use $lt or $gt operator in mongodb queries - mongodb

My collection structure*"countcollection"* is looks as below
"limitcount": 10000,
"currentcount": 100
I want to right the mongoquery that able to compare the currentcount<($lt)limitcount
or currentcount>($gt)limitcount.
First, i wrote the mongo query as below
but it's failed to execute .
please give your input for this mongoquery.
thanks in advance .

As Bugai13 said, you can't do a comparison on 2 fields in a query.
The problem with $where is performance - as that is a javascript function that will be executed for every document so it will have to scan through every one.
So, you could store another field (that you could then index) alongside those existing fields
"limitcount": 10000,
"currentcount": 100,
"remainingcount" : 9900
so you could then query on the new field instead:
db.countcollection.find({"remainingcount" : {$gt : 0}})
db.countcollection.find({"remainingcount" : {$lt : 0}})

You can't do what you want using simple query(like you have tried above). There is such bug in mongodb jira and you can vote up for this.
I suppose you shoud use javascript expression like this:
db.countcollection.find( { $where: "this.currentcount < this.limitcount" } );
Hope this help.

does not make any sense since you are comparing against the string limitcount. If you want to compare against a pre-defined variable, use the variable but something with quotes around it. Why did you choose this strange syntax?


MongoDB - Find documents which contain an element in an array which has a property of null

I'm struggling with a seemingly simple query in mongodb.
I have a job collection that has objects like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5995c1fc3c2a353a782ee51b"),
"stages" : [
"start" : ISODate("2017-02-02T22:06:26Z"),
"end" : ISODate("2017-02-03T22:06:26Z"),
"name" : "stage_one"
"start" : ISODate("2017-02-03T22:06:26Z"),
"end" : ISODate("2017-02-07T20:34:01Z"),
"name" : "stage_two"
I want to get a job whose second stage does not have an end time, i.e. end is null or not defined.
According to the mongo docs on querying for null and querying an array of embedded documents, it would seem the correct query should be:
db.job.findOne({'stages.1.end': null})
However, running that query returns me the job above which does have a non-null end date. In fact, if I run the query with count instead of findOne, I see that all jobs are returned - no filtering is done at all.
For completeness, here is the output from an example on a fresh mongo instance:
So in this example, I would expect db.job.findOne({'stages.1.end': null}) to return nothing since there is only one document and its second stage has a non-null end date.
This feels like the sort of issue where it's just me being an idiot and if so, I apologise profusely.
Thanks in advance for your help and let me know if you need any more details!
After some more experimentation, I think I can achieve what I want with the following:
db.job.find({$or: [{'stages.1.end': { $type: 10 }}, {'stages.1.end': {$exists: false}}]})
While this gets the job done, it doesn't feel like the simplest way and I still don't understand why the original query doesn't work. If anyone could shed some light on this it'd be much appreciated.

MongoDB check if value exists within array

I'm using MongoDB inside a twig framework. I'm trying to determine if the user has access to a certain module.
(a part of) my DB entry looks like:
_id: "579b50a4f5092761a20f4e71",
approvedModules: [
My code looks like:
session.get('__AUTH_USER').find({ approvedModules : { '$in' : ["examplemodule"]}}, { '$exists' : true })
(the standard functions have to be in quotes).
I keeps returning false. I can only return the value if I use session.get('__AUTH_USER').approvedModules.0
I don't want to include the .0 because that might change.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
What am I doing wrong?
Many things. The worst one is using queries to database inside a template, but it is another problem.
You misunderstood purpose of the $in operator, which is used to match a field in the database to any element of array in the query.
To match any element of array in the collection to a single value you can do simple $eq:
session.get('__AUTH_USER').find({ approvedModules : "examplemodule"})
When you are using $in operator, you need to have 2 input arguments, the first one is the value for which you are checking the array, and the second one should be the array itself.
So, your bson element should look like this:
isModuleInArray : { '$in' : ["examplemodule","$approvedModules"] }

