Open UITableView after Click on Button - iphone

I have a Tabbar - Application and i want to show data (NSString) from a NSMutableArray in an UITextfield or better in an UITableView after a button-click.
how can i init and open and fill the UITabelView?

That seems like a basic implementation of a UITableView. The Apple UITableView documentation should cover any questions you have on UITableViews. For your button click, tie the IBAction of the button to call [yourTableView reload]. This forces a load of the table view.

Are your tableView and textField in the same tab where your button is?
Say you have stringArray which is holding all the NSString Objects.
then you can set
textField.text = [stringArray objectAtIndex:indexYouWant];
If you want to add the whole array to tableView, you will need to use that stringArray and implement tableView Methods.
But still I am not clear with your question.

This is an overly broad question. Why not look at some example code and try to figure it out? If you get stuck, come back and post a question and some code showing where you are having a problem.

You need to know the Life Cycle of UIViewController and its UIView
Concentrate on the methods that are responsible for the life cycle of the UIViewControllera:
Creating view
(BOOL) isViewLoaded
(UIView *) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame
(UIView *) initWithCoder: (NSCoder *) coder
Processing state change view
ViewWillAppear: (BOOL) animated
ViewDidAppear: (BOOL) animated
ViewWillDisappear: (BOOL) animated
ViewDidDisappear: (BOOL) animated
Processing memory warning
was given
Proceeding from this in one of the initialization methods after clicking on the button, you must fill out the table and call after the reloaddata


How to refresh UIViewController programmatically?

I have a ViewController in which the user selects a card (a custom UIButton) out of a UIScrollView. I have intercepted the touch event selecting the card and identified it, and then removed it from the data source, but it still exists in the UISubView. How do I get rid of it? Refreshing the view should show it removed from the view. How do I do that?
you can do it in one of two places:
in your viewcontroller
directly in the view
you need to call the function setNeedsDisplay
if you do it from the viewController then [yourViewOutletVariable/viewParameter setNeedsDisplay];
if you write it in the view itself then [self setNeedsDisplay];
hope this helps
You can either let view controller observe your models or update your views manually.
I'm not very clear about your question, what is still remaining on your view?
For automatically update views when model changes, I suggest ReactiveCocoa.
Once you have a handle on your view:
UIView *v = ...;
[v removeFromSuperview];
You could also call the setNeedsDisplay method on your scroll view after calling removeFromSuperview.
If your point is to refresh "UIViewController", then:
[self viewDidLoad];

How can I get a UIWebView's UIScrollView delegate methods called from within a standard UIViewController?

So I just have a standard UIViewController with a UIWebView in it that displays a pdf. For the app functionality, I have need to be able to respond to the UIWebView's nested UIScrollView events like scrollViewWillBeginDragging, scrollViewDidScroll, etc.
The only way I can get access to the scrollView is to (it seems like a hack) go in and get it by the subviews array:
for (id subview in webView.subviews){
if ([[subview class] isSubclassOfClass: [UIScrollView class]]) {
UIScrollView * s = (UIScrollView*)subview;
s.delegate = self;
s.tag = 1;
scrollView = s;
But that seems to introduce more problems than it's worth, because I lose native UIScrollView stuff like zooming.
So to sum up what I'm needing:
What is the best way to set my UIViewController class as the delegate of the UIScrollView inside of the UIWebView? Is there something I need to do with subclassing my own UIWebView so that it handles events from it's built in UIWebView a certain way and then pass it along somehow to the UIViewController? How does that passing thing work anyway?
Please advise!
Thank you!
Have you checked there is only one UIScrollView subclass in the subviews? Bung in a log in your loop to see. If there is more than one, then you'll only pick up the last one using your code.
If there is just one UIScrollView subclass, you could try saving a reference to its delegate and then in your own delegate methods passing messages on after you have done your business.
So, in your loop, something like
originalDelegate = s.delegate
And then for the delegate methods, something like:
- (void) scrollViewDidScroll: (UIScrollView*) scrollView;
// do your stuff
[originalDelegate scrollViewDidScroll: scrollView];
You might need to check whether originalDelegate responds to the selector before calling it, i.e. if ([originalDelegate respondsToSelector: #selector(scrollViewDidScroll:)) etc. If it were me, I'd start by implementing all twelve delegate methods defined in the UIScrollView delegate protocol.
Not tested this, so will be interested to know if it can be made to work. Do note, the docs explicitly say that UIWebView "should not be subclassed"

