(:,i) = point;
The MY_CONVERSION is varargin function and for 3 parameters defined as:
function [rho, alpha, z] = MY_CONVERSION(r, alpha, epsilon)
Of course, in real code the test contains data, not just zeros. But this code alone could, for example, fill matrix with random numbers. But it doesn't work.
I also tried using three variables to store the column values:
for i = 1:Xi
[a,b,c] = Xi(:,i);
[a,b,c] = mysph2cyl(a, b, c);
rho(:,i) = a,b,c;
Matlab marks it as incorrect syntax:
An assignment statement makes an assignment to multiple values, but
the expression on the right side of the assignment does not appear to
produce multiple values.
The first piece of code is what you need to get it working. However, your for loop is incorrect. You probably want to iterative over all of the columns, so do for i = 1 : size(test,2), not test. size(test,2) determines how many columns your matrix has.
test = zeros(w, 3);
for i = 1:size(test,2) %// Change here
point = test(:,i);
[point(0), point(1), point(2)] = MY_CONVERSION(point(0), point(1),point(2));
test(:,i) = point;
Also, your second piece of code, you need to fix that for loop problem like I mentioned above. The first statement inside the for loop is superfluous. You don't need it. The third line of code needs to have [] surrounding a,b,c.
First, matrix = zeros(w, h); creates confusion: you are probably thinking of w as width and h as height. But the first argument of zeros is height: for example, zeros(2,3) is
0 0 0
0 0 0
Generally: row index first, column index second.
Then you have for i = 1:test but test is a matrix. You need a number here.
Here is a working example similar to your first fragment:
w = 2; h =3;
test = zeros(w, h);
for i = 1:h
point = test(:,i);
point = cos(point)*i; % sample conversion
test(:,i) = point;
1 2 3
1 2 3

Create an increasing integer alternating sequence in MATLAB / Octave

I'm trying to find a way to create a number pattern like the one below
Please note: it needs to go to 200000, but I will be splitting them up into groups of 2000.
I found a formula that looks like it would work on, but when I create the formula in MATLAB / Octave, the numbers don't match up:
f_num= #(x) x / (1 + x)^2;
numval = f_num(1)
numval = 0.25000
Is there another way I should be doing this?
Method #1 - Using (-1)^x
Just use a linear increment operator to go from 0 to 200000 and multiply the sequence by (-1)^(x+1) to allow the sign of the sequence to alternate:
x = 0:200000;
y = ((-1).^(x+1)) .* x;
The addition of the +1 is important so that the even positions get a positive sign while the odd positions get a negative sign.
Method #2 - Using indexing
Alternatively, you can declare the same array from 0 to 200000, index into every even position and negate the sign:
x = 0:200000;
x(2:2:end) = -x(2:2:end);
Method #3 - Using trigonometry and integers
One more to throw into the mix. You know that for cos(x*pi), the output is -1 when x is odd and the output is 1 when x is even. We need to flip this for your case and ultimately use this alternating sequence to multiply with the same array going from 0 to 200000, and therefore:
x = 0:200000;
y = (-cos(x*pi)).*x;
Interestingly enough, (-1)^x is also equal to exp(i*pi*x) for all values of x that are integer. We can verify this by using Euler's formula where: exp(i*pi*x) = cos(pi*x) + i*sin(pi*x). Since i*sin(pi*x) = 0 for all x belonging to an integer, we really get exp(i*pi*x) = cos(pi*x). Substituting even numbers of x will give us 1 while odd numbers of x will give us -1, and hence exp(i*pi*x) = cos(pi*x) = (-1)^x for all x belonging to integers.
Also, (-1)^(x+1) = -(-1)^x = -cos(x*pi) for all x belonging to integers and so the first method is really equal to the third method anyway!
f_num= #(x) x * (-1)^(x+1);