How to avoid fragmented database storage by very often updates? - postgresql

When I have the following table:
"id" integer NOT NULL,
"myval" text NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT "test-id-pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
When doing a lot of queries like the following:
UPDATE "test" set "myval" = "myval" || 'foobar' where "id" = 12345
Then the row myval will get larger and larger over time.
What will postgresql do? Where will it get the space from?
Can I avoid that postgresql needs more than one seek to read a particular myval-column?
Will postgresql do this automatically?
I know that normally I should try to normalize the data much more. But I need to read the value with one seek. Myval will enlarge by about 20 bytes with each update (that adds data). Some colums will have 1-2 updates, some 1000 updates.
Normally I would just use one new row instead of an update. But then selecting is getting slow.
So I came to the idea of denormalizing.

Change the FILLFACTOR of the table to create space for future updates. This can also be HOT updates because the text field doesn't have an index, to make the update faster and autovacuum overhead lower because HOT updates use a microvacuum. The CREATE TABLE statement has some information about the FILLFACTOR.
ALTER TABLE test SET (fillfactor = 70);
-- do a table rebuild to blow some space in your current table:
-- start testing
The value 70 is not the perfect setting, it depends on your unique situation. Maybe you're fine with 90, it could also be 40 or something else.

This is related to this question about TEXT in PostgreSQL, or at least the answer is similar. PostgreSQL stores large columns away from the main table storage:
Very long values are also stored in background tables so that they do not interfere with rapid access to shorter column values.
So you can expect a TEXT (or BYTEA or large VARCHAR) column to always be stored away from the main table and something like SELECT id, myval FROM test WHERE id = 12345 will take two seeks to pull both columns off the disk (and more seeks to resolve their locations).
If your UPDATEs really are causing your SELECTs to slow down then perhaps you need to review your vacuuming strategy.


Adding a Serial Column to existing table with 100,000,000 rows

I have a table with roughly 100,000,000 rows. We need to delete around 80,000 of them for a remediation.
In order to prevent downtime, I have a job setup to grab the records that needs to be deleted and then processes the delete in chunks of 100. However, even processing the first 100 is taking forever.
There is no primary ID on this table and the only way I can reliably reference each row is with a unique column called tx which is a varchar(250)` (though the field is never longer than 18-20 characters). I created an index on this row, but still takes roughly 4-6s to select a row.
Seemed likely the varchar was causing the problem, so I wanted to add a new id bigint serial column, but was trying to figure out whether or not doing this would lock the table until it's able to populate all of the ID's.
I know alter table add column is non blocking as long as there is no default value. But does Serial count as a default value?
I couldn't find an answer to this in the documentation. We're on Postgres 12.
Adding a new column with a sequence-generated value will rewrite the table, which will cause down time. With some care, it could be done without down time, but that is complicated and not worth the effort if you already have a varchar column with a unique index on it that does not contain NULL values.
Searching for rows with the existing index should be a matter of milliseconds. If it isn't, that's the problem you have to solve. Can you add EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) output for the query to the question?

Bulk update Postgres table

I have a table with around 200 million records and I have added 2 new columns to it. Now the 2 columns need values from a different table. Nearly 80% of the rows will be updated.
I tried update but it takes more than 2 hours to complete.
The main table has a composite primary key of 4 columns. I have dropped it and dropped an index that is present on a column before updating. Now the update takes little over than 1 hour.
Is there any other way to speed up this update process (like batch processing).
Edit: I used the other table(from where values will be matched for update) in from clause of the update statement.
Not really. Make sure that max_wal_size is high enough that you don't get too many checkpoints.
After the update, the table will be bloated to about twice its original size.
That bloat can be avoided if you update in batches and VACUUM in between, but that will not make processing faster.
Do you need whole update in single transaction? I had quite similar problem, with table that was under heavy load, and column required not null constraint. Do deal with it - I did some steps:
Add columns without constraints like not null, but with defaults. That way it went really fast.
Update columns in steps like 1000 entries per transaction. In my case load of the DB rise, so I had to put small delay.
Update columns to have not null constraints.
That way you don't block table for long time, but that is not an answer to your question.
First to validate where you are - I would check iostats to see if that is not the limit... To speed up, I would consider:
higher free space map - to be sure DB is aware of entries that can be removed, but note that if pages are packed to the limit it would not bring much...
maybe foreign keys referring to the table can be also removed? To stop locking the table,
removing all indices since they are slowing down, and create them afterwords - that looks like slicing problem but other way, but is an option, so counts...
There is a 2 type of solution to your problem.
1) This approach work if your main table doesn't update or inserted during this process
First create the same table schema without composite primary key and index with a different name.
Then insert the data in the new table with join table data.
Apply all constraints and indexes on the new table after insert.
Drop the old table and rename the new table with the old table name.
2) Or you can use a trigger to update that two-column on insert or update event. (This will make insert update operation slightly slow)