How to set a subview's delegate to the superviews controller

In IB I created UIView inside of a UIScrollView. File's owner for both is a UIViewController named JLViewController. The UIView is wired to class BodyClock.
The BodyClock class draws a graph inside the view. It also creates several small views which act as touch hot spots. When a hot spot is touched it displays an informative alert with a button for more detail. I need to tell JLViewController to display the detailed information. I thought I could do this by making the ViewController the HotSpot's delegate. Being as how I am creating the hot spots in the BodyClock class, I can't figure out how to set the hot spot delegate to JLViewController. I am trying to do something like this..
//Code in BodyClock
//create the hot spot
id viewController = [self nextResponder];
HelpHotSpot *helpHotSpot = [[HelpHotSpot alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(start_x, melatoninHeightEnd_y, 80, 40)];
helpHotSpot.delegate = viewController;
[viewController addSubview:helpHotSpot];
[helpHotSpot release];
//Code in the HotSpot after touch and request for more info
//notify JLViewController to display the details
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(hotSpotMore:)]) {
[self.delegate hotSpotMore:itemDetails];
Everything works except that respondsToSelector fails. If I NSLog viewController or self.delegate I get...
UIScrollView: 0x7443c20; frame etc...
I was expecting JLViewController: instead of UIScrollView: so I think this is the problem.
How do I set the delegate to the ViewController for these subviews?
Is it possible, or should I be using notification instead?
id viewController = [self nextResponder];
isn't doing what you think it is doing. This doesn't get a view's controller but instead looks at the chain of responders and determines which is the next one for responding to events - these are typically views or controls (not to be confused with controllers). It appears that after your hot spot view, the scoll view is next.
You'll have to get the pointer to the controller correct. Maybe in your hot spot view you could add:
IBOutlet JLViewController *viewController;
And in interface builder connect this to your view controller.

how does one make a subview firstResponder

i am trying to get a subview to become firstResponder. my understanding is that this is done in its viewDidAppear method, like so:
- (void)viewDidAppear {
[self becomeFirstResponder];
while overriding canBecomeFirstResponder to return YES:
- (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder {
return YES;
however, when i insert the subview in its parent view's viewDidLoad method:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
subViewController = [[SubViewController alloc] init];
[self.view insertSubview: subViewController.view atIndex: 0];
[subViewController viewDidAppear: NO];
[super viewDidLoad];
(i call viewDidAppear manually, because it does not get triggered automatically), the subview does not become firstResponder.
why does the subview not become firstResponder? and how can i make it firstResponder?
btw, this is a rewrite of my original question:
i am trying to build an iphone app where a rootviewcontroller object manages two subviews, one of which should react to a user shaking his iphone.
after some digging, i concluded the subview must be made firstResponder in its view controller's viewDidAppear method. moreover, the canBecomeFirstResponder method should be modified to return YES.
so here's what happens: i instantiate the rootviewcontroller in the app delegate. in its viewDidLoad method, i tell it to addSubView firstViewController. all of this works just beautifully.
however, firstViewController does not react to any shaking. i sprinkled some NSLogs around and found that while we DO tell firstViewController in canBecomeFirstResponder to return YES, and while we DO tell it to [self becomeFirstResponder] in viewDidAppear, in actual fact, it is not the firstResponder.
so, my questions are:
1) does a subview actually need to be firstResponder in order to react to shaking?
a) if not, how does one make a subview react without being firstResponder?
2) how does one make a subview firstResponder?
what makes this interesting is that if i perform the same sequence (canBecomeFirstResponder, [self firstResponder], motionBegan:) in a different project with only one view controller, it all works flawlessly. clearly, i must be hitting a design flaw of my own making.
Not 100% sure, but this could be your problem. If we could see the offending methods it might be easier.
From the Event Handling Best Practices (emphasis added by me):
If you handle events in a subclass of
UIView, UIViewController, or (in rare
cases) UIResponder,
You should implement all of the event-handling methods (even if it is
a null implementation).
Do not call the superclass implementation of the methods.
If you call the superclass methods the events are probably getting passed along to the nextResponder.
The Event Handling Best Practices link above is dead. I couldn't find that pull quote anywhere, but Event Handling Guide for UIKit Apps seems to be the most relevant.

What is the easiest way to add a row in a UITableView with a user-provided string?

I have a simple UITableViewController in a UINavigationController that displays a list of strings from an array with the default Edit/Done button on the right-hand side of the navigation bar.
When pressing the Edit button, the UITableView animates correctly and shows the red minus icons to delete. Pressing the delete button removes the row from the table view and the array (implemented in the tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: method of the UITableViewController).
I would now like to allow the user to add a row to the view (and add the string to the underlying array), but I'm not sure how to go about doing so. The commitEditingStyle method has else if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert), but I don't know how I can get the user to input the string.
I've read the Table View Programming Guide (more specifically the example of adding a table-view row), but this seems to require a whole new UIViewController subclass just to get a string from the user.
Is there no easier way?
Creating another view controller is probably going to be the easiest way in the long run. You can present it modally by calling
SomeViewController* theViewController = [[SomeViewController alloc] init];
[self presentModalViewController: theViewController animated: YES];
[theViewController release];
When the theViewController is ready to go away it can call
[[self parentViewController] dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: YES];
you can setup a protocol for your new view controller so it can notify your original view controller of completion and send a value back, if you wanted an NSString back you might use
#protocol MyViewControllerDelegate
- (void)myViewControllerDelegate: (MyViewController*)myViewController didFinishWithValue: (NSString*)theString;
MyViewController would then have a delegate property
#interface MyViewController
id<MyViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
#property(nonatomic,assign) id<MyViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
If you use the protocol method your original view controller will adopt that protocol and will dismiss the modal view itself when it receives this message.
I hope that helps out, it may seem a little complicated at first, but it makes gathering data very easy.
You could use a UIAlertView or similar class yourself. Just pop up the modal view to request the string, establish the right callbacks, then pop it in your dataSource.
You can also insert a cell with a UITextView and a "Tap to Edit" placeholder, then on the textView Callbacks, remove the textView and display the string. Further editing would need to drill down or do something else