Zoom out on large UIImageView within an UIScrollView - iphone

Case: I have a simple piece of code for displaying/zooming/scrolling a large image in an UIImageView->UIScrollView. In this UIScrollView content I want to place buttons to create clickable areas.
Issue: When I zoom in the quality remains proper but, when I zoom out to the highest posible level than the image is getting dotted and some lines aren't visible anymore.
Tried: I tried to regenerate the UIImage with Interpolation Quality on kCGInterpolationHigh and tried to change the size of the image after every zoom change. As you might aspect, no results jet.

I suggest you use a CATiledLayer as the backing layer, as demonstrated by Apple's PhotoScroller sample app. This allows you to prebuild the scaled versions, meaning you can precisely control the interpolation quality with Photoshop/ImageMagick/GIMP etc, rather than relying on UIScrollView's built-in scaling.


Big UIImage scrolling performance

I have a big UIimage (2000x2000). Image drawed every time on app start, and copied to CALayer.
On Current time i put UIScrollView on main view, and make CALayer with drawn image.
Scrolling on small zoom looks fine. But on min zooming , when whole image visible, image scroll slowed, it becomes not quick responsible on move touch.
So, the question. What can I do, to increase scrolling performance?
The approach I would take is to use a lower resolution version of your image at lower zoom levels (lower = zoomed out).
First, see this post for resizing UIImages.
Respond to the scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale: method in UIScrollViewDelegate, and switch the images when a certain zoom level is reached. This will take some trial and error to find the correct balance. You may even want to render your image at several different resolutions. Be sure to generate the different sized UIImages in advance so there is no delay while zooming.

ZoomingPDFViewer apple example

I'm trying to understand Apple's example code for the ZoomingPDFViewer. Here are some questions that I have in my understanding of how it works in my mind. I'm not really sure if I understand it correctly. The link for their code is at: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/ZoomingPDFViewer/Introduction/Intro.html
(1) CATiledLayer is used to represent the PDF at different zoom levels. I'm assuming that's what this class is used for looking at the Class Reference. Would you ever use something else besides this class for a zooming function?
(2) in the initWithFrame for TiledPDFView, they do: tiledLayer.tileSize = CGSizeMake(512.0, 512.0); Is the tileSize the tiles that make up for the whole image? If so, why such a large size?
(3) How does the oldPDFView and pdfView work? Like which one is in front at the different stages of zoom, and when do they get swapped out. I'm having a hard time understanding the flow of the logic. Thanks.
(1) If you don't require the level of detail to vary for different zoom levels, or if the PDF loads fast enough to not warrant drawing a couple of tiles at a time, a regular UIView with a regular CALayer will work fine. For instance, if you were displaying an image instead of a PDF, and the image loads fast enough to not cause a performance snag, you would not need the asynchronous loading that CATiledLayer provides. The PhotoScroller sample uses both the tiled and non-tiled approaches if you want to compare them.
(2) The tileSize attribute changes the size of the blocks the layer should be split into. You can set this to whatever you want. 512x512 really isn't all that large, especially if your PDF dimensions are big. The default is 256x256.
(3) Anytime you start to zoom, oldPDFView is removed and released. Then pdfView is assigned to oldPDFView. When the zooming ends, a new pdfView is created with the change in scale and added on top of the old one. If the new scale is an increase, the new pdfView will be drawn with a higher level of detail. This makes it so you can zoom deeper and deeper into the PDF. The maximumZoomScale and minimumZoomScale only restrict how much you can zoom with an individual gesture.

Zoom Core Graphics in UIScrollView

I was wondering which would be the best way to scale my Core Graphics drawings as I zoomed in using a UIView subclass within a UIScrollView.
Currently when I zoom in, the drawing becomes slightly fuzzy - I know this is correct functioning, I just want to know how developers override it to keep the image sharp...
(P.s. I have heard about using Core Animation, but I don't know where to start on that huge library with scary names haha!)
The simplest way is to use supersampling. Basically, create your image at a larger resolution than it's displayed at, and scale it down for display (UIImageView will scale it for you). Then when you zoom in, it will simply be scaling back up to the original resolution.
The downside to this approach is you can't scale your image up too large or it will take up too much memory.

zooming of pdf file

Looking at the QuartzDemo sample application, I love the speed of the PDF rending using quartz alone (that is, without using uiwebview). However, when I'm zooming in the PDF it doesn't seem to become more clear like it does in PDF view.
The simplest way to do achieve this is to implement a CATiledLayer based View and add it as subview of a UIScrollView.
Set the levelsOfDetail to 3 and levelsOfDetailBias to 2 for example (one zoom out level and two zoom in level).
The UIScrollView and CATiledLayer classes will do all the job for you :-)
It's actually just zooming in on a pre-rendered image of the PDF, so it's akin to scaling up a png or similar. To actually zoom the PDF you need to re-render the pdf at a larger scale factor and display only the rect that should be visible.

Changing color of part of an image

I have a png image file that is partly opaque and partly transparent. I display it in a UIImageView as a mask of sorts over another UIImageView layered behind it (as a sibling subview of a common superview). It gives me perfect borders around something painted using a finger on the lower UIImageView in my stack of UIImageViews. Perhaps there are better ways to do this, but I am new-ish, and this is the best way I came up with thus far. None the less, my app is in the App Store and now I want to enhance it to provide more images to use as the mask of sorts over the finger painting. But I don't want to bloat my bundle size by adding more static mask images as I did for the initial implementation. Not to mention I don't want to spend lots of time in photoshop making 100 masks. I'd rather programmatically change the color of the mask, without affecting the clear portion in the middle, which is not a simple regtangle or circle, but rather a complex shape. So my question is this: How can I change the colored portion of my loaded image without affecting the clear color portion in the middle? Is there a reasonably easy way to do this? Essentially I want to do what is described in this post (How would I tint an image programmatically on the iPhone?) without affecting the clear portion of my image. Thanks for any insights.
Have a look at the Tinted Image sample project. Try out the different modes until you get the effect you want.