Sending of a steganographic message from client to server and vice versa - file-transfer

I have an image steganography module in my project. It works perfectly fine on a client side implementation.
What I want to do is, after the message is embedded in the image, to send the image to a server. How can I do this?

There are various way. You can FTP that to a server, send it as a mail attachment, open a socket and send it to the server N bytes at a time...
You should be a bit more clear about your set-up.


Way to delay SMTP pickup outgoing mail

I am working on an application (in Delphi XE8) that amongst other things allows the user to send emails. The solution I have chosen is to simply save the email as a text file with a "From:" and "To:" field in a SMTP pickup directory, which has worked fine up to now. I use a SMTP virtual server set up in IIS 6.
However, a new requirement is to be able to choose the sending time of the email. Is there some way I can specify this through the text file, or is this only possibly by changing the IIS settings? I would be very grateful for any tips that anyone may have.
If your code can detect the From And To fields correctly, why not just add a Time: entry in your text file and skip that file if the time has not been reached?
Try using IMAP4 (standard protocol for service-based handling of mails and folders for a mail client) instead of SMTP. Then use an email client that supports postponing of sending messages, and use its scripting to configure message sending the way you want it.
If your program continues running till send time, you could also create a thread that waits till the time you want the message sent, but I suppose that is too simple :)

Out of band socket data in Windows Store apps

I have been working on a telnet/SSH app for the Windows Store and the telnet app has been receiving OOB data on its socket but I can't see it inside the app. I know this because the desktop version of the app is receiving OOB data. I also confirmed that the receive buffer in the Windows Store version is missing the one OOB data byte. In Wireshark I have confirmed that the OOB data is being received by the computer so its just not being forwarded to my app. I know in WinSock you need to set a special parameter to receive OOB data inline but I cannot find any such option for a Windows Store app. Does anyone know of a way to get this OOB data?
Another option would be to tell the telnet server to stop sending the OOB data. Is there to tell it to stop sending it?
For reference, the OOB data is being sent when pressing Ctrl+C. The OOB data byte is 0xFF and is the first byte sent by the server.
It appears that this functionality is not implemented in WinRT. Marking as answered.

Use Webscarab to modify local html files in javaFX 2.2 through socket

I am able to load an html file in my webengine and sent the traffic through Webscarab with the following code :
System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "localhost");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8008");
eng = view.getEngine();
The problem is that I want to load a local html page via the eng.loadContent(String htmlCode); method and again send the traffic through Webscarab. When I load the content into the webengine, the Webscarab is running but it does not seem to interfere the communication.
My goal is to achieve a communication through socket between a client and a server. The server which is a java program, run in the same machine as the Apache server, where i have my html and php pages. When the user makes a correct log in to the server, the server hits one of the pages to the local HTTP server and sends back to the client the source of the page as a string through the socket.
The next thing is webscarab to interfere before to load this content to the webengine and see the html page in the webview. After the changes to the code, I want to send the response from webengine to server, again through the socket.
To understand better what i want to do, below is the diagram of the architecture of my system.
Thanks in advance
When you load your page from html using loadContent() there is no traffic outside of JVM. You make a String, you put it into WebEngine and it parses that string. No proxy, no web, no sockets unless your page refers to some web resources.
As a workaround you may try to use separate engine to provide local html as sites. E.g. Jetty server. In a Jetty you can introduce a simple handler which return string you need, then give corresponding url to WebEngine.

client server sockets and file transfer

I have a client serever application,
My server accepts connections from more than one clients.
After a client is connected to server it sends command to the server and the sever sends replies
the replies are either strings or files.
On the server side after accepting connection,
there is a socket (seperate from listening socket) which is responsible for communication with client.
On the client side after a client sends a command to server, I start reading for the response on the same socket.
Now my problem is with files,
client sends a command to server asking for file, the server starts responding by sending binary data of file, if file is all good it transfers fine,
But if on the server side in the middle of file transfer the server gets a read problem, it has no way to infrom that problem to client, because this is a one to one socket communication... the client will treat any incoming data as if it is a file data untill the file size sent in the start is not complete.,
I am sure this could be a recurring pattern how to can I resolve this ?
FTP does this by having two connections: a command connection and a data connection.
As long as these are TCP/IP sockets, all you need is an agreement between the server and the client that the first eight bytes(for example) sent() and recv()ed, respectively, represents the size of the binary data to follow. TCP/IP will make sure that all the pieces arrive and are in order for you. If you have a variety of files that could be transferred, then you agree that the next four bytes after that represent characters for the file type. So you basically keep recv()ing until you have 12 bytes, which will probably take only one recv(). Then keep using recv() until you have all the bytes you expected to receive.

Send file (image) through socket perl

I am aware on how to send files through a socket in perl (server, client)... but I was wondering if anyone could explain or give me a reference on how to send image files through a socket
If you are "talking to the browser", you probably need to speak HTTP? If so, you need to send the correct Headers (e.g Content-Type: image//jpeg) before sending the raw image data.