SQL Server Express 2008 10GB Size Limit

I am approaching the 10 GB limit that Express has on the primary database file.
The main problem appears to be some fixed length char(500) columns that are never near that length.
I have two tables with about 2 million rows between them. These two tables add up to about 8 GB of data with the remainder being spread over another 20 tables or so. These two tables each have 2 char(500) columns.
I am testing a way to convert these columns to varchar(500) and recover the trailing spaces.
I tried this:
Alter Column SMTP_address varchar(500)
Alter Column EXDN_address varchar(500)
This quickly changed the column type but obviously didn’t recover the space.
The only way I can see to do this successfully is to:
Create a new table in tempdb with the varchar(500) columns,
Copy the information into the temp table trimming off the trailing spaces,
Drop the real table,
Recreate the real table with the new varchar(500) columns,
Copy the information back.
I’m open to other ideas here as I’ll have to take my application offline while this process completes?
Another thing I’m curious about is the primary key identity column.
This table has a Primary Key field set as an identity.
I know I have to use Set Identity_Insert on to allow the records to be inserted into the table and turn it off when I’m finished.
How will recreating a table affect new records being inserted into the table after I’m finished. Or is this just “Microsoft Magic” and I don’t need to worry about it?
The problem with you initial approach was that you converted the columns to varchar but didn't trim the existing whitespace (which is maintained after the conversion), after changing the data type of the columns to you should do:
SMTP_address=rtrim(SMTP_address), EXDN_address=rtrim(EXDN_address)
This will eliminate all trailing spaces from you table, but note that the actual disk size will be the same, as SQL Server don't shrink automatically database files, it just mark that space as unused and available for other data.
You can use this script from another question to see the actual space used by data in the DB files:
Get size of all tables in database
Usually shrinking a database is not recommended but when there is a lot of difference between used space and disk size you can do it with dbcc shrinkdatabase:
dbcc shrinkdatabase (YourDatabase, 10) -- leaving 10% of free space for new data
OK I did a SQL backup, disabled the application and tried my script anyway.
I was shocked that it ran in under 2 minutes on my slow old server.
I re-enabled my application and it still works. (Yay)
Looking at the reported size of the table now it went from 1.4GB to 126Mb! So at least that has bought me some time.
(I have circled the Data size in KB)
My next problem is the MailBackup table which also has two char(500) columns.
It is shown as 6.7GB.
I can't use the same approach as this table contains a FileStream column which has around 190gb of data and tempdb does not support FleStream as far as I know.
Looks like this might be worth a new question.

Implications of using ADD COLUMN on large dataset

Docs for Redshift say:
ALTER TABLE locks the table for reads and writes until the operation completes.
My question is:
Say I have a table with 500 million rows and I want to add a column. This sounds like a heavy operation that could lock the table for a long time - yes? Or is it actually a quick operation since Redshift is a columnar db? Or it depends if column is nullable / has default value?
I find that adding (and dropping) columns is a very fast operation even on tables with many billions of rows, regardless of whether there is a default value or it's just NULL.
As you suggest, I believe this is a feature of the it being a columnar database so the rest of the table is undisturbed. It simply creates empty (or nearly empty) column blocks for the new column on each node.
I added an integer column with a default to a table of around 65M rows in Redshift recently and it took about a second to process. This was on a dw2.large (SSD type) single node cluster.
Just remember you can only add a column to the end (right) of the table, you have to use temporary tables etc if you want to insert a column somewhere in the middle.
Personally I have seen rebuilding the table works best.
I do it in following ways
Create a new table N_OLD_TABLE table
Define the datatype/compression encoding in the new table
Insert data into N_OLD(old_columns) select(old_columns) from old_table Rename OLD_Table to OLD_TABLE_BKP
This is a much faster process. Doesn't block any table and you always have a backup of old table incase anything goes wrong

ADD COLUMN with DEFAULT value to a huge table

I have a postgresql DB and a table with almost billion of rows.
when I try to add a new column with default value:
ALTER TABLE big_table
ADD COLUMN some_flag integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
The transaction goes on for 30+ min .. and the DB logs starts to shoots warnings.
Any way to optimize the query ?
Besides doing it in batches (which will still take a while):
You could dump the table as COPY statements and write a script to edit the contents of the COPY statements to insert another column (COPY can be CSV IIRC).
Then you just reload your altered COPY dump and it should in theory be faster than the ALTER because COPY will not log transactions.
The other option is to turn off fsync while you run the command... just remember to turn it back on.
You can also do both of the above in batches.
Starting from PostgreSQL 11 this behaviour will change.
Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 – Fast ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN with a non-NULL default:
So, for the longest time, when you did:
alter table x add column z text;
it was virtually instantaneous. Get a lock on table, add information about new column to system catalogs, and it's done.
But when you tried:
alter table x add column z text default 'some value';
then it took long time. How long it did depend on size of table.
This was because postgresql was actually rewriting the whole table, adding the column to each row, and filling it with default value.
"What happens if you want to set the column to NOT NULL also? Are we back to the slow version in that case or does this handle that as well?"
not null doesn’t change anything. it is a constraint for new rows. so adding a column with “not null default ‘xxx'” will be fast.
I'd consider creating the column without the default and manually updating the rows in batches with intermittent commits to apply the default.