sun.rmi.transport.tcp.readTimeout not effective - rmi

I have set sun.rmi.transport.tcp.readTimeout as a JVM parameter in the configuration file of my product which is available as a service. I have set a very minimal value of 1000ms, which means all operations done using my CLI that would take more than 1second should fail with the exception java.rmi.ConnectIOException: error during JRMP connection establishment; nested exception is: Read timed out
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection
Please let me know if I have missed any other parameter which is required to make this work. I want to set a timeout of say 10 minutes. But I want to set a really low value to confirm that the timeout is effective.
Are the parameters java.rmi.activation.port and java.rmi.server.hostname related to this?
Please refer

which means all operations done using
my CLI that would take more than
1second should fail
No it doesn't. A client-side timeout would do that, but sun.rmi.transport.tcp.readTimeout controls the read timeout at the server, which in turn has an effect on connection pooling. To control client-side read timeouts you need to set the undocumented property called (I think) sun.rmi.transport.tcp.responseTimeout at each client JVM.


Psycopg2 idle session timeout with ThreadedConnectionPool

I am trying to setup ThreadedConnecionPool in my AWS Lambda, Postgres 14 is being used. The lambda might die abruptly and I want to make sure that the Postgres server closes the connection after 1 minute of idle activity, for example.
idle_session_timeout parameter states the following:
Be wary of enforcing this timeout on connections made through connection-pooling software or other middleware, as such a layer may not react well to unexpected connection closure. It may be helpful to enable this timeout only for interactive sessions, perhaps by applying it only to particular users.
Is PgBouncer the right answer here? Or is it safe to apply this setting in my case? Or is there a better approach? What I want to make sure is that the server does its own cleanup of connections created by the lambda ThreadedConnectionPool if it so happens the lambda died.
Are you explicitly closing the connection when you are done with it? If not and you just let the connection go out of scope, maybe the garbage collection system is just not very aggressive about cleaning it up.
Pgbouncer could be helpful for this, but it would have to be run in transaction pooling mode (because the default session pooling mode can't be very useful when the sessions don't get closed promptly), and that does impose some restrictions on what you can do, like prepared transactions.
Or, if you created a database user for your lambdas to use, then you could apply the idle timeout only to that user, and so prevent it from killing administrator, monitoring, or developer connections. But combining the pooler and the timeout is probably not needed, or advisable.

JPA result streams and underlying JDBC connections

It's pretty much evident what's happening when you call getResultList() on a Query instance - the framework obtains a JDBC connection from the pool and returns it when the list is ready.
What is not clear to me is how JPA handles connections during the getResultStream() calls. Does it wait till I get to the end of the stream and then return the connection to the pool? What if I don't? What if I obtain a Spliterator from the stream and stop iterating somewhere in the middle?
My only guess is that such connections are returned to the pool after a timeout. Which would mean that, depending on the timeout value, I might need a much larger value of open DB connections. If I'm right, how do I configure the timeout value, particularly with Spring JPA?
The answer is it doesn't. You're supposed to wrap the returned stream in a 'try with resources' statement.
It seems that a lot of people don't realize that Streams are actually AutoCloseable and whenever they hold on to resources like JDBC connections or file handles, it's the developer's responsibility to properly close them.

