Facebook API Registration - facebook

1)If two users(A & B) logs into the website(http://site.com). Both(A & B) have registered in the website with normal user registration (not FB register). Both(A & B) will have access to all parts of the site with all user provisions.They can write their reviews in the website and can do so and so.This is happening right now.
Note:Let us assume the users A and B are already friends in the Facebook.But they don't know each other in our website.
2)If two users(X & Y) logs into the website. Both(X & Y) have registered in the website with facebook registration. Both(X & Y) will have access to all parts of the site with all user provisions.They can write their reviews in the website and can do so and so.This is happening right now.
Note:Let us assume the users X and Y are already friends in the Facebook.But they don't know each other in our website.
What i am going to do:
a)If the user A logs into the system, we need to show facebook login button in some page to link his facebook account. If he wish to link , he need to give his FB login details,then we need to show the friends of him who are all also the users of my website. He may have so many friends with his facebook account, but in this part we need to show B details because he is already user of the site and also his facebook friend as we stated above.
If the user A has someother facebook friends(D,E,F) who are also registered users in our site then we will need to show all of those user details with their recent activity in the website under his FB linking page.
2)This is the samething need to do for FB registered users(X,Y) also.(Similar to http://runkeeper.com)
Technical Agenda:
1)First type of user(A,B):
During the linking of facebook(facebook login), we are going to update the user table row values with his facebook details and then we need to show his FB friends activity in the website by using the FB session data created for his/her FB login and now i will be able to show his Friendslist.
The same user(A or B) logout from the website and relogin with his user login details. In the user table we already having his facebook id details, using that we need to show all of his FB friends. The Facebook api uses the Session value to show the datas with the api call like $frnd=$facebook->api('/me').Now there is no session for this user.
Please suggest me anyway to come up with this technical part , because there is no clear documentation to follow .
2)Second type of user(X,Y):
They are going to login with the existing FB details to the site, we need to just show there FB friend activity in the website.

This is definitely possible as you describe. What web platform are you using for your site. PHP, ASP.NET, or another? As you have experienced, the documentation is sometimes lacking. If you are using php, it will likely be a little easier to get everything working, because the examples all seem to be in php.
I will have to give you a more detailed answer tomorrow, but I will need to know which platform you are using for your website. Also, it wasn't very clear to me, did you say that users are already logging in to your site using facebook authentication?


Facebook: How to post on own page using graph api without login

I own a blog like website, and as part of promotions I have a corresponding facebook page. My website contents are dynamic & when it gets updated(through a bot), I want the facebook page also to be updated by an automated post/publish from the bot which shows up the updates to the page viewers.
I could create a facebook page, and my bot programme which updates the web content is also able to publish the content on my facebook page using graph apis. But the posts are not publicly visible(Visible to only me/admin).
I could learn that it could be because my app through which my bot program is publishing to my facebook page is not public.
App->Status & Review, Status (Tab)
(Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?).
To make the app public, there is a review process which checks the facebook login button used in the website but my posts are through a backend bot and not through user action. My website is like a blog without user authentication so can't think of adding a login there.
Is it possible without having user login on the page? Also, If I post using twitter apis and link/configure my twitter account to my facebook page, it works.I guess this is not a new problem and many brands have automated it already, so need to understand how.
Am I missing something?
Apologies: I have checked previous posts on the same topic, but couldn't find relevant answers for the current Facebook version & policies.
Without the Login Review process, your posts can not be visible to the public.
To get it working, just send your page management tool (with the login dialog) for the review. Once they review it and accepted, you may change the flow a bit eg: skip the login part and allow auto posting.

Posting to a Facebook page on behalf of page using a Facebook application by anyone

I have a web page linked to a Facebook application where users can log in by their Facebook account.
I have also a Facebook page for my application where anybody can post.
What I'd like to achieve is the following:
- An ordinary user logs in to my web page using her Facebook account,
- She adds an information to my web page (for example a book name),
- That information is instantly posted to my application Facebook page under page's name (for example "this book is read by someone").
I don't want it to be posted by the user, I don't want it to be posted by myself (admin of the page).
I don't want to mention about the user, it will be anonymous information.
But I couldn't find a way to do it either as JS or PHP.
Any suggestion is welcome.
Many thanks.
You will need to get a page access token. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens/
Get it, store it somewhere on your server – and then use it when making the API call to post what the user entered.

Facebook connect and share application for website (like 9gag)

I'm creating a website where users can make reservations on certain restaurants, I want the whole page to be integrated with Facebook since you log in. And when the user makes a reservation Facebook will automatically post the reservation on the users Facebook so other may see it in their home page (just like an activity of 9gag).
Any help please!! I'm a programmer but it's the first time I try to integrate Facebook.
If you start with Facebook, this is where you should go:
For login:
Also read the terms and conditions of facebook, there are some important rules for apps.

Login with facebook and storing important user information

The facebook "wave" has finally hit me and I see that it's now time to integrate the wonders of the Facebook API into my site. I'm a little worried about implementing a "Login with Facebook" button because my site stores information about each user, and I'm not sure whether or not the facebook login system will also store said information. Any user who registers to my site has the ability to "like" certain pages that were found while browsing the site, and the categories of each page the user likes is stored and linked to his username.
If the user were to "login with facebook" however, and thus skip my registration page, would the information about categories still be saved?
Even looking at StackOverflow.com, I notice that all of my profile information etc. is being saved, but where? I used the login with facebook button so where exactly is my profile information being saved?
When you login with Facebook your site gets a Facebook ID and some other information (depending on what you ask for, but normally first name, last name, email address). You can then use the Facebook ID or email address to link it to an existing account in your system. If you can't find it, automatically create a new account with the details provided from Facebook.
You can use the Registration Social Plugin that facebook offer in order to get the data you need from the user while they register to your site using their facebook profile.
Also, as #JonGrant wrote, you can just use the api to get the needed information from facebook, just take into consideration that the more permissions you ask for, the less users will authorize your app.
Edit: Plugin now out of date, please refer to Facebook Login.
This was plugin removed as of API version 2.0. It will stop working
on July 30, 2015. Apps using this plugin should migrate to Facebook Login.
Source: facebook docs

Check whether user of non-facebook app likes/shares particular URL on FB

I'd like to know if there is a possibility to check (using Graph API or any other way) whether given user likes / shares a specific link. Probably I'll have this user's facebook ID or facebook login, but my site is non-Facebook application. Actually it's Dot Net Nuke portal (target: .NET with MS SQL Server) with part of it being avaliable as Facebook app, but certainly not greater part of it, so the solution should be out of Facebook Connect, although it's not a showstopper if it's necessary.
We'll be giving points to users who share/like most of links that we serve in our portal and such possibility would be a great help to make a ranking.
Another option we consider is making some kind of "wrapper" or proxy for FB like / share buttons which will at first save some data in our database (probably - this user clicked on like for this link) and then go on with standard FB like / share route. Did anybody of You tried such solution?
If You have any other suggestion on the subject, please, post them, we'll be really thankful.
It is possible to know if a user has LIKED a site or not. You can get all user's likes with Graph API (you need user_likes permission). Take a look at the docs: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/
I'm not sure if you can know if he has shared your site, but you could try by parsing his wall with the read_stream permission and then look for your site name/URL post by post.
For just general liking of items on your site, you can use a Facebook Social Plugin. However, you won't be able to associate (or really even access) user activity with users on your site without integrating Facebook Connect and creating a Facebook application for your site. At that point you can design with greater control all the possible user activity and interleave with your facebook calls other calls that affect users' accounts on your site.