Listening to an mp3 from a website with an iPhone / iPad - iphone

I've seen the answers to how to correctly add an MP3 to a website so that it'll play by default in iPad or iPhone - this question is different.
For a visitor of a website -- how can you hear that mp3? Changing the code of the webpage is not an option. The site/mp3 in question is on the bottom of this page: (the mp3, not the video).

iOS (iPad and iPhone) doesn't support Flash, but that page is using Flash to play the MP3 (and the video).
The only way an iOS user could get to it is to view the source and copy and paste the path (videos/novenas/paieterno_30_01_2011.mp3) to the MP3.


Play Video on Iphone using code developed in html5

I am playing videos through my application on desktops and mobile phones as well.
I have a code which is written in html using video tag. I send URL to user to play a video and it works totally fine on desktop's including Mac as well. I have tried accessing it on Samsung galaxy SII phone which has got android os in it. my video works on it with no issues but when I try to access that URL on iPhone player.aspx gets load properly but it just doesn't play the video.
Video is in .mp4 format.
I am playing it in IPHONE on safari browser.
Can anyone please help me regarding it.
Thank you

How can I make Video.js work on iOS devices?

I'm using the Video.js framework for displaying videos on my HTML5 pages.
The videos display correctly on all desktop browsers (the latest version of each), but not on my iPhone or iPad (it doesn't show anything).
How can I make it work on them too, especially the iPad?
It is VERY important that you encode the mp4 file using the "Baseline" settings. I was using Adobe's Media Encoder for the mp4 file I was generating. Even though I selected a preset for Apple TV, iPad, iPod... the default profile was "Main". This did not work on my iPhone. When I re-encoded I set the Profile to "Baseline" and the Level to 3.0 and, Voila, it plays on my iPhone.

Creating links on a web page that tell a mobile device to play the media such as mp4 rather than download it. (android / iphone)

Is there a way to specifically format a link on my page to tell a mobile device such as an Android phone or an iPhone that when a user clicks a link to a mp4 file (for example) to go ahead and play it (or ask the user if they want to play it) using their phone media player?
I'm working on a web app with mixed results, most of the times the device just goes straight into download mode, and attempts to save the file to the downloads folder, but what I would like is to make it so the device starts automatically playing the file as soon as possible.
My app is basically a file sharing app that creates qr codes and thus allows you to share media to mobile devices... the thing is, when it comes to video files and maybe images, I want the phone to automatically display the media and not just download it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. You can see the app here
You could always use a <video> tag to make your videos play instead of just linking to them.
FYI iOS devices never download anything, unless jailbroken and with Safari Download Manager plugin (or other one like it) installed. So even if you just link, it will always play. And the reason why all videos play at full screen is because the iOS instantiate Quicktime to play it.

video content on iPhone Safari/UIWebView

In my application I have a UIWebView that is able to play Youtube videos normally, but I'd like to play some videos from a website other than Youtube.
If i try to play those videos in the iPhone Safari browser it opens in the same way that YouTube videos (fullscreen mode, showing the player), but that doesn't happen in the UIWebView inside my application.
As an example, consider the following URL: (don't forget to open it in the simulator)
I didn't have to download any plugin or application to play it.
Both JavaScript and Plug-Ins options in the iPhone Settings are turned on.
Is there something wrong with my UIWebView? All I'm doing is loading the webpage using the "loadRequest" method from UIWebView class.
Thanks in advance.
The iPhone has support for youtube videos, (hence the built in youtube player), other than that it supports only quicktime. There is no support for other formats: most sites use flash for video these days (inc youtube), but flash is not supported on the iPhone. I site embedding a youtube video will work, but one embedding a video hosted elsewhere will not (unless its quicktime)

Is there any way to play video on an iphone from a website, without using youtube or a custom app?

I'd like website viewers to be able to play a video on an iphone, without posting the video to youtube, and without them having to install any iphone apps. Are there any other options here?
If you host a Quicktime movie, it'll play just fine without any additional software. There is a "designing web pages for the iPhone" document somewhere on Apple's web site that gives more detail on supported formats, I think.
just having a link to a quicktime-playable video file works I believe