UpdateOne fails on client due to timeout, but MongoDB processes it anyway

One of my tests for a function that performs increments using the MongoDB driver for Go is randomly breaking in an unexpected way. Here's what the test does:
Create a proxy (with toxiproxy) to a local MongoDB instance.
Disable the proxy, so the database looks like it's down.
Run a function that does an update that increments a field, timing out after 100ms. If it fails, it keeps retrying every 100ms until the command succeeds.
Sleep 1 second.
Enable the proxy.
Wait for the function to complete and assert that the field has been incremented correctly - only once.
This test is randomly breaking because sometimes that field gets incremented twice. I noticed that it happens when an update is retried just as the proxy gets enabled: the client code receives an incomplete read of message header: context deadline exceeded error, which makes it retry the command, but the previous one indeed succeeded because the field ends up being incremented twice.
I took a look at the driver code and I guess it's timing out while reading the server response - perhaps the proxy is enabled just after the update has started and there isn't much timeout left for both write and read operations to complete.
Is there anything that I can do on my side to prevent this from happening? I tried to find a specific error to catch, but I couldn’t find any. Or is this something the driver itself is supposed to handle?
Any help is appreciated.
UPDATE: I looked closely at the error messages and noticed that, while the MongoDB instance was down, all errors were handshake failures. So I made sure the test ping the database before disabling the proxy to get the handshake out of the way and the test stopped randomly breaking; it ran 1000 times flawlessly, at least. I assume the handshake itself takes time to complete and that contributes to the command timeout.
In general, if you know the command went through (to the server), if you can't read the response, you can't assume anything about its success.
In some cases when it only matters if the server got the command, or you only care about the command reaching the server, then read on.
Unfortunately the current state of the driver (v1.7.1) is not "sophisticated" enough to easily tell if the error is from reading the response.
I was able to reproduce your issue locally. Here is the error when a timeout happens reading the response:
mongo.CommandError{Code:0, Message:"connection(localhost:27017[-30]) incomplete read of message header: context deadline exceeded", Labels:[]string{"NetworkError", "RetryableWriteError"}, Name:"", Wrapped:topology.ConnectionError{ConnectionID:"localhost:27017[-30]", Wrapped:context.deadlineExceededError{}, init:false, message:"incomplete read of message header"}}
And there is the error when the timeout happens writing the command:
mongo.CommandError{Code:0, Message:"connection(localhost:27017[-31]) unable to write wire message to network: context deadline exceeded", Labels:[]string{"NetworkError", "RetryableWriteError"}, Name:"", Wrapped:topology.ConnectionError{ConnectionID:"localhost:27017[-31]", Wrapped:context.deadlineExceededError{}, init:false, message:"unable to write wire message to network"}}
As you can see, in both cases mongo.CommandError is returned, with identical Code and Labels fields. Which leaves you having to analyze the error string (which is ugly and may "break" with future changes).
So the best you can do is check if the error string contains "incomplete read of message header", and if so, you don't have to retry. Hopefully this (error support and analysis) improves in the future.
If you are using the retryable writes as implemented by MongoDB 3.6+ and the respective drivers, this shouldn't happen. Each write is accompanied by a transaction number (not to be confused with client-side transactions as implemented by MongoDB 4.0+), and if the same transaction number is used in two consecutive writes there is only one write being done by the server.
This functionality has been around for years so unless you are using an ancient driver version you should already have it.
If you are performing write retries in your application manually rather than using the driver's retryable write functionality, you can write twice as you found out. The solution is to use the driver's retryable writes.
I had the same problem (running on v1.8.1 on a MongoDB 4.4) and will leave my experiences with this problem here.
To add to #icza solution:
You can also get the error context deadline exceeded so check also for that.
A check for a context abortion would look something like this:
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "context") && (strings.Contains(err.Error(), " canceled") || strings.Contains(err.Error(), " deadline exceeded")) {
My solution to the problem was instead of first checking if there was an error you'd first check if there was a result from the transaction.
result, err := database.collection.InsertOne(context, item)
if result != nil {
return result.InsertedID, err
return nil, err
If the transaction did process it despite the error, you could add some compensation logic to undo the transaction.

libpq Postgres PQexecParams 2 hours timeout

I am using libpq v9.6.8 for my Application (running 24/7), which inserts data into the postgres database. I also run PQexecParams to get the table columns. But randomly (sometimes just once a week, but then twice a weekend) this blocking PQexecParams call somehow returns after about 2 hours. Within these two hours my application just hangs... The inserts are done via async PQsendQueryParams.
Is there a way to configure the timeout for PQexecParams (as I cannot find any appropriate timeout settings in the lib maybe on the postgres server)? Is there a better way to perform the select synchronous?
Thank you in advance
The two hours suggest TCP keepalive kicking in and determining that the connection has gone bad.
You can set the keepalives_idle connection parameter so that the timeout happens earlier and you are not stalled for two hours.
But you probably also want to know what aborts the network connection. Your first look should be at the PostgreSQL server log; you should see an error message that matches the one on the client side. Probably a network component is at fault – look for firewalls in particular.

