A user-movable dot on a map view? - iphone

What would be the best way to place a dot (a custom png) on an MKMapView, and allow the user to move the dot around the map. Additionally, when the finger is released, the map should center on the dot...
Are the any techniques which could make this possible?

I think you should check out the MKOverlayView class, as this should help you out with drawing the custom png.
You could perhaps subclass this class and override the instance methods – touchesMoved:withEvent:, – touchesEnded:withEvent and – touchesCancelled:withEvent: to handle the user input?


Making multiple moving images respond to taps

In the app, I have several images (same shape and size, different colors) that move on the perimeter of a circle, kinda like cursors acting as compass needles. I want to be able to tap each of these and then display a message based on which one is tapped, but am not sure what kind of approach would be good for this. Right now I'm trying making them in to UIButtons, but it's giving me a lot of hassle. Is there a way to do this with a UITapGestureRecognizer? I doubt it's possible to have one of those on the screen, but have it keep track of 6 different moving areas and let other tap events through, and I don't think adding 6 different recognizers is a good idea, so I'm just wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to go about this. I'm using Core Graphics.
The best method to achieve this effect would probably be to subclass a UIButton (or even UIControl if you'd like) that has the method that overrides touch. For example if you were to subclass UIControl you could override the method below to detect touches and do what you wish with them:
-(BOOL)beginTrackingWithTouch:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
Then whatever you want it to look like could be done in the drawRect: method by overriding that (and uncommenting it). Same goes for subclassing anything and tracking touches within the subclass: UIButton, UIImageView, UIControl, etc.

A question about CALayer and UIView

The object is to implement a semi-transparent layer which would slid out to collect user response when needed. The semi-transparent layer would have some icons on it for the user to choose from. Currently I am using a CALayer object which seems ok and it has some build in animation behavior.
But the problem is CALayer does not response to any touch events at all. Now I am thinking that I should be using a UIView instead. UIView inherits from UIResponder, so its objects are naturally capable of responding to users' events.
It's a decision between UIView and CALayer. For the CALayer, I have done quite a bit of work on it and it looks quite ok except about the touch response that has to be added. Or should I use a UIView as subview instead (since it has build-in touch respond) ?
Hope that somebody knowledgable on this could help ...
In order to respond to user interaction, the best way is to use a UIView. You could probably get it to work without one, but I wouldn't recommend it.
As for integrating your existing layer with the UIView, I'd create a subclass of UIView and override its +layerClass method to return the Class of your custom CALayer. Alternatively, if you're not using a custom CALayer subclass (and there generally isn't a real need to create your own), you can do your custom drawing inside the UIView's -drawLayer:inContext: method.

MKAnnotationView in both hovering and pinned states

I'm trying to add a pin (MKAnnotation and MKAnnotationView) to my MKMapView and allow the user to drag it around.
I'd also like to make the dragging of the pin animated and interactive like the iPhone's Map App.
My question is how do I change the state of the MKAnnoationView so that it's hovering over the map (so the pin isn't actually inside the map)?
I'm not 100% sure how to do this.
At present, my colleague as found an hovering image that he swaps with the default MKAnnotationView, but that means I can't easily animate between the two.
Not sure what you exactly want to do but I have used Apple's example in the iPhone App Programming Guide (Handling Events in an Annotation View) to implement the draggable pin.
It has a partial code but tha may be enough for you to figure it out.
Basically, you must subclass the MKAnnnotation and MKPinAnnotationView and in your CustomAnnotationView class you have to implement delegate methods to handle touch events, as shown in the Apple example.
There was a bit of filling out or modification needed because the code snippet was not complete, but I have reproduced the behaviour of the pin on the Apple's iPhone Map app exactly (except that I did not implement the right accessory button).
In it, the pin feels like it is hovering. So, I suspect that you have no need for the hovering image you have mentioned.
I also presume that by providing a BOOL property, you could make the pin draggable or "fixed" programmatically.
Does this help?

iPhone: detecting double taps on uiscrollview

Besides subclassing, is there a simple means to detect double taps on a UIImageView within a UIScrollView?
I have created ZoomScrollView class (a drop-in subclass of UIScrollView) that can help you intercept any touches from a scroll view, and also handles double-tap zooming out of the box if that's what you want to do.
Grab it at github.com/andreyvit/ScrollingMadness/ (the README contains a long description of two UIScrollView tricks and the reasoning behind them).
Of course, if you did not want to zoom, and just wanted to intercept a double-tap on some inner image view, then subclassing is your friend. (Another way would be to attach a view controller to that image view or one of its parent views inside UIScrollView, then the controller will be part of the responder chain and will be able to handle the touches.)
Looking at UIImageView.h (within the UIKit framework) there are no public delegate methods or other methods that let you know if the image view has been double-tapped. You'll probably have to subclass.
The answer is NO.
Download the sample code (download link on the top).
See how apple did it.
See you.

Signature Panel

My requirements are I need a panel where user can make signature. The concept is like when user touches the screen and move the pointer, it should be marked with continuous line.
Please gimme some idea how to implement this??
Subclass UIView and override the various UIResponder methods dealing with touch. Especially pay attention to touchesMoved:withEvent: - this is the method where you can get data about the previous/current points of the touch, and potentially add them to a set of points the touch has moved through. You can also override drawRect: in your custom UIView to draw a curve through all the points the touch has passed.
More info:
UIResponder reference
UIView reference