Implement equality outside type definition - interface

I have several types that implement an interface. Equality for these types only depends on interface members. Is it possible to define equality for these types once, without overriding Equals or op_Equality for each type?
I tried the following, but, for whatever reason, it overrode every use of =, even for types not implementing IEntity.
module Equality =
let inline op_Equality (left:IEntity) (right:IEntity) = true
I also tried using flexible types (#IEntity). Same result.

What you're trying to do is something that mixins or typeclasses might enable in other languages; unfortunately there isn't equivalent functionality in F#. Your best bet is probably one of the following options:
Use an abstract base class instead of an interface.
Write your equality method outside of your type and then have all of your implementations defer to it. For example,
let entityEquals (i1:IEntity) (i2:IEntity) =
i1.Member1 = i2.Member1 &&
i1.Member2 = i2.Member2 &&
type MyEntity() =
interface IEntity with
member x.Member1 = ...
override x.Equals(y) =
match y with
| :? IEntity as y -> entityEquals x y
| _ -> false
override x.GetHashCode() =
In addition to a bit of boilerplate, the downside here is that if anyone else implements your IEntity interface, they aren't forced to use your equality method - it's opt-in.
Create an another operator which you use for equality testing of IEntitys:
let (==) (i1:IEntity) (i2:IEntity) =
i1.Member1 = i2.Member1 &&
The (huge) downside of this is that structural equality of types containing IEntitys (such as tuples, records, etc.) won't use this operator to compare those components, which is likely to lead to surprising broken code.

I don't think there is a way to do this in a static way. The problem is that extension members (e.g. if you added op_Equality as an extension) are ignored by static member constraints (e.g. if you also redefined = using inlin with op_Equality requirement).
The F# compiler has some special powers available only when compiling FSharp.Core.dll that could help (search sources for the declaration let inline GenericOne). It uses something like static type switch - but this cannot be accessed by mere mortals.
So, I don't have any idea better than using dynamic type test, which isn't really a good approach and it's probably better to define a custom operator for comparison of your interfaces.
For a reference, the ugly dynamic approach would be:
let inline (=) a b =
match a, b with
| :? IFoo as a, :? IFoo as b -> yourEquals a b
| _ -> a = b


How to force a val in a class to be immutable in class using class type in OCaml

Let's say I have this :
class type point_t =
val x : int
method getx : int
method move : int -> unit
I can write a class like this and it will work :
class point : point_t =
val mutable x = 0
method getx = x
method move d = x <- x + d
Now suppose that I want to create a class type that would NOT allow a class to be defined with a mutable val x (I want x to be immutable). Is there a way to do that ?
It is not possible, so if you don't want to allow implementations to use a mutable variable it is better just to hide it all and expose functional getter/setter:
class type point_t = object(self)
method get_x : int
method with_x : int -> self
method move : int -> self
You may omit with_x method if you want to allow updates only via the move method.
The reasoning for this is that a class with a mutable version of a variable is a proper subclass of a class with immutable version of the same variable, as it has the same set of operations, plus one more - an ability to set the variable. So, any abstraction over a type point_t can be applied to a class instance with and without a mutability (although it will not be able to mutate the variable). Note, that the opposite is not possible, if you will define the class type point_t with a mutable x, and will try to implement it with an immutable one, then the type system will complain. As your implementation doesn't provide all the operations.
Also, there is one thing that you possibly miss. Although, the class point has a mutable variable x this mutability is actually sealed (i.e., hidden) by the type constraint point_t. So, no matter what is the implementation, the interface is strictly defined to have immutable x:
class the_point = object
inherit point
method! move d = x <- x - d
method! move d = x <- x - d
Error: The instance variable x is not mutable
Your confusion may arise from the fact that you have some experience with Java/C++ style of OOP, where class types are nominal, and a class can became a subclass of another class only by explicit inheritance. In OCaml a class is a subclass of another class if it is a syntactical superset of it, i.e., if it has at least all fields of the super class. There is no need to inherit from a super class, to become its subclass. And class point : point_t is not an inheritance, but a type constraint, that says: here is the class expression, that implements point_t class (and maybe more), please, make sure that it is true and expose only point_t interface to the outsiders.
And a final note, I've specifically denoted term sub classing as the syntactic super set of a super class to emphasize the fact that inheritance and sub classing do not imply subtyping. The latter is the semantics (i.e., the behavior of an instance), the former is syntax, i.e., a set of code fragments. Subclassing gives you a code reuse, the ability to copy the code from superclasses (as inherit is actually just copy/pasting the code of super class to your sub class). The subtyping gives you the polymorphism - an ability to use the same abstraction on different implementations.

Is it possible to write a Rust macro "has_trait!(<type>,<ident>|<expr>)"?

