uiimageview or uibutton not square - iphone

Is there anyway to make an uiimageview or uibutton that is not squared?
I'd need several images that can be clickable but dont have a squared shape.
Is there anyway to solve this?

Check out this thread,
Simple way of using irregular shaped buttons
Hope this will solve your problem

Use a custom button to get a different shape on the button.
A usefull link (though for xcode 3) is here: http://howtomakeiphoneapps.com/2009/09/how-to-create-custom-buttons-in-interface-builder/
For UIImageView it shouldn't matter much.. Any part of the UIImageView that doesn't get filled by the picture, stays transparant if I'm not mistaken.

you can create a button and set its image or background image as required
good luck


Adding image to UIButton makes it unclickable

I am learning to navigate and use the features of Xcode right now and I don't understand why adding an image to a UIButton through the Attributes Inspector makes the UIButton unclickable. When adding the image, it also resizes the button on the storyboard. I can't seem to find any answers online. Could somebody explain why this behavior occurs?
Before adding the image to the UIButton:
After adding the image to the UIButton:
Edit: and preferably how to fix it :D
The unclickable scenario you described is literally impossible unless you deleted everything in the connections inspector tab. In order for the image not to resize you should use autolayout in the bottom right. Set a constraint on width and height.

How can i make multiple customized uiimageview frame in one view?

I have to make view where there will be multiple curved or irregular shaped imageview. Now when i will touch a UIImageview then it will import image from photo gallery.For example: Suppose
I have an UIView with background image.
On that view i have 3 irregular shaped UIImageview.every UIImageview is attached with each other.
Now suppose i have touch in the first UIImageview then it will take an image from photo gallery.
When i have imported the image then that image will be as the background image of the UIImageview.
I have to make sure that if my UIImageviewis smaller then its background image then i will able to move the image or rotate the image or scale or zoom the image to adjust the image according to the size of UIImageview.
How can i do that whole process??? any help by link,source code,tutorial or anything else will be cordially appreciable.
Basically my first priority is that how can i make those irregular shaped UIImageView pro-grammatically.
Thanks In Advance
The one way of doing this is as follows:
Subclass from UIImageView set touchesBegan methods for each UIImageView for import image, setting on background and whatever you want to do on touch.
What does 'attached' mean? If all of them should move together, then, again, you have to deal with it in touchesBegan methods, sending messages like 'Hey views, i've moved on this vector:[vector], please do it too'.
In pt. 3.2 i didn't get your point. :( You can set in UIImageView subclass self.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit or UIViewContentModeScaleToFill, so its image will always fit the view.
About irregular shape, did you read links below? I suppose there's not an super easy way to do it :(
Draggable UIImageView Partially Transparent & Irregular Shaped
Simple way of using irregular shaped buttons

Views: How to overlay?

I want to use a UIProgressView but I want the background to be an image to make things a bit more good looking. I'm not sure how to lay one over the other. It would be important for the background image to encompass the UIProgressView.
Any help appreciated.
You can simply create a UIImageView for your background image, then add a UIProgressView as a sub view.
You can do this in either Interface Builder or in code such as [myBackgroundImageView addSubView:myProgressView];
Obviously you will need to setup the correct frame for both to ensure they are in the correct position.
Check out addSubview: in the Apple reference.

iOS: How to display multiple images dynamiclly in imageview?

Hi I am new to iPhone.
What I need is, have to display only one image in one case, two images in another case like wise and for that I am using a UIImageview with IBOutlet.
How can I display multiple images in single imageview?
Please help me post some code.
Thank you.
An UIImageView can only display one image at a time. You will either have to use several UIImageViews or compose your images into one file before displaying it.
I think you should subviews ot type UIImageView to your main UIImageView.
The "hard" task will be to compute the boundaries of each subview, according to the prefered layout. Use the image property of UIImageView to set the image for each subview (don't worry about resizing, UIImageView will do the work for you)

Animating UIImageView over a background image

I have a UIImageView that I have resized to fit a small ball. The current background is black color. I want to set the background as some image and then move the ball on top of that image. I tried to use another UIImageView but the background takes over the ball image and the ball is not visible. Any ideas!
In IB, are you sure you have the small UIImageView in on top of the larger one? Try deleting the smaller UIImageView from IB and re-adding it on top of the larger one. I noticed that it's hard to tell which UIView is on top in IB for some reason.
Posting as requested. Glad I could help!
I would suggest not using interface build and just doing it programatically, much more control that way.