Redirect action to mobile view -

public ActionResult Home()
return View();
This is what I have for my current site within the HomeController. How can I detect if the action is called from a mobile device, and if it is, re-direct to MobileHome.aspx instead of Home.aspx.
I don't need to know the details of the device, because I am implementing the view in JQuery Mobile, which should adjust itself correctly depending on the view it's rendered in.

You may find the following blog post useful.

The following is an override on the Controller class. I have not tested this, so consider it pseudo code:
protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
if (this.Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice && filterContext.Result is ViewResultBase)
var viewResult = filterContext.Result as ViewResultBase;
viewResult.ViewName = "Mobile" + viewResult.ViewName;
You can use the Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice to determine if the device is mobile (obviously), and then check to see if the result it a view. However, changing the view name is not sufficient if you pass an actual view to the result of your action.


Fuelphp - route index with parameters

Using Fuelphp, I'd like to be able to use a URL system similar to here on StackOverflow to get to specific pages.
Desired behavior: -> page with many questions ->page with specific question
Here's my controller:
class Controllers_Images extends Controller_Template
public function action_index($id=null)
//Use Model_Image to find specific image
//Create appropriate view
//Use Model_Image to find many images
//Create appropriate view
I can access the "generic" page with - this is routed to the action_index function. I can access a "specific" page with What I'd like to do is be able to skip index in this case too, so that works. Right now I'm getting 404. How do I set up routing for this?
After poking around a bit more, I came up with a solution that works fine:
class Controllers_Images extends Controller_Template
public function action_index()
//Use Model_Image to find many images
//Create appropriate view
public function get_id($id)
//Use Model_Image to find specific image
//Create appropriate view
In routes.php:
return array(
//other routing stuff...
With this setup, the url "" now appropriately displays the selected image as if "" was used instead. Not a huge deal, but it is a nicer interface, which is important!

MvvmCross navigation on screen

Our designer created a layout something like the screen above. The main idea was to create an application with only one screen, just the red part of the screen is changing (i.e. 2 textbox instead of 1 textbox) when you tap on a button. This application will be a multiplatform application and I'm using MvvmCross to create it. My question is that how can i achieve this behavior in Mvvm? My first thought was sg. like the code below, but I'm not satisfied with this solution. Do you have any better solution to this problem? Should i somehow overwrite default navigation on ShowViewModel()?
public class MainViewModel : MvxViewModel
private MvxViewModel _currentViewModel;
public MvxViewModel CurrentViewModel
get { return _currentViewModel; }
set { _currentViewModel = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => CurrentViewModel); }
public MainViewModel()
CurrentViewModel = new DefaultViewModel();
public void OnButtonClick()
CurrentViewModel = new SecondViewModel();
public partial class MainViewModel : MvxViewController
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
private void ViewModelPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if (args.PropertyName == "CurrentViewModel")
if (Model.CurrentViewModel != null)
if (Model.CurrentViewModel is SecondViewModel)
//remove bindings
//change View
//bind new viewmodel
The alternatives for this kind of 'non-page navigation' are similar to those in MvvmCross Dialog:
You can:
Customize the MvxPresenter to allow ShowViewModel to be used
Put a special interface in the Core project and use Inversion of Control to inject the implementation from the UI project to the Core project
Use the MvxMessenger plugin and share messages between the Core and UI project which trigger this type of navigation.
Use a property with a special interface (like IInteractionRequest) on the ViewModel - that property will fire an event when the UI needs to change.
Personally, for your situation, I quite like the first of these options - intercepting ShowViewModel using a presenter.
One other alternative which I might consider is to use some kind of 'Adapter-driven' control which could very easily update it's child contents based on the CurrentViewModel property. On Android, this would be as easy as using an MvxLinearLayout with an adapter. On iOS, however, I think you'd have to write something new to do this - just because iOS doesn't really have a LinearLayout/StackPanel control.

MvvmCross: How to navigate to something besides a ViewModel?

What would I put in my MvxCommand to navigate to a simple URL? All mobile platforms have a mechanism to ask the OS for an Activity or ViewController that can display the contents of a URL. How would I do that with MvvmCross? One way that I know of is to put special stuff in the presentationBundle and/or parameterBundle when calling ShowViewModel that the presenter can detect to do the special OpenUrl command. But is that the best way??
There is a plugin which enables this -
If that plugins is loaded, then a viewmodel can use:
public class MyViewModel : MvxViewModel
private readonly IMvxWebBrowserTask _webBrowser;
public MyViewModel(IMvxWebBrowserTask webBrowser)
_webBrowser = webBrowse;
public ICommand ShowWebPage
get { return new MvxCommand(() => _webBrowser.ShowWebPage("");
You can see this used in, for example:
If you ever need to create your own plugins, see

MVC Back button issue

I have an action method that I need to execute when the back button is clicked. I've done this before by disabling the cache in my action method (Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache). This isn't working for a different action method. For some reason when i disable the cache and hit the back button to trigger my action method the page expires. Any ideas on what the issue may be?
Try the following, works great for me:
public class NoCacheAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
var response = filterContext.HttpContext.Response;
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
// When we went to Foo and hit the Back button this action will be executed
// If you remove the [NoCache] attribute this will no longer be the case
return Content(#"Go to foo<div>" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + #"</div>", "text/html");
public ActionResult Foo()
return Content(#"Go back to index", "text/html");
There is no way to know, on the server side, if the page request was the result of the back button or not.
More than likely, the previous request was a post rather than a get, and the post requires that you repost the data.

How to create a simple landing page in MVC2

I'm trying to create a page.
went to Views\Shared and added a View called NotAuthorized witch originates the file name NotAuthorized.aspx
in my Routes I wrote
"NotAuthorized", // Route name
"NotAuthorized.aspx" // Route Url
but every time I access I get an error
The resource cannot be found.
What am I missing?
How can access this without using View("NotAuthorized") in the Controller, in other words, not passing through any controller.
You can't access views directly without passing through a controller. All pages in the Views folder cannot be served directly. So one way to accomplish what you are looking for is to write a custom[Authorize] attribute and set the error page:
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (!filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
filterContext.Result = new ViewResult { ViewName = "NotAuthorized" };
I still have no idea on how to accomplish it, but what I did was use the Home Controller and create an Action called NotAuthorized
public ActionResult NotAuthorized()
return View();
And add a route like
"NotAuthorized", // Route name
"NotAuthorized", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "NotAuthorized" } // Parameter defaults
And works fine now, I can easily redirect in any part of my Business Logic to /Notauthorized and that will route fine.