Best way to create a mongo expression that never matches

What I am looking for is somehow the equivalent of doing in SQL:
WHERE 1 = 0
I'm looking for such a thing because I'm building a typesafe DSL to perform queries on my domain, supporting conjunctions and disjunctions. Sometimes it may be easier to add a query that never match anything, instead of dealing with it in the code.
For exemple, in my usecase:
In this case, it does not work as expected because sharedCategoryIds is empty, so it results in a query being $(), which does not filter anything.
For an empty list, I would rather build a query that never returns anything.
Is there an easy way to do such a thing, without any impact on performances?
I could probably add some query like { somefield: unexistingvalue } but I wonder if there is nothing better.
I expect the expression to be composable. I mean it should work in queries like $or(exp1,exp2,exp3) where exp1 is for exemple the expression that never match.
If you have any proposition, it would be nice to explain why one is better than others and how it affect the query engine performances (or not)
I think the best way to achieve what you want is to add {_id : -1}
db.coll.find({a : 1}) will be transformed into db.coll.find({a : 1, _id : -1}). This is simpler then all shx2 solutions (except of the last one with noScan which is nice).
Moreover _id field is already a primary index, so it will quickly realize that there is no such _id field in the collection.
P.S. if someone would be so smart to name their _id as -1, then you can do {_id : NaN}.
If there will be _id = NaN then you most probably need to redevelop your app.
I came up with a few ways to achieve that:
"P&!P": { $and: [ {X:0}, {X:{$ne:0}} ] }
Can't be "$in" an empty list: { X: {$in: []} }
Nothing can be this long { X: {$size: 9999999999999999} }
"noScan": db.coll.find({})._addSpecial("$maxScan", 0)
one more, using $where: { $where: function() {return 0} }

Cast field in pymongo query

I feel like this should be trivial.
I have a record like :
{'f1' : 1, 'f2' , 'aaaa'}
When I query for that I want to be returned :
{'f1' : '1', 'f2' , 'aaaa'}
Where I have simply cast the int as a string. I don't believe I should have to use the aggregation framework to accomplish this.
I imagine there is someway to pass a JS function but I don't know that magic.
Answering my own question to some degree.To do this with aggregation framework. It would be as simple as.
db.datasets.aggregate({$match : {f1:{$ne:null}}},{ $project : {f1: {$toUpper:"$f1"}, f2 : 1 }})
Neither MongoDB nor PyMongo provides a feature like this. You could try adding a "SON manipulator" to transform the outgoing document (that is, the document being retrieved out of the database). But by far the easiest method is:
for doc in db.datasets.find():
doc['f1'] = str(doc['f1'])

How to add a field to a document which contains the result of the comparison of two other fields

I would like to speed up an query on my mongoDB which uses $where to compare two fields in the document, which seems to be really slow.
My query look like this:
db.mycollection.find({ $where : "this.lastCheckDate < this.modificationDate})
What I would like to do is add a field to my document, i.e. isCheckDateLowerThenModDate, on which I could execute a probably much faster query:
I quite new to mongoDB an have no idea how to do this. I would appreciate if someone could give me some hints or examples on
How to initialize such a field on an existing collection
How to maintain this field. Which means how to update this field when lastCheckDate or modificationDate changes.
Thanks in advance for your help!
You are thinking in a right way!
1.How to initialize such a field on an existing collection.
Most simple way is to load each document (from your language), calculate this field, update and save.
Or you could perform an update via mongo shell:
db.mycollection.find().forEach(function(doc) {
if(doc.lastCheckDate < doc.modificationDate)
doc.isCheckDateLowerThenModDate = true;
doc.isCheckDateLowerThenModDate = false;
2.How to maintain this field. Which means how to update this field when
lastCheckDate or modificationDate changes.
You have to do it yourself from your client code. Make some wrapper for update, save operations and recalculate this value each time there. To be absolutely sure that this update works -- write unit tests.
The $where clause is slow because it is evaluating each document using the JavaScript interpreter.
There are a few alternatives:
1) Assuming your use case is "look for records that need updating", take advantage of a sparse index:
add a boolean field like needsChecking and $set this whenever the modificationDate is updated
in your "check" procedure, find the documents that have this field set (should be fast due to the sparse index)
after you've done whatever check is needed, $unset the needsChecking field.
2) A new (and faster) feature in MongoDB 2.2 is the Aggregation Framework.
Here is an example of adding a "isUpdated" field based on the date comparison, and then filtering the matching documents:
{ $project: {
_id: 1,
name: 1,
type: 1,
modificationDate: 1,
lastCheckDate: 1,
isUpdated: { $gt:["$modificationDate","$lastCheckDate"] }
{ $match : {
isUpdated : true,
Some current caveats of using the Aggregation Framework are:
you have to specify fields to include aside from _id
the result is limited to the current maximum BSON document size (16Mb in MongoDB 2.2)