Optimize time access to sqlite using coredata - iphone

I'm trying to use a pre-generated sqlite file containing 10 000 objects in a table.
I've created and added objects, with iPhone simulator, in the sqlite using coredata.
I've copy and past the sqlite contained in iPhone Simulator ressource folder (containing 10 000 objects), into my ressource folder in my project directory.
What i do at first launch of my app, is copy this generated database into my app document directory on the iphone using :
NSBundle * mainBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString *oldPath = [mainBundle pathForResource:#"MyBase" ofType:#"sqlite"];
NSString *newPath = [[app_delegate applicationDocumentsDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent: #"MyBase.sqlite"];
BOOL copied = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:oldPath toPath:newPath error:&error];
if (!copied) {
NSLog(#"Moving database from %# to %#, error: %#", oldPath, newPath, error);
It works fine, but i have the following problem :
Comparing access to the original MyBase.sqlite (created on my device and filled with the same 10 000 objects) with the new copy, all access on tables take 3 times more time than on the normal generated MyBase.sqlite.
I wonder if when generating sqlite on simulator, indexed attribute does not exist?
I need help!

Your using a fairly common technique and it does not normally cause any issues. Core Data cannot tell the difference between a store just created and an old one if both stores use the same data model.
The only explanation I can think of is that you are using two different system/API versions such that the store file is subtly different. If the version on device is older/newer than the version on simulator you might have problems.
That's just a wild guess.


Objective-C: Create text file on device and easily retrieve the file

I am wanting to write my own logs to a text file on my iPhone. I wrote up a quick method that writes a string to a file. Right now it saves it into the Documents directory, which, if on the device is going to be a pain to get off, since I can't just browse to it. Is there a better way to quickly get this file off the device after I have written to it?
* Logs a string to file
* #version $Revision: 0.1
+ (void)logWithString:(NSString *)string {
// Create the file
NSError *error;
// Directory
NSString *documentsDirectory = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"Documents"];
NSString *filePath = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"log.txt"];
// Get the file contents
NSData *localData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
if (localData) {
NSString *logString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:localData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
string = [logString stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#\n", string];
[logString release];
// Write to the file
[string writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
Add Application supports iTunes file sharing to your application target's build info in Xcode:
Then, you can easily browse, retrieve and delete any files created by the app from iTunes, right under Devices > Your device > Apps > File Sharing:
You may have to capture what number of logs you have created so far and create a new name for each log biased on that.
So you might save your last made logs name as a string in NSUserDefaults and get the number off the end of that and add one onto that captured int ready for the next name.
So if you have #"Log4" you can get the 4 out of that and make it 5 so that the next log is named "Log5"
Just my 2 cents :P
With regard to the 'How to get the file' part of the question
iExplorer, previously iPhone Explorer allows you to view your apps, including their documents folder without jailbreaking your devices.
In my experience (albeit of an older version), getting the files from the phone can be a little temporamental (i.e. I drag a file onto my desktop and although it creates the file, it doesn't write any of the data), you can get the files from your device.

import csv to coredata sqlite for iphone

how can I import csv to sqlite (core data for iphopne)
I have tried using SQLite manager, but it imports the csv to a new table, also I need to import some dates,
so how to import the data to my sqlite database? I have 3 entitys with different properties, and in the csv I have all the values in one csv (so I could format it or change it as needed), but how to impor it?
also what is the date format that coredata likes?
thanks in advance!
I assume you have setup your CoreData and that one is running fine. You don't really want to work directly with the sqlite DB of core-data. It is possible, but also a bit messy.
Use one of the CSV scanners floating around to read your CSV data into fields.
Map the CSV fields to your entities and to their attributes as needed.
You might want to use the CSV header to verify that your mapping CSV-column-to-attribute is ok.
Loop through the rows of the CSV and update your entities row by row.
Depending on data volume you might want to save your context at regular intervals.
Core-Data likes NSDate. Whatever the CSV file uses in the data column you are best off converting the CSV value into a NSDate. Using NSDate in your App will reduce the number of headaches later.
I would suggest, first create sqlite Database inside application using Core Data, then use database created by Core data to import csv data.
you can use the command line commands for importing data in the sqlite file.
Add the sqlite file to project.
replace and add this code inside the persistentStoreCoordinator method..
NSString *storePath = [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent: #"yourDatabase.sqlite"];
Set up the store.
For the sake of illustration, provide a pre-populated default store.
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
// If the expected store doesn’t exist, copy the default store.
if (![fileManager fileExistsAtPath:storePath]) {
NSString *defaultStorePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"yourDatabase" ofType:#"sqlite"];
if (defaultStorePath) {
[fileManager copyItemAtPath:defaultStorePath toPath:storePath error:NULL];
Change the method
- (NSString *)applicationDocumentsDirectory {
return [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];