I want to match, e.g. an ident's type to implement a certain trait, how would I do that?
Here the basic idea in (incomplete) code:
macro_rules! has_trait {
($ ($t : ty), ($x : ident),) => {
fn trait_test() {
let a = vec![1, 2, 3];
let b = 42;
let a_iteratable = has_trait!(IntoIterator, a);
let b_iteratable = has_trait!(IntoIterator, b);
println!("{:?} iterable? {}", a, a_iteratable);
println!("{:?} iterable? {}", b, b_iteratable);
I cannot wrap my head around how to say "any type which has trait Foo".
I see 2 options how to tackle the problem:
Find a match expression which matches any type with trait $t and simply return true on match, else (how works else?) false.
In the body of the match of any type, use some code to determine if trait $t is implemented by the type of $x.
I cannot see how to do either of both options.
Can this even be done?
I am afraid there is here a serious misconception about what macros can and cannot do.
In Rust, a macro acts on the AST, short for Abstract Syntax Tree. This means that it has access to syntactic information (only).
It means that anything that a macro does, you can also do without a macro. A macro is just syntactic sugar to avoid writing boilerplate over and over.
And conversely, if you cannot do something without a macro, you cannot do it with a macro either.
It is not immediately clear to me whether this information is available or not (proving a negative is always so difficult), however it is certain that the usage of macros has no influence on this availability.
As the other answers have already made clear, there is nothing a macro can do. And indeed, in current (stable) Rust, that's it. However, if you are willing to either use nightly or wait until specialization is stable, you can write and implement a trait to make that distinction, e.g.
#[feature(specialization)] // nightly only for now
trait HasMyTrait {
fn has_trait() -> bool;
impl<T> HasMyTrait for T {
default fn has_trait() -> bool { false }
impl<T: MyTrait> HasMyTrait for T {
fn has_trait() -> bool { true }
This is just a simple example, but you can switch out multiple implementations of whatever functionality you want based on if the type in question implements a trait or not.
This code requires Rust 1.11.0 nightly as of 2016-06-02 or newer.
What you basically want is static (or compile-time) reflection:
Assigning values at compile-time, depending on the type system, to use at run-time.
This is possible in for example D or even C++, but not in Rust.
Rust does not allow template specialisation or compile-time values as generic parameters, nor does it have static reflection capabilities like D.

