Installing a library (WiiRemoteJ) into NetBeans - netbeans

I downloaded the WiiRemoteJ java library from here:
But I don't know how to install it into netbeans to use with a project!
I went to tools>Libraries, then clicked New Library... then typed "wiiremotej" as the name. Under class path, I navigated to the "WiiRemoteJ.jar" file. Then I added the JavaDocs folder.
When I created a new project and tried to import the library, (import WiiRemoteJ.*;) it gives me an error and says "Package WiiRemoteJ does not exist"!
The same thing happened with another wii remote library I tried (motej)
Does anyone know what i am doing wrong?

Well, the most straight forward approach would be to right click the project's Libraries node, and select Add JAR/Folder. This way you can use the JAR right away, without any additional registration.


Did not find "JAVADB_DRIVER_LABEL" in NetBeans IDE 8.0.2

I have installed NetBeans IDE 8.0.2.
When I am importing .zip file of my old project on which I was working, it's showing
"JAVADB_DRIVER_LABEL" could not be found (in projectNAME)
When I was adding that driver library it was not there in NetBeans' Library list. So what should I do to run my project ?
This is an old question, but for anyone searching in the future, here is my experience. When I shared a project with a customer which used Derby database, they needed to load the Java DB Driver, which in my case includes the derby.jar, derbyclient.jar, and derbynet.jar files. Until those where added, they got the JAVADB_DRIVER_LABEL error. In Netbeans, to do this you can either locate the *.jar files I referenced and add them in your Libraries folder in the project as jars, or use the "add library" option (right click on Libraries, Add Library) and select the "Java DB Driver" library which will add the necessary files.
I got that. We just Have to make New class Library and give it name "JAVADB_DRIVER_LABEL" and simply press OK button !
I have solved the problem:
You need to right click library and click add library
Create library
Put name whatever you want
Add jar for class path
Choose -derby.jar -derbyclient.jar -derbynet.jar
Go to the beginning and add the library which is created by you

Can´t run acceleo uml2java example

I´m beginning with Acceleo.
I installed eclipse-modeling-luna-M6-win32.
Then i installed acceleo by update on eclipse.
(is there any better option?)
Trying to use the uml2java example.
To run it i tried to run org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.
It gave me:
Couldn't load class org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.main.Uml2java from project org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java
Couldn't load class org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.main.Uml2java. Check that its containing package is exported.
I did not change the code.
I checked the MANIFEST and it has on the runtime: org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.main
I also saw that there is an UI project that as i understand is a plugin but i don´t know what to do with it (so that it will create a new menu on eclipse).
Any help is appreciated!!
it worked using eclipse indigo with the latest acceleo. i don´t know if it´s possible to use a more recent eclipse version. also works with eclipse kepler.
This fixed the problem for me. Try adding the "bin/" directory to the Classpath in the Manifest file.
Right click the MANIFEST.MF file and "Open With >" "Plug-in Manifest Editor".
This gives some tabs at the bottom. Use the "Runtime" tab. On the bottom right of this screen there is a place to edit the classpath. Add "bin/".
I got this idea from Etienne's answer in: Can't generate java from UML using Acceleo in Eclipse

How to use JNA in Netbeans

I downloaded jna.jar and I added it to my project, and I'm getting errors such as com.sun.jna does not exist, and I think the reason why my project doesn't work is because I can't import com.sun.jna.Native and the others.
Can someone please tell me how can I fix this?
Thanks in advance!
Had a similar problem myself and found that I needed to add the jar files to the Compile-time libraries. This automatically adds it to the run-time libraries. It's likely you only added the libraries as run time libraries, but not compile-time.
To do this you can do Project->Project Properties then select Libraries. On the Compile tab, click Add JAR/Folder for each library (jna-4.1.0.jar and jna-platform-4.1.0.jar, for example.)
After clicking OK, your compile errors should go away.
If you plan to use JNA in several projects, create a new library in Tools Libraries. Click on New Library... Type in JNA in the Library Name. In the Classpath tab, add the two .jar files by clicking on Add JAR/Folder... Click OK. To add the files to each project, then simply Project->Project Properties and Select Libraries. In the Compile tab simply click on Add Library... and select your new "JNA" library. Click OK. You'll see your JNA .jars as two stack of books icons under Libraries in the Projects view.

Attempting to install library into netbeans (Xstream)

I am currently using the NetBeans IDE 7.3 for my Java development.
I downloaded a file called XStream.
I attempted to add the library to my project by right clicking on libraries and choosing Add Library. I then selected the top level folder for the downloaded Xstream; I was unable to import any of the Xstream files into my project. I am sure I am missing a simple step but Googling "Installing XStream in netbeans" does not reveal any how-tos.
I also right clicked Libraries and chose Add Jar/Folder and I still cannot import XStream.
Can someone please point me in the direction of a simple explanation for installing XStream in Netbeans so I can use it in a java project?
I tried the same thing as you, #Aaron and got the same result. However, when I drilled down and selected the xstream-1.4.8.jar instead of just the top level folder, I had success. I realize this is a couple years late, I'm just hoping this'll be useful for future readers.
In order to easily add libraries in Netbeans you must -
Locate your project in the project viewer window. Then click to drop down the project information.
Locate the "Libraries Folder"
Right click on the "Libraries Folder"
You may add a library there or a jar using that list
After you add the library you may want to make sure that the jar is in an easy to find location. I normally create a folder in my project and store the JAR file or libraries there in order to simplify locating them.

Netbeans Javadoc not found even when library has it defined

I have a problem with Netbeans simply not recognizing Javadocs in external libraries. I've gone into the library path and specified a valid javadoc path (Netbeans accepts the path without error). But even after re-building/opening closing Netbeans, I still get the "Javadoc not found" error for all items in the library.
I'm stuck on where to go since there is no error message, and I can browse the docs using a web-browser. Any ideas?
The version of NEtbeans is 6.5.1
The files are uncompressed in a directory that has been added to the the Javadoc tab of the properties for the library. The library works as expected.
I've tried clearing the Netbeans cache to no effect.
I got it working. I deleted the library, the re-created it added the Javadocs. Now it works perfectly.
Could you please be more specific: What is your version of NetBeans? Where are those javadocs located? Are they unpacked in a separate folder, in a zip file, in jar file?
Here is a working solution for NetBeans 6.5 for an example:
Go to Project Properties > Libraries dialog
On "Compile" tab press the "Add JAR/Folder" button and locate your library
On "Compile" tab press the "Edit" button with your library selected
Add path to either: a) docs folder of that library, containing index.html and the rest of the files; b) zip file, containing that libraries docs folder;
It should work without re-building your project or restarting NetBeans.
If you have created a custom library, it can be edited in a very similar fashion through "Tools > Libraries"
Sounds similar to a problem i had recently, turned out all i had to do was delete the cache to force NetBeans to rebuild.
If #slink84's suggestion fails to help, you might try #dr Hanibbal Lecter's method from my question on stackoverflow