Haskell database connections

Please look at this scotty app (it's taken directly from this old answer from 2014):
import Web.Scotty
import Database.MongoDB
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
runQuery :: Pipe -> Query -> IO [Document]
runQuery pipe query = access pipe master "nutrition" (find query >>= rest)
main = do
pipe <- connect $ host ""
scotty 3000 $ do
get "/" $ do
res <- liftIO $ runQuery pipe (select [] "stock_foods")
text $ T.pack $ show res
You see how the the database connection (pipe) is created only once when the web app launches. Subsequently, thousands if not millions of visitors will hit the "/" route simultaneously and read from the database using the same connection (pipe).
I have questions about how to properly use Database.MongoDB:
Is this the proper way of setting things up? As opposed to creating a database connection for every visit to "/". In this latter case, we could have millions of connections at once. Is that discouraged? What are the advantages and drawbacks of such an approach?
In the app above, what happens if the database connection is lost for some reason and needs to be created again? How would you recover from that?
What about authentication with the auth function? Should the auth function only be called once after creating the pipe, or should it be called on every hit to "/"?
Some say that I'm supposed to use a pool (Data.Pool). It looks like that would only help limit the number of visitors using the same database connection simultaneously. But why would I want to do that? Doesn't the MongoDB connection have a built-in support for simultaneous usages?
Even if you create connection per client you won't be able to create too many of them. You will hit ulimit. Once you hit that ulimit the client that hit this ulimit will get a runtime error.
The reason it doesn't make sense is because mongodb server will be spending too much time polling all those connections and it will have only as many meaningful workers as many CPUs your db server has.
One connection is not a bad idea, because mongodb is designed to send several requests and wait for responses. So, it will utilize as much resources as your mongodb can have with only one limitation - you have only one pipe for writing, and if it closes accidentally you will need to recreate this pipe yourself.
So, it makes more sense to have a pool of connections. It doesn't need to be big. I had an app which authenticates users and gives them tokens. With 2500 concurrent users per second it only had 3-4 concurrent connections to the database.
Here are the benefits connection pool gives you:
If you hit pool connection limit you will be waiting for the next available connection and will not get runtime error. So, you app will wait a little bit instead of rejecting your client.
Pool will be recreating connections for you. You can configure pool to close excess of connections and create more up until certain limit as you need them. If you connection breaks while you read from it or write to it, then you just take another connection from the pool. If you don't return that broken connection to the pool pool will create another connection for you.
If the database connection is closed then: mongodb listener on this connection will exit printing a error message on your terminal, your app will receive an IO error. In order to handle this error you will need to create another connection and try again. When it comes to handling this situation you understand that it's easier to use a db pool. Because eventually you solution to this will resemble connection pool very much.
I do auth once as part of opening a connection. If you need to auth another user later you can always do it.
Yes, mongodb handles simultaneous usage, but like I said it gives only one pipe to write and it soon becomes a bottle neck. If you create at least as many connections as your mongodb server can afford threads for handling them(CPU count), then they will be going at full speed.
If I missed something feel free to ask for clarifications.
Thank you for your question.
What you really want is a database connection pool. Take a look at the code from this other answer.
Instead of auth, you can use withMongoDBPool to if your MongoDB server is in secure mode.
Is this the proper way of setting things up? As opposed to creating a database connection for every visit to "/". In this latter case, we could have millions of connections at once. Is that discouraged? What are the advantages and drawbacks of such an approach?
You do not want to open one connection and then use it. The HTTP server you are using, which underpins Scotty, is called Warp. Warp has a multi-core, multi-green-thread design. You are allowed to share the same connection across all threads, since Database.MongoDB says outright that connections are thread-safe, but what will happen is that when one thread is blocked waiting for a response (the MongoDB protocol follows a simple request-response design) all threads in your web service will block. This is unfortunate.
We can instead create a connection on every request. This trivially solves the problem of one thread's blocking another but leads to its own share of problems. The overhead of setting up a TCP connection, while not substantial, is also not zero. Recall that every time we want to open or close a socket we have to jump from the user to the kernel, wait for the kernel to update its internal data structures, and then jump back (a context switch). We also have to deal with the TCP handshake and goodbyes. We would also, under high load, run out file descriptors or memory.
It would be nice if we had a solution somewhere in between. The solution should be
Let us max-bound the number of connections so we don't exhaust the finite resources of the operating system
Share connections across threads under normal load
Create new connections as we experience increased load
Allow us to clean up resources (like closing a handle) as connections are deleted under reduced load
Hopefully already written and battle-tested by other production systems
It is this exactly problem that resource-pool tackles.
Some say that I'm supposed to use a pool (Data.Pool). It looks like that would only help limit the number of visitors using the same database connection simultaneously. But why would I want to do that? Doesn't the MongoDB connection have a built-in support for simultaneous usages?
It is unclear what you mean by simultaneous usages. There is one interpretation I can guess at: you mean something like HTTP/2, which has pipelining built into the protocol.
standard picture of pipelining
Above we see the client making multiple requests to the server, without waiting for a response, and then the client can receive responses back in some order. (Time flows from the top to the bottom.) This MongoDB does not have. This is a fairly complicated protocol design that is not that much better than just asking your clients to use connection pools. And MongoDB is not alone here: the simple request-and-response design is something that Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, and most other databases have settled on.
And: it is true that connection pool limits the load you can take as a web service before all threads are blocked and your user just sees a loading bar. But this problem would exist in any of the three scenarios (connection pooling, one shared connection, one connection per request)! The computer has finite resources, and at some point something will collapse under sufficient load. Connection pooling's advantages are that it scales gracefully right up until the point it cannot. The correct solution to handling more traffic is to increase the number of computers; we should not avoid pooling simply due to this problem. 
In the app above, what happens if the database connection is lost for some reason and needs to be created again? How would you recover from that?
I believe these kinds of what-if's are outside the scope of Stack Overflow and deserve no better answer than "try it and see." Buuuuuuut given that the server terminates the connection, I can take a stab at what might happen: assuming Warp forks a green thread for each request (which I think it does), each thread will experience an unchecked IOException as it tries to write to the closed TCP connection. Warp would catch this exception and serve it as an HTTP 500, hopefully writing something useful to the logs also. Assuming a single-connection model like you have now, you could either do something clever (but high in lines of code) where you "reboot" your main function and set up a second connection. Something I do for hobby projects: should anything odd occur, like a dropped connection, I ask my supervisor process (like systemd) to watch the logs and restart the web service. Though clearly not a great solution for a production, money-makin' website, it works well enough for small apps.
What about authentication with the auth function? Should the auth function only be called once after creating the pipe, or should it be called on every hit to "/"?
It should be called once after creating the connection. MongoDB authentication is per-connection. You can see an example here of how the db.auth() command mutates the MongoDB server's data structures corresponding to the current client connection.