Override equality for floating point values in Scala

Note: Bear with me, I'm not asking how to override equals or how to create a custom method to compare floating point values.
Scala is very nice in allowing comparison of objects by value, and by providing a series of tools to do so with little code. In particular, case classes, tuples and allowing comparison of entire collections.
I've often call methods that do intensive computations and generate o non-trivial data structure to return and I can then write a unit test that given a certain input will call the method and then compare the results against a hardcoded value. For instance:
def compute() =
// do a lot of computations here to produce the set below...
Set(('a', 1), ('b', 3))
val A = compute()
val equal = A == Set(('a', 1), ('b', 3))
// equal = true
This is a bare-bones example and I'm omitting here any code from specific test libraries, etc.
Given that floating point values are not reliably compared with equals, the following, and rather equivalent example, fails:
def compute() =
// do a lot of computations here to produce the set below...
Set(('a', 1.0/3.0), ('b', 3.1))
val A = compute()
val equal2 = A == Set(('a', 0.33333), ('b', 3.1)) // Use some arbitrary precision here
// equal2 = false
What I would want is to have a way to make all floating-point comparisons in that call to use an arbitrary level of precision. But note that I don't control (or want to alter in any way) either Set or Double.
I tried defining an implicit conversion from double to a new class and then overloading that class to return true. I could then use instances of that class in my hardcoded validations.
implicit class DoubleAprox(d: Double)
override def hashCode = d.hashCode()
override def equals(other : Any) : Boolean = other match {
case that : Double => (d - that).abs < 1e-5
case _ => false
val equals3 = DoubleAprox(1.0/3.0) == 0.33333 // true
val equals4 = 1.33333 == DoubleAprox(1.0/3.0) // false
But as you can see, it breaks symmetry. Given that I'm then comparing more complex data-structures (sets, tuples, case classes), I have no way to define a priori if equals() will be called on the left or the right. Seems like I'm bound to traverse all the structures and then do single floating-point comparisons on the branches... So, the question is: is there any way to do this at all??
As a side note: I gave a good read to an entire chapter on object equality and several blogs, but they only provides solutions for inheritance problems and requires you to basically own all classes involved and change all of them. And all of it seems rather convoluted given what it is trying to solve.
Seems to me that equality is one of those things that is fundamentally broken in Java due to the method having to be added to each class and permanently overridden time and again. What seems more intuitive to me would be to have comparison methods that the compiler can find. Say, you would provide equals(DoubleAprox, Double) and it would be used every time you want to compare 2 objects of those classes.
I think that changing the meaning of equality to mean anything fuzzy is a bad idea. See my comments in Equals for case class with floating point fields for why.
However, it can make sense to do this in a very limited scope, e.g. for testing. I think for numerical problems you should consider using the spire library as a dependency. It contains a large amount of useful things. Among them a type class for equality and mechanisms to derive type class instances for composite types (collections, tuples, etc) based on the type class instances for the individual scalar types.
Since as you observe, equality in the java world is fundamentally broken, they are using other operators (=== for type safe equality).
Here is an example how you would redefine equality for a limited scope to get fuzzy equality for comparing test results:
// import the machinery for operators like === (when an Eq type class instance is in scope)
import spire.syntax.all._
object Test extends App {
// redefine the equality for double, just in this scope, to mean fuzzy equali
implicit object FuzzyDoubleEq extends spire.algebra.Eq[Double] {
def eqv(a:Double, b:Double) = (a-b).abs < 1e-5
// this passes. === looks up the Eq instance for Double in the implicit scope. And
// since we have not imported the default instance but defined our own, this will
// find the Eq instance defined above and use its eqv method
require(0.0 === 0.000001)
// import automatic generation of type class instances for tuples based on type class instances of the scalars
// if there is an Eq available for each scalar type of the tuple, this will also make an Eq instance available for the tuple
import spire.std.tuples._
require((0.0, 0.0) === (0.000001, 0.0)) // works also for tuples containing doubles
// import automatic generation of type class instances for arrays based on type class instances of the scalars
// if there is an Eq instance for the element type of the array, there will also be one for the entire array
import spire.std.array._
require(Array(0.0,1.0) === Array(0.000001, 1.0)) // and for arrays of doubles
import spire.std.seq._
require(Seq(1.0, 0.0) === Seq(1.000000001, 0.0))
Java equals is indeed not as principled as it should be - people who are very bothered about this use something like Scalaz' Equal and ===. But even that assumes a symmetry of the types involved; I think you would have to write a custom typeclass to allow comparing heterogeneous types.
It's quite easy to write a new typeclass and have instances recursively derived for case classes, using Shapeless' automatic type class instance derivation. I'm not sure that extends to a two-parameter typeclass though. You might find it best to create distinct EqualityLHS and EqualityRHS typeclasses, and then your own equality method for comparing A: EqualityLHS and B: EqualityRHS, which could be pimped onto A as an operator if desired. (Of course it should be possible to extend the technique generically to support two-parameter typeclasses in full generality rather than needing such workarounds, and I'm sure shapeless would greatly appreciate such a contribution).
Best of luck - hopefully this gives you enough to find the rest of the answer yourself. What you want to do is by no means trivial, but with the help of modern Scala techniques it should be very much within the realms of possibility.

Should I use implicit conversions to enforce preconditions?

It occurs to me that I could use use implicit conversions to both announce and enforce preconditions. Consider this:
object NonNegativeDouble {
implicit def int2nnd(d : Double) : NonNegativeDouble = new NonNegativeDouble(d)
implicit def nnd2int(d : NonNegativeDouble) : Double = d.v
def sqrt(n : NonNegativeDouble) : NonNegativeDouble = scala.math.sqrt(n)
class NonNegativeDouble(val v : Double ) {
if (v < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative value")
object Test {
def t1 = {
val d : Double = NonNegativeDouble.sqrt(3.0);
printf("%f\n", d);
val n : Double = NonNegativeDouble.sqrt(-3.0);
Ignore for the moment the actual vacuity of the example: my point is, the subclass NonNegativeDouble expresses the notion that a function only takes a subset of the entire range of the class's values.
First is this:
A good idea,
a bad idea, or
an obvious idea everybody else already knows about
Second, this would be most useful with basic types, like Int and String. Those classes are final, of course, so is there a good way to not only use the restricted type in functions (that's what the second implicit is for) but also delegate to all methods on the underlying value (short of hand-implementing every delegation)?
This is an extremely cool idea, but unfortunately its true potential can't be realized in Scala's type system. What you really want here is dependent types, which allow you to impose a proof obligation on the caller of your method to verify that the argument is in range, such that the method can't even be invoked with an invalid argument.
But without dependent types and the ability to verify specifications at compile-time, I think this has questionable value, even leaving aside performance considerations. Consider, how is it any better than using the require function to state the initial conditions required by your method, like so:
def foo(i:Int) = {
require (i >= 0)
i * 9 + 4
In both cases, a negative value will cause an exception to be thrown at runtime, either in the require function or when constructing your NonNegativeDouble. Both techniques state the contract of the method clearly, but I would argue that there is a large overhead in building all these specialized types whose only purpose is to encapsulate a particular expression to be asserted at runtime. For instance, what if you wanted to enforce a slightly different precondition; say, that i > 45? Will you build an IntGreaterThan45 type just for that method?
The only argument I can see for building e.g. a NonNegativeFoo type is if you have many methods which consume and return positive numbers only. Even then, I think the payoff is dubious.
Incidentally, this is similar to the question How far to go with a strongly typed language?, to which I gave a similar answer.
Quite a neat idea actually, though I wouldn't use it in any performance sensitive loops.
#specialisation could also help out by a fair amount here to help make the code more efficient...
This would usually be called "unsigned int" in C. I don't think it's very useful, because you wouldn't be able to define operators properly. Consider this:
val a = UnsignedInt(5)
val b = a - 3 // now, b should be an UnsignedInt(2)
val c = b - 3 // now, c must be an Int, because it's negative!
Therefore, how would you define the minus operator? Like this maybe:
def -(i:Int):Either[UnsignedInt,Int]
That would make arithmetics with UnsignedInt practically unusable.
Or you define a superclass, MaybeSignedInt, that has two subclasses, SignedInt and UnsignedInt. Then you could define subtraction in UnsignedInt like this:
def -(i:Int):MaybeSignedInt
Seems totally awful, doesn't it? Actually, the sign of the number should not conceptually be a property of the number's type, but of it's value.

