Parsing pdf for image with iOS sdk for iPhone - iphone

I am developing an app which contains pdf book reading. I found how to display pdf file page by page through CGPDF API. What I need to know is, can we somehow parse the pdf and find if a page contains certain image and if we can enable tap/ touch action on that image or on the page? What exactly I want to do is, if a page contains an image saying "Note", tapping on it opens another view with associated note. Any idea how it can be accomplished? Or any alternative solution? Sorry if the question is quite naive. Thanks


I want add pdf page to UIPageViewController view

I am new in iPhone application development, I am developing one iPad application development. In this application i am using UIPageViewController. Now i want pdf file page to display UIPageViewControlller view. how to read pdf page and how to add UIPageViewController please give some me example.
Thanks in advance
You can draw a PDF page to a CALayer or to a UIImage. Apple even have sample code to show how draw a large PDF in a , Zoomable UIScrollview and for page view controller i havent try out this but may be this link will help you out
Apple has a sample code project called ZoomingPDFReader. It's a simple app that displays a page of a PDF. Put this into your app. Keep track of the page number, and then display the corresponding PDF page.
You can download the source code Here

How to play/open video file embedded with a PDF?

I have created a PDF viewer on iphone. Currently my app is able to detect links to web pages and buttons for navigation within PDF.
But it unable to play Audio/Video contents embedded with PDF.
I creates custom PDf which has button(link to a local video file) to play video file. But iphone can't play the video. (when I tap on button, it says "NULL file ....")
I want to know is it possible to do? and if anyone have done it please give me a help. It will be a huge help for me.
No it is not possible to play a video inside a PDF,
if you cannot play the video on an iPhone, i would suggest to convert it to a file that the iPhone can play
You can do this by using PSPDFKit.
See documentation. Its best. :)
I was able to play the pdf embedef video not by acobat official app but thru thr drop box app! Wonder why acrobat not providing the function.
This is the dropbox pdf file with embeded MP4.

Zoom support while page curling effect present in pdf reader app

I am developing an ipad Magazine app where I need to display pdf files.I am using leaves project for page curl effect.This works great.
But in landscape page fits to height(768px) and it becomes difficult to read the font.
Thats why I want to support zoom in/out on this view.
I am a newbie to Core Graphics.I think in leaves project they parse pdf to show image of each page.But I dont know why zoom is not supported if it is an image.
There are some more branches of leaves project for implementing this feature but all of them are not perfect.
Shall I continue using leaves or UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp/Down will help me for both the problems?
here is the code for your requirement. check out this
You can refer this tutorial. Provided by APPLE
Hope it helps.

pdf thumbnails like in ibooks on the ipad or iphone

i need to create a pdf reader with an overview page showing thumbnails of the pdf. like with the pdfs in ibooks.
what would be the best approach for that?
i am thinking about using a uiscrollview and placing uiviews with tiledlayers for pdf rendering? how can i best determine which view is visible and recycle them accordingly?
Apple has sample code to get a PDF thumbnail on their developer site. I believe it is in the Quartz2d Programming Guide (unfortunately the site is down for me at the minute so I can't confirm).

IPhone phonegap pdf issue

I have a strange issue in phonegap framework. I want to display PDF file in my application, when I am trying to add PDF file with iFrame tag it doesn't show a PDF with horizontal scroll and with a big zoom size. so getting out of screen.
I tried by another way using embed tag, its also having same problem with addition to that its showing PDF for only first time in the application.
If anybody know how to display a PDF in phonegap with specified zoom level or with scroll bar. Above code is working fine in iPhone mobile safari, but not in phonegap. Any Idea?
To display pdf in phonegap,
have lots of trouble,
but best solution so far,is to used ChildBrowser Plugin for phonegap here is the link-
this will help you to call child native uiwebview in your application(only for iphone),
so you can easily enjoy pinch zoom feature
Using Phonegap you'll have only one UIWebView so probably the best idea is to open the pdf as a new object link using rel=external
Other suggestion is look at the view-port size, maybe you'll have to increase it's size to allow the pinch and zoom.