wait for a method to finish before starting another - iphone

assume that i have two sequential methods, methodA and methodB (methodB is called at the end of methodA) and i need to finish completely with the process of methodA before starting methodB :
-(void)methodA {
//do some very heavy computation here
[self methodB];
-(void)methodB {
//this method performs some animation
methodA requires alot of processing power and takes time to finish while methodB has animations. The animations are starting laggy at first and im guessing this has to do with the overhead of method A. So how can i make the second method start only after the first has finished completely?
this is the actual code:
the code is very messy and unorganized. there is alot of code that has been commented out so please ingore that. I test some things sometimes and then comment them out incase i need them later.
here is what is happening: it starts with (void)checkMoves method. This method calls either one of two similar methods which are
-(void)getMovesForJourney:(int)journey withRolls:(NSArray *)rolls or
-(void) getEntryMovesForJourney:(int)journey withRolls:(NSArray *)rolls
these methods are wrappers for a long recursive process (which is most probably where the multithreading is happening).
at the end of (void)checkMoves another method -(void)analyseMoves is called. This is also a heavy process.
and finally, at the end of -(void)analyseMoves the animation method -(void)move: is called. this last method is starting with a lag.
finally at the end of -(void)move: the process will start again until no more 'moves' are available.
the methods below are not in order so please refer to the description above to know whats going on.
-(void) checkMoves {
GameScene *game = [GameScene sharedGameScene];
for (Stone *stone in stones) {
if (!stone.onBoard) {
if ([game EntryAvailable]) {
[self getEntryMovesForJourney:stone.journey withRolls:[game rollsAsIntegers]];
else {
[self getMovesForJourney:stone.journey withRolls:[game rollsAsIntegers]];
[self analyseMoves];
-(NSMutableArray *) otherPlayerLocations {
GameScene *game = [GameScene sharedGameScene];
Board *board = [game board];
Player *otherPlayer = [game playerOne];
NSMutableArray *locations = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for (Stone *stone in otherPlayer.stones) {
if (stone.journey < 77) {
int location;
if (stone.onBoard)
location = [[board tileForATag:[self convertJourneyToTileTag:stone.journey]] bTag];
location = 0;
[locations addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:location]];
return locations;
-(void) analyseMoves {
if (moves.count > 0) {
NSMutableArray *killMoves = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
NSMutableArray *safeMoves = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
int mostThreatened;
float highestThreat = -1.0;
float lowestThreat = 100.0;
AIMove *safestMove;
//get kill and safe moves in seperate arrays
for (AIMove *move in moves) {
if (move.moveType == killMoveType)
[killMoves addObject:move];
else if (move.moveType == safeMoveType)
[safeMoves addObject:move];
// get highest threatened stone
//if (move.potThreat > highestThreat) {
// mostThreatened = move.journey;
// highestThreat = move.potThreat;
if (move.initThreat < lowestThreat) {
lowestThreat = move.initThreat;
safestMove = [move copy];
CCLOG(#"safest move assigned");
//choose best kill move
int killJourney;
if (killMoves.count > 0) {
//leave one move in killMoves with highest journey
killJourney = [[killMoves objectAtIndex:0] tileTag];
for (AIMove *killMove in killMoves) {
if (killMove.tileTag < killJourney)
[killMoves removeObject:killMove];
killJourney = killMove.tileTag;
//select correct move
if (killMoves.count > 0) {
[self move:[killMoves objectAtIndex:0]];
CCLOG(#"Kill move chosen");
else {
CCLOG(#"this is called!!!!");
CCLOG(#"safest move with initThreat: %i, potThreat: %i",safestMove.journey, safestMove.tileTag);
[self move:safestMove];
else if (safeMoves.count > 0) {
[self move:[safeMoves objectAtIndex:0]];
CCLOG(#"safe move chosen");
else {
//temp random move generation
randomMove = CCRANDOM_0_1()*[moves count];
AIMove *move = [moves objectAtIndex:randomMove];
[self move:move];
CCLOG(#"Random move chosen");
-(void) assignThreatLevel:(AIMove *)move {
NSArray *otherPlayerStones = [self otherPlayerLocations];
NSMutableArray *initThreats = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *potThreats = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
for (NSNumber *location in otherPlayerStones) {
//get threat levels for potential moves
if (move.tileTag > [location intValue]) {
int dif = move.tileTag - [location intValue];
CCLOG(#"dif: %i",dif);
//threat level conditions:
// 1 >> 5 = 70% of journey
// 6 >> 9 = 40% of journey
// 10 & 11 = 50% of journey
// 12 >> 24 = 20% of journey
// 25 && 26 = 50% of journey
// 27+ = 20% of journey
if (move.tileTag < 9) {
[initThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0f]];
else if (dif >= 1 && dif <= 5) {
[initThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k1to5]];
else if (dif >= 6 && dif <= 9) {
[initThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k6to9]];
else if (dif == 10 || dif == 11) {
[initThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k10to11]];
else if (dif >= 12 && dif <= 24) {
[initThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k12to24]];
else if (dif == 25 || dif == 26) {
[initThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k25to26]];
else if (dif > 26) {
[initThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k27plus]];
//get Threat levels for current positions
if (move.tileTag > [location intValue]) {
int dif = move.tileTag - [location intValue];
//threat level conditions:
// 1 >> 5 = 70% of journey
// 6 >> 9 = 40% of journey
// 10 & 11 = 50% of journey
// 12 >> 24 = 20% of journey
// 25 && 26 = 50% of journey
// 27+ = 20% of journey
if (move.journey < 8 || move.journey > 75)
[potThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0f]];
else if (dif >= 1 && dif <= 5)
[potThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k1to5]];
else if (dif >= 6 && dif <= 9)
[potThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k6to9]];
else if (dif == 10 || dif == 11)
[potThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k10to11]];
else if (dif >= 12 && dif <= 24)
[potThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k12to24]];
else if (dif == 25 || dif == 26)
[potThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k25to26]];
else if (dif > 26)
[potThreats addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:k27plus]];
float initThreat = 0.0f;
float potThreat = 0.0f;
for (NSNumber *number in initThreats) {
if ([number floatValue] > initThreat)
initThreat = [number floatValue];
for (NSNumber *number in potThreats) {
if ([number floatValue] > potThreat)
potThreat = [number floatValue];
move.initThreat = initThreat;
move.potThreat = potThreat;
[initThreats release];
-(void) move:(AIMove *)move {
CCLOG(#"Moves count: %i",[moves count]);
if ([moves count] > 0) {
BOOL isOtherStoneOnPreviousTile = NO;
int total;
if (move.tileTag > 8)
total = move.tileTag - move.journey;
else if (move.tileTag < 9 && move.journey > 8)
total = ((9-move.tileTag)+75) - move.journey;
else if (move.tileTag < 9)
total = move.tileTag - move.journey;
CCLOG(#"Total: %i",total);
GameScene *game = [GameScene sharedGameScene];
Board *board = [game board];
BoardTile *tile = [[game board] tileForBTag:move.tileTag];
CCSequence *sequence;
NSMutableArray *actions = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
id delay = [CCDelayTime actionWithDuration:0.5];
[actions addObject:delay];
if (move.journey > 0) {
for (int i = 1; i < total+1; i++) {
if (move.journey+i < 76)
tile = [board tileForBTag:move.journey+i];
tile = [board tileForBTag:9-((move.journey+i)-75)];
id moveAction = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.2 position:tile.position];
[actions addObject:moveAction];
else {
id moveAction = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.2 position:tile.position];
[actions addObject:moveAction];
// id moveFunc = [CCCallFunc actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(moveMotion)];
//id moveAction = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.3 position:tile.position];
id killFunc = [CCCallFuncND actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(killStonesForTile:data:) data:tile];
//id callfunc = [CCCallFunc actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(move)];
[actions addObject:killFunc];
//[actions addObject:callfunc];
sequence = [CCSequence actionMutableArray:actions];
[actions removeAllObjects];
CGPoint exitPos = ccp(exitPosition.x-(completeStones*30),exitPosition.y-(completeStones*30));
id move2 = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.2f position:exitPos];
id sequence2 = [CCSequence actions:move2, nil];
Stone *stone = [self getStoneForJourney:move.journey];
//clean tracks
for (Stone *stone in stones) {
if (stone.journey == (move.tileTag - move.journey))
isOtherStoneOnPreviousTile = YES;
if (!isOtherStoneOnPreviousTile) {
BoardTile *prevTile = [board tileForBTag:[self convertJourneyToTileTag:move.journey]];
prevTile.occupiedBy = 0;
//set stone status
if (move.tileTag < 9 && stone.crossedEntry)
stone.journey = (9 - move.tileTag) + 75;
stone.journey = move.tileTag;
stone.onBoard = YES;
tile.occupiedBy = player2;
if (stone.journey > 8 && !stone.crossedEntry)
stone.crossedEntry = YES;
if (stone.journey < 84)
[stone runAction:sequence];
else {
[stone runAction:sequence2];
stone.isJourneyComplete = YES;
CCLOG(#"Stone Journey:%i",stone.journey);
NSArray *rollTypesArray = [move rollTypes];
[self removeRollTypes:rollTypesArray];
[moves removeAllObjects];
[game updateRollResults];
[self updateMoveAvailability];
else {
GameScene *game = [GameScene sharedGameScene];
[moves removeAllObjects];
[game nextTurn];
[game updateRollResults];
-(Stone *)getStoneForJourney:(int)journey {
Stone *theStone;
for (Stone *stone in stones) {
if (stone.journey == journey)
theStone = stone;
return theStone;
-(void)dealloc {
[moves release];
[rollTypes release];
[results release];
[super dealloc];
-(void)killStonesForTile:(id)sender data:(BoardTile *)tile {
GameScene *game = [GameScene sharedGameScene];
int tileTag;
Player *otherPlayer;
if (playerNumber == player1) {
tileTag = tile.aTag;
otherPlayer = [game playerTwo];
else {
tileTag = tile.bTag;
otherPlayer = [game playerOne];
CCArray *currentStones = [otherPlayer stones];
for (Stone *stone in currentStones) {
if (!stone.isJourneyComplete) {
int journey = stone.journey;
if (tileTag == tile.aTag) {
if (journey > 0 && [self convertJourneyToTileTag:journey] == tile.bTag) {
CCLOG(#"blue stone killed");
[self returnStoneToOrigin:stone];
if (tileTag == tile.bTag) {
if (journey > 0 && [self convertJourneyToTileTag:journey] == tile.aTag) {
CCLOG(#"gold stone killed");
[self returnStoneToOrigin:stone];
-(void)removeRollTypes:(NSArray *)theRollTypes {
GameScene *game = [GameScene sharedGameScene];
NSMutableArray *rolls = [game rolls];
for (NSNumber *roll in theRollTypes) {
NSUInteger index = [rolls indexOfObject:[game convertIntToRoll:roll]];
CCLOG(#"rolltypes count: %i",[theRollTypes count]);
CCLOG(#"roll integer: %i",[roll intValue]);
[rolls removeObjectAtIndex:index];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark enumerations
- (NSArray*)getSums:(NSArray*)numbers {
NSMutableArray *result = [self getSumsHelper:numbers startingFrom:0];
[result removeObjectAtIndex:0];
return result;
- (NSMutableArray*)getSumsHelper:(NSArray*)numbers startingFrom:(NSUInteger)index {
/* (1) */
if (index >= [numbers count])
return [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0]];
/* (2) Generate all the subsets where the `index`th element is not included */
NSMutableArray* result = [self getSumsHelper:numbers startingFrom:index+1];
// NSSortDescriptor *mySorter = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:#"floatValue" ascending:YES];
// [result sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:mySorter]];
/* (3) Add all the cases where the `index`th element is included */
NSUInteger i, n = [result count];
float element = [[numbers objectAtIndex:index] floatValue];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
float element2 = [[result objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];
float sum = element+element2;
BOOL numberPresent = NO;
for (NSNumber *number in result) {
if ([number floatValue] == sum)
numberPresent = YES;
if (!numberPresent)
[result addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:sum]];
return result;
-(NSArray *) getCombsforNumbers:(NSArray *)numbers withTarget:(int)target{
NSMutableArray *partial = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[partial addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
[results removeAllObjects];
NSArray *result = [self getCombsHelper:numbers target:target partial:partial];
NSUInteger minCount = [[result objectAtIndex:0] count];
NSUInteger index = 0;
NSMutableArray *combArray = [result objectAtIndex:0];
for (NSMutableArray *array in result) {
if ([array count] < minCount) {
minCount = [array count];
index = [result indexOfObject:array];
combArray = array;
//remove number 0 from array
[combArray removeObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
return combArray;
-(NSMutableArray *) getCombsHelper:(NSArray *)numbers target:(int)target partial:(NSMutableArray *)partial {
int s = 0;
for (NSNumber *number in partial) {
s += [number intValue];
if (s == target) {
[results addObject:partial];
if (s >= target) {
return results;
for (int i = 0; i < [numbers count]; i++) {
NSMutableArray *remaining = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
int n = [[numbers objectAtIndex:i] intValue];
for (int j = i+1; j<[numbers count]; j++) {
[remaining addObject:[numbers objectAtIndex:j]];
NSMutableArray *partialRec = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
[partialRec addObjectsFromArray:partial];
[partialRec addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:n]];
[self getCombsHelper:remaining target:target partial:partialRec];
return results;
-(void) getMovesForJourney:(int)journey withRolls:(NSArray *)rolls {
GameScene *game = [GameScene sharedGameScene];
Board *board = [game board];
NSArray *sums = [self getSums:rolls];
for (NSNumber *number in sums) {
if ([number intValue]+journey <= 84) {
BoardTile *tile = [board tileForBTag:[self convertJourneyToTileTag:journey+[number intValue]]];
if (tile.isSafeTile) {
if (tile.occupiedBy != player1) {
AIMove *move = [AIMove moveWithJourney:journey tileTag:tile.bTag];
NSArray *theRollTypes = [[self getCombsforNumbers:rolls withTarget:[number intValue]] copy];
//Checking rolltypes, remove later
NSLog(#"%i = ",[number intValue]);
for (NSNumber *comb in theRollTypes) {
NSLog(#"%i",[comb intValue]);
move.moveType = safeMoveType;
move.initThreat = 0.0;
CCLOG(#"move initThreat: %f",move.initThreat);
[move setRollTypes:theRollTypes];
[moves addObject:move];
else {
AIMove *move = [AIMove moveWithJourney:journey tileTag:tile.bTag];
NSArray *theRollTypes = [[self getCombsforNumbers:rolls withTarget:[number intValue]] copy];
//Checking rolltypes, remove later
NSLog(#"%i = ",[number intValue]);
for (NSNumber *comb in theRollTypes) {
NSLog(#"%i",[comb intValue]);
[move setRollTypes:theRollTypes];
//assing threat level
[self assignThreatLevel:move];
CCLOG(#"move initThreat: %f",move.initThreat);
//check for kill move
NSArray *otherPlayerPositions = (NSArray *)[self otherPlayerLocations];
for (NSNumber *location in otherPlayerPositions) {
if (move.tileTag == [location intValue])
move.moveType = killMoveType;
[moves addObject:move];
//int i = [number intValue];
//NSArray *combs = [self getCombsforNumbers:numbers withTarget:i];
-(void) getEntryMovesForJourney:(int)journey withRolls:(NSArray *)rolls {
GameScene *game = [GameScene sharedGameScene];
Board *board = [game board];
NSArray *sums = [self getSums:rolls];
for (NSNumber *number in sums) {
if ([number intValue]+journey <= 84) {
BoardTile *tile = [board tileForBTag:[self convertJourneyToTileTag:journey+[number intValue]]];
if (tile.isSafeTile) {
if (tile.occupiedBy != player1) {
NSArray *theRollTypes = [[self getCombsforNumbers:rolls withTarget:[number intValue]] copy];
BOOL containsEntry = NO;
for (NSNumber *rollType in theRollTypes) {
if ([rollType intValue] == 1) {
containsEntry = YES;
if (containsEntry) {
AIMove *move = [AIMove moveWithJourney:journey tileTag:tile.bTag];
//Checking rolltypes, remove later
NSLog(#"%i = ",[number intValue]);
for (NSNumber *comb in theRollTypes) {
NSLog(#"%i",[comb intValue]);
move.moveType = safeMoveType;
move.initThreat = 0.0;
CCLOG(#"move initThreat: %f",move.initThreat);
[move setRollTypes:theRollTypes];
[moves addObject:move];
else {
NSArray *theRollTypes = [[self getCombsforNumbers:rolls withTarget:[number intValue]] copy];
BOOL containsEntry = NO;
for (NSNumber *rollType in theRollTypes) {
if ([rollType intValue] == 1) {
containsEntry = YES;
if (containsEntry) {
AIMove *move = [AIMove moveWithJourney:journey tileTag:tile.bTag];
[move setRollTypes:theRollTypes];
//check for kill move
NSArray *otherPlayerPositions = (NSArray *)[self otherPlayerLocations];
for (NSNumber *location in otherPlayerPositions) {
if (move.tileTag == [location intValue])
move.moveType = killMoveType;
//assing threat level
[self assignThreatLevel:move];
[moves addObject:move];
//Checking rolltypes, remove later
NSLog(#"%i = ",[number intValue]);
for (NSNumber *comb in theRollTypes) {
NSLog(#"%i",[comb intValue]);
CCLOG(#"move initThreat: %f",move.initThreat);
[move setRollTypes:theRollTypes];
[moves addObject:move];

Technically, methodB is called after methodA is finished. In methodA you are apparently doing things that are backgrounded, meaning that the method finishes while some tasks are performed on another thread (or scheduled on the runloop). There's nothing we can say about this unless you do share the inner workings of methodA.


Remove duplicates from NSArray of Custom Objects also compare and edit same

I have two NSMutableArrays. Each contains a custom word object in it. Custom word has 2 properties text and frequency. Now I want to combine these two arrays in such a way that, if these two arrays has same text in it, then it should compare the frequency of those two text and select the highest frequency of the two. And also it should remove the duplicates from the array.
I tried every logic for this but was not able to do this. Can any body help me with the logic for this. Following the code. But it should also remove the duplicates.
for (int i = 0; i < [array count]; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < [array count]; j++) {
if ([[[array objectAtIndex:i]firstWord] isEqualToString:[[array objectAtIndex:j] firstWord]]) {
if ([[array objectAtIndex:i] frequency] < [[array objectAtIndex:j] frequency]) {
CustomWordFrequency *word = [array objectAtIndex:i];
word.frequency = [[array objectAtIndex:j] frequency];
[array replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:word];
Combine the two arrays.
Sort the resulting array by text ASC, frequency DESC
Loop through the array
a. Look at the next item in the array. If the text is the same as the current word, remove it from the array. If it's different, continue looping.
NSArray *combined = [firstArray arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:secondArray];
[combined sortUsingComparator:^(id firstObject, id secondObject) {
NSComparisonResult *result = [firstObject.text compare:secondObject.text];
if (result == NSOrderedAscending) return NSOrderedAscending;
if (result == NSOrderedDescending) return NSOrderedDescending;
if (result == NSOrderedSame) {
result = [firstObject.frequency compare:secondObject.frequency];
if (result == NSOrderedAscending) return NSOrderedDescending;
if (result == NSOrderedDescending) return NSOrderedAscending;
if (result == NSOrderedSame) return NSOrderedSame;
for (int i = 0; i < [combined count] - 2; ++i) {
CustomWordFrequency *word = [combined objectAtIndex:i];
int j = i + 1;
while ([word.text compare:[combined objectAtIndex:j].text == NSOrderedSame) {
[combined removeObjectAtIndex:j];
if (j == [combined count]) {break;}
if (i >= [combined count] - 2) {break;} // the count keeps changing so check here
NSMutableArray *combinedArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
BOOL flagForMatchFound = FALSE;
for(CustomWordFrequency *firstWord in firstArray)
flagForMatchFound = FALSE;
for(CustomWordFrequency *secondWord in secondArray)
if([firstWord.firstWord isEqualToString:secondWord.firstWord])
if(firstWord.frequency >= secondWord.frequency)
[combinedArray addObject:firstWord];
flagForMatchFound = TRUE;
[combinedArray addObject:secondWord];
[combinedArray addObject:secondWord];

How to calculate the depth of the custom object with subObjects of the same type?

I have an object call CEKnot and it has property called subknots which is an array of similar CEKnot objects. Now I want to calculate how deep this tree goes.. This is not a binary tree as the subknots can be more than two. here is the code I have tried..
-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
CEProjectDTO* project = [self.tblViewDatasource objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
CEServiceSession *serviceSession = [CEServiceSession new];
[CEProgressHUD showWithTitle:#"Loading..."];
[serviceSession.projectPhaseService getProjectPhasesWithProjectID:project.i3D onFinish:^(NSArray * phaseList){
self.phaseDTOList = phaseList;
NSLog(#"Count is %d",[self.phaseDTOList count]);
[CEProgressHUD hide];
}onError:^(NSString *title, NSString *message) {
[CEProgressHUD hide];
[CEAlertViewHelper showOKAlertViewWithTitle:title message:message];
self.mindMapLevelObjectCount = nil;
self.mindMapLevelObjectCount = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
self.level = 1;
self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel = 0;
CEProjectToKnotConverter* converter = [CEProjectToKnotConverter new];
CEProjectKnot* baseKnot = [converter convertProject:project withPhases:self.phaseDTOList];
self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel = self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel + [baseKnot.subKnots count];
[self.mindMapLevelObjectCount setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel] forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",self.level]];
self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel = 0;
self.level = 2;
[self calculateMindMapLevels:baseKnot];
NSLog(#"MIND MAP LEVEL OBJE %#", self.mindMapLevelObjectCount);
CEMindMapViewController *mindMapViewController = [[CEViewControllerManager sharedInstance] createViewController:[CEMindMapViewController class]];
mindMapViewController.baseKnot = baseKnot;
[self presentModalViewController:mindMapViewController animated:YES];
for (CEKnot* subKnot in projectKnot.subKnots) {
self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel = self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel + [subKnot.subKnots count];
NSLog(#"Level %d total of nots %d project not subknot %d", self.level,self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel, [subKnot.subKnots count]);
[self.mindMapLevelObjectCount setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel] forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",self.level]];
for (CEKnot* subKnot in projectKnot.subKnots) {
[self calculateMindMapLevels:subKnot];
self.numberOfKnotsOnThisLevel = 0;
self.level = _level +1;
I am not getting the depth correctly and have tried numerous algorithm but cant get the depth correct. Any help is appreciated.
As Long as your tree does not store its depth you have to get the Level of each knot and return the highest.
A recursive -untested- approach
int numberOfLevels(CEKnot *knot, int parentLevel) {
int ownLevel = parentLevel+1;
int highestLevel = ownLevel;
for (CEKnot* subKnot in knot) {
int subLevel = numberOfLevels(subKnot, ownLevel);
highestLevel = MAX(highestLevel, subLevel);
return highestLevel;

Transform a "for...in...break" loop into a "while" loop

Can I transform this loop in a while loop ?
int i=0;
for (NSDictionnary *crossArrayDictionnary in (NSArray *)mainArray) {
//some code...
if (i>=50) {
This should do the trick:
NSInteger max, i = 0;
max = [mainArray count] < 50 ? [mainArray count] : 50;
while (i < max) {
NSDictionary *crossArrayDictionnary = [mainArray objectAtIndex:i];
// You code here.
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [mainArray objectEnumerator];
NSDictionary *crossArrayDictionnary = nil;
while ((crossArrayDictionnary = [enumerator nextObject])) {
//some code...
if (i>=50) {
As rckoenes said,
Minor change.
NSInteger i = 0;
while (i < 50 && [itemsMutable cout] >= i) {
NSDictionary *crossArrayDictionnary = [itemsMutable objectAtIndex:i];
// You code here.
don't know objective-c, but something like this:
int i=0;
while (i < 50 && i < [mainArray count]) {
NSDictionary *crossArrayDictionnary = [mainArray objectAtIndex:i];
//some code...

Memory leak issue

In my class Orders, I've 2 functions 'generateOrderSummary' & 'createOrderSummaryItem':
- (OrderSummary *)generateOrderSummary {
//Cleaning the references but OrderSummaryItem leaks
[self.currentOrderSummary removeAllOrderedItems];
self.currentOrderSummary = nil;
for(MenuItem *menuItem in self.selectedItems) {
OrderSummaryItem *orderSummaryItem = [self createOrderSummaryItem:menuItem];
//Retain count = 1
[orderSummary addOrderedItem:orderSummaryItem withServiceStationCode:menuItem.serviceStationCode withCategory:menuItem.category withCourseOrder:menuItem.courseOrder];
//Retain count = 5;
self.currentOrderSummary = orderSummary;
[orderSummary release];
orderSummary = nil;
return self.currentOrderSummary;
- (OrderSummaryItem *) createOrderSummaryItem:(MenuItem *)menuItem {
OrderSummaryItem *summaryItem = [[[OrderSummaryItem alloc]init] autorelease];
//Set summaryItem properties
return summaryItem;
This' OrderSummary class with 3 NSMutableDictionaries and 1 NSMutableArray all keeping reference to the OrderSummaryItem object.
-(void)addOrderedItem:(OrderSummaryItem *)orderedItem withServiceStationCode:(NSString *)serviceStationCode withCategory:(NSString *)category withCourseOrder:(NSString *)courseOrder {
if (self.serviceStationDict == nil) {
self.serviceStationDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1];
if (self.categoryDict == nil) {
self.categoryDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1];
if (self.courseOrderDict == nil) {
self.courseOrderDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1];
if(self.orderedItems == nil) {
self.orderedItems = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
if(serviceStationCode != nil) {
NSMutableArray *orderedItemsForServiceStation = [self.serviceStationDict objectForKey:serviceStationCode];
if (orderedItemsForServiceStation != nil) {
[orderedItemsForServiceStation addObject:orderedItem];
else {
orderedItemsForServiceStation = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
[orderedItemsForServiceStation addObject:orderedItem];
[self.serviceStationDict setObject:orderedItemsForServiceStation forKey:serviceStationCode];
//Retain count = 2
if(category != nil) {
NSMutableArray *orderedItemsForCategory = [self.categoryDict objectForKey:category];
if (orderedItemsForCategory != nil) {
[orderedItemsForCategory addObject:orderedItem];
else {
orderedItemsForCategory = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
[orderedItemsForCategory addObject:orderedItem];
[self.categoryDict setObject:orderedItemsForCategory forKey:category];
//Retain count = 3
if(courseOrder != nil) {
NSMutableArray *orderedItemsForCourseOrder = [self.courseOrderDict objectForKey:courseOrder];
if (orderedItemsForCourseOrder != nil) {
[orderedItemsForCourseOrder addObject:orderedItem];
else {
orderedItemsForCourseOrder = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
[orderedItemsForCourseOrder addObject:orderedItem];
[self.courseOrderDict setObject:orderedItemsForCourseOrder forKey:courseOrder];
//Retain count = 4
[self.orderedItems addObject:orderedItem];
//Retain count = 5
[self.serviceStationDict removeAllObjects];
self.serviceStationDict = nil;
[self.categoryDict removeAllObjects];
self.categoryDict = nil;
[self.courseOrderDict removeAllObjects];
self.courseOrderDict = nil;
[self.orderedItems removeAllObjects];
self.orderedItems = nil;
I'm not able to find out why my OrderSummaryItem is leaking despite cleaning it. My 'generateOrderSummary' function is called every 5 seconds to refresh the view.
if u declare your arrays getter and setter than after alloc it so u have to Release **twice** because its retain count becomes 2 that`s y try that...
Head First Iphone Development in this Books it`s explain well...
try adding autorelease pool here:
for(MenuItem *menuItem in self.selectedItems) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
OrderSummaryItem *orderSummaryItem = [self createOrderSummaryItem:menuItem];
//Retain count = 1
[orderSummary addOrderedItem:orderSummaryItem withServiceStationCode:menuItem.serviceStationCode withCategory:menuItem.category withCourseOrder:menuItem.courseOrder];
//Retain count = 5;
[pool release];}
Maybe there's no leak, just main pool does not drain frequently enough

Get 5 Nearest Annotations MKMapKit

I am using MKMapKit to get the nearest locations in a 100km radius. However I would like to know how I can sort the array into giving me the nearest five annotations at the top of the array.
My current code is:
CLLocation *currentlocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:annotation.coordinate.latitude longitude:annotation.coordinate.longitude];
annotation.distanceToTarget = [currentlocation distanceFromLocation:usrlocation];
annotation.title = [dict objectForKey:#"name"];
annotation.subtitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#, %#, %#",[dict objectForKey:#"street"],[dict objectForKey:#"county"], [dict objectForKey:#"postcode"]];
annotation.subtitle = [annotation.subtitle stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#", ," withString:#""];
if (annotation.distanceToTarget/1000 < 168) {
NSLog(#"Distances Lower Than 168: %i", abc);
[storesLessThan100KAway addObject:annotation];
NSLog(#"Stores Count: %i", [storesLessThan100KAway count]);
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
//NSLog(#"Stores Count For Loop: %i", [storesLessThan100KAway count]);
if ([storesLessThan100KAway count] > 5) {
[mapView addAnnotation:[storesLessThan100KAway objectAtIndex:i]];
Write your own compare method for annotations:
- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(Annotation *)otherAnnotation {
if (self.distanceToTarget > otherAnnotation.distanceToTarget) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
} else if (self.distanceToTarget < otherAnnotation.distanceToTarget) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
} else {
return NSOrderedSame;
Then you can sort using a selector:
NSArray *sortedArray = [storesLessThan100KAway sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
If you're using iOS4, you can use blocks to make this even easier:
NSComparator compareAnnotations = ^(Annotation *obj1, Annotation *obj2) {
if (obj1.distanceToTarget > obj2.distanceToTarget) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
} else if (obj1.distanceToTarget < obj2.distanceToTarget) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
} else {
return NSOrderedSame;
NSArray *sortedArray = [storesLessThan100KAway sortedArrayUsingComparator:compareAnnotations];