What's the best way to implement facebook on my app? - iphone

I've got just one simple silly question:
What's the best way to implement Facebook on my application?
Add an easy UIWebView connecting to the Url of the Faceboook page I want to show;
Implement the API I found in several answer all of you already gave in this forum.
Thank you for your help

The answer is "it depends," but IMHO you're asking the wrong question.
A better question would be "which method of integrating with FB would result in a better experience for my users?" That is, would your users be best served by "framing" the standard FB web interface in a UIWebView? Or maybe they'd be happier with just a small piece of FB functionality embedded in your app, like the "upload to FB" function in iMovie. Once you decide exactly what you want to do, how to do it tends to be fairly obvious.
Which way to go depends on what your app does, and how your users will want to do it - and you know that part far better than the rest of us do! :-)

I've answered something similar here:
ShareKit iOS - different content for different platforms
Basically, I used ShareKit which is very popular and indeed was a breeze to add. You can see how easy the code is, in the question above.


Which web development framework should I learn in 2020?

There are so many web frameworks out there and I don't know which one I should really focus on. I know a bit of flask and ReactJS, but not enough to be an expert.
No one would give you the correct answer to that, because everyone has specific needs, I really doubt the part where you said that you know react and flask, because, if you do, you wouldn't be looking for another framework to jump on since you said that you arent good wuth them.
Now, i would suggest that you learn Javascript very well, then move to a framework. it would also help to check out this article Javascript

Implementation of SimulTweet for twitter?

I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to implement the SimulTweet function that Twittelator Neue has?
This feature allows you to send a single tweet from multiple twitter accounts at the same time.
I am keen on implementing something similar...and I"m not sure where to start.
https://img.skitch.com/20111205-ngqp8tppuprr7w4r9jig65pm2y.jpg is a screen cap of the interface.
Take a look at ShareKit. It doesn't do the simultaneous tweeting, but it has all the code you need to implement it. I'm currently implementing this for a project. When it's finished I'll try to share the code somewhere.

Need help with openfeint integration

I am trying to integrate openfeint with my app.. though it's not actually the integration I am stuck on, successfully able to open the leader-board, but actually the development flow. I mean what is the least we need to do... When to submit score and how? Achievements are bit ambiguous:( .. was searching all around then figured out it'd be the best way to get exact answers to my question. Kindly help.
My main question is that what least should be done in an app to say that it's openfeint integrated.
At a minimum, achievements and leaderboards. But I'd recommend using OpenFeint because it solves a specific problem for you, rather than to simply check off a feature. If you don't have a clear idea, you may not have a clear idea of the game's overall design. If so, you might be better served to come back to the integration half-way in, after you've made more decisions.
Then you can say things like "Oh, I have three different play modes. I'll make a leaderboard for each." Or "This level is really hard – I'll definitely award an achievement if they complete it in x time." And so on.
But you should really reach out to OpenFeint's dev support if you have questions like this – they'll be able to give you good advice on integration.

Wikipedia as part of my iOS app

I would like to download information from wikipedia to my iOS app. Firstly, I created simple RSS reader, but I can't download date from wiki. Now, I think that I should create parser for wiki.
What do you think about this? Any ideas?
In my opinion, parsing a website is never a good idea. Only the smallest change in the design of the website can break your application and make it unusable. I'd try to get to your data in an alternative way. ;-)
Sandro Meier
Scrapping a web site directly from your app is never a good idea. If you are ever going to do that it is suggested that you do it on a server and provide the data to your app in a well known format, so that site changes can be quickly managed by your server, and as a result, never breaking your app.
Although wikipedia does not have a formal API, it provides some other ways of extracting data from its servers. You should check this link:
I know this question is quite old. But I've dealt with the same problem and wrote this very small library. I am using the mediawiki api (Mentioned in the post from Felipe) to get the needed information.

MKMapView, Google Maps API and traffic information

By the time you finish reading this question, it will become obvious to you that I'm pretty new to this development. But I've got a quick question here. I think I (unfortunately, sorta) know the answer, but I figured I'd ask, anyway:
I'm working on an app in which I'd like to display traffic data from Google Maps into a map. Easy enough, it seems. I can easily put the a MKMapView and center it on the desired location. I can also create a custom Google Maps API that I can look at on my browser, and it would display the traffic data with the GTrafficOverlay object.
Can I use the API traffic data (in Javascript) and parse it into the MKMapView implementation? I don't think so... right?
So, my only other option is to do a UIWebView instead, right? I just link to that page, and I'm good to go.
Also... Is there a major drawback to doing that? I know I lose a bit of the built-in interface, but beyond that, it doesn't seem to be that huge a difference, right?
And, also, if I want to use that Google Code API, how do I implement it in place? Do I have to have that HTML file somewhere in a server, or can I have it as part of my resources, or what?
Sorry about all the questions, but thanks in advance for any suggestions y'all might have!
You can't parse the javascript into the MKMapView implementation directly.
Yes you can use a UIWebView. I've only had a brief look at that, and it was pretty nasty with default behaviour, because both the web view and the map view try to respond to drag events etc. There is probably a way of tuning that out - you would want to look for SDK2.x examples as there was no other maps solution then.
This post may also provide a lot of help.