OCaml types with different levels of specificity

I am attempting to simulate an interface in OCaml and am using the "type" construct. I have two types:
type fooSansBar = {a: string; b: int};;
type fooConBar = {a:string; b:int; bar:char};;
...and would like to define a particular fooSansBar:
let fsb = {a="a"; b=3};;
...but am told that the bar field is not defined. From this, it appears that, contrary to the values I passed in matching fooSansBar's signature, the system believes I am trying to create a fooConBar. Is it possible to create a fooSansBar if the two types as defined above exist?
Additionally (because I'm new to OCaml) is there a better way to simulate an interface?
In OCaml, field names in record types must be unique, so the two types you define cannot coexist simultaneously. Caml is the only language I know with this property.
Because the second definition hides the first, when the compiler sees the a and b fields it expects them to belong to the fooConBar type and so complains of the missing bar field.
If you are trying to simulate an interface, the correct functional way to do it in Caml is to define a module type.
module type FOO_CON_BAR = sig
val a : string
val b : int
val bar : char
And an instance:
module Example = struct
let a = "hello"
let b = 99
let c = '\n'
With modules and module types you also get subtyping; there's no need to resort to objects.
P.S. My Caml is rusty; syntax may be off.
There are several possible solutions in OCaml depending how you're using the code you gave. The simplest is to combine the two types:
type fooBar = { a: string; b: int; bar: char option }
Another solution is to replace the records with objects because objects support subtyping (and can have their types inferred so there is no need to declare a type!):
# let fsb = object
method a = "a"
method b = 3
val fsb : < a : string; b : int > = <obj>
# fsb#a, fsb#b;;
- : string * int = ("a", 3)
The second type redefines a and b, effectively hiding the first, which is why it cannot be constructed any more. You could define these types in different modules, but that would be the same as using a different name for a and b.
These constructs can only be used when you do not try to "derive" from another interface, but just implement it.
If you wish to use these object oriented concepts in Ocaml, you could look at the object system, or, depending on your problem, the module system. Alternatively, you could try to solve your problem in a functional way. What problem are you trying to solve?
OCaml provides two ways to implement interfaces. One, as already mentioned, is a module type.
The other is a class type. You can write a class type (interface) fooSansBar:
class type fooSansBar = object
method a: string
method b: int
and a class type fooConBar:
class type fooConBar = object
inherit fooSansBar
method bar: char
This will allow you to use a fooConBar anywhere a fooSansBar is required. You can now create a fooSansBar, using type inference:
let fsb = object
method a = "a"
method b = 3
Now, fsb's type happens to be <a: string; b: int>, as indicated by Jon, but it's perfectly usable as a fooSansBar due to OCaml's structural subtyping.
In OCaml, it's not possible to have two record types with intersecting field sets present in the same scope.
If you really need to use record types with intersecting field sets, then you can work around this restriction by enclosing the types within their own dedicated modules:
module FooSansBar = struct type t = {a:string; b:int} end
module FooConBar = struct type t = {a:string; b:int; bar:char} end
Then you can construct instances of these types like so:
let fsb = {FooSansBar.a="a"; b=3}
let fcb = {FooConBar.a="a"; b=4; bar='c'}
These instances have the following types:
fsb : FooSansBar.t
fcb : FooConBar.t