WSDL2Java error on command prompt - axis

I'm having an error when im using WSDL2Java tool in command prompt. im getting
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/wsdl/WSDL2Java
can anyone help me with this? I really need the solution for this. thanks in advance.

i solved this problem. i set the classpath of all the jars individually in the command prompt.
set CLASSPATH=C:\axis\lib\axis.jar;C:\axis\lib\axis-ant.jar;C:\axis\lib\commons-discovery-0.2.jar;C:\axis\lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar;C:\axis\lib\jaxrpc.jar;C:\axis\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar;C:\axis\lib\saaj.jar;C:\axis\lib\wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar;C:\axis\lib\activation.jar;C:\axis\lib\mailapi.jar
run this on the command prompt and run
c:\axis>java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java [WSDL FILE] OR [WSDL URL]
the classes that is generated by WSDL2Java tool will be found on:
c:\axis\org or the directory you run the script above.
you can use this for your reference.
I hope this would help you. :)

Related (Bit Harmony): `bit tag` command fails to complete

I was exporting my component to, when I got stuck at the bit tag --message command, with the error message: Failed task 1: "teambit.pkg/pkg:PackComponents" of env "teambit.harmony/node"
I have already ran the previous commands: bit link --rewire, bit compile and bit build --all prior. I would also like to mention that I have circular dependencies errors which I workaround with the --ignore-issues \"CircularDependencies\" flag.
Have anyone faced this issue before, and managed to solve it? Thanks in advance.

PHPUnit not working on netbeans "--ansi" is not registered

When generating the Test with Netbeans I got the following ouput message error:
"C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\php.exe" "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\phpunit-skelgen" "--ansi" "generate-test" "newPHPClass" "C:\Users\Alfonso\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PHPUnit_Test\newPHPClass.php" "newPHPClassTest" "C:\Users\Alfonso\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PHPUnit_Test\Tests\newPHPClassTest.php"
The referenced parameter '--ansi' is not registered.
However when I run,in the commandline, the following command:
phpunit-skelgen --test newPHPClass
it works.
It seems netbeans does not run the proper command. How to correct this problem?

The ECLIPSE RCP project could not be exported successfully

I met an error when I exported the Eclipse Product using the export wizard on the overview tab of the .product file ,
the error message is as below .
but it worked just fine when I ran it from inside of Eclipse as an Eclipse Application.
can anybody provide some idea about this .
C:\workSpace\0709\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\temp\org.eclipse.pde.container.feature\ The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\workSpace\0709\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\temp\org.eclipse.pde.container.feature\ The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\tool\eclipse-standard-kepler-SR2-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.pde.build_3.8.100.v20130514-1028\scripts\genericTargets.xml:243: A problem occured while invoking the director.
Thanks & Regards,
The originating problem is somewhere else.. To find it out add following line to your genericTargets.xml under node <target name="runDirector"> -> <record name="path_to_log_output_file" loglevel="verbose"> . Then you will probably see actual problem. when running sbt from ensime?

I have tried ensime/sbt on mac os. First, I open the .scala file in project folder create from using sbt in command-line, then I ran ensime and it still work fine, but whenever I run ensime-sbt (c-c c-v s), I got No such file or directory
at Method)
at xsbt.boot.Locks$.apply0(Locks.scala:34)
at xsbt.boot.Locks$.apply(Locks.scala:27)
at scala.collection.Iterable$class.$init$(Proxy.scala:32)
at xsbt.boot.Launch$ScalaProvider.<init>(Launch.scala:107)
at xsbt.boot.Launch$$anonfun$1.apply(Launch.scala:83)
at org.apache.ivy.plugins.namespace.NamespaceRule.newEntry(Cache.scala:17)
at org.apache.ivy.plugins.namespace.NamespaceRule.apply(Cache.scala:12)
at xsbt.boot.Launch.getScala(Launch.scala:85)
at xsbt.boot.Launch$.run(Launch.scala:49)
at xsbt.boot.Launch$$anonfun$explicit$1.apply(Launch.scala:43)
at xsbt.boot.Launch$.launch(Launch.scala:68)
at xsbt.boot.Launch$.apply(Launch.scala:14)
at xsbt.boot.Boot$.runImpl(Boot.scala:24)
at xsbt.boot.Boot$.main(Boot.scala:15)
at xsbt.boot.Boot.main(Boot.scala)
Error during sbt execution: No such file or directory
Process sbt exited abnormally with code 1
I tried using sbt from command-line and everything works from there (compile/run/console). I'm using sbt 0.10.1 and latest binary ensime on emacs24 (2011/07/24) on mac os.
Any idea that I'm doing it wrong ?
I had this and after applying strace I found the issue. The ensime-sbt.el function searches up from the cwd looking for ./project/ On finding this dir/file it assumes this is the root directory.
So just create this file and this issue should disappear. Would be nice if ensime created this file by default seeing as it's a required file for the sbt function to work.
I got the same error. This situation seems to be that sbt tried but failed to create ".sbt" and ".ivy" dir at the user's home directory. Maybe, the reason is that OS user doesn't have permission to write at the user's home directory.
It's something related with permission, maybe.
I checked the Locks.scala source, and guessed "file.getParentFile.mkdirs()" did no work because of permission denial.
I encountered the same problem yesterday, and got it run a minute ago, by adding sudo:
"sudo emacs xxx.scala"
you can change sbt.ivy.home and ivy.home property. So, to augment Joachim's first solution, you would set both system properties:
like this:
java -Dsbt.ivy.home=/tmp/.ivy2/ -Divy.home=/tmp/.ivy2/ -jar dirname $0/sbt-launch.jar "$#"
hope to resolve you problem
This error also occurs when the files in the home directory that sbt tries to access are not owned by the user that tries to run it. run a chmod 777 on the directoris in the home master and the issue will be solved.

GWT Junit - error='no compilation unit for that type was seen'

I'm trying to run a GWT unit test in a sample app. I ran
cmd /c /java/gwt-windows-1.6.4/webAppCreator.cmd -out gwttasks com.gwttasks.GwtTasks
Copied in junit-4.5.jar into a lib directory, and added that to the classpath.
cmd /c /java/gwt-windows-1.6.4/junitCreator.cmd -junit lib/junit-4.5.jar -module com.gwttasks.GwtTasks -eclipse GwtTasks com.gwt
When I try to run any of the generated cmd file (such as GwtJunit-hosted.cmd) or any of the launch files, I get the following error. All the web pages I've seen say to add the test source to the classpath, but it's already there, so that's not the problem. Anyone else seen this? The test class 'com.gwttasks.unit.GwtJunit' was not found in module 'com.gwttasks.GwtTasks'; no compilation unit for that type was seen
The answer could be found here :
In netbeans I added the src/java and test to the class path and debugging worked!!!!!
I just want to add that I had the same problem, because I did the (very silly) mistake to not put the GWTTestCase class into the "client" directory, but into another one. No wonder it wasn't found ;)