Xcode 4 anything like right click to find in project? - find

In Xcode 3, I could right click on some text in my code, select find in project, and it would.
Is there anything like that in Xcode 4, where I can search for something without typing it in?
EDIT: to clarify, my concern is to avoid having to enter whatever I am searching for.
In other words, suppose I have methods called
It would be nice to be able to search for the first one via a right click search, without having to copy and paste or to type the whole thing in. This was possible in XCode 3.

I created a custom find scope and then used that find scope to search all within a project folder.
Create find scope as follows:
In Navigator selector bar click the magnifying glass to bring up search navigator
click the magnifying glass in the search text box and select 'show find options'
clock 'Find in' list and select custom
Create your new find scope in the dialog and set it to your project top level folder
Use this find scope in future searches.

Command + Shift + F will search your workspace.

At the time I asked this question, the answer was "no." However, Apple has now restored this functionality. Right click on the text in question, then select "find selected text in workspace" from the drop-down menu.


Create a GUI using WindowBuilder's visual designer

My question's really that simple. So simple that no one bothered to put the answer anywhere! I've tried googling 'open WindowBuilderPro' but 5-10 mins searching through links I'm no closer to an answer.
In Eclipse's Package Explorer pane, right-click on the package that you want your new GUI class to be in (create a new package first if it doesn't exist).
Select New/Other... from the pop-up menu.
Under "WindowBuilder", expand "Swing Designer".
Select "JFrame".
Click "Next".
In the subsequent dialog window, be sure that the package name is correct and type in the desired class name for your new GUI frame. Use a clearly descriptive name that tells the reader what this frame is for and that it is a frame, e.g. "MainAppFrame".
The "Use Advanced Template" checkbox should be checked.
Click "Finish"
Now click on the Design tab (at the BOTTOM of the editor!) credit to duDE for that bit.

Aptana/Eclipse Find Next Shortcut - for Find in Files

i see this post. but i still dont see any way to be able to quickly step through a bunch of search results, making edits, and using a shortcut key to advance to the next result. the Find Next shortcut only works in the Search Tab window, not in the Editor window, where i have focus, while editing. I have to keep clicking on the next result and then clicking in the editor window to make my edits.
Seems so basic, i must be missing something.
i now see that Ctl+K is set to do something similar.
Ctrl+Alt+G is a default shortcut to search currently selected text in the whole workspace (Search>Text>Workspace from menu).
There are no default key mappings for searching selected text in file and in the current project but I find it very usefull added (Ctrl+Alt+F, and Ctrl+Alt+P respectively (Window>Preferences>Keys))

does eclipse have a feature whereby I can find all instances of a specific label?

I know I can just grep it, but I was wondering if Eclipse has a built in feature where I can highlight a public class member and get a list of all the places where it is being used in the package.
Yep, right click on the member (I usually left click first and wait for Eclipse to highlight the member to make sure it knows what I want to search for) and choose Open Call Hierarchy for methods or References > Workspace for fields.
Highlight the class member and press ctrl + shift + g to find references in the workspace
Click Group by Package in the toolbar:
Click the View Menu arrow icon in the toolbar and select Show as Tree in the popup menu
Locate the desired package in the treeview and expand it to see results
I don't use Eclipse for Java, but in CDT, you can right click and select References->Project to do this.

How do I get rid of the Eclipse Find/Replace Bar

For searching a document, I like using the floating Find/Replace window that pops up. Lately, however, hitting command-F pulls up this Find/Replace bar at the bottom of the editor window. I suppose I wouldn't mind it so much, except instead of selecting the text to search it puts the insertion point after whatever I've searched for before. Very annoying. Clicking on the magnifying glass pops up the other Find/Replace dialog.
How can I get the normal dialog to pop-up by default?
I should add that for some reason search is no longer working in Preferences, so I can no longer just search for "Find" to locate the setting I might need to change. So you'll have to give me the exact location.
A little more experimenting reveals that this is PyDev-specific behavior but I still can't find the setting that needs changing.
type Ctrl-Shift-L twice brings up Preferences window.
In Preferences window: type 'find bar' in the search field. This finds 'Find bar' in category 'Aptana Studio' (assuming you have Aptana Studio included in Eclipse). Click this entry 'Find Bar' to bring up the 'Find Bar' settings page.
On the Find Bar settings page uncheck 'Use custom find bar on Aptana editors' See shot.
This did the trick for me!
I added a feature request to the Pydev tracker for a setting to suppress the find bar: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3097964&group_id=85796&atid=577332
Could you make sure the 'command-f' is binding with menu item 'edit' - 'find/replace...'?
Might other plug-in hook the key binding.
And another way is using 'spy' to see which one contribute it. Focus on the search widget, then click 'alt - shift - f1'.

How to Display Current Function in Eclipse

I miss a certain functionality in Eclipse. I would like to know the name of the current function the cursor is currently inside. This is useful when browsing unknown code using the search function, for example.
Any idea how to show it? Maybe a plugin?
I'm using the "Toggle Breadcrumb" option from toolbar:
It shows a nice breadcrumb, ending with current function name.
It's quite handy for me, as Outline becomes cumbersome to use if you have zilions of functions.
It produces the following structure above your Java Editor (truncated at the picture below):
The "Outline" view shows the current function.
It may be necessary to enable the 'Link to Editor' option in the Outline View dropdown menu. This might be off by default for CDT.
I was looking for something similar (Xcode-like bar at the top showing the current function, where you can also go to another function by clicking on it to open a popup list of functions). Here is what I settled on with Eclipse 3.5.1 CDT:
I moved the Outline view to the top, resized it to make it a 1-line horizontal strip (don't make it too narrow), and selected "Link With Editor" in its menu, so that it always shows the current function. However, this doesn't open a popup list like Xcode. For that functionality, I assigned a shortcut to the "Show Outline" command which does open a popup list of all functions.
The Eclipse function 'show outline' will pop up a list of outline objects, and it will highlight the object your cursor is inside in grey. It's typically bound to 'ctrl-o' (the letter 'o', not zero), but you can re-bind it as you see fit. I'm running Eclipse with the CDT plugin and it works pretty well for me.
To enable the breadcrumb invoke Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb in the toolbar or press Alt+Shift+B in the Java editor.
You can also display the Quick Outline (ctrl+o). This way you see the context quickly without having to have a permanent Outline Window linked to the Editor.
Use the "Link With Editor" option on the outline menu
Press Ctrl+o (cursor is currently inside a function at a particular line).
It highlights the current method, or name of the class if the cursor is outside the method body.
You can click on highlighted method.
It has got inline search feature ...start typing name of the method to navigate to the specified method or method with matching search pattern.
If you press again Ctrl+o to shows the inherited members/methods.
Using outline with "link with editor" option worked also for me, thanks!
Just an addition, you can move outline pane in to the same window group as search, progress etc. saves the space in your perspective instead of keeping it at another group.