How do iphone apps update their SQLite data from the internet? - iphone

I think iphone apps have a database somewhere, and when a user updates data in application it contacts the server and gets an xml from the database and parses it? Am i right? I want to be able to create apps that tranfer data through the internet but i dont know how. Is xml the correct way to do it? If yes, then how can i convert a SQLite saved to my PC into a xml file and send it to iphone?

XML is often used for transferring data, and many iOS-based apps do use SQLite for data storage. That said, there's not a single "correct" format for transferring or storing data -- do what works best for your situation.


Extracting Core Data content from an iPhone onto a Laptop

I have written an application (intended only for my own use) that monitors Core Location Accuracy and logs this information to a simple Core Data model. Each time the application is launched it begins recording the data and saving it to a new Item within the Model. What are my options for getting this data out of the iPhone and onto my laptop in a format I can use (JSON or XML)? I would like to avoid having to send it to a server and keep things as simple as possible.
Just download iExplorer and gab the coredata file directly from your device.

Need iOS Database Cloud Design Tips

I have an app that uses an SQLite database. With the advent of iCloud on the rise I'm trying to figure out a good architecture for syncing data between devices. So lets say my app runs on an iPhone, an iPad, and a Mac. How can I keep data in my DB up-to-date on all devices?
My first thought was, I can put the database in the cloud and send transactions. But the device may not always been online and the users need their content at anytime, so that wont work. My other thought was to continue using the local db, and then when a connection is made, to send the cached data to the central db. The problem is I have no ideal where to even begin on something like that. How would I know which data has been sent and not sent, which data to actually send when a connection is made, etc.
So this is my question (we don't have to get into iCloud specifics), using an SQLite database and iCloud (or any storage medium), how can I sync data between multiple devices, but still have the most recent data stored locally on the device?
You might want to checkout Couchbase Mobile. This would help with the synchronization you are looking for.
If you have a significant investment into CoreData, then you may want to look at writing your own NSIncrementalStore to support writing data to and from a key value store.
iCloud is only going to be a good solution if your data is sandboxed to a specific user. If you have multiple users that want to view the same data then it won't work.

Memory Issues on iphone

I was developed one small iphone business application...In my application i used the data fetching from server..If that time the data will store on phone memory or RAM..I think its not secure... So I will decide to store another customized location....Is this possible in phone...Any good ideas?
If you want good security, you may want to receive the data in encrypted form, and decrypt only when you act on the data.

iPhone Data Storage - understanding what is and what is not secure

I am developing my first iPhone application and currently considering whether to deploy the app packaged with data, instead of calling upon a web service for the info. The obvious benefits are for those situations where you have a poor/non-existent connection and i could easily write something that could update the client data periodically from within the app.
What i am not sure about is how to store the data - sqlite, core data, plist or iphone file structure - Simply because i dont want someone unzipping the deployed application and getting their hands on the raw data.
Is this actually feasable? or is pretty much everything accessible once its deployed as an app?
You cannot stop somebody from accessing the data stored on the device, independently if you use sqlite, core data, plist or iphone file structure. At least not within reasonable means.
What you can do rather easily is to make the data useless for unauthorized access. In other words: encrypt it.
If what format you store the encrypted data then depends on the app needs.
This is pretty tough to do. The easiest way to do this would be by using the Xcode Organizer panel and then looking at the applications that you have installed. If it is one of your applications (matching your dev credentials) then Xcode will give you the option to download the application's sandboxed folders (docs, temp, etc).
From memory, you cannot do this to another application that doesn't belong to you. So in short you are safe to include data in your app. Honestly though, if someone wants to get to that data, they always will given enough time and resources (thats my opinion about all security).

Iphone backup for my application

I have an iphone app with tons of coredata data. I am trying to implement a full backup method where i can get all of the data from the app and throw it to a webserver. I prefer to use json data for this format. Is there an easy way to dump all of the application data out of the system? or a method for backing up the data structures directly from in an app?
You could just upload the persistent store file itself. That would grab everything.
We ended up building something cool for this by grabbing the sqlite file and a web service. Everything seems to be good as long as connection is not broken. Let me know any questions on this in the future