Locally saved data files are persistant in the emulator but not in the real iPad device... I'm lost

I'm a (kind of) newbie XCode programmer (well, I would say not so newbie nowadays...) and "my pet issue" is: "I'm having trouble saving local files onto my real iPad, compared to saving them with the simulator".
Well to be honest, I have no problem whatsoever SAVING local files, but retrieving them. Why? Because on the simulator my local files seem to persist between compilation sessions, but on the real device, every time the application gets launched (not only after being uploaded from Xcode, but normally launched), data inside the "Documents" directory seems to disappear... So the final user would not be able to store needed historical data between sessions.
Is it a perception of mine? Is it normal behaviour?
The code I use to save this "persistent" data is this one:
NSArray * paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString * documentsDir = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *finalPath=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/%#", documentsDir, path];
NSLog(#"Course.m: updatePersistentObject (to disk): final file = %#",finalPath);
[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:newObject toFile:finalPath];
'path' variable being #".HistoricalTestResults";
The code I use to retrieve data (wheather at boot time, or at runtime) is this one:
NSArray* paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSLog(#" historical data: Documents paths = %#", paths);
NSString * docsDir = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"Course.m: loadHistoricalResultsData: docsDir vale [%#]", docsDir);
NSString *tmpPath=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/.HistoricalTestResults", (NSString *)docsDir];
NSLog(#"Course.m: loadHistoricalResultsData: tmpPath vale [%#]", tmpPath);
NSFileManager *localFileManager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];
// create directory if it doesn't exist, don't do anything if it exists... (?)
[localFileManager createDirectoryAtPath:tmpPath withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:nil];
NSDirectoryEnumerator *dirEnum = [localFileManager enumeratorAtPath:tmpPath];
NSString *file;
while (file = [ dirEnum nextObject])
NSLog(#"Historical Data Folder: %#", file);
if ( [[file pathExtension] compare:#"dat"] == NSOrderedSame )
NSString *filePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/%#", tmpPath, file];
NSLog(#"Course.m: loadHistoricalResultsData: filePath vale [%#]", filePath);
mHistoricalTestList=[[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:filePath] retain];
[localFileManager release];
My exact problem is that while on the simulator, AT BOOT TIME, if I put a trace on the "while" code line, I can see how the enumerator gets some value, and I can iterate among the found files.
On the other hand, when using my iPad, the same breakpoint yields a "nil" pointer when obtaining the enumerator.
As I said, at the beginning of a clean program session, this is normal, so then I need to generate some storable results inside my program memory to store them onto disk.
I do it, and then I write them (both inside the simulator and the iPad). Then I can even re-retrieve this data (from disk) and it seems to still exist inside the Documents folder (both onto the iPad and the simulator).
But then, if I close/kill the program, this data seems to be lost onto the real iPad, and to persist in the simulator.
With this behaviour, my only deduction is "Real iPad programs cannot store persistent data onto their Documents directory". Am I right? (Of course not, because I've seen it work on some other programs).
So I have the feeling I'm doing something wrong, and after wasting TONS of time trying to find it, I'm now asking for advice on stackoverflow...
Every piece of help/insight/hint will be more than welcome.
Something I can think of is that your app is not being installed on the same app sandbox everytime. That means that while in the simulator your path is the same and the documents dir contains the same data, your ipad creates a new directory path for the installation, therefore the data you persisted in the last session won't be accessible.
Another thing that I experienced, was that the simulator was case insensitive when loading up resources, in contrast with the device that is actually case sensitive. In that time I had a strings file with extension .Strings and the iphone was looking for .strings. The simulator would work but the phone showed the keys when LocalizedString() macro was called.
So, tl;dr: verify the paths are the same in the different sessions, and your file names match.
I hope it helps. good luck!
PS: Gaudí rlz.
I'm happy! I was able to solve my own mess (!!?).
I've discovered that, when I originally copied my 2 code snippets, specially the "read part", I didn't copy it literally as it appears on my actual code, I just adapted some variable names and extra stuff that wasn't important here. (Typical situation)
I even did some more things than "removing some unrelated code pieces", (and here comes the important part), as I reordered some of them. And one of the parts I reordered was this one (which didn't work):
NSFileManager *localFileManager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];
NSString *tmpPath=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/.HistoricalTestResults", (NSString *)docsDir];
NSDirectoryEnumerator *dirEnum = [localFileManager enumeratorAtPath:tmpPath];
// create directory if it doesn't exist, don't do anything if it exists... (?)
[localFileManager createDirectoryAtPath:tmpPath withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:nil];
which I changed (when posting here), onto this other part (which works):
NSString *tmpPath=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/.HistoricalTestResults", (NSString *)docsDir];
NSFileManager *localFileManager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];
// create directory if it doesn't exist, don't do anything if it exists... (?)
[localFileManager createDirectoryAtPath:tmpPath withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:nil];
NSDirectoryEnumerator *dirEnum = [localFileManager enumeratorAtPath:tmpPath];
There's proably some logic behind this, as "why the first part does work on the emulator, but doesn't on the real device". It seems that "createDirectoryAtPath" is somewhat "resetting" some internal stuff, or maybe asking for an enumerator without having created a directory doesn't make sense...
Whatever the case is, I think my experience is worth enough to keep it here posted for someone who might be in my situation in the future!
Greetings again!

Is possible to read plist from application bundle and documents folder at the same time?

Is it possible?to read from my local bundle and at the same time also read from documents folder into UItableview?
thanks thanks
No — as in the iPhone isn't multicore, you can't have "simultaneous" :p
Yes — as in you can open multiple files in the same period of time. There's no conflicts as long as the files are different (if the files are the same then it depends on how others are using and locking the file etc.)
on viewDidLoad or some similar event when you would be populating your table data, you would simply just aggregate the two files together... that is you are are likely populating an array or dictionary with the contents of the file in question... so use the mutable version of array/dictionary, initialize it empty, then read in the first file from whatever location you choose, populating into your mutable array/dictionary, then do the the same for the next file. after you are done, reloadData as you normally would as if you had read form one file.
As far as simultaneous goes, technically no. However, one could have two different active threads each one reading required files and parsing the data.
Regarding the files you want to access...
Here is a quick and dirty method I use in one project (which I just happen to be working on at the moment):
NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSError* error;
NSArray* paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
self.documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
self.blahDBPath = [self.documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent: #"blah.db"];
NSLog(#"Mainbundle Resourcepath: %#", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]);
NSString* defaultDBPath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"blah.db"];
NSLog(#"Default DB Path: %#", defaultDBPath);
success = [fileManager copyItemAtPath:defaultDBPath toPath:self.blahDBPath error:&error];
if (!success) {
NSAssert1(0, #"blah blah blah '%#'.", [error localizedDescription]);
It is ugly but effective. I'll rewrite it when I refactor the application.
The point here is that I ask the operating system for the path to certain directories. Then I add file names or subdirectories as required. This allows the operating system to manage paths (like in the simulator where each successive build gets a new unique id as part of its path) and I just worry about the final directories and file names in the application.
One I have the paths, I copy the required file from the bundle directory and put them somewhere, the Documents directory in this case. Then I can do whatever I need to with them.
If I just wanted to access them as they are in the bundle directory, then I I just refer to them by using [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath].
I think something along the lines of the above snippet is what you are looking for.

Why can't I write files to my app's Document directory?

I have found several snippets of code describing how to write data to a user's application Documents folder. However, when I try this out in the iPhone simulator, no files get created. I called
[NSFileManager isWritbleAtPath:<my document folder>]
and it returned 0 (false). Do I need to make this folder explicitly writable, and if so, how do I do it?
The iPhone simulator should be able to write to the entire disk. My app routinely dumps test files to the root level of my boot volume (using [NSData's writeToPath:#"/test.jpg" atomically:NO]).
Are you sure that you've correctly determined the path to the documents folder? You need to expand the tilde in the path. Here's the code my app uses to put things in the documents folder. I don't think there's any more setup involved!
brushesDir = [[#"~/Documents/BrushPacks/" stringByExpandingTildeInPath] retain];
// create brush packs folder if it does not exist
if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath: brushesDir])
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:brushesDir withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:nil];
NSLog(#"writable: %d", [[NSFileManager defaultManager] isWritableFileAtPath:NSHomeDirectory()]);
This prints 1 on the console.
Did you mean to call the method isWritableAtPath or isWritableFileAtPath ? And did you mean to call it on the class itself, or on a (default) instance of it?
Thanks for the pointers. So after a toiling through a few documents, I found the thing I was doing wrong: trying to save an NSArray that wasn't composed of basic datatypes such as NSDictionary, NSArray, or NSString. I was trying to save an array of MPMediaItems (from the MediaKit Framework in SDK 3.0+).
I had a trivial issue with the file writing to NSBundle. I had a requirement where a text file needs to be updated with the server as soon as app launches and it worked well with the simulator but not with the device. I later found out that we don't have write permission with NSBundle. Copying the file into Documents directory from NSBundle and using for my purpose solved my problem. I use :
[myPlistData writeToFile:fileName